PAGE 8 LA GRAOTE EVENING OBSERVER, MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1911- rJBLEU ID 1 Pirin nnimnrn mm m HIGH SCHOOL WILL BE STANDARD IX THREE YEARS' TIME Building to Be Constructed to House . Xefdrd Classes Js'ext Year. Addition of another standard high school to Union County's educatonal facilities, was made possible at Imbler Saturday afternoon, when the tax payers of Vtf.i district expressed their determination to build a concrete or four-room brick school bouse 'on a sew site and continue to add grades until the full four-year course ' Is taught. As the schools there teach but the ninth grade at present, It will re quire three years to attain the ambi tion of the taxpayers which was ex posed at a meeting he!d for that purpose. The steps to Be taken to car ry out this desire are merely to hold, a formal special election at a nearby date and authorize the expenditure of the needed sum of 'money. - Wti tM 4 4 am maiI mmA mAtwtaA Is to build a structure such as can be added to with little expense. The ten grades will be taught, commencing next year and as the class advances the school district will add facilities and will nrlng the school up to the standard when the present freshman Cass graduates. , ; The feeling for a new structure was unanimous and the vote will show a huge majority in favor of the build ing. , ,v,- v ', ";.':;' Plans will be submitted to an archi tect at once. The cost has not been determined but the amount so expend ed will be suftlclent to meet the needs. tilla project at Hermiston, . Oregon. Some of the Items range as low as 11.50, and for each separate Item an elaborate receipt, fully describing thi land by technical . legal sub-divisions I Is required to be Issued. At the close of business Saturday night, the decks had been cleared of everything receiv ed a: the office up to three o'clock taat afternoon and receipts for every cent of moaey received up to closing time were mailed. The reports for the Month of March showed retlpts as follows: rees and commisisons, $580.20; sales of public land3, $2755. S3; Umatilla . Indian lands, 607.44 ; water right charges, 41 4. 383.74; receipts toot deposited to. credit of treasurer of United Statea $1368.49. . ..For the month of March there were received and filed 60 homestead appli cations, i desert applications, 2 tim ber and stone applications,, 20 , water right applications, 20 Isolated tract applications 29 homestead proofs, 11 desert proofs and one timber and stone proof. Twenty-two entries were relinquished during the month. There were mailed 1974 letters, 590 of which were letters answering com munications from the public alone. These letters do not include letters containing only a pamphlet or circu lar. ; 'C. I 'y - Th tnrm nt th titnil nfflCA at nrwi ent Is: J?'. C. Bramwell, register; Colon: RV Eberhard, receiver; Geo. Carpy, clerk; Hugh T, I(inne, stenog rapher and typewriter, the latter two being civil service employes. BIG VOLUME OF BUSK GOOD PROGRAM TOMORROW. LAM) OFFICE FORCE SYSTEMAT , IZED TO HIGHEST DEGREE Detailed program to be Carried Out Tomorrowbjr Mustcalc. , Mrs. J. F, Corbett and Miss Little, the leaders at tomorrow's Tuesday Muslcale meeting, have announced the complete program for the study of C. B. Hawley and Jessie L. Gaynor, the American Composers nd the numbers follow: Paper C. B. Hawley, Mrs. Scrogglns Song "In a Garden" C. B, Hawley ..... Mrs. Sllverthorn Song "Sweetheart" C. B. Hawley I . .......... , . . Mrs.' Blrnle "When I was wl My Dearie," C B. Hawley .... Mrs. Louie Magulre Paper Jessie L. Gaynor . . . . ... . ' . . . . . ... .Mrs. Irwin. Song "Japanese Maiden" Jessie ; L C aynor .Miss Little Business Done Last Week Reaches to Many Thousands. , The local land office on Saturday closed the week's 'work with a record of business transacted 'that will be surprising to many. A mere summary of the work done the first seven work days of April will give an idea of the splendid organization Register Bram well and "SBceiver Eberhard have created, and the capabilities of the force when working under pressure. "With only two aslsstants, the local of ficers have In that time received and allowed 12 homestead filings, 4 recla matlon homesteads, 4 timber