. - ( i LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 1911. J.WGE 3 , I sell this bed for $2.70 Why pay $3.50 when I can save you 80c? Supported Springs, fit any bed, only , $2.70 Call and I will show you where you can SAVE $5.00 on a Good Bed, Springs and Mattress This Chair is worth $1.65. You can buy at this store at on ly 1 15 BUY HERB and SAVE $1.00 each on LEATHER SEAT DINERS LEATHER SEAT Will cost you $10.00 elsewhere. .Why pay the price when I save you money. See my rocker at $1.65 . A very .handy sew ing rocker worth $2 at any store. STB LIBS TO CilEOE COXVEMIOX OF WASHINGTON AND IDAHO PROMOTEIW I igsred-Off Land In B!y Area te Be Sown to Small Grains. DV D3). u umue9..o oj; HOUSE FURNISHING ON EASY PAYMENTS Plumbing and Heating John Melville 1428 Adams Avt ; LAQRANDE,l - . ORE Every family baa need of a good, ralianie iiniment For sprains, bruises, sorenew of the muscles and rheumatic pain there is none better than Chamberlain's. Sold b II dealers; hir"H HEINZ SkUER KRAUT with pork Cooked Ready to Serve 1 20c a Can i Pattison Bros. Both Phones - Begin your breakfast right by eating a dish of ' Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes Holland Rusk . . ext comes a couple of fresh ranch eggs and two or three slices of Melrose brand bacon. Then a stack of hot " cakes made from Olympic ' Pancake flour, with Towles Log Cabin syrup and Blue Mountain butter ; on top. . ," ' ' ." Finish the meal with a cup of steaming hot coffee, but ba sure the cook used White House : coffee. - '; ' ' I You can buy any of tie above Clyde L Kiddle's Of Island City - "Fresh vegetables in stock ev ery Saturday. Buy your Sun day's supply then. DPniinf TWO COMPLETED CHAPELS GIVES BLESSINGS. ABE Great Line of Distinguished Men and Clergy Attend Services. . New , York, April 19. Many dlstin- We Are D-e-e-li ghted Our Initiation Into business f circles oi h& uranae nas Deen 4 ATfromolv fiaHafarAiv . " anil 1 ' the patronage accorded us by the general public has been ti flattering Indeed, We are ff trying ear best to earn and ( retain the patronage of La : Call and see us. . i Yery best goods known to the . - Y 1 r. k uaarrs art. The MODEL BAKERY guished public men and eminent rep resentatives of nearly all religious de nominations joined today with the cler gy and laity of the Episcopal church In dedicating the two completed chap els of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, the great granite pile rising on Morningslde Heights that has long at tracted the attention of all visitors to New York. The ecclesastlcal proces slon which was a feature of the dedi cation was the most Imposing ' ever seen in the metropolis. One of the finished chapels dedicated and opened to the public is a gift of August Belmont In memory of his first wife. IJhe other is In memory of Miss Mary King, a gift from her fath er. Today's exerclsea also included the dedication of the choir loft and the ordgan which Is the largest in America. The cathedral itself has been building for nearly 19 years, and on it between $3,000,000 and $4,000,000 have ' been spent thus far. It Is estimated that about 30 years will'be required to com plete it and the additional expend! ture of about $10,000,000. It is to be the largest and costliest church edifice In the western world. Spokane. Wash., April 19 (Special) Two million acres of cut-over land in Spokane, Stevens and Pend Orelll. counties, in eastern Washington, and Bonner, Kootenai s.nd Latah counties In northern Idaho, will be settled by colonists and devoloped as grain, hay, dairy and fruit farms during the nsxt five years, If the plans of the Logged eff Land convention in Spokane are carried out. Representatives of th six counties will meet h:re on April 25 to work out the details . of one of the most important movements yet started in the west; .;. - Samuel Glasgow, chairman of the convention, which was called by Ed win T. Coman, president of the Spo kane chamber . of ; commerce, and at tended by commissioners and officials of commercial clubs of the various counties, said in an interview that $3,000 had been pledged by the s:verat organizations to carry on the work, adding:" . v ' '. "There are many prospective set tlers in vc.iIouB parts of the I'oitod States who are under the impression there Is no land available in this dis trlct. 1 have been informed mat cut- over timber land, can be boughj as low as $10 an acre, payable in 10 yearly Installments. Forty acres clear ed and cultivated will make a living for any family. Of course, there. Is a lot of hard work to do In getting the land in shape for crops; it Is a . Job for full-blooded men, who are not afraln to take a few knocks. This is not a land agent's scheme in any sense of the term, but a cam paign to provide cheap lands for peo ple in the congested centers of popu lation. In many instances the state owns the land, the rest being held by tlmebr companies, who have agreed to sell it at less than the original cost. We are now, making plans to guard against speculators gaining control, and it is Hkely, that the land will be sold only to bona fide settlers and farmers." . ; "ft, 4 'S ''.I mnru inru -ro' mm f f GIVE US YOUR ORDERS We do the Right Thing, Do the Thing Rignt, and do it