4 LA GUAM); EVENING OBiSKUVEU, THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1911. PAGE 5 n crss i:-r:i THEAME PROGRAM . April 11, 12 and IS. The Reformation of the Suffra gette .......... ... Gaumont SPECIAL. It is worth your time to see how this can be ac complished. United States sen ators'please take notice. .The Disreputable Mr. Raegan - . .'. ... . .V. ....... ... . . . Edison Thrilling. An episode that oc- curs many .times but seldom no. ticed with such good results. The Widow Visits Sprlngtown. . ... . . Vltagraph The merry, .widow isn't in it with this one. She wears a wig but just see how she wins out." It is to laugh. , .. , Illustrated Sons "My Sun Don- , ; ;', net Sue." , ' t' " i v? , u 1 Matinets .v.Miss Nellie Garrlck ;'",". '(' - ' " " w Evenings... .Mr. George Birnle i 1 ASTER .'i This store has made special preparations for a large Easter business. We are- showing every thing that's new in men's fash ionable attire. Each department is repletewlth the most, wanted . Styles and our exhibit of .. Adler's Collegian ; Clothes surpasses any line ever shownj in this city. . PI W IP " There'! , a . thousand and one reasons why you should wear Collegian Clothes. They're Un like Any Other Ready Made (Bar meats. ; Young men who form erly had their clothes made to order, and who are now wear IngAdlei's Collegian Clothes, are . better satisfied and are paving ..' less than ball. ' Ask any man who has worn these garments. We are showing hundreds of styles In the very newest fab ricslight,' dark, and medium. We guarantee a perfect fit be fore a suit leaves this store, and make no extra charge for alter ations. Let Us Show Ton a Salt for Easter prices range from $15.00 to 30.00. ASH BROS. clothiers: o furnishers $-OOOX0 0000$ I ' Ceorge- E- Shields, of Manhattan. j Kansas, is looking over the valley to- P I III; I I .V O For sewer pipe call Fowler's Trans fer office. .1 ' . . . Anyone wishing horses come to Kertly barn. clipped Buy your fishing: tackle at Bchnen kamp and company, ' 4-10-tf Have you seen those beautiful new art rugs at Bohneakamp & Co.? ' " 4-10-tf . . ,.' Cake Sale. ' The .Ladies' Aid society of the Presbyterian church will hold a cake and pastry sale Saturday, April 15, from 2 to 5 o'clock at Bohnenkamp's hardware store. J 4-12r3t 7, - -Hand Embroidery. ' Done at 1514 Alder. Call and see samples. 4-8-3t : Two Kew Homes. ,; two nice new cottages in La Grande which will be for rent at once. : 4-11-tf 0 0 f 6'0'9 O '.;VA-:..; :-; fEKSOXALS. A-- A " . o H, O, Swain of Spokane Is a guest at the Sommer today, ; . . .''..." W. V. Saygre of Portland Is a Bom tner hotel guest. . MIbs Jennie Grsgory, of Seattle, was a guest at the Foley last evening. John F. Kellum of Baker was regis tered at the Savoy last night. ' Mrs. J, D.! Maxwell, of Palmer Junc tion, was a Savoy guest today. E. Butner of Pendleton,' an O.-W. employe, is at the Sommer today. ; G. B. Mann, of St. Paul, selling hardware, is at the Sommer today. Mra. J. S. Honck and Miss Sadie Houck stopped at-, the Sommer last night. MIbs Hazel Theisen , is home from Portland where she has be'.n spending the winter attending school. George Chandler, the cattle buyer, Is home from a business trip to Port land."''. -. v ', t . George E. Eratton, of Goldflild, Ne vada, Ja a gueBt at the Savoy hotel, to day. --'. - '.r:-' ',.''., J. M. Hagey ; was in om Starkey last night, He- was quartered at the Savoy. .. . i, ' :' Elmer'Moran and Charles L.'Wash burn of Pendleton, are guest of the Foley today. ' L. L. Thomas of Detroit, arrived in La Grande last tvenlng and is stop ping at the Foley hotel. , . , H. M. RIeff, the Pacific Biscuit com pany agent, with headquarters at Ba ker was at the , Sommer last night. " Mrs. A.' B. Hall ct Rosswell, Idaho, is at the Sommer while transacting business here. , F. F. Welshire of Telocaset was in the city last night and stopped at the Sommer. ,; . . , , .. I. F. Hart of Pleasanton, Neb 1s at the Sommer and is looking for a loca tion in this section. .He prefers im Improved land. : ; ; Helen Sterling, of Waterloo, Iowa, passed through the city last night en route to Joseph and stopped at the Sommer while here. Mr. and Mrs. E, C. Moore and fam ily will make their future home In Milton, arrangements for moving their household goods having been made. Mrs. Dan Sommer and Mrs. H. G. Masterson of , Elgin were guests at the Sommer last evening while visit Ing friends In the city. ' Mrs. George H. Currey is today in a satisfactory condition following an op eration at the Grande Ronde hospital by Doctor Molltor yesterday.' Her con dltion is still critical and not without danger of relapse. . ? General Manager J. P. O'Brien, As sistant General Manager J.. D, Stack. Superintendent William Bollons, Sup erintendent of Car Service J. Meyers and Superintendent of Motive Power J. F. Graham constitute the O.