La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, April 13, 1911, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    PAOE 3
4 2,y iJkbf
The Observer today announces a
novel and Interestingcompctition, the
basis of which In familiarity with La
Grande's commercial life and practi
cal acquaintance with her various
firms and business houses. -
A number of questions are asked.
Who will answer thimt As Will be
noted, several attractive prizes are of
fered as a stimulus to competition.
Answers, correct, must have
firm, names correctly spelled and is
th usnal style of the firm. By this is
meant that It will not be sufficient to
merely say "Smith's or "Smith's Gro.
eery," when the firm's name and style
is "John D. Smith ft Bro. Where the
location or street number Is asked for
Jt must not be omitted.
The correct answers to the various
questions are already on file at this
office, and Id each Instance have been'
furnished by the firms themselves, so
there may be no chanee for a dispute.
Competition closes Tuesday, April
18. Answers wDl be numbered con
secutively as they arrive and the first
one received that is correct will re.
celve the first prize, and so on. Legi-
MlVt anil Htnii will Ulan H fmnul
In thV contesL ;
This will be republished next week
w'Hh the correct answers together with
the list of prize winners. Every man,
woman and child who reads this is
welcome to enter the competition, ex
cept employes of the Observer and
their relatives. All answers must be
sealed and signed with full name and
Addrtes all answers to i
: : ; ' , ; Care the Observer.
tilligent, and refined proclivities the
dentist na3 become fully as Indispen
sable as the physician. We must take
car of the teetn or in arter years we
repent the negligence iu much sor
row. T , re ,is plated before you In
this paratraph a dentist who has b?-n
practicing here for a period of iu'
years. His Inviting oftice suite I00K3
tut on Elm street. He is in a mod
ern of financial cast. He is
a graduatSpf the North Pacific dental
college tt ortland. He is thorc?h
ly up to date and has attracted a class
of patrons that any dentist would be
proud to. have. You are to glv: his
end location.
First Prize, Cash - -
Second Prize, 1 doz. Photos,
Ritter Studio -
Third Prize, Trade Order
Wright's Drug Store -
ttiniVllMrll Btl1?Att m am f ... .......... i
thing that comes up before him. .You
are to gvt his name and location. And
write it down in your address book
for convtnlence when your day ot
trouble comes. ,
location of this new store, also name
of proprietor.
NUMBEF 7. Will it be difficult for1 con-i naa ' Thaw momifstiir. onrl trart
?U J,cat,& the ,lead,n- Picture granite, marble and stone monuments
?W ' th ? 'nstIJutlon caniot "point of all designs. There are few ceme-
wtth pride to a longhistojy;, but Its teries in this part of Oregon which
present standing with the people as have not some specimens ot their art-
a resort for amusement fills the istlc effort to do honor to the depaft-
whole city wtlh pride. Pictures are ed. This business was established by
changed Sundays. Wednesdays, and the. present firm in 1900. They guar-
rlaays, and they are always new antee their work dto be equal. to that
here before. They get. the ' very 0f any house In the west, and they
. gnest class films, those which are have a very large assortment
raade by companies which tmploy the gigns from which to select. They also
' auur 10 oe lOUna. It IB the fnrn nh onn Tim anri hiillrilntr Btnntt nf
NUMBER 21. This is a complete
home furnishing storeone of those
places from which go out more real
bargains than from any other class ot
business institutions extant. Many ar
ticles of furniture are just as good as
new, although they nay have stood in
somebody's parlor or .bed chamb.r a
few months. And so with stoves and
ranges. When they are brought in and
overhauled, all damaged parts giving
way to new repairs, they are practical
ly as good as new, although they sell
NCMBER 2S. Who 1a the man in
J this city to build that new delivery
wagon, or any other kind of a wagtt
you may wish? He has been a wagon
maker in this city for several year3.
LHe also does blacksmithlng but no
norseanoelng. He will do any kind
of repair work or build auy kind of a
wagon you want to order. He also
deals in second-hand wagons and bug
gies, ; He has eight fine bargains on
hand, just now, all overhauled and in
good condition. You will sea bis name
on the side of the, shop and over the
door. There are seven letters in his
name. Give the name and location.
ooDular. modern nlav Tmiira of th n,, nrf enntmcti of Bfon I at half rtrice. Thla . dealer has been
city, uive - tne name and location.- work of every description. Give the
The only onj on this street . ; name and location of this works, also
' ' name of proprietor. ;. v ..
