La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, April 18, 1911, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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Is '
TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 1911.
Simple Remedy Com Appendicitis
' sworn proof that simple buckthorn
The quicker oom ts gotten rid of the
i- tfce danger from pneumonia and other
wirerW. V. "I firmW believe Cham-
tat preparation on the market for coMs. 1
recommended it to my friend and
e7tlfS" "'th me." For Bale by aU
' dealers. '' ' '' .
Does 50 Per Cent
esrsirffi,1 j igaBw?,,:-'.y''.','..:.'::.,'.'Ji
Profit Interest Yoa?
We have a ten acr: orchard a
mile from town that made bet
ter than fifty per cent of the
purchase price over and above
all ..xpenses last year. This
property Is getting better every
year, and besides making a
nice home, U certainly a good
Investment., Comi in and let's
talk it over.
While we have proparty for
sale in all parts of the valley,
we just call your attention to a
few of our ex ptional bargains.
160 acres. & miles from town,
county road on two sides, good
buildings, railroad siding at cor
n;r of place, land suitable for
fruit, grain or alfalfa. Price
505.00 per acre. v f -W.'y.,
80 acres of the best sand-rldg:
and near the foot of Jit. Emily,
on county road that Will be mac
adamized this vear. This tract
is all in cultivation', a portion in
alfalfa. It is aliiost adjo nln
some of the laresfet and, best or
chards in Grande fonde vftll y.
Thl3 land i3 suitable for most,
and purpose and will make you
money from the day? you buy IV
Price of the 80; ac?e3, only , W
500.00. , ' J ! f
40 acres three miles wist of
Summerville. about one third
cleared and in tlmpthy. all the
very best of soil, no rock.' some
fine timb.r, a new house that
cost $800.00 and other new im
provements. , There is a fine
stream of water crossing this
place and the soil is some of the
b st in the valley. The owner
lives in the east and is very
anxious to sell. I will only take
a small amount of cash to han-.
die it, with one and two years
on deferred payments. Come
in and a.:e' about the price on
this; it will surprise you.
Have a fine ten acre orchard
tract in Fruitdale that belons
to an estate. This -property must
be sold, price and terms exceed
ing good. A nice revenue pro
ducing home.
A Xuniber of Fine Yonwr Or.
chard Tracts in the Im
bier District.
Can take city property on first
payment and give terms on bal
ance. City property, all descriptions
and prices.
6 room house and four large
lota on Washington avenue, $2,
000.00 terms.
5 room house and two 50-foot
lots, shade trees, shrubbery,
nice lawn, room for garden 05
two more houses, a fine home
on Washington avenue $1,900.00
New five room modem tottago
on Adams avenue, $2,500.00.
Four room house and ground
120 by 120 feet, small barn, trees
and other imnrovements at cor
ner of Fourth street and K ave
nue, Old Town, only $850.00.
Payment down $350.00. $10.00
per month on balance.
Five room modern house and
large lot, close in on Sixth St.,
cement sidewalk, shade trees
and shrubbery , only $3,300.00
Five room house, newly painted
and papered, city ' water, sewer
connections, lot 50 by 120. ust
icros3 street from A. B. C. laun
dry, only $1,300.00 small pay
ment down balance monthly.
House and 2 lots four blocks
from round house only $525.00.
Four room hous., cellar, good
woodshed, and tw nice Its. only
three blocks from round house,
$1.100.00 easy terms.
One and one-half acres near
Stoddard hlnnine mill $700.00.
One acre tract with house on
Pnv. ovonna tROfl Mi.
Some nice vacant lota In west
ern part of the city from $100.00
Lots in Carr's sub-division
win make you money. Only $10
down and $10 per month; no in
terest, no taxes until after final
payment The main sewer runs
through this property: it la on
macadam street and all nice b g
lots. These lots will double In
Blue Inside of two years. Come
In and let us tell you about the
money to be made In buying
this property.
We have property everywhere
some gopd exchanges some
excellent business propositions,
and would like to have you come
in and see our list.
bark, glycerine, etc., as compounded
In Adler-i-ka, the new German Appen
dicitis remedy, really does cure ap-
pen41cltis without operation, can now
be'seen right in La Grande at the stor
of A T. Hill. A SINGLE DOSE of
this' simple remedy will relieve win-I
or gas in the stomach or bowels, sour
stomach, constipation and other symp
oms of chronic appendicitis.