-W. off! clals who returned last night from Jo seph and went on east today on a tour of Inspection, In private cart 0 and 02. G. H. North, a hat man of Seattle, F. E. Ramsey, the Portland candy man, R. .A. Woodburn, the American Steel and Wire representative of Portland, E. A. Pay ton of Portland, who is call ing on the Bolton it Bodmer concern, Chas. A. Hoffa millinery represents tive from Portland, B. Burnett of Port land, and Claude Bloom of Portland were Sommer hotel guests last night day, Mr. and Mrs.. David Brlchoux left last night for Portland . where they will spend several days on business and pleasure.. Miss , Rachel Turner, stenographer at the Williamson land office, went to Pendleton this morning and will visit friends a few days before return ing to resume her work here. E. M. Brown of New York, T. N. Biddle of Philadelphia, A. M. Roff of Seattle, L. C. Ross of New York and J. C. Mann of SanFrancisco are among the Foley hotel guests today. Billy Vogel was over from Unn last evening boosting as usual for his town and the horse show that is to be held there on June 1st. Billy says H 1b to be the best ever this year and there Is reason to believe that his con clusions are correct He was quar tered at the Foley last night Gerald Moore left this morning for Milton Oregon," where hs- goes to Join his father, E. C. Moor who has charge ct the Milton railroad station. The family will leave . Saturday for their new home. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. French have rented the Moore nome on vouriii street' . . D. L. AikenB and wife and daugh ter, Miss Grace, arrived this morning from Stillwater, Oklahoma, and will probably locate- In either this or the Wallowa valley. Mr. , Alkins took a thorough look at this section, of Ore gon last fall and his return indicates the impression received then. A suc cessful farmer and prominent in the business and social lif;. of Oklahoma, having served as a member of the board, of agriculture and Just retiring from the position of "grand master of the Stillwater lodge of I. a O. F., he is of the class of citizenship that Oregon welcomes. ' - ;1 Snydam (1osia; Out.' C. E. Suydamis closing out hfs en tire stock of new ; and s:cond hand goods, at public auction. , v 4-lC-tf Campi ID mm domes Guaranteed All Wool . i FOR BilMER GUARANTEED " TO GiVE SATIS FACTORY WEAR ! , The. production of such desirable clothing as this which bears the Campus label, is a notable clothes-making triumph, of recent years. We feel we are fortunate in having it to sell to you it is one make which you can buy without running any risk whatever. It must wear satisfactorily we say so and the- CA1IPU3 BRAND LABEL IS THE MAKERS' GUARANTEE, and back us up in making a generous guarantee to that effect. -1 rtB''i 1 " ' If fl THIS LABU. I TKC MAKCNV SUARANTSS. ' IN CAMPUS CLOTHING YOU GET A RARE COMBINATION OP QUALITY AND MODERATE PRICES. It is high grade clothing in every sense of the ' word; the workmanship .measures up to the ' iiiflfitARf. Rr.andard. in - America Jtodavi-undsr Itha J CAMPUS make, -this first clajss standard in the l making of suits is maintained no matter jvhat the selling price of the suit, the different prices always depend upon the grade of materials used -in the suits. . So you can always pick out a CAM PU3 SUIT from $10.00 to $22.50.:;;;;; v" ;:1. You ought to have your new CAMPUS SUIT for wear on Easter Sunday and you can if you'll come in at once and make your selection. -We are showing all the newest weaves and colors in styles to please young men and older men. If you just want "to come in and look" you'll be4 perfectly welcome, too . ::':'"H:--yC:- WANTED Light ' housework ' with good familx; dependable girl. In quire at Observer or phone Ind. 1328. - -. ".' ' 4-13-Ct OLD TIME SEWSPAPER MAS HERE Gerald Vols, of Wichita, Kansas, Is Seeing the Country. One of the old fashioned newspaper men of Kansas, Gerald Volk, arrived in the city this morning on his way to Wallowa county to see the countryv He is a pioneer in the business and seldom did- a state association meet in Kansas for many years when Gerald Volk was not in attendance. - Lately he has been located at Forest Grove, SEW BAKERY OPESS SATURDAY "The Model" Will Sen e the Peojile In - the Future. 