. NUMBER 8. In this establishment , ! .
we find cigars, tobaccos, confection- ' NUMBER 15. Where la' the one
ery., periodicals, newspapers and best nlace in La Gradna to Wiv vour
NUMBER 35. This number is to
represent a store that has been in ex
istence here, end under the same man
agement for 'a period of 17 years.
They carry a great variety of goods.
It is neither a dry good3 or a grocery
store. It can not be classified in any
of the usual lines of merchandise.
They carry staple and fancy notions
millinery, baskets, vases, hair goods,"
veiling, hosiery, handkerchiefs, laets.
drawn work, toys, dolls, wagons, cards "
games, stationery, etc. but there Is no
use trying to enumerate. They have
nearly everything. They are right
in the heart of the shopping district.
Give the name and location.
DUMBER l, What drug store ts
this which has a corner entrance and
a side entrance in the reart It is the.'
oldest drug store in the city. In this ;
Store you will find everything for the'
health and bodily comfort. They have '
a full line of drugs, druggists' sun-
dries, cosmetics, patent medicines, etc. j
It is the only place in town where j
you can purchase the Nyall remedies,;
a line of remedies for all ailments '
that have no superior. It is th& place!
' where they put up that excellent'Whlte j
- Pine cough remedy (preceded by" the j
name of the store). Also the Culem;
Cream tnat has made such a hit with
the ladies. Give the name and loca-
tlon. .-y" : v
NUMBER 2. In what leading gro
cery store in this ity .will you fflnd
the Barrington Hall coffees? Also the
Blue Stem flour? It is the place where
you get that excellent boiled ham and
dried beef. It is a grocery store that
has been making hlstqrv under Its
present management for 2 1-2 years.
Two wagons are. kept busy all the
time making the deliveries to their
many patrons. They make a special
ty also of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Everything they handle is of the high
est quality and their system of busi
ness is very attractive to the people
of La Grande and surrounding coun
try. Give the name and location.
sporting goods. It is kent by a sen-
tl man who wears the name of the
eighth president of the United States.
In any . of the lines mentioned you
will always find the best quality, and
always up to date. This is the place
where everybody goes to get the news
and to get good reading matter. Give
the name and location.
NUMBER 9. A large hotel will two
' hundred rooms,, ,. ;
European plan, conducaed by whom?
Close by the d . pots, cars handy . to
take, - 1. . . , , - -, .
Most excellent chefs ; do cook ; airl
bake. , , ( ' .
Guests arrive from everywhere
To be housad and fed and cared fo ;
And these will go and others com?,
All entertained as good as home. .
Sample rooms large for commercial
men, ,
Bu3 Hues not needed to Berve this good
' inn. i ... .
Best hotel in all this region, -Travelers
aver this is the legend.
A splendid place to patronize.
Give its name and win the prize. ;
NUMBER 3. What is the name of
this meat market? It has been a going
Institution under this name for four
years. The name Is as broad as the
valley, and Its trade is equally as
widespreading. They have their own
abattoir and cold storage plant, butch
ering their own meat and supplying
both wholesale and retail. You will
always find the very choicest fresh
and salt, meats, bam, bacon, lard and
sausages at this market; also pickles,
delicacies, olives and appetizers of all
kinds. They have fresh fish twice a
week. There are no stow-away cor
ners In this market. Everything is
fresh and clean-smelling as the out
door flower garden. Give -the name
and location of both markets.
NUMBER 10. What- is the name
and location of the oldest harness man
In the county? It was 32 years ago
when he first started in business here.
He do. s his own manufacturing out
of the very best materials and when
he puts out a set of harness his name
and guarantee goes right along with
it. He also manufactures saddles and
carries a big line in stock. Also blan
kets, robes, whips, and all horse goods.
There is everything here to complete
the horse's wardrobe, .And when- it
comes to prices there Is no man in
Eastern Oregon that can discount him
on quality goods. The name Is a pro
duct of California. Give the name and
location. . - ,
garden and field seeds. This number
represents a house, that was establish
ed bere in 1893. They operate a large
warehouse and deal in hay, grain, feed
flour and seeds. They are the distri
butors here for the Rock Creek flour,
a very superior bread maker. Also
represent the wholesale grocery ac
counts in this district fof the Allen, &
Lewis wholesale grocery in Portland,
and the Baker City wholesale grocers.
