La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, April 14, 1911, Image 1

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. - - T
" .-1.
: Redlands, Cal, April 14. Frank W. Benson, ex-gov-crnor
of Oregon and elected secretary of state at the last
state election, died at 4:30 this morning. Death was due
, to a complication of diseases, kidney troubles, a lupus
growth on the nose and a general breakdown after two
years' illness. The end was hastened by la grippe. Mrs.
Benson was at his bedside: The ex-governor came to
Redlands shortly after his election, haying returned to
Oregon only a few weeks before that. The only public
knowledge of his sinking condition was the fact that Dr.
Lee Steiner of Salem arrived here in sreat haste vester-
Atxxr anA ir ihia fant moo U i
ex-governor was dying. " -
, uj ui,um icio luoi auuuuuucu Luia iiiuiuiig wiieii a
message was sent to Chief Clerk Corey of the Oregon sen
ate," and following this formal telegram, went messaere3
to Portland, balem, Eastern Oregon and other friends
of the late official- " .
. Mr. Benson was born in San Jose, Cal., March 20, 1858,
. and begun his professional career as a school teacher at
Roseburg, Oregon. He was rapidly promoted to superin
tendent of schools of Douglass county. He was count v
clerk in 1906. He was elected secretary of stat&soon af ter
and succeeded, to the governorship when Governor
Chamberlain went to the UnitedStates senate. He was
re-elected secretary last November. He was a republican
and popular with the masses always. . ;
- Just what disposition will be made
of the remains of the late secretary of
state is not known, in La Grande today.
Private messages received by Mrs.
George , Carpy, f a-.- sister of the de
ceased, conveyed mere apprisal of the
"death at Redlands this morning.
"Frank died this morning"yaa8" the
sum and substances of the messages
and Mrs. Carpy does not know this
aitcxauuu fL iua luupiui do vii;ca will
be held at Roseburg, his real noma, or
at Salem where relatives live and
where .a hat made his home the past
several years, 'Messages giving fur
ther light on this subject are expected
hourly. . I
' Two Relatives in La Grande. .
- In addition to the sister, Mrs. Carpy,
the late official was an uncle of Mrs.
trea . uurrey or mis city, a aaugn
ter 'of Sanford G. Benson, a newspaper
man or Ban jose. Tne Ban jose rela
tive is a brother of the late governor.
The list of brothers and sisters who
survive Mr. Benson is: .
Sanford G. Benaon, of San Jose; W.
W. Fison, Dryad, Wn.; Judge Henry
L. B.nson ofKlamath Falls, and Fred
T. Benson, a younger brother of San
Josej ; the sisters are Mrs. George
Carpy. La Grande; Mrs. W. T. Per
kins Of Salem and Mrs. A. T. Tonkin
of San Jose. ' ,
Last Seen Here In 1910. "
When Governor of Oregon Mr. Ben
son was In La Grande on various oc
casions but the last, time seen hero
was in February, 1910, when he was
guest, of honor at a commercial clu!:
banquet given in his honor. He war
at that time suffering with failing
health and soon after leaving here
went to southern watering places on
ly to be recuperated temporarily. Hi
was away from Salem most of the
time during the last half year of his
term as governor. , .
Governor Benson and secretary of
state were titles which he carried sim-
ultaneusly but a greater potrlon of
of his governorship duties were en
acted by Acting Governor Jay Bow
erm&n. His success at the Irfst elec
tion when he was a candidate foe sec
retary of state, bespoke his popular
ity throughout Oregon. His vote was
flattering. ,
Sf. Louis, April 14. Eleven persons
are dead, and the pqpulatlon of -.wo
towns is rendered helpless and home
less while 13,000,000 damages Is esti
mated as being wrought in the Mis
sissippi valley by the terrific wind and
hall storm which swept over it last
night 1
Hail broke, windows and the wind
imm , i ' --v
destroyed crops, wrecked bouses and
Injured people.-
At Cadet, Missouri, 300 aro home
less, four dead and 12 injured; at Val
ley Mines, Missouri, four are dead and
25 Injured; at Plumerfield Arkansas,
three are dead and 13 injured.
. Hardly a town escaped without
damage. '. y . " "
A considerable quantity of gun pow- f 3oor some but was extinguished read
tier a large supply a flour and hay
n ft'-
( A
' '"'ill..