Right Now WENAHA LUMBER CO. GREENWOOD & MADISON Home Phone 421. Bell Phone, Main 732 V Gives Quick Action. A. T. Hill reports that A SINGLE DOSE of simple buckthorn bark, gly cerine, etc., as compounded in Adler-i ka, the new German Appendicitis rem edy, relieves any stomach or bowel trouble. Many La Grande, people are being helped. ; DF Your Clothes Gome From jfj(3f They'll , 'Be -Right ' pHE Garments ye sell must always be of reliable quality, for we sell no cloths that we can not guaran tee': V ; '; r 'y.; , ' : , : t . V a Purchase is not satisfactory we refund cash as cheerfully as we take it in - we solicit your favors ' Arcade Program Tleases. The program at the Arcade last night was of more than ordinary In terest. The film, '.'The Mexican Fill- busters," Is a splendid picture. Miss Alice Joyce, the favorite of the Kalem company going over the top of tie fly ing train and uncoupling the boxcar from the train is truly a daring bit of work. :: : ' , V. V The song by Mr. Cowan, "Port'.and Wants Us in 1912," made a great hit and brought forth a hearty round of applause between each versa It Is tne new booster song for the Elks' con vention In Portland in 1912. This pro gram will run tonight and tomorrow night. Matinee every day at 2 o'clock. Tfke a look at our men's suits $15.00 $20.00 and $25,00 The Home of Good Clothes ASHBR0S. DOWSWAKD COURSE. Fast Being Realized by La Grande . . ... . ' People. . j iillliif ' ALU i f 't-.A;r-; op yiiy pay Rent? We loan yo; money to build, ana m pay us as you would rent, 1. R. OLIVER9, The quicker a cold ia gotten rid of tt less the danger from pneumonia and other serious dueasea. Mr. B. W. L. Hall, of Waverly, Va., nav "I firmly believe Cham be rlain'r Cough Remedy to be abnolutely the best preparation on the market for colds. I have recommended it to my friends and they all agree with me." tot sale by all dealeM. CARELESS ABOUT APPEX. CITIS IN LA GRANDE Many La Grande people have chron ic appendicitis ' which is : carelessly treated as if it were ordinary bowel or stomach trouble. If you have wind or gas in the stomach or bowels, sour stomach or constipation, try simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc. as It is compounded In Adler-i-ka the ne Cennan npp?ndfclt!s rem:dy. A. T Hill, druggist, states that A SINGH DOSE of thl esimple remedy will re lieve any bowel or stomach trouble. A little backache at first. Daily Increasing until the back Is lame and weak. Urinary disorders quickly follow; Dropsy and Anally Brlght's disease. This is the downward course of kid ney Ills. ; V'" ' ' ' V-. ': Don't take this course. La Grande residents should profit by the follow ing experience. Mrs. W. M.' Giles, of Sumpter, Ore., says : "I was bothered for about two years by kidney complaint and the , doctors could not help me to any ex tent There was a constant, dull pain across my loinB and this was accom panied by a soreness over my kidneys. My back ached so Intensely that I could hardly sleep and I had trouble from the kidney secretions. When I saw Doan'B Kidney Pills advertised was induced to try them and It re quired the contents of only one box to effect a cure. I value Doan's Kid ney Pills highly." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New, York, sole agents for the United States. .. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Dly Ap 19 My 17 Jun 14 Jul 5 Aug 2 Wkly Ap 21 My 18 Jun 16 Jul 14 Ag 11 IMPORTED tzi REGISTERED GTALLIOriG MID ROOD MARCO TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 1011 . AT AMHWOtB BgAKD' BARN, ALBANY, LIMIT CO.. ORECOW 40 IMPORTED AND NATrVB BRED REGISTERED PERCHERON AND OERMAff COACH STALLIONS AND MARES. Th.M bone were purchased front the boat breeder d Importer, lu the United Bute, sad out of the rery be.t famtlle aad .how herds. Tber were bred la one of the great horse centers of the world. . We do not claim to have all the prize winners of France and Germany, bnt we do claim we will g-ive yon the real worth of your money. Why not come where yon can buy horses at your own price, and .Terr one of them la for sale, and will be sold for the hig-h dollar, Instead of going- where there are only a few for ale, and half of them areanpposed to be kept for their own nee, nnlese a fancy price la paid. Thee horses r wld as a wagon, and a number of them welsh over two thorns ana Bunds. , FARMERS, Is this not oneofyonr best opportunities to seen re g-ood stallions and mare at yonr own price? These horses are fresh, rightoS the farm, subject to no disease and ready .to go to work. . .. , ... It was the Percberoa horse that made Illinois famous as a horse center, ' :f TERMBl CASH, nnless satisfactory arrangement are made with the Clerk before the sale, Catalog-Be ready April S, 1911. Horses can be sees at barn after April 8. Address all com atanlcatioaato J. M. Clark, care Beard's Barn, Albany, Oregon. - . " ! " com i J. M. CLARK, A. J. DODSON, CEO. W. 8TUBQLEFI2LD ALBANY, OREOON V Perry Pneumatic Water Systems; : Samson H Wind Mills, Deming Pumps,' Richardson & Boynton u Warm Air Furnaces; Pipe Valves and Fittings, Gut - If ters, Plumbing Fixtures of All Kinds, Full Assort- ft ;nent of Nickel Trimmings. ' - )j BflY 6 :WEtFEl : PLUMBERS, HEATERS, SMEU METAL WORKERS i r