Do a general storage business. What
Is the name and location? '
NUMBER 16. Do you Bmoke? Do
you chew? Then this rhyme Is, meant
for you: This store keeps goods that
overwhelm, at a 'certain number next
to Elm; any kind and any "price, and
his candies, too, are nice. We miht
have added, do you fish? If you do
here you'd get your' wish. A line of
tackle he keeps that, I declare, would
surely the wisest iflsh ensnare. But
life Is too short these rhymes to fit,
therefore excuse, there'll be more nit.
This is where the boys all go to. find
their smokes and chews you know.
Get wise, and give the namei also the
number Just the same. : '
NUMBER 4. What Is the name and
location of this enterprising Jeweler
and optometrist vo has been doing
business In this city for 20 years
the oldest d:aler In that line in the
city? This is an Important considera
tion in buying anything In the Jewelry
line. The average person Is dependent
upon the reputation of the siller.. It
is next to impossible for the layman
to detect the deficiencies that lurk
along the path of this Industry. At
this store you are safe.' The 20 years
of reputable dealing here is worth
much to every purchaser of good3 in
this line, r They are experts In this
tore on repairs of watches, clocks.
and Jewelry, and correct fitting of
glasses to your eyes.
NUMBER 5. You read, of course
and probably have purchased many en
tertaining books at this store. It is
the one best place to get everything
in the line of books and periodicals
stationery, school and office supplies,
pianos, phonographs and muslral in
Btruments of all kinds. They keep a
large line of the latest sheet music.
Tney are exclusive agents in inis
city for the Star, the Richmond and
other good pianos which they will
pell you on easy terms. You can nay
for the Instrument whil" on t usin"
it. They carry a large l;ne of disc aud
cylinder records for the, talking mt
chines. What Is the nnme and loca
tlon of this concern? ' ,
NUMBER 11. If you 'want to eat
good bread, life-giving, nutritious,
healthful bread, made out of first qual
ity flour, and baked In the most finish
ed perfection you should eat the bread
that comes from this bakery. If you
are eating any other kind you are not
eating the best. They also furnish
the best pies, cakes, cookies, dough
nuts, etc. They have a capacity of
2,000 loaves of .bread dally and they
are working a good part of the time up
to their full capacity. Their bread is
found on sale in all the live grocery
stores of the city. During the summer
months they serve ice cream and bak
ery lunch. Give name and location.
They are outside the high rent district.
NUMBER 17. There are two live
ones in this grocery firm, and you
will not find them in the high rent!
district They are sole distributors
here for the Snow White and Our Seal
flour, manufactured and packed ex
pressly for them. They also have the
Leege & Hasklns coffees, a find blend
that no one else- in this city handles.
They have a large stock of groceries
and houseware, and they enjoy a very
large patronage. They are on a corner
and they have 60 feet front, Including
the wareroom alongside. Another fea
ture of this store is their large and
varied stock of garden and field see,
both In package and In the bulk. Their
expenses are low and they make low
prices. Give the name and location of
this Ann. v . : , .
NUMBER 18. La. Grande has Its
mills, its churches, Its schools and
other public institutions and it has
this restaurant, which has become the
popular place to dine. Its name sug
gests that It is a pattern for all like
Institutions to go by. The very best
home cooking is served here, short or
ders and dinners. The service Is all
that could be desired. There are 16
tables In use all the time. It is the
popular place for banquets and such.
You are to give the name and the loca
tion. You will know it at riight by the
electric sign.
doing business here for bine years, all
this time near the same spot He car
ries a full line of household furnish
ings and hardware. What is the name
and location? It is the place where
you can get a Standard 125.00 talking
machine for only 17.88. .,."...
NUMBER 22. There has been some
kind of mercantile business on this
corner for more than 20 years. ; First
it was a big general store, then a hide
market, then a meat market, and for
the past three years it baa been a
live . grocery store. Recently it has
changed hands, and 1b being enlarged
and improved somewhat on the inter
lor. It is not right In the center of the
city, There is no need to gravitate
to the center to get good groceries
and provisions at the lowest price.
You will find everything for the table
here, Including the freshest of fruits
and vegetables. Tbey have their own
delivery wagons and their trade reach
es out all over the city. They ate live
wires. Giye the name and location.
Also give name of the firm.