DAISIES MEET DEFEAT. Muiaudcrs Take' Game From Hereto fore. Chumps, the Daisy Cadets. A baseball game of importance to the Juvenile teams was played Satur day afternoon when the Daisy Cadets were defeated for the first time this Spring. The viators were the Maurau ders, a team of about the same age and slzo. The final score was 13 to 6, and these boys figured In the game: ' Daisy Cadets Melville and Hun lock, p; O, Johnson, c; C. Bay, 1st b; an(j Andrews, 2b; C. Brooks, 3b; Melville, stone applications and 3 Umatilla In-!"' Ken,),aa' : - "acae. ii. illan mini Twi.iv. ,nn,e.aA nn,.tJ Marauders Johnson and Palmer, - o w 4v a i uu y VJ9 have ben filed, four of which were tak en In the office. During the same per iod, there has oeen received and re ceipted tor $33,533.05 on account of water right charges due th govern ment from entrymen upon the Ulna rs Home Made le Butter p:'V. Thornton, c; S. Pierce, as; H. Newton, lb; G. McDonald, 2b; O. Pal mer, 3b; P. Massee, rf; T. Myers, cf; P. Jones, If. App mm The Kind that Mother Used to Make VEGETABLES Lettuce, Aspara gus, Cauliflower, Horse (Radish, Rhubarb, Spinach Green Onions. French Cleaner Arrives. A machine known as the French Dry Cleaner, used by the up-to-date shops in metropolitan cities, has been received and Installed by . tbe Elite Cleaning ft Dye Works. The machine is up to the minute In every partlcu lar. ;Y0Ur Easter fi Xli-f Five More Days Until Easter--You will ) UM il HAVE TO GET BUSY - l PETER SHOE Your Easter Suit is very important this season of the year; in fact, you cannot get along without a natty suit. A large new f.-crtment. ' Your Easter Dress T. ve gowned right you must see our beautiful line of Haw dresses in Foulards, Messalines, Shallies, Pon- gees and many other makes, v Your Easter Hat We have just received a new assortment of the new-.-est kind. You will be pleased to see them. , Your Easter Gloves v Kayser Gloves, brand Hew in nine,' 12 and 16 inch Silk uioves. considered the best una manutactured. Your Easter Shoe The latest in shoe of all kinds. You will find here vel vet sandals, tan oxfords, patent sandals. ; HOSIERY TO MATCH. Your hose should match your shoes. MONARCH hosiery fills' the bill exactly:;; O ''" ' . X5J5S.' CFH1RFH J Th eFair J. W. LOUGHLIN, M. D. Drs. Richardson ft Loughlln, v Physicians and Surgeons, Phones Office Black 1362; Ind. 353. Office Hours 9 to 11; 2 to 5; 7 to 8. Dr. Richardson's Res. Mala C5; Ind. 312, . Dr. Loughlln 's res. Main 757: Ind. 1297. istrator, properly verified, within six months from the date hereof. ; 1 Summons. I Balr' eceaae(' To arry Ba'r' aw"' in me circuit uouri of me staie oi rence cair. ana to au unanown neirs &.UUUKAS3, iOreeon for Union Countv. DR. H. L. UNDERWOOD-Physlcian and Surgeon. Special attention to diseases and surgery of the eye. Phones: Office Main 22; Resi denceMain 72&. Ind. 631. FIRST practice: held. Due to Diaagm-1W Weather Sqimd Yesterday Was Small. Yesterday; was a disagreeable day for ball playe and the size of the sctuad out tor the first practice for tbe plrces on the La Grande team was mall. but what were out enjoyed a good workout. New faces Indicating good talent were included in those on tbe grounds. - i! RoyalGrocery H.Patti$on, Prop. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. V. fni.TTOU M. - Phvslcin Surgeon. Corner Adams Ave. an J Depot street Office, Main 68; Resl- A. L. RICHARDSON; M. D. H. UPTON, Ph. G. M. D. Physician and surgeon. Special attention to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office In La Grande National Bank Build ing. Phones: Office Main 2, Resi deuce Mala 32. ' v Administrator of the Estate of Marie Orange McOmber,' Plaintiff, vs. Sa B. Snodgrass, Deceased. s die McOmber, Defendant. Ply Ap. 4-11-18-25, May 2. , To Sadle McOmber, the above named ' ' " - i defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are required to ippear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and suit on or before the expiration of the time pre scribed in the order directing the pub lication thereef, towlt: Six consecu- From the Middle and Eastern portions tive weeks from the date of the first of the : United States and Canada to J publication of this summons, which Is