La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, April 13, 1911, Image 8

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(Continued fromPi?e Throe)
ies. Give hi sname and oclce location.
NUMBER 42. GrocerlM enamel
ware, crockery,. tinware, notions, toys,
blankets underwear, cut glass, sta
tionerythis forms the basis of a big
stock of goods. It is the -widest va
riety store in town. It has now
30x80 feett in dimensions and 4 very
foot of space occupied with attractive
goods and salespeople. It has been
a going establishment for 18 months.
It is the place whera they- give pre
miums with coffee, spice and baking
powder Just like finding them. It
is the only place here where you will
find the Chesterfield shoes for men,
the Sorority flue' shoes for women and
the Golden Days school shoes. What
is the name and location?
NUMBER 43. At what harness
store will you find Hanford's Balsaam
of Myrrh? This harness store has
not been running more than a hun
dred years. It has been successful
because (1) of. superior skill in the
profession, (2) its patrons not only
get good goods and good work but
they get good chejer along with it We
always doff our hat to the dispenser
of good cheer, and we are. not differ
ent from other neople in this respect.
But about harness, he has 'em of all
kinds, and saddles too, and robes,
whips, blankets, spurt bits, and turf
goods of all kinds. He makes his
harness right in the shop, and they
Does repairing of all kinds. Give the
name and location. , . '
NUMBER 45. This number repre
sents a very active man in U. S. land
office practice. He has been following
this line of business, officially and
unofficially, for 20 years. What he
does not know about government land,
and land laws, would fill a very in
significant book. He is prepared to
furnish information regarding lands In
any township in the La Grande dis
trict for only 50c At township. He
radices before the . land office - In
every capacity. , You ar-: to give his
name and the location of his oifice.
NUMBER 44. This Drug Store is
a Drug store you will naturally think
of first as the kind you like to support
by living them your patronage, and
r with pleasure, as they have all the
modern equipment a drug store should
have, and keep a good force of help
that Is thoroughly posted as drug
gists. They have a ' well-kept
soda founaln, of course and in charge
. of an exnert soda water man. They
have a large and well-kept stock, and
occupy a prominent location and keep
a good stock of books, candles, etc.
, They are always glad to have you call
and glad to have you bring your
friends. Give their name and loca
tion. .
NUMBER 46. Here is represented
a dentist, who has been practicing
here for a period of 20 yiars a longer
period than any other dentist In the
city. He has a clientele that reach
Into the very best families of the city
and surjoundtng country. : Many of
h!s .first patrons here are now sending
the younger members of the family to
him for their dental work. He was
a member of the State Board of Dental
Examiners from 1904 to 1S07.. His of
fice is nicely equipped, and he has kept
un. with progress in every detail of
dentistry. He wears a name that all
Americans are proud to honor. Give
the name and loactlon.
NUMBER 47. At what leading foot
wear emporium do you find these
brands of men's fine shoes: Johnston
&Murphy, Howard & Foster, and Kel-
ley Buckley; In workshoes, Holland's
and Wlneburg's, in women's fine shoes
they have Krlppendorf-Dittman's, the
C. P, Ford and Guptili's, in school
shoes they have the Iris. These brands
are unexcelled anywhere..- They
have footwear for the whole family
and they are known to be the "price-makers."-
Jt is th? same store where
you find the 'Onyx' hosiery. It Is the
uw auiia wui lilts; Uttve iue niou-
ern repair shop electric machinery,
quick and satisfactory; from every
standpoint. Give the name and loca
tion. ' - v
NUMBER 48. What is the name of
the new amusement hall where there
is nothing but pool tables no bill
iards?' It is a popular, place, growing
more so f very day. The leadin
brands of Imported and domestic ci
gars and tobacco can also be found
here. ; It is on a corner. It is tha
place to turn your idle hours into busy
minutes. It 1.3 named after the 41st
state of the Union. Give th: name
and location.
NUMBER 49. This Is a drug store
not he kind that advertises a linimeu.
"f "ifh nnwfr that- whpn ' unnlUd to
In Choosing
a bank your decision should be based on a -close study of
the important factors; its Capital, its Assets, its Policy, its
Board of Directors. .
The officers of this bank are among the most solid
and conservative business men of this section. They have
always been closely identified with the growth and progress
of the community. They measure up well,' and are in
every respect worthy of your confidence.
Standard Typewriter
j Underwood Bookkeeping is as perfect as Under- X
x wooa correspondence.
2 The Underwood Billincr. Invoicing BonlrVAmirio I
Correspondence TYPEWRITERS make it possible i
j. no inorougmy systematize any business. .
The Machine You Will Eventually Buy ;::
H Underwood Typewriter::
(Incorporated) '
Portland; Ore., Branch. 63 Sixth Street
. .:-.vv.:;-'x
I Jill .
I f . . . f . I I ' I "I . ,. I 1 c .
I. f'
iffT?. X 0N ;-
in an interesting collection for the season. Do nnt; wait. iWii at- i.- . '.
ION SD?ANCY7n 27 ?k y. toselect cehFIT FASH? :
iurj AsiD 1'ANCY, all in one. This is a combination that never fails to win- V ,
New Goods Daily
v By the Fat Express
- t rim .111.1 wiiiii " "iiTiriiliiiiiiiHiiMri MHaniniiil7i'n"
V .
l'iS lld X3 ?rowoutWthe name and location of this ,s-
end. d eked un fmm tha Hat laDiisnment.
street, would cause a new doa: to grow
out but the kind that sells all flrst-
ciaas, (lependable goods, standard rem-
BunuiicB. ii ia me stora
tkat has made, such a hit with con
fectionery and kodaks, lines in which
it leads.; I has been established in
this city under the present manage
ment but eight months, it has built
up a nutation for the prompt and ac
curate tiling physician's prescrip
tions. Give the name and location.
