PAGE 8 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, VONESDAY, APRIL 12, 1911. ; STEfJCH DB 2WD EIEW STflLLlOw RELIEVED BOARD SITS SECOD STREET ASD X AYEXUE BOTH GET BELIEF. High School Sewage Jfo Longer Reach, en Street Belief on Second. ... Unsanitary conditions In West La Grande brought about by flagrant vio lations of rules of sanitation by resi dents on Second street who allowed sewage to be carried to the surface of the, street pending the completion of the' sewer project, and also on N ave nue where , sewage from the high school seeped out to the N avenue ditch and during school days made a small stream down as far as Eighth or Ninth streets, will be remedied Im mediately. Property owners on Sec ond street are complying with the mandates of the city officials that the practice cjf the past week or two be dropped Immediately, and the school mmiU Ui'i:? ""'" the unsanitary conditions along N ave nue. The school board has ordered a . cess pool dug at once and It will re tain this sewage until the sewer Is completed. The condition arose be- , cause the sewage from the new school building overtaxed the capacity of Ithe cess pool used to retain the bid build- . lag's sewage. MEETING HELP IS CQRVALLIS THIS MOKMMi All Stallions Throughout the Most Be Registered. State .i ii iiW li OUT P " ' - - . ,l,l.--- GOOD MEDALS ' Corvall, Ore.," April 12. (Special. The new stallion re-?;ntration board created by the lecent legislature met at the Oregon Agrcalturil college to organize and plan iln campaign for the betterment of .rse breeding In Oregon., , The boari Includes J. II. Booth of Roseburg. president of the state board of agriculture-; V. H. Ly tle of Pendleton', stole veterinarian; Dr. James Wlthecombe, director of the Oregon experiment station; and Prof. E. L. Potter of the 0. A. C. animal husbandry department, who was elect ed secretary. The work of registering the stallions so that thoe who use them may know I definitely, whether , their colts will be Dure bred, cross bred or "scruim," will be begun at, once, and the board Is preparing to Issue such licenses Im mediately, as the law goes Into effect the last day of May. It Is a notable fact that the text oi the stallion law was drawn by the stu dents of the college department of an imal husbandry; an indication of the truly practical nature of the Instruc tion given. ' , for Union COUNT! TRACK AD HELD MEET HERE SOON. Excellent Prises In Way of High Pric ed jucunl New Assured. Business men yesterday contributed freely, as they always do, to. the pur chase of splendid gol.'l and silver med als to be donated to the winners of events In the Union county track and field meet to be held here soon. The date Is fixed early so that the meet can be gotten out of the way in time to al low the athletes to rest up. for the Citation. . In the County Court, County, State of Oregon. In the matter of the Estate of Ellas Balr, Deceased. To Harry Balr, Law rence Balr, and. to all unknown heirs ofths above named decedent, greet ing: ; , ' . ; In the name of the State of Oregon You are hereby 'cited and required to appear In the County Court of tho State of Oregon, 'or. the County of Unlon at the court torn thereof, at La Grande, In the County of Union, on Tuesday, the 2d day of May, 1911, at 1Q o'clock. In the forenoon of that day, then 1 and there , to show cause. If any you have, why an order of sale should not be made, directing the, administrator of said estate to sell lets 5, 6, 7, and 8, In blork 5. and lots 12 3 and 4, In block 12, Sterling's Ad dition to the town of Islan" City, Ore gen, or bo much thereof as may be big meets that are to follow In rapid necessary, to pay the debts and claims succession. - ." -against said estate, It ! planned to again holdhe meet Witness, the Hon. J. C. Henry, Judge in the rear of the school building" of the County Court of the State of where It was so successfully held last Oregon, Court for the County of Union year when La Grande won the Eastern with the seal of said affixed this 24th Oregon championship. The site Is day of March, 1911. , close to the center of town and very Attest: Ed. Wright, Clerk, convenient to everyone. ' Wkly -Mar. 81. Apr. 7. 14 21. 28. WE'VE GATHERED ALL THE WANTED THINGS in an interesting collection for the season. Do not; wait until Saturday to select your Easter liweannff apparel; come tomorrow early and take your time to select your choice. You will find here, FIT FASH ION AND FANCY, all in one. This is a combination that never fails to win - , - ' WE CAN PLEASE YOU FROM HEAD TO FOOT. New Goods Daily By the Fsst Express THE FAIR Don't Fail to Take i, 1 Advantage of TKese Prices I would rather be busy all the time and make smaller profits from each lndividuafpatlent so people in all sta tions of life can patronize me than charge prohibitive prices. 0, :; : m want glasses that are easy and com fortable to wear. REMEMBER Only' first quality of lenses used In ell his fittings, and all frames guar anteed 12 K. G. F. L.t Dr. Keating fit you. If you $2.50 0'T PAY MORE. Lenses In your own frames, $3.00 and 13.50. . Aluminum rim frames completes. ?3, $3.50 and $4.00. 