Oregon Statesman Who Passed
away this morning at iRedlands,
CaL, after an illness lasting for
about two years. Aside from rtl
atives tn La Grande he claimed a
host of warm friends in this city.
of the
ymv 4 m r n
FOR SALE A top buggy just
pamieu. a snap it taken at
inquire at Flsh.r's paint shd
phone Pleasant View Farm 57,
jl Ql !i
FOR SALE Good water, barrels
oasery. . . . . ,
5300,000 TO
n . la
tain s uiimir-Tro'!' WfrtWrfti vVffT1-T
j ous small colleges and h: considered
, these pledges his debtB, which he
worked off as one after another of the
institutions complied with the condi
tions upon which his gifts depended.
Today's list of donations cleans up the
slate of Dr. Pearson's debt, and, as
he expressed it. he will be able tonight
to lie down to sleep peacefully, free of
debt lor the first time in many years.
The list of the colleges and other in
stitutions which have benefitted by
Dr.: Pearson's philanthropy, includes
Theological seminary, Whitman col
lege, Caloradd college, Beara College,
Mount Holyok college, Lake Forest
colle;f -, Knox college, Drury college,
Yankton college, S. D., Carleton col
lege, Fargo college, Pomona . college,
Falrmount college, Wichita, Kas., Mc
Cormlck Theological seminary. Pacific
university. Forest Grove, Ore., Illinois
college, Jacksonville, 111., Olivet col
lege, Michigan, Marietta college, Sher
; ldan pollege, Wyoming, McKendreo
college, California, Anatolia college.
Turkey, Northwestern university, Ev
enston. 111., Montpeller seminary, Ver-
mont, Guilford college, Greensboro, N,
C, Piedmont college, Washington col
lege, Tennessee, Grand university,
Chattanooga, West Virginia seminary,
Morgantown, Parkville college, Park-
vllle, Mo., and others
mi m aa u in a i
3 w a v mm rnur, H k a turn w a
"Paying His Debts Is Way Phllan
? thropist Classes Actions.
Douglas, Ariz., April 14 With three
Americans, 30 Mexican federals, and
15 Insurrectos dead, 12 Americans; 45
federals and 30 rebels wounded as a
result -of the battle late yesterday
when bullets were shot across the
frontier and wounded Americans 'and
finally caused the American troops to
interfere and make the federals sur
render to save further Injury to Amer
icans, rebels today began entrenching
to repulse any federals that may be
sent against them'. In Douglas the
ujuiautu iuermi are tnanatng tneir
li and
- :
in ta
le, or
shown that American troops crossed
into Mexico to stop yesterday's battl
at Agi" Prieta, General Wood today
wired the commander of the American
troops at Douglas. Aria., to report ful
ly on the matter by wire. '
.Further flghting is expected at Agua
Prieta and full instructions were tel
egraphed to the American commander
what to do In case an engagement
is recommenced. Yesterday three
Americans were killed and nine were
wounded in Douglas by rebel, pullets. : ,
jnnm rortmed.
1 Paso, : April 4, An unconfirmed
ort this afternoon says that Ma-
o has reached Casas Grandea and ,
boarding trains for Juares to flsliL
Janrea the capital, and municipal
ldlngs are covered , with soldier
kiting the attack. Mexicans arc
ring Into Juares from the country
paring to flee to El Paso in th4
nt of fighting.
Ldvlces by courier- say 100 Ameri-
ma anI twn maKlnaa CTiinat a aA a f
r Only first quality of lenses use4delupe, ?t unknown whether
Afer Wandering In Foreign Lands
Throttle Man Is Back.
Chicago, April 14. Dr. D. K. Pear
son, the Hinsdale philanthropist, cele
brated his 91st filrthday today by giv
ing away about $300,000 to the Ameri
can board of foreign missions and a
numbrr of small colleges or as he call
ed It, paying his debts. Dr. Pearson
called these gifts debts, because ' in
most cases the sums are fulfillments of
his pledges to the institutions concerned.-
Today'B gifts were as follows: Am
erican board of foreign missions, $100,
000; Berea college, Kentucky, $100,
000; Doane college, Nebraska, $25,000;
Northland college, Wisconsin, $10,000;
Highland College, Kansas, $10,000,
McKendree college, Illinois, $10,000;
other small gifts, $45,000.
Today's gifts bring the total of Dr.
Pearson's donations, mostly to smaller
An old time O. R. & N. engineer
who ran an engine out of here 7 years
ago, D. A. Cooper by name, has been
spending a few daya in La Grande
visiting his old time cronies who were
more than delighted to grasp the old
veteran's hand again. Since depart
ing from La Grande he has spent con
siderable, time as an engineer on the
Panama canal 'project, and won a
medal for faithful service for the gov
ernment. Then he wandered on to
Porto Rico, Cuba, the Florida coast
towns, and after a period of travel
which few equal, bought a farm in Il
linois. About a year and a half of
farming convinced hi mthat Oregon
was the place for him and he is back
to stay. He leaves tonight for Port
land and will select a permanent lo
cation in Oregon at once. His many
friends, here hope he will choose La
Grande. ' . . '
, 'th
s? In
Well Known Actor Dead. '
West Swanzey. April 14. Denman
colleges, "during the last 25 years to Thompson, aged 77, died today..