OREGON, WASHINKTOK, AND THE Marcn 31 1911 an1 ,f you fal1 t0 aP" NORTHWEST paar. .answer or othei wise plead with- COLONIST FARES JEO. W. ZIMMERMAN OsteopatA Physician. Sommer Bldg., Rooms 7, ' 8, and 10. Phoaes: Home 1332, : Pacific, Main 63, Residence phone, Black b51. Successor to Dr. C. E. Moore. J. a PRICE. D. M. !. Dentist Room 23. La Grande National Bank Build tng. Phone Black 399. DR. P. A. CHARLTON .Veterinary Sur geon. Office at Hill's Drug Store La Grande. Residence phone, R 701; Office phone. Black 1361; Inde pendent phone 63; both phones si residence. ATTORNEYS AT tAW. COCHRAN ft COCHRAN Attorneys: Chas. E. Cochran and Geo. T. Coch ran. L Grande National . Bank Bldg.. La Grande, Oregon. T. H. CRAWFORD Attorney at Law. Practices In al lthe courts of tbs State and United States. Office In La Grande Nuiiuuai bans Bldg., La Grande, OregMi. A will prevail DAILY ' . MARCH 10th to APRIL 10th over the Oregon-Washington R&ilroad& Navigation. Co, and connections, the Oregon Short Line, Union Paelfie and , Chleage Iforthwesteni i . From Chicago at 93X00 St Lonls at .$2249 Omaha at ..$2340 Kansas City at ................. 125.00 St Paal at ttM and frcm other cities eorrespendlngli low. , , ; :. You ean PREPAY Fares Tbe Colonists fare are westbound only, hat If you have relat lives or friends or employees In the east whom you desire to bring to this state yoi can deposit the value of the fare with your local railroad agent, and an order for a ticket will be telegraphed to any address desired. Let the WORLD Enow Of our vost resources and. splendid op- in the said time, plaintiff will ask the Court for the relief demanded in the Complaint, to-wit: for a decree dis solving the bonds of matrimony here tofore and now existing between said plaintiff and defendant, and awarding said plaintiff an absolute decree of divorce. By virtue of an order of the Honor able J. W. Knowles, Judge of the above entitled court, this summons Is pub lished in the La Grande Weekly Ob server, a weekly newspaper printed and published at La Grande. Union County, Oregon, which said order was made and entered on the 80th day of March, 1911. COCHRAN ft COCHRAN. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Wk.-Mar 31, Ap. 7:H-21-28- May 5-12 Citation. In the County Court, for Union County, State of Oregon. . In the matter of the Estate of Ellas of ths above named decedent, greet-" lng: In the name of-the State of Oregon, You are hereby cited and required to appear in , the County. Court of tho State , of Oregon, 'or the County of Union, at the court oom thereof at La Grande, In the County of Union, on Tuesday, the 2d day of May, "1911, at 10 o'clock, In ths forenoon of ihat day, then and there to show cause, If any you have, why an order of sale should not be made, directing the administrator of Bald estate to Bell lets 5, 6, T, and 8, In blok 5, and lots 12 3 and 4, In block 12, Sterling's Ad dition to the town of Island City, Ore gon, or , so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the debts and claims against said estate. Witness, the Hon. J. C. Henry, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, Court for thjf County of Union, with the seal of said affixed this 24th day of March, 1911. Attest: Ed. Wright, Clerk. Wkly Mar. 31. Apr. 7, 14 21, 28. Piles Cur dd In to 14 Days. PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to core any case of Itching, Blind. Bleed ing or Protruding Pile In C to 14 days or money refunded. 50c. . Take LAXATIVE BROMO pulnlne tablets.' Druggists refund money If It fails to cure. E. W. GROVES slg-. nature on each box. 25c O. W. C. NELSON Mlnina Engineer i portunltlea for Dakar Ctv, Oregon. , , HOME WILDING Call on the undersigned for good Administrator's Notice. Instructive natter to send East or Notice Is hereby given to all whonij give him the address of those to whom It may concern', that James G., would like to have such matter jrrnss has been appointed admlnlstra-' gent tor of the estate of Marie B. SnoV grass, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby ( notified to present them to the admin-, t WM McMTRRAY General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon. That's What They All Say SamQ It's Good For What Ails You