12 K. G. F. rim frames complete, $5.00 and $6.00. 12 K. G. F, rimless with bows com plete, only $7.00. 12 K. G. F. ye glasses rimless com plete, only $8.00. Don't fall to take advantage of these prices. , -DR. IV. II. KEATING Oittometrlst. Now at the Sommer hotel, rooms S. Office hours: 1 p. m. until 6 p. m. Notice of Flnnl Settlement. Notice Is hereby given, that the un dersigned administrator of the estate of Katherlne Balr, deceased, has filed his final account and the County Court of Union County has set the 2nd day of May. 1911, at 10 o'clock A. M., at 3 If You Appreciate Goods of Character, Refinement and Good Taste If you appreciate QUALITY FIRST and price afterwards, if you are looking for the BEST THINGS in life if these are the things that count with you, you are sure to enjoy seeing the stylish new goods now being shown here. And what is more, you will enjoy wearing them too, for you will know that nowhere could you go and get newer styles or better qualities than here. ! .-. ; - , There are many stores that sell Cheaper goods than we do, but there are few stores that sell bet ter goods than we do, and there are no stores that give more value for the money than we do. THIS IS THE STORE THAT'S BUILT ON QUALITY. : We sell goods of quality to people of quality, people who realize the importance of quality above that of cheapness We hope to be favored with your business this spring. If we are, rest assured, we'll try to serve you so well that your future patronage will be given to this store. ' V COMtlfiHT W i J I"- irr-'Hlif'-'11" ' T 33 (3DNEV SCGBANTdDN The Store That Satisfies. 8 4l the Court room of said Court at La Grande, Oregon, as the time and place for the hearing and settling of said final account and ordering the distrib ution of eald estate. Dated at La Grande, Oregon, this 23rd day of March 1911. . J. W. MORELOCK, Administrator of the Estate of Kath erlne Balr, Deceased. COCHRAN & COCHRAN, Attorneys for Administrator. Wk Mch 31, Apr. 7, 14, 21, 28. Notice, of Street Improvement. To whom it may concern: Notice Is hereby given that In pursuance of a resolution adopted by the common council of thi city of La Grande, Ore gon, on the 1st day of December, 1909, creating Improvement district No. 9 and designating Fourth street as such district, and in pursuance of a resolu tion adopted by said common council on the first day of February, 1911, whereby said council determined and declared its Intention to Improve all that portion of Fourth street, In said Improvement district as hereinarter described by laying thereon maca dam, the council will, ten days after the service of this notice upon the owners of the property affected and benefitted by such Improvement, or der that said above described im provement be made; that the boun daries of said district to be so lm proed are as follows: All that portion or Fourtn street, from the south side of O venue, to the north side of C avenue. , (A) And the property affected or; benefitted by said Improvement Is as follows: All the property between ; the west line of Fourth street and a line drawn from O avenue, ; south through the center of blocks 74, 75, and the block used by school district No. 1, and block 88, 89 and 96, Chap lin's addition and block 11, 10 and 1, Arnolds & Drays addition and blocks ' 5 and 4, Arnolds addition and block 4-B-8t. original town of La Grande r. and all the property between the east line of Fourth street and the west line of Fifth street, including all of blocks 59, 68, 51, 60. 41, 40; 31; 30; 21; 20; 11 and 10, Chaplin's addition, all be- ,' ing in the city of La Grande, Union county, Oregon. Notice is hereby further given that thecouncil will levy a special assess ment on all the property affected and benefitted by such improvement for the purpose of paying for, such Im provement. That the estimated cost of Buch improvement is the sum of $15,070.00. That the council will on the 19th day of April, 1911, meet at the council chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock 'p. m., to consider said esti mated cost, and the levy of said as sessment, when a hearing will be granted to any person feeling ag grieved by such assessment. La Grande. Oregon. April 7th, 1911. CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE, OREGON. By C. M. HUMPHREYS. Recorder of the City of La Grande, - Oregon. Ap. 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19. A. I m i iiyiwwiyyww'y y njpwy 'y "'.' I, ' V 1 .r, in w'li'KMW't i iHiiimiiii" . ' i " 1 1 n 'ii niin.i.1,1 i.i 4mm i . i in. ii i i;i in ')in i Mi iii i M' mil I' m in il L- "" a , r- : - -n I 1 m i ii mm i i i in ii mm iiiniim ! , ,, J I Make3 Home Baking Easy Royal Baking Powder helps the housewife to produce at home, quickly and economically, fine and tasty cake, hot biscuit, puddingy the frosted layer cake, crisp cookies, crullers, crusts and mufDns, fresh, dean, tasty, and wholesome, with which the ready-made food found at the shop or grocery does not com pare. Royal is the greatest of hake-day helps. ROYAL COOK BOOK 800 MOTPTS FETE Send Namt and Address ovm ! rowoi co tw von.