Savoy Hotel
The rooms are good and
Steam heated only one
. -
1 1, . block from depot
0. C. Brichoux,Prop.
1 ja . ... .
Off Before Storm Broke, Tourists Evi
. deafly Meet Discomfort '
Getting under way before the storm
broke today, Dr. and Mrs. Biggers and
Jay Van Buren wire off in the Biggers'
"ranklin this morning with Boise as
he destination. Aside from enjoying
'.he exhllerating ride which 1 good
weather would afford, the party doubt
less had to experience some dis-
agreebly cold rain storm if ; the
weathir along the route was similar
0 that which marked the forenoon in
the Grande Ronde valley.
The Boise aviation meet- opening
oraorrow will be witnessed by the
party before their return ( home.
It was thought this morning here
int Mrs. Biggers would take the train
rom Baker on account of the diB
gre .ble climatic condition.
Don't Let Thqpi
hand you any dope.
When smoking get the best
Fam Us King cigars. . A Ha
vana cigar that is pleasing in
taste and Derfect in burn.
! Made in 5c, 10c and 2 for 25c
fam us Kim
SecurityjLand &
Trust Company
In fact the only way we live Is bj
livelng. Don't dye yourself.
It s 'Mer than dyetog yourself.
' A!0 Ml 10R ALL .
, .Our charge for dyeing for yon won'
be liglh. A sample Job Is sufficient
For best dyeinv ni cleaning hate ox
.... ' Br F. A. MITCHEL '
" "fetation. 1911 V
i mm
:, Cannot B
r . . . -'
1 I - 5
11 . i- i :. .. ?i. ; .. . r .
e Met . Elsewhere
The choicest Imbler iruit lands
can be had for $45Q an acre.
Terms, W pet cent doyn and
$25 a month jor tout years.
All tracts are cared for, and taxes and
expense are paid by us, ,
Phone Main 64.
.'".. - -
Phone Main b
Hornby wa but twenty -two when
be was made secretary of the Ameri
can legation at Berlin. M
Hornby aa very popular In socie
ty, though, not bavins a.fortuue. be
was rather nought by married women
coveting attention tbun young girls
angling for a husband. , Among these
wives who interested tbemelvea in
the young diplomat Va" Mme Ber
tbalow. the wife of aParislan finan
cier. At that time the -, world was
stirred by the Monn-c-o1 affair, and It
was feared then' would 'be h war be
tween Franc' nnd Uernuiny, M. Ber
thalow wiik In licrlin i-tnlenvorlnK to
secure the first i-w in s the em
peror dc,oId(Mi t go to war for im-ii
latlve p)irmses. ' x.
Ouv evening at m Hmrt tii''l Jrv
Bcrthuloiv. Meiiiu IIrtiliy imi- !t"
called film i lift on hoiuh prHvii m
later, wlillt fiiuiKliitf on din iinu. iii..
to hitu:
"Mr Hornlty. 1 yon think tln-re will
be wurV"
"I don't thlnit ntiotit sii' li ttiiii? '
"I I'tn "!ir If whi' l.x decliirfd you
will before It Is luadt ut
tic." - 1 : ,:' '; ,:, ,.:
"Why do you think that?" '
"Bwause'I have hwu fold thnt be
fore olns to wur the tuieror must
know how the other powt-rn will act
and your jrTernment If now' one of
the powers. The American jnlnlster
will be able to Judge if there Is to b
war and will Inform his government
What he knows yon know."
Hornby smiled without making any
reply. The lady spoke of other mat
ters and finally said:
"I presume all important dispatches
are in cipher." . ',
They are."
"What is the word for 'war in your
cipher code?"
"Oh. it wouldn't do for me to tell
you that" . -
"Please tell mo that'one word. IU
not divulge it" .
. "Well, on your promise, I'll tell you.
It Is woman. "
"Good craclous! Why was that
word chosen T
'I don't know. I didn't make the
code." '
"And what is the word for peacef,
"Upon my wordl I should have sup
nosed those two words would have
been reversed."
