La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, April 13, 1911, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1911. ,
Editor and Owner.
Xutered at toe postofflce at La Grande
as second-class matter. '
Pally, single copy . . ... , . . ... &c
Dally, per week, .............. 15c
Dally, per month................ 6e
(By Rev. Upton H. Gibbs.) .
To the majoority.of Christians Good
Friday is the most solemn day of the
year. In the worr' of the ancient
creed, Christlass declare their belief
"In one Lord,, Jesus' Christ, the only
begotten Son of. Got begotten of His
Father before all worlds, pod of God,
' Light of Light, Very God of Very God,
begotten not made; Being of one sub
stance with the Fatheri by whom all
Wnr r made:. Who for .us men
and our salvation came down from
heaven and was Incarnate by the Holy
Ghost of the Virgin Mary, and was
made man; and was crucified also for.
nqtundcr Pontius Pilate, He suffered
and was burle'd.".
Now it will be seen from this state
ment that He who was crucified, who
suffered and was burled, was no ordi
nary Man. In the first place In the
strongest possible language He is de
clared to be God and eternaljy exist
ing as God. This Is the first point to
graiip, the second is that He who was
and is God took upon him our human
nature, being born Into this world of
& human mother, the Virgin Mary, but
not by means of a hitman father for
He was incarnate by the Holy Ghost.
Thus he stands out as the God-Man
who is perfect God and perfect Man.
His human nature being united in Him
to His Deity in an indissoluble un
ion. His human nature must be- of.
representative character, not the hu
man nature of a single individual, but
of the whole of humanity so that what
evr He does must affect the whole hu
Christians believe that on account of
gin the whole human race 1b under
the condemnation of spiritual death,
for thi' "wayes of sin is death.' And
this decree not being atbftrary but the
inevitable consequent cannot be re
scinded, otherwise the law of vlrtua
which is the law of our nature', would
be rendered nugato'y. . The only way
by which pardon can be Justly grunt-.
ed is by establlihlu ami uph-ihllu
this law of virtue, V tho pcnalt for
its violation being paid in full.
No mere man could effect this, and
so God did It In the manner stated in
the creed. Jesus Christ by his abso
lutely sinless life and death establish
ed the law of virtue in our human na
ture. Pardon, then, can be freely ex
tended. to all who will accept it under,
the conditions laid, down for its be
stowal.: -:
This , is what Christians believe
and the reason why the death of Christ
has such -a hold on them and why
they, keep the day appointed for its
commemoration with such solemnity,
un tms tmy lue uevout Curiaiiaii es
pecially beholds Christ crucified and
In faith hears the Voice of God speak
ing to him: ' ' '.- ' .' ;-: . ' '
"This have I done for thee,
What hast thou done for. Me?" k
mm w p
j We
I Many
attractive high quality lines of new Spring mer
chandise that will interest you
Priscilla's Umbrella.. Biogragh
Comedy. .
A Fatal Resemblance.....;.,.
....American Pa the
Davy Jones, or HIa Wife's Hus
band .............. Vltagraph
Comedy. , ,
Cowan, pianist and tenor solo
.; 1st. Greenaway drums and ef
fects. ,v"'.' ,'. - ,.
Matinee every day at two orlock
(Ohio State Journal..
We note In a menu printed in a Chi
cago paper, two items that Indicate a
restless appetite. . They are "Baked
Bean Rarebit" and "Rhubarb Baked
en Casserole." There are no specifics
tlons as to how they are prepared and
this was ' omitted because It was
thought that nobody would care to try
them. The nam? is enough.
When n effort is made to rise abova
the baked bean itself or the rhubarb
sauce. It is In vain. The former is a
permanent standby, : while the latter,
in the early spring, comes like a shaft
of sunlight out of a cloudy sky; but
en casserole or a bean rarebit pass
on, pass on.
Admission 10 cents
: " ' ' '
(Denver Times.)
A new field of employment seems to
have opened up for famous athletes
after they have fallen into popular
indifference. King George of Eng
land, who has gone into training for
his coronation, has created Eugene
Sandow, who was reputed to be the
strongest man In the world, to be his
majesty's tralner-ln-chief or lord high
keeper of the dumb bells something
of that sort. At any rate, Mr. Sandow
used to make tours of England and
America, displaying his strength and
his patented dumb bells, until peo
ple grew tired of seeing him. He has
found an excellent place of retire
ment. Now, if some other ruler, Pres
ident Diaz, for example, would only
off6r employment of this kind to a
certain Mr. Johnson, who has become
so much of a nuisance in America
that he has been sent to Jail, what a
happy solution : there . would be to
many difficulties. Under the direction
of Mr. Johnson, President Diaz might
give the insurrectos a knockout blow.
If little King .Manuel had only
Old Friends and New
Winninj permanent, lasting' friends is the work '
of time, and this bank numbers among its -clients
hundreds of banks and business houses with whom
it has had close relations for a great part of the
twenty-four years of its existence. ,v
Our friends have helped to make this one of the
largest and strongest banks in the West. We have
helped In their making, too.
We welcome new friends and will attend to their
wants with the same fidelity which has cemented
our relations with our older ones. .
La Grande National Bank
CAPITAL ... . $ 100,000.00
SURPLUS , . . 100,000.00
RESOURCES . . . 1.100,000.00
Fred J. Holmes, Pi es. W. J. Church, Vce Pres.
