LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1911. PAGE 5 i?Ony" Hosiery If you. Have never ; worn 'ONXY' HOSIERY you Have missed wearing the best on the market. Buy your Easter Hosiery here and be convinced. 3 1 1 1 -I ft 11 8 i ff Our stock is H Complete, in . Silks, Silk Lisles and Cottons in all the new shades and colors, at prices , from ' ' 25c to $1.25. Men's Silk Socks at 50c " Ladies' Silk Hose at 75c Also complete line of Infants' and Children's Hose. L. J. FRENCH Shoe Company THEATRE PROGRAM Aprtl J and 8. Love and the Stock Market... ..................... Edison A thrilling story full of Inter esting situation. . Her Adopted Father ... Selij A quaint "ttory of the home. Oh, You Kids Pathe This is the picture that Judge Llndsey of Denver refers to in one of his lectures. These kid 3 are lively, , to say, the least. , ( . . ,:,;'. Illustrated son "Pansies Mean Thoughts and Thoughts Mean 'You.". V -V'v Miss Nellie Garrlck... Matinees Mr.' C. P. ' Ferrin'. T . . evenings That new stock of wall paper has arrived at W. H. Bohnenkamp and company's. Let them, snow you the line. . f , ' . 3-27-tf 25a i in r nisi Cash paid for egs Blue Mountain Creamery company. 4-4-tf A few pretty spring and summer shopping bags just from the factory today by express at Sllverthornes. ; .-. 4-6-tf For sewer pipe call Fowler's Trans- fer office. . , A lare stock of wall paper Just ar rived at W. II. Bohnenkamp & com pany, which contains the very latest designs. Call and see us before buy Mch 27-tf r Anyone wishing horses clipped come to Kertly barn. Ice Cream Social. The Mission band of the Presbyter ian church will give an Ice cream so cial at the home of Miss Lela Cole on 2008 Third street on Friday evening, April 7, from 7:30 o'clock until 10, A good program is prepared. Everyone is cordially 'invited. ' , , Those pretty new spring shopping bags at Silverthorne's are very rea sonable in price." 4-6tf Are You Well Groomed? How manv times you M have seen a well-eroom- & ed person with but one jl If n j 1. a .... if w uaw anu buuu a uaw as t to entirelv offset every a thing else, a shower of i i TTriTTtiTi .. a.. -J it it UAaxjavzi: uu tueu g shoulders.-This is tirely unnecessary. Blue Mountain Dand- if n . . r it run Pomade id guaran teed to cure ine worst form of dandruff; if it fails your money will be g b 3 i cneenuuy reiunaea. en- Price 50c. ; Wright Drug Co. 1 1 O O & O O o $ t'fKSOXALS. C, B. Paddock of Portland was at the Foley last night. .'.' F. K. Lowry Is here from Portland stopping at the Foley. , R. J. Kirkwood with the Columbia Life, is at the Foley, from Portland.; E. J. Hynes of Seattle is aFoley guest.1 - . v t. ; N. A. Cinkling is here from Elgin on business matters. , S. C. Weaver is in La Grande from Elgin this afternoon. ' Mrs.:C. A. Ault of Enterprise regis tered at the Savoy last night. Mrs. E, Jameson of Baker is a Sa voy hotel guest this afternoon. 8. P. Shutt, editor of the Joseph Herald, accompanied by his wife, are at the Savoy this afternoon. , Mrs. F. W. Boyd and Mrs. Juset of Palmer Junction are registered at the Savoy today,' ; K. E.. Anderson, the Seattle sales lady, was In the city last night, regis- terlng at the Foley. Ed .Propeck returned to the Biaver Creek intake this morning after spend ing a short time in the city.' Jack Nathey, of Nye, Umatilla coun ty, was a business visitor in the land office this morning. ' Mrs. Wilkinson of South La Grande is tha recipient of a fine box of Cali fornia oranges Bent to her by her son. The fruit is especially luscious. - -Tom Wheelwright and wife of Ba ker passed through the city this morn ing on their way to Elgin on business matters. . .- " . . The oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Hen ry French la quite seriously ill with pneumonia at the family residence in South La Grande. Wl R. Hamilton,' who has been crit ically ill for some time Bhows sl sht signs of improvement today, though his condition is still very precarious. Lester Stoddard, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Stoddard, who has been pain ed with a broken arm for the past week, is rapidly recovering. J. L. Neil, representing M. H. Hou ser, wholesale feed and grain dealer of Colfax, Wn., is at the Foley today while1 transacting business here. C. II. Green, a commercial man of Spokane, went out to Lostine this morning and will return to the Foley tomorrow.. - F. E. Heatherlng, formerly with the planing mill at Perry, but now rep resenting Berlin planers, with head quarters at Baker, Is at the Foley. Mrs. Ida Osbourn of Union was op erated upon yesterday evening at the Grande Ronde hospital by Dr. N. Mol itor of this city and Dr. Law of Union. Mrs. Osbourn was suffering with an acute attack of appendicitis. Guy W. Byrkitt, general managsr of the George Palmer Lumber company, is showing evidence of speedy recov ery from his eperation yesterday eve ning at the Grand Ronