La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, April 13, 1911, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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PA02 7
Simple Remedy Cure Appendicitis,
Sworn proof that simple buckthorn
Do you realize the import
ance of an
Electric Sign
in dewing trade to your
store or place of business?
We make a very low flat
rale on sign lighting, and
are prepared to quote at
trattive ptices on any 'kind
of a sign that you may de-
n sire. .. v ' .
Our represenfafVe is al
ways ready tot call and
1 talk the matter over with
you. -v
Eastern Oregon
Light & Power
Phone Main 34
that will make
7 you money
,, Ten acres, one mile from the
city, no Improvements . except
trees . which are 13 years old.
This Is a fine location, road on
twtf sides, good -water right and
produced over $4300.00 last year
Price Is $6,500.00, one half
down and balance on reasona
ble time. This year's cropwill
more than pay all expenses, and
balance of purchase fprlce.
fen acres, two miles 6 acres
In 9-year-old apples, 2 1-2 acres
of cheerles that will bear con
siderably this year, and 2 1-2
acres of garden land. Small '
house and barn. This place is
on main 1 county road, near
school and will make a fin
home. Price only $3,500.00, one
third down and balance on time.
This Is fine strawberry land, and
tnn nianted. will yield the
price of the property , every
year. ')
, Ten acres, Just one mile out,'
practically new six room house
and barn, close to school and a
fine money-making home. There
are 8 1-2 acres in apples, and-11-2
acres in pasture. Last
year this place produced 4,300
boxes of apples and will easily
pay Itself out after first pay
ment. Price is $5,500.00, one
half down, good time on bal
ance. Soil unexcelled for straw
berries and small fruits.
Farm lands In all parts of the
, Residences and vacant lots In
all parts of the city.
bark, glycerine, etc.; as compounded
'n Adler-i-ka, the new German Appen
dicitis remedy, real! does cure ap
pendicitis without operation, can now
be seen right In La Grange at the store
of A. T. Hill. A SINGLE DOSE of
this Blmple remedy will relieve wln2
or gas in the stomach or bowels, sour
3tomach, constipation and other symp
toms of chronic appendicitis.
I Security Land &
Trust Company
Savoy Hotel
The rooms arc good and
Steam heated only one
block from depot K
D. C. Brichoux,Prop.
Phantom Ship That Show
Itself Near the Cape.
But to Vessels Passing Through tho
.Strait of Lo Mairo It Appears to Bs
' a Bark Running Undsr Short Sail
Other Rock Ship Formations.
g Don't Let Them
hand you any dope. v
When smoking get the best
Fam Us King cigars: A Ha
vana cigar that is pleasing in
taste and perfect in burn.
Made in 5c, 10c and 2 for 25o
In fact the only way we lire is bj
flying. Don't dye yourself.
, tiN Mtex than dyeing yourselL
. .Onr charge tor dyeing for yon won't
be hgih. A sample Job Is sufficient
For best dyelny sni cleaning have as
Phone Main 14.
Phone Main b
The "phantom ship" seen hv the vi
cinlty of Horn Is. as hnf been
proved by the Investigation of various
hydrographlc bureaus, nothing more
or less than rock which under cer
tain atmospheric conditions bears a
deceptive resemblance to a ahlp. .
Very often vessels coming from Eur
rope to the west by way of. Cape
Horn have been startled to see what
appeared to be a derelict with the
water, washing over her deck. If the
sailors were of an imaginative turn
they would Invest the unknown ship
with ghostly qualities and call her the
Flylug Dutchman or sometimes the
"ghost ship" of Le Malre, from the
strait of that name, where she was
usually seen. .- ;.;
One of the stories which have been
longest remembered Is that of the ill
fated Crown of Italy, which sighted
went ashore. The Crown of Italy was
standing ' close to the jagged ' black
rocks at the entrance to the strait Of
Le Malre when she sighted what
seemed " to be a waterlogged bark
drifting , on the rocks of the strait.
Many. other. ships rounding the Horn
have seen a similar apparition, and the
various hydrographlc offices of the
world have received many reports to
that effect
Some years ago the Norwegian bark
Servla got into Seattle with the tale
of a phantom ship that almost exactly
corresponded to that given by the
Crown of Italy. The second officer of
the Norwegian vessel declared that he
bad seen a derelict with sails set and
decks awash drifting In through the
strait It was this report that led our
government officers to make public the
declaration that the phantom ship wsb
nothing but a combination of rock
and shadows.
The numerous reporU of derelicts
ghost ships always appearing in the
same place led even the Argentine
government to look into the matter.
A tender was sent out from the near
by lighthouse with the object of mak-,
ing an investigation, and it was found
that the apparition was due to a
strange freak of nature. Among the
black Jagged ' rocks that line both
sides of the strait of Le Malre there
is one In particular which, under cer
tain atmospheric conditions, bears a
deceptive likeness to a ship. The
formation of the rocks and the shad
ows they cast combine to produce the
effect of a bark running under short
salL, -!
The passage through the strait of
Le Malre is not often made. Steamers
shorten the route by going through
the strait of Magellan, while sailing
vessels usually prefer to be entirely on
the safe side by going still farther
south and rounding, the Horn Itself.
Only under the most favorable condi
tions of weather do they slip through
the strait of Le Malre on the outward
trip, going toward the southwest but
never when bound for the north. For
this reason many old sailors bare
never met the ghost ship or the rock
ship..' ' :'' v.''-
Those who have seen it give a mi
nute description of the rock and testify
to Its striking resemblance to a ship.
It seems to be standing head on, point
ing to the south and low in the water.
The sails are shortened as they would
be In what sailors call half a gale.
The whole formation Is very dark, as
if the hull were painted black and the
sails weather beaten. It has three
masts and Is higher on the fore than
on the main. Upon coming on the side
of the vessel the illusion vanishes and
the whole thing resolves itself into a
conglomeration of black rocks. The
perpetual fog of these regions helps.
of course, to befuddle the vision. .
The rock looking like a ship Is by no
means a rare natural formation. Al
most every sailor has seen one In some
part of the world. In the CUpperton
Islands there Is a great white rock
looking like a three masted schooner
leaning n the wind with her royals
set and the sun shining on her white
About six or seven miles west of
Honolulu there is a rock known as
French Frigate rock because once
upon a time a French frigate went
ashore on it The cliffs looked so
much like a ship that the frigate was
deceived and thought she was meeting
another vessel
St Paul island, in the middle of the
Atlantic is said to look very much Ilk
a ship when approached from a certain
direction, but It Is a place that mari
ners prefer to give a wide berth. Har
per's Weekly.
tablets. Druggists refund money. If
It fails to cure. E. W. GROVES slg
nature on each box. 25c
tril$mg An Income
for the Days When You Can
Not be on the Pay Roll.
Have you thought of the time when old age and
physical infirmities will cause the man at the desk to
say, "Charlie, you have been a faithful man for years .
and it is with the deepest pain that I tell you old age
prevents this company from further employing you
unless we reduce you to a minor position.''? ; , , .
- Tel this is whaj happens io aii ox us. Age prevents "
-us from retaining highest usefulness. Not one man,
bat all meet the same conditions.
This being true, friends, what is better than an in
come for later life? ,
What is better than being able to say to the wife,
"Well, wife, it was fortunate that we invested a few
hundred dollars a year when I was able to make mon
eywhen I was in my prime and the children were
small." ' It is with such an assurance that the man
whose name appears on any company's pay roll can
lie down to pleasant sleep and feel that his family is
protected. ,.
But 'what can the small investor buy that is sure to
increase in value, and yet have his investment safe?
That is a question which has confronted every man
who gets his check. That is a question that the shys
ter, .the crook and the confidence man has taken ad
. vangtage of for years and years. " The stock Jobber
and the worthless bond seller have played upon this
very heartstring to fill their own pockets with wealth
from the man who works.
There is one investment which has stood the test
of time; that has been solid and firm when all else
trembled; that investment is land.; When one owns
and has title to Mother Earth he has something that
only revolution and the dethronement of this republic
could make unsafe -either of which is an impossibil
ity in this enlightened age. ; V :
But ordinary land does not offer the returns' that
the, small investor is entitled to receive unless that
land be located in a fruit growing section and is set to
a growing orchard. If his investment is in orchard
land in the right locality the investor cannot only be
sure of future income but he can also be certain of,
immense increase in value a thing that nothing buts
fruit land today offers in proportion to the invest
"menV ..;'; - . ; i :
With Orchard property a man does not have to buy
a half section to. make a living. A few acres not only
will care for him and his family but it will make him
money besides. It is safe as to crop in this valley and
the market is assured. ' .
Then why ponder of what you will do with your
savings when at home right here in Union county
you can. own a tract of fruit land, have it cared for
look after it yourself and enjoy seeing the value each
day enhance? : '.. . ; ;:;;'.v; VVVV ;
This is something for every man on a salary to
think about and when you want further information
regarding details and the ease of payments call on
V any of the following parties: ; -
G. Ii Cledver,
La Grande Investment Co.
Wenaha Lumber Co.
Sherwood Williams,