'Today C. H. Lenhart, of the Model Bakery, announced to the Evening Ob server that Saturday will be the open ing day for the new institution. Mr. Lenhart has1 associated with him Dell Jackson, one of the popular young men of .La Grande, and the two know the bakery business from start to fin ish. They have leased the room next door to-the Royal .Grocery and, are having it fitted up in the most mod ern manner. - On Saturday morning their line of bakery goods will be open to the public and they' contemplate- a nice business here, because of their fa miliarly with the work and their de sire to serve the- public in the most approved manner. Quality the Same 1 j Prices Less A Classified Advertising BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK eggs at $1.50 per setting. Hy PoBselt, Phone Black 932, Frultdale. 4-l-6t FOR SALE A top buggy Just newly painted. A' snap If taken at once. . Inquire at Fisher's paint shop or phone Pleasant View Farm 57-4-lltf FOR SALE Good water barrels. Dutll '; bakery. ' "" 4-10-tf MECHANICS .MAGAZINE "WrHtea SaYetCaa Caderstaad It 300 Pictures Every 400 Articles - 250 Pages Month A wonderful tory of the Procreeaof this Mccliaic L leal Ae. IiiMructiva, but more f mciniting lhaa Gt action. A magazine lor Bankers, Uw-rort, wyerf.Teachen, Farmer. Bunlnesi Men, Man ufacturer. Mechanics. HailiUOiUOreadert every month. Interest everybody. When yon sec on you understand why. Ask. the man who read it. Your newsdealer will show you one; or writ th publisher for a free ssmpl copy. Fhc "Shop Notes" Dept. 2? things How to makt repairs, and arUcics for borne and shop, etc. 'Amnlenr Mechanics" g'ftS: fumtture, wirelrss, boata, engine, magic, and all lb things boy loves. $1 SO pit ftor. tinglt eoplt$ 18 emti ASK. YOUR NEWSDEALER Or Addrss fOPULAR MECHANICS MACAZINS 223 W-kstos Su CUosm FOR SALETwo good homestead re linquishments in Wallowa county. Inquire of D. Birchoux. 1 FOR 4 RENT Housekc epln g rooms. Close in. On ground floor. Inquire 1417 Wash, avenue. - Phone Red 752. ' ": 4-5-tf FOR RENT FurniBhed rooms. Mrs. Roy Rynerson, phone Black 1462. 1620 Sixth street , , . 4-2-tf FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT In , quire Mrs. Harding, 1910 Cedar, Tel- phone 1351.. 4-11-tf MAN WANTED White man wanted for general work. $50 a month and room. : Apply at Obsemr office. 4-10-tf WANTED Honse rooms, close to Must be modern, preferred. . Write Grande. of six or seven Adams avenue, one with barn to i Box C, La 4-12-tf Plumbing and H i- r.. - eating John Melville W8 Adam's Avt -LA GRAHDE, ORE mr, WANTED To trade One good resi dence lot on 10th street near Adams avenue for good lumber. Inquire 1502 N avenue or see F, G. Schllke. FOR SALE Second hand cook stove. Eight foot extension dining room ta ble. Inquire at 1411 S. avenue, or Snowflake Bakery. - 4-ll-6t FOR RENT House partly furnished and two acres of land; 24 bearing fruit trees and small fruit Inside city limits. Apply st Observer. 4-ll-10t FOR SALE Household furniture. In quire Mrs. F. W. Pattison, 704 Main street. . 4-13-Gth The MODEL BAKERY (Formerly the Royal) THE HOUSE OF QUALITY. Believing La Grande people want the very best bakery goods I that expert bakers can manufac ture the Model will always be ready to serve a full line of bread, cakes, pies genuine rye 1 j vavu, a uiuaiiit'sV,, CltV J UndAr mnnoffomnnr n t g-wsavUl. V V Vt J Lenhart the well known biker, J Th home of Fancy German Coffee take. nOT CROSS BOS. Oraamontinir Work. Next door to Royal Grocery. 11 . Agency for r KODAKS ( "EASTMAN tt I Wright Drug Go. fl ; Fresh Supply 1 OF lust In f Limberger Imp; Swiss -Cream Cheese :Royal Grocery H. Pattison, Prop. : Not In the Association n ,5