F..L. Meyers, C&shiet Earl Zundel.Ass'f. Cashier
h t tHHHnimHtttnmnnninmn
Fine Millinery
Gage PatternHats
Lyman Pattern Hats
Tailored Street Hats
in exclusive styles ;
Largest line of high class clothing,
ever shown in La Grande. There's
a style for you. ...';, v -
Prices Reduced During Sale
Spring Styles
.Fine Footwear..
"" '
Utz & Dunn s
4 oxfords and
V: pumps.
-oxfords and
Prices $2.50
to $4.00
Wooltex Suits
Silk Dresses
Star Waists '
Keiser Neckwear
Net and
Silk Waists
INGS An assortment seldom found out
side the large city stores. Tilt
shoes, Manhattan Shirts, Gordon
and Stetson hats, Kaiser neckwear,
Interwoven hose. '
of Morgan Department Store stock, Now in Full Sway
Nothing that compares with this ever held in La Grande
You Kj
Assignee Morgan Department Store i
Lxteinlve Strwt improvpinenis Pro.
vided for in Two of City' Districts
North Yakima, Wn., April l3l-x(Spe-i
clal) By unanimous vote the council
last night awarded the contract to the
Warren Construction company of
Portland, Oregon, for the laying of
bltullthlc pavement and the construc
tion of concrete sidewalks, curbs and
gutters in the West Yakima improve
ment district. Th Warren Construc
tion company was the lowest bidder on
both Jobs and the total cost will be
close to $15,000.
The adoption of bltullthlc pavement
in North Yakima was the result of
careful investigation by the council in
various cities of th northwest, where
bltullthlc has been laid from one to
gelht years.
Last year North Yakima laid some
brick and asphalt pavements, neither
of which came up to expectations. .
Active work on the new Improve
ments will begin at once.
Good Friday Service
The services at St Peter's church on
Good Friday will be at 10 a. m. and
3 p.m. and 7:30 p. m.
Offerings will be taken at the morn
ing and evening services for the aged
and Infirm clergy fund.
Notice of Street Improrenif at.
To whom It may concern: Notice
is hereby given that in pursuance of
a resolution adopted by the common
council of the city of La Grande, Ore
gon, on the lsttlay of December, 1909,
creating' Improvement, district No 9
and designating Fourth street as such
district, and in pursuance of a resolu
tion adopted by said common council
on the first day of February, 1911,
whereby said council determined and
declared its Intention to Improve all
that portion of Fourth street, in Bald
Improvement district as hereinafter
described, by laying thereon maca
dam, the council will, ten days after
the service of this notice upon the
owners of the property affected and
benefitted by such improvement, or
der that said above described im
provement be. made; that the boun
daries of said district to be so im
proed are as follows:
All that portion of Fourth street,
from the south side of 0 venue, to the
north side of C avenue.
' (A) And the croperty affected or
benefitted by said Improvement la as
follows: All the property between
the west line of Fourth street and a
line drawn from O avenue, south
through the center of blocks 74, 75,
and the block used by school district
No. 1, and block 88, 89 and 96, Chap
lin's addition and block 11. 10 and 1,
Arnolds & Drays addition and blocks
5 and 4, Arnolds addition and block
4-B-sf.. original town of La Grande,
and all the property between the east
line of Fourth street and the west line
of Fifth street, including all of blocks
69, 58, 61. 60. 41, 40; 31; 30; 21; 20;
11 and 10, Chaplin's addition, all be
ing in the city of La Grande, Union
county, Oregon.'
Notice is hereby further given that
the council will levy a special assess
ment on all the property affected and
benefitted by such Improvement for
the purpose of paying for such Im
provement. That the estimated cost
of such Improvement is the sum of
$15,070.00. That the council will on
tne mn day of April, 1911, meet at
the council chamber at the hour of
8 o'clock p. m., to consider said esti
(mated cost, and. the levy of said as
, sessment, . when, a, hearing will be
granted to' any" person feeling ag
grieved by such assessment.
La Grande, Oregon, April 7th, 1911.
Recorder of the City of La Grande,
Ap. 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19.
In the circuit court of the state of
Oregon, for Union county.
Arthur A. DeFord, Plaintiff, vs. Lu
ella DeFord, Defendant
To Luella DeFord, defendant: In
the name of the state of Oregon, You
are hereby required to appear and an
swer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled court and cause
on or before the 12th day of May, 1911.
after the publication of this summons
for six weeks in the La Grande Even
ing Observer. And you will take no
tice, that If you fall to so appear and
answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff
will take the decree of the court, for
the dissolution of the marriage con
tract existing between yourself and
plaintiff. This summons is published
by order of the Hon. J. W. Knowles,
Judge of the above entitled court, dat
ed March 30th, 1911. directing It to be
published in the La Grande Evening
Observer, for six consecutive weeks,
first publication to be In Issue of
March 30th, 1911. '
Attorney for Plaintiff.
DMch 30-Ap.6-13-20-27-My 4-11.
Uhy pay Rent? We loan
sv money to build, ana Xyoi
pay us as you would rentr -
Good Friday
in the Fish Line
Boston Beauty Macarel
Golden Bloaters ;
Bonelet CodfUh
Salmon Bellies
Holland Herring
Complete line of
Canned Fish
ilPattison Bros. :!
Both Phones
i I UIII'Hlliim 1 tt w '