PAGE 6 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, 9 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 1911. . . : : ' . i ; . Contest Opens at Once mm i Mil fa Contest Closer May 27 CONDUCTED BY THE Wee! eeioy Summer Triras and Other Educational Prizes to to the Enterprising Candidates who Gather the ANYONE MAY COMPETE Be Given Awav ... . oiGOif ram m ii yiioc:Mt ijsice DISTRICT NO. 1 La Grande, city only. n n 0 psmaiid am race Conditions and General Informaiton. , Any respectable person over 12 years of age is eligible to enter this contest - ' . ',: ' The contest manager reserves the right to reject any nominations, and all candidates must abide by the rules of the contest. No employe of the Observer" is elig ible to enter this contest and every candidate will be given the same ad vice and assistance from the news paper, Votes will be issued , on renewals and paid-in-advance subscriptions. A coupon and nomination blank will clso be published In the Observer, which will count, for i the number of votes specified thereon. ' " The first thing to dp Is to enter your name as a candidate. Then dther call, write or phone tho Observer office for a receipt book with which to secure subscriptions. , Then let your friends know you are in the contest, and request them to save their votes for you. ! Candidates may nominate themselves or may be nominated by their friends.. Votes will be allowed on subscrip tions secured anywhere In the world. Votes not transferable.: Any question which may arise will be settled by the Observer, aud its de cision will be final. ; Send in Tonr Nomination. ' You will find a nomination blank In this paper. It Is good for 1,000 voteB, which give you a fine start. Then enlist the aid of your friends and neighbors. Use your telephone. Let everyone know that you are a candidate before they promise their help to a more enterprising contestant.;-"' v:l.;' , Be ambitious and determined to win. If you have friends you can not see at once, write them. : , ' Votes will be given on both new and old subscription payments. ' Call Or Bend to the Observer office for a receipt hook, The contest mana ger will be glad to have you call so ; that he can explain details and five you helpful plans. Telephone or write if you cannot call and a representative will give you full details in person or In letter. ' , . . Secure every coupon and nomination blank as soon as you can, as they all count. But work for the votes Issued by payments on subscription, for they count the roost Ask Ton Friends to Help Ton. ' . if you belong to a society, church or any organization,- let your fellow members know that you txpect their 1 Four Trips to Portland Rose Festival. DISTRICT NO. 2- Union County, La Four Trips to Portland Rose ' Grande Excepted Festival. DISTRICT NO. 3.-Wall6wa County, Pine Three Trips to Portland Rose Valley, Eagle Valley Festival. ' : ' V ' '' . '" ' ' " ' '- ' " ' ' ' . r . ,-. , ' ' . , Free-For-All Prizes Regardless of Districts. Four Tours of Columbia River arid Seaside Resorts These are extensions of the trip to the Portland Rose Festival and include all expenses. If winners de sire the newspaper will appoint an experienced guide to personally conduct this party. .The candidates need take no money in their pockets from the time they leave home until they return. They will be guests of this newspaper. Three Ocean Voyages to San Francisco These are extensions of the trips to the Portland Rose Festival. The ocean trip to San Francisco in the summer is a delightful experience. Trips Include Transportation by rail and steamboat, berths, meals and hotel accommodations, box parties at the great Heilig theatre, tour through Portland, vaudeville theatres, electric car trips to all points of interest and amusement in and about Portland. ' Lessons In Music Business College Scholarships Or tuition in Whitman college or some other convenient school of higher education. v One correspond ence course in music, one correspondence course in the I. C. S. or some other approved system of home study: help. It wilt be given freely If you only ask before it Is given to some other contestant. Don't forget that children can do the most effectiv; work in collecting coupons aud nomination blanks, as well as secure you many subscriptions. Should you father, mother, brother, sister, or friend belong to an organi sation, get them to secure the votes and assistance of the members. Do not let a day pass by without