. j vison oupenntenaent or tne
Public Schools of Union, says:
were jeopardized this afternoon by u
small fire of unknown origin, started
presumably by engine sparks, when a
blaze was discovered in th warehouse
used by the Waters-Stanch field com-
ly. ' Extensive damage would have re
sulted not only to the stock but to
surrounding property had the fire
a!ned headway and touched off the
powder, The building is located near
rany. The blaze damaged the entrance the Y.:
Union, Ore., April 12,' 19ll. To the
La Grande Observer: Let "N. E. A.
for Portland, 1912" be our watch
word! " ' ' '.
The city that could give "Teddy"
the "best time" tan also be trusted
to entertain right royally the nation's
pedagogues in national convention as
sembled.'" ;'" ' '
However, before any entertaining Is
done, we must go after the conven
tion with might and main, and carry it
to Portland, the City of the Roses.
The N. E. A. Is one of the greatest
educational forces in our nation. It
Is not only an exponent of national
progress, but also an index, pointing
the way for further progress. The
Proceedings, published annually. Is a
veritable storehouse of the best
thoughts of tho best minds In all de
partments of -educational endeavor.
To have this body brought to Port
land for its EOth convention would
not only be a credit to the city of
wh.ia w. ura uo JusUy proud, butito
the state as well. It would be a
splendid advertisement; an education ; Hon. Yours for success, A. J. Olson
al uupllft that would be felt and ex
perlenoed by all. . .
This light is not for thei educators
of Oregon alone; , it concerns every
citizen, every officer, whether of the
state, county or city; It concerns every
commercial club within the confines
of our fair state.
' It is gratifying to know that one of
our leading papers of Eastern Ore
gon Is enterprising enough to take the
lead in this great and worthy matter.
Let us try to earn a free trip to San
Francisco to the 49th convention, so
generously offered by the Obsevrer.
Let every friend of education boost for
the San Francisco convention In sea
son and out of season.
- Let me. venture a prophesy-,- If a
thousand is needed from Oregon at
the San Francisco convention to get
it for Portland next year, a thousand
friends will go, and return crowned
with success. ,
"Who will go as guests of the Oh
server?" is . the all-absorbing ques'
all his fittings, and all frames gii
m M, r , '
Let Dr. Keating fit you. If
are part of Madero's army or are
independent body.bent on the rea-
p of Converse and Blatt, Americans
want glasses that are easy and cf" rlsoned at Juarez
fortable to wear,
Government Admits Danger.
iVaBhlngton. April 14. Dispatches
elved by the state department to-
eatenlng Juarez and that authori
al are preparing for an attack. Rev-
nlonlats outnumber the federal de-
ders four to one and control the
htral railroad.
Lenses In your own frames, $' say three thousand insurgents are
$3.00 and $3.50.
Aluminum rim frames complete,
$3.50 and $4.00.
12 K. G. F. rim frames compl
Vo-W and $6.00.
12 K. G. F. rimless with bows si
plete, only $7.00.
12 K. G. F. ye glasses rimless ci
plete, only $8.00
Don't fall to take advantage of tlJ
. .:' DR. W. II. KEATING
yort Crediting County Sent
212 Erroneous, of Course.
Enterprise business men have, justl
dly, taken exception to the publish-
renort that Enternrise has but 242
Now 'at the Sommer hotel, roomiople, according to the government
Office hours: ,1 p. m. until 8 n. nhsus reporl. The figure should have
April 18th Is positively the lost Ad 1242 Instead. This makes Enter-
to have proper glasses fitted at tlJlse the largest town in Wallowa
prices. -v.j unty . and also the largest on1 the
peph branch.
port Made to Amend the Fourteenth
Amendment Reirardinar Neirroes.
jWashington, April . 14 Disfranchise-
sement of the negro Is the object
a bill Introduced In the house to-
y by Hardwlck of Georgia. It pro
bes an amendment to the constltu-
in repealing the 14th amendment of
constitution and will be submitted
the state legislatures for ratlflca-
'I I . "
w i i
ill 1 :
wm wm aai law V A k w, . . i
'Ml f.
vote coupon. r:
v The Great Circulation Contest.
: Thi3 Coupon Will Count One Vote. ' '
For (Name) ;
Address .....a.M.J llU
Not Good After April 15.
Cut Out Around Border.