NUMBER 23. Give the name of the
leading dry -cleaning ;works In the
city? This firm took charge ot It In
February. It Is fitted out with every
facility for cleaning and pressing. They
also do "smart merchant tailoring. All
cleaning is done by the dry process
no fading or shrinking. Ladies' and
gents' apparel cleaned, repaired and
pressed. ' They also do dyeing and
they are In position to guarantee their
work to give absolute satisfaction.
They claim that their Improved pro
cess is the one safe method. Give the
name and location.
NUMBER 12. This number repre
sents a business that has been estab
lished here for eight years. They man
ufacture and sell mostly in the local
market the very choicest butter, under
a name which if we told you the name
of the brand would reveal the Iden
tity at once. They also make most de
licious ice cream for which they have
a big sale during the greater part
of the year. They supply retail deal
ers and families. Also sell sweet
cream, milk and buttermilk. They
have built up a big trade and each
season increases it very largely. T.hev
have a full enulpment and the place
is kept thoroughly sanitary. Give the
name and location. v .
NUMBER 13.-A large produce com
pany Is represented in this paragraph
Tbey have been doln- business in this
city two rears. They are wholesale and
r:tall dealers in hay, grain, feed, flour,
fuel and poultry supplies. They are
sole distributors , here for the Snow
Drift flour, something that is classed
v?ry high by those who are good bread
makers. Also exclusive dealers here
'p t)te Diamond brand of poultry feed.
There la. none better manufactured.
You are to give the name and location
of this company.
1 NUMBER 19. Where Is the agency
in this city for the Columbia bicycle
and the Pioneer motorcycle? Also sell
the Franklin automobiles and do all
kinds of automobile and bicycle re
pairing, carry a full line of automo
bile and bicycle pusplles. Do general
repairing of all kinds fix every
thing tnat needs fixing. Repairs type
keys to order, grinds-and sharp ins
knives, shears, files and gums saws,
repairs sewing machines, etc. He Is a
machinist of 15 years' experience In
all lines. Has a garage and necessary
machinery and tools for outw work of
all kinds. What Is the nama and lo
NUMBER 36. One ' of the promi
nent real estate agencies Is put befor .
you in this number. They have hi?h
grade Investments for the small In
vestor, fruit, alfalfa, timber and grain
lands, In large or small . tracts. 'Also
do an txtenslve business In exchanges.
If you have property for trade any- ;
where they are the people to see.
In their office will be seen a display
fit Grand Konde .products that. prove
in wrumjrtir'ttte Bott.- 'inm agency
also handles Are insurance, represent
ing the German Fire, the Franklin,
the Providence, the Horticultural, ono '
of the strongest Mutual companies '
lu the state of Washington, and othelj
good companies. What is the nam? and
location. Also give name of the manner.'-
NUMBER 29. To whom do you go
for dyeing and cleaning when you have
some delicate fabric which you are
not willing to trust to the "ordinary
establishment? This is the largest
and oldest works In the city and they
are now receiving new and the most
modern machinery for taking, care of
tnwr rapiuiy growing ousiness. i am
dry or French cleaning process Is one
of the Important textile discoveries of
recent years. But the process, ia also
somewhat complicated and difficult It
needs expert knowledge and nroner
machinery. This is where this house
has the advantage, both in experience
and facilities They do work for both
ladles and gentlemen, and guarantee
perfect satisfaction. ; Give the name
and location. .
I NUMBER 30.r-Do you know what
firm in La Grande handles the Deer
ing harvesting machinery, the Oliver
chilled and Mollne plows, the Henney
and Racine buggies, the Bain, Weber
and Mandt wagons, the Monitor wheat
drill, and so on down the line? It is a
house that has been a headquarters
for farm machinery and farm tools of
all kinds for 16 years. It has been
within the laBt two years that they
occupied their present commodious
TvrH,uBe. ney are uve ousinesa they are both kept busy. Another
meu ua nave oeeu instrumental in feature Is the asentlo . sfctelel. white
NUMBER 37. WIjo is the dentist la
La Grande who gets out of the old
ruts and practices the modern kind of
dentistry? No old time methods,
no old-time prices. To b eup to date
you must find out to whom this sketch
refers. . There Is progesa In every
thing else, why Is it not reasonable
and ethical for charges to come In den
tistry? This dentist is a graduate
of the Philadelphia Dental College.
He has been practicing here four years.