securing some subscriptions and votes. The steady, persistent dally work Is what will win you the prize. Keeplni? everlastingly at it is what brings sue- cess. ' Anyone, anywhere, can vote for any candidate. Candidates, can secure votes anywhere. These valuable prizes will be won by someone. Why not by you? ' It Is easier to ask questions than to correct mistakes. Don't hesitate to ask questions. The contest manager is at the Observer office to help you. , Telephone Main 13. Ion Can Easily Win a Prize. For every payment made In sub scription; on and after April 1, a vote ' certificate Is issued. You can circu late among the patrons of the Obserr-. er and gather up these certificates. Tour Frieilds Will Help Ton. 1 Hundreds of people will have no personal friends in the contest. Ton can secure their friendship and sub scriptions IF TOU ONLY ASK THEM. They, will 'also secure votes for you FBOM THEIR FRIENDS. A little organizing among your friends for systematic work in your Interest will go a long way toward making you a winner of one of the trips or other prizes. Increase Tonr Vote Each Day. . Don't lose a single day. Get some subscriptions each day. That is the way to win out. Get a receipt book and start at once. Distribution of Prizes. To insure a Just distribution of priz es over the field of this newspaper, the territory has been divided Into three districts. Certain prizes are allotted each district. Candidates within a district compete with one another. For certain prizes the districts may com pete against one another. But in the main the competition is wlthii the districts themselves. To the Pojjtjand Rose Festival, be ginning June'&i the highest candidates in ach district will be taken as fol lows:. Four from the city of La Grande; four from Union county outside of La Grande; three from Wallowa county, Pine and Eagle valley. Free for All. The three winning candidates who,.' at the end of the contest have the most votes, may extend their trips to San Francisco, as guests of this newspa per. The next four winning candidates, who, at the end of the contest, raige in numerical order in standing , in votes, may extend their, trips to sea 'side or Columbia ' river summer' re sorts. In lieu of the trips, scholarships In muBic and in schools may be select ed. Before the end of the contest a list of such optional or exchange priz es will be announced. Prizes may be added as the contest proceeds and as tha number of candidates multiplies, to the end that a proper proportion of alt those who actively compete may receive prizes. , JlensurcH: nt ol SubNcrtptloas. ' I..-. ..ihMi'K; ihe relative standing or contestants. sul- rui ,.v.v.-- --- - , , v by payliiK arrears or by ;,..r(lrt ia h.-ni.rver are Uicasuuu oui mo voie. iu mi i:uiu a vl xt. ------ paying i rreara, In blank advance for the and eon- . nv tA anhHcriDcrs as weu u ne. in snvnnpn iir f. ui I'njiUR ww . iMiin th candidates. A ' .". . ' .!-. . nn nrrnilllt Clt A tlllVMPIlt tin Hlltl. BVcCrttiuen inavor8 of IddSTt. to prisUo .VW, of tot- IZtX0ot arrears payments on the U Grande Evening Obsmer for more than one year Rive a premium of 3X0U tva yotos or i? Hi n riald- on the Wtekly Observer a premium of 1.000 extra votes T vear so iaW. The premium Is the same whether the suusvrlbr !s f?rr The 3 000 votes for each extra year paid on the Evening Observer SSftVlU5ffor each extra year paid on the Wekel pbjemr are in scrlption to the Observer, gives 1,000 votes, In addition to the votes1 earned by the money applied to the Observer. Any payment made to a contestant by a person now taking the Observer exetnds the subscription from the date to which the subscriber was paid before the transaction with the contestant; Yotlnir Power of Subscriptions for the- Evening Observer. TIME By Carrier in I By Mall In VOTES ' La Grande United States ALLOWKD One year 7.00.. 4.00 !... C000 Six months , 3.B0 ...,2.00 ! ....2500 Three Months ... 1.75 1.00...... ., Jioo One Month 63.. 63 1..... 150 One Wet'k 13; lrt Voting Fower of Subscriptions for the Weekly Obserrer. be li GrMdi EveninK or Weekly Observer, when paid with a yearly sub- alt Month .-y-y, . s)W 400 NOMINATE A CANDIDATE. Nomination Blank1000 Votes ' THE OBSERVER CIRCULATION CONTEST I nominate ' Address ...M... District No. . H....rZZ Phone No. .. : JIHIl. Only the first nomination blank counts 1000 votes each subsequent blank 1 vote. Names of people mak ing nomination will not be divulged. Cut Out Around Border.