You can omit one letter from the name
and it will still be right.
DUMBER CO. In what hading gro
cery can be purchased the famous
Chass' & Sanborn coffees. There is
only one place in town where thev
can be found. Chase, & Sanborn teas
and coffeea are known the world over
as the sine qui non of excellence, and
they selected this store to handle their
product here because it stands as a
representative of the higher class of
groceries. This grocery store has the
ekctrlc scales, the electric coffee mill,
the latest meat llr
ern equipment, throughout. Their wag
ons go an over tne city and if you will
watch where they stop you will find
where the best families live. Give name
and location.
r-MBFP Vws,t n Y.z name and
location of the "sparker" who sets
things going In the electrical line all
around this country? They carry ev
ery kind of electrical merchandise, mo
tors, gas and electric fixtures, lamps,
electric irons, etc. Furnish estimates
on all kinds of electrical work, take
contracts In all parts of the county
Th y make a snecialty of farm-lignt-ing
outfit a. 1 There are many new
things coming out in the electrical
line all tlu time; it will pay you to
drop Into this store occasionally juBt
to see how far behind the times you
hav; lapsed. ..
NUMBER 62. Bottled health and
nteasure, that is the business of this
concern. There are very few flavors of
carbonatd beverages that they do not
make, and the superiority of their
"ooda has created a lively demand for
them. They are better prepared this
season for the business than ever b:.
fore. Their wagon will deliver the
product In the city and nearby points
will be suppled by freight and ex
press. It la an Industry that does lots
of good advertising fjy La Grande.
Give the name and location of the
works, and always see thnt
drinks are "made in La Grande."
. NUMBER C3. In what large store
will you find the Monarch malleable
ranges, the O. V. B. cutlery, the Lowe
Bros.' paints, the Domo cream separa
tors; and In .the furnltar: line the Sea
ley mattresses, the Macey bookcases,
the Twin Pedestal tables, and manyi
other exclusive and superior lines of1
merchandise. This store occupies
three floors and a basement and has
them all fllkd. It has been making
history here for 13 years. They carry
compile lines of hardware house
furnlshlng goods, builders' black,
fmtths', wagonmakers. miners and
plumbers' supplies, pumps, windmills
guns, ammunition and fishing tackle.
They have the exclusive agency hero
for th;' Mikado roofing. You are to
' NUMBER 64. This number repre
sents a skilled veterinarian whose
name and location you are to give. H;
has been practicing here years andj
has established & reputation that
makes him authority on all animal dis
eases. He is not of the class of veter
inarians one of whom, legend sayB,
was called upon to minister to a sick
man In the absence of a physician, and
frankly told the anxious friends that
he cou,ld not cure the disease the man
had. but that h? could give him some
thing to turn it into the "botts" and
then he could cure the ."botts." He
treats all kinds of animals and the
people of this valley keep him pretty
busy all the time. He Is the' oldest
veterinarian in the valley. Give hh
rame and' location
NUMBER 55 There is a satisfaction
about buying paints and wall paper
from a dealer who has the technical
knowledge which enables him to ad
vise and counsel his patrons as to the
blending of colors and numerous othei
detail which the ordinary dispenser
of paints from, a mixed stock of mer
chandise kno3 nothing about. This
well known paint store carries a full
line of paints, oils, varnishes, wall pa
paper, etc. This store hasnot been
doing business in this city more than
100 years. They are exclusive sales
agents here for the Acme quality new
Era paints, the best paint manufac
tured. Also do contracting In paint
ing and decorating of all kinds. What
is the name and location?
NUMBER 66.-Thr: is In this city
a corsetiere who Is exclusive agent Xor
he celebratedi Gossard corset; also
who has had amnler exnerionoe. nni
- I - UI
can fit and demonstrate. These cor
sets will produce the long, slender,
sweeping lines to the figures. Thov
are recommended by both physicians
and dressmakers. What is her name?
NUMBER 67.-Who la the scientific
optician of La Grande.. Also .give the
location of his office. ( This party has
been practising in this' ilty about four
years In all. It has been discovert
that headaches. Indigestion, nervona-
ness, Insomnia and many other re-
nexes which have puzxled the medical
fraternity for years, are caused by.
the unbalanced mjcles of the eyes. In office you will' get' the very best re
no other branch of science is there suits. He grinds all his own lenses
need for more careful diagnosis, and and is thoroughly competent to meet
for accurate fitting of lenses.'. At this any emergency.
Cigar Store
. Tool, Billiards, Cigars, Tobnc
en and Soft Drinks host and
most c oiniilcte line of cigars In
the city.
OWncrt toast Uww base,
ball scoro!i ewjr day there's a
Corner Depot and Jefferson St
with a fay Roil ;
TTT7 1
rHEN you want a
first-class job of
Printing, and want
it without delay; when
you have a design in
printing you would like
to have figured put sat
isfactorily; when you
want work at reasonable
prices, bear the EVEN
mind and call Main 13
also Independent 1342
'V ft
We Do Anything With Typo
The Print Shop with a Pay Roll