He , makes a specialty of the latest
crown and bridge work. His office
Is fitted with two dental chairs and
NUMBER 24. This cigar ' factory
was established in this city five years
ago. You are to give the name ot the
factory andthe location. You are al
so to give the name of his leading ci
gar, which sells at 10 and 12 1-2 cents
two sizes. If we gave you the name
of this cigar it would reveal the iden
tity. He Also manufactures the C.
B." and the Lord James" 10c cigars
and the "Little H" 5c cigar. You will
And them all the very best values for
the money. Next, time you Una up at
the cigar counter call for them. The
proof of the pudding is in the smok
ing. ' - 1
. ., (';-
drawing lots of trade to this city.
Give the name an dlocatloa of this
company, . . . : s 1
; NUMBER 31. It Is a fact that one
can tell a good liveryman the first
time you djive out la one of his rigs.
There is always something to give the
"slip-shod" man awav before one has
gone a block. -The ;- liveryman in La
Grande who makes, good is wbo? He
has been a practical liveryman : for
many years and has had charge of
thesd stables a half dozen years. He
Knows the business,' thoroughly,
enamel dental furniture, where all
Instruments are sterilized. You will
notice the metal Blgn at the foot of
the ttairway. Give name and loca
tion. ' ,.--'-'v-'-"'
. NUMBER 25. One of the leading you are thinking of makln an Invest
paint and wall paper marta Is put ment. He has lands In large or small
before your Imagination In this little tracts for sale, Improved and unim-
word picture. You will see hit name proved, some splendid bargains- He
placarded all over town, on nearly ev- also does an extensive insurance busi-
ery corner. The city would hardly ness, being agent here for the N. Y.
know how to keep house without the Underwriters, the Concordia, the Cltl-
little receptacles which ha has made zens, the Hamburg-Bremen; the Na-
so prominent. He has been following tlonal and other gilt edge companies,
the painting business heie. for many His name suggests a very dense colon
years. Carries a full line of the Bass-, . , .. ,
Heuter paints for which hi is the sole' NUmBER 33.-Where in this city is
agent in this city. Also rtsa a in wall the piace to get the wet
paper, el s. glass, and painters' sup- g0 .rtgM t0 th, gpot-if y0u know
piles of all kinds. He is a painter and where that Is? The? make i specialty
decorator of exceptional skill. , GIt , of cholce whiskies, bottled inbond.
name and location. , V . - . Ther are 'also the distributors in this
city for
NUMBER 38. Who are the" insur
ance experts of La Grande, and where
will their office be found? . Tbey make
a specialty of fire Insurance, repre
senting 14 of the best companies,
headed by the Home, of New York..
The combined assets of their com- k
panies amount to J129.616.4G0. Thev ' .
his stables he has a department for Insurance business, paying little at
the vehicles and one for the' horses, tention to real estate, -and considerable
And he gives the horses a change at attention to mortgage loans. They !'
night time,- taking them to the base- 'can generally furnish money promptly
ment where they rest their feet on the on good property. They have been
ground, rather than on hard boards, doing business in this city a number
i0.tanAmLi0f thu"at18 18 artV of years. They have an office on the
large American city. You are to give ground floor,
name of the stables, name of propri- , '" "
etor and the location. , , NUMBER 39. 'TIs ' the sweetest
. - . '! ' story ever told. There is always one 1
NUMBER 32 What is the name and .leading candy store in every town of '
location of the' prominent real estate this slzs a place where they manu
man that is always In the market to facture the verv choicest confections
buy and sell Grande Ronde valley ', and ice cream and other frozen daln-
lands? There is. probably no one in, ties. In none of the Oregon towns
this valley better posted on the value ( is there on-, that will excel the one
and adaptability of lands than this which La Grande has to Its credit' '
gentleman. He is one of the best men -You are asked to give the name and
in the whole valley to counsel with if location of this popular place. In
this establishment tiy.e highest skill
is brought to bear to produce the most
edible and delicious products. The
proprietor is thoroughly familiar with
every phase of modern manufacture of
this character. The place Is beauti
fully fitted. 7
NUMBER 14. This Is the last firm
rou wnt to see. the first one you will
NUMBER 6. Among people of In- Imfr for, whpn you have need of thernd lorwtlon.