. "Perhaps tbaf a the reason of their
use" as thev are. They are not so
easily deciphered."
Mme. Bertbaiow looked op Into
the young man's face. It was as guile
less as a May morning. She continued
her Investigations.
"Our family have an old claim
gainst the United States, dating back
a hundred years or more, for a vessel
owned bv mr treat-grandfather, de
stroyed by an American privateer. 1
should like you to advise me concern
"I shall be happy to do so. I am at
my office from 11 to 0 every day,
where it will be proper for you to
This was not satisfactory to lima
Berthalow. She would have pre
ferred to have the young man call
upon ber where she could talk with
him in secret, but on second thought
she considered that there would be an.
advantage in going to his office. Sht
might light on some Information not
Intended for her. The next day at 12
o'clock she appeared at the legation.
, "Ah, madame," Hornby said, "we are
very busy today, and I fear I shall
have to keep you waiting. If yon will
go Into my private office for awhile I
shall be happy to advise you presently
concerning your claim."
, He ushered her into a cozy room In
the center of which stood a table with
writing materials and papers scattered
s ..:'-: '
about ' Mme. Bertbaiow, being alone
In the room, made a hurried examina
tion of the papers. One of them bore
evidence of having Just been written.
It was marked to be sent by cable to
the secretary of state at Washington.
The lady eagerly seized it and ran her
eye over it There was a Jumble of
words the meaning of which was an-
intelligible to her, but she noticed scat
no proven nun aimiii win Hicci iii5
prices and terms. Make rigid in vesli
gation and comparison, and then call
on any bf thejolloiting. firms :
G.L Cleaver,
La Grande Investment Co.
Wenaha Lumber Co. ,
Sherwood Williams,
Hill & Hibbard.
, L
CljMfrr lji"injr-yni"
that is claimed for it. : .;
Newlin Drug company.
r.' If I Had Catena 1
I'd wash it .away with that mild,
( soothing liquid, D. D. p.: Trial bottle.
)23c. Relieves all kinds of skin trou-
tered throughout the dispatch the word ,ble cleaslng away the impurities and
woman." It occurred ove ames. tne rlr,n ... tht. ,om,1,,v!f,n nnta
naa an tne urns sot ranaueu tor uj ex
amination indeed, more than she
wished, for she was anxious to get
away that she might Impart the infor
mation to ber husband that there was
to be war. ,
Presently Hornby came in and In
formed her that he was ready to listen
to the matter of her claim. She tola
him ohe had left home without hav
ing locked np the Je-'s she bad worn
t!it nlsht iH'fore and t-' ", return at
unci tiornny gave ner ir.c v w
,'jiglng smile nnd huw her w J'er car-
ringe , ;
tVh.-ii Honiny reiurnwl to bin office
tie threw the cipher telegrrtrn Into the
wnstelmsket nnd wnte one ts n broker
in rum aiiiioii-.icing mat n promineai
ftnnncler would probably "se!l the
market" If so It would break, and the
broker wit to buy largely for Horn-
ny' Hccouut V '. ,
Hornby by the operation made a for
tune, some time arter tni aime. er
thalow said to him:
Are you sure tbat in .your clpbet
code 'woman' stand for 'warf "
It doe not now. ' You convinced me
tbat it ne tbns was nngallant. and
I arranged for' Its being changed to
mesa 'penw.'"
else can. ' -Yes.
If I had any kind of skin trim
ble I'D USE D. D. D.
Newlin's Drug company. - ' ,
riles Curcdd in I to U Xrays. '
PAZO OINTMENT Js guaranteed to
cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleed
ing or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days
or money refunded. 50c.
Used D. D. D. Six Months AU It-chlnfr
Gone I
This is the actual experience of
Anne Croman, Santa Rosa, Cal., with
the wonderful D. D. D. prescription.
D. D. D. Is the proven czema cure,
the mild wash that gives instant relief
In all forms of skin trouble.
' Cleanses the skin of all impurities-
washes away blotches and pimples,
leaving the skin as smooth and healthy
as that of a child.
Get a 25c trial bottle of this wonder
ful eczeme cure today and keep it in
the house.
We know that D. D. D. will do all
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