t n A UiijIw.I.a. WX M .V
NUMBER 26-Where do you find the WhWTU7. r"" . . JX.':. f"
best kitchen , cabinets, the Gunn sec- the 0verIand beer. . Both brandr In
tlonal door cases, tne park win vei- wh
writers, umbrellas, guns. locks. makeaW carpets, and many other line f a soeclaltv of famiivrali nn LXJll
most excellent house furnishings. qBOrg an! haTe a,,ar va,et ,
This house had its beginning under imported and domest wines. A verv
the name of one of ) the, present firm flne bar conducted alg0 an 1
seven years ago. It is on a corner and serve excellent lunches on the side,
has 60 feet of frontage. It covers one Co,d ,unche, at f Give the
floor and a balcony, two departments, name and location
two entrances. They carry a complete ,,. 4 , ' ,-- , .
line of furniture, carpets, linoleums. vr'Mnn-o Tv ' , V
lace curtains, portieres, couch covers, .,sBtR 34 This new variety
etc. They make very close prices and "or kc "Pin length what it lacks
command a large and growing trade. 1 tn .wn Jou th,nk of 8ome
You are to give the name and location ?rtlfi.y??.ha.r1l3.kno.w where t0 turn
of this firm - . . this is the place that should
vuur huw nnuo. it is tne one nlace
NUMBER 40 This Drug Store bears
the name of a king, v, The "King refers ,
to a certain line of remedies for which
this store has the exclusive agency
in this city. These remedies have a
national reputation, being the result'
of 'latest discoveries and long ex
perience In . medical science" a dif
ferent 'remedy for each ailment, not
one remedy for all. You are to give
the name of these remedks, and also
the name and location of this store.
You will find everything In the wa.
of drugs and druggists sundries here. :
It is the store that has been located -bere
12 year. - it Is the store, where "
they have the large soda fountain, the
Pickard band-painted china and the
Rlcksecker Toilet line. :
NUMBER 20. "If you have beauty,
come, I'll take it; If you have none,
come, I'll make It." This is the incen
tive offered by a certain leading photo
studio in this city. And it goes with
out saying that 'n threshold Is cross,
ed by hundreds of the smart set, and
other sets,, as the days go by. This
studio has been a fixture In this city
for a period of years. The class of
work turned out Is of a very high
grade. Portraits are th: specialty,
and they are produced In the highest
style known to the art, all styles, and tistry,
is on the ground floor.
NUMBER 27. In every branch of " ihe!'y whe" you can bunch all
science there is progress but in none i"0",- ''J.16 notions and get them for
has there been greater progress than. prIce tnat w't lea more money in
In the treatment of the diseases ot an
NUMBER 41 The real estate man
looketh upon the country with glory
and setteth the world to 'thlnkln.
Here is one of 'them who has been
boosting for La Grande and the Grande '
Ronde valley for many years In var- ,
lous and sundry capacities. He is -"the
one realty man in town who has
no property of his own for sale, nd
does business on a strictly 5 per cent
basis." ' . It Is a cold day, and very
imals. This number is to represent a
vniir ' huraA than 9 .m ..... -1
where whnri thv .ri-v tl, ia. wet, wn:n ne nas not a lew cnoice
wDere unere. tney rcarry the regular h',na , rtt- Mnnrtv a.,H tormin
" ",v7"v"! - line. You pwtinnt . ,. or, .i, i uargains in city property ana tanning
ye erlnary surgeon who has been lo-. neJ Jou cannot 0e enJ lands with which tto Interest the lo
cated here four years, and who prac J nylD r'.h1 to lnvest 119
tices vaccination, sureery and den-1 ien 8" "ew. "Rht from the fac- ,un flrft inBlirniir(, hnff th
mi ii'H nnv n r-ta rnuninvii rti t m
....,vv. ,J MID IMM J T. VI CJVJ V UU I dll
He Is a graduate of the Ohio
7. - r:: thm , nere ior ine AiunancQ ana mv
i. ii naa b very suoBianiitti ouuu-: ciaie university. He treats' norses, -- ;, ,ij vu winianmhiire' Vlre Insnranra romnan
In a scenic location. The sturY' cattle and dogs. He has had splen- count an are worth much more rJl"1!'. r.B"r.anc.B.c.omPaJi
Give the name did success and his services are In de
mand nil ovr the vallev. He- Is a
than they bring here sell for more In
the regular way, Give the name and
(Continued on Page Rtghtl
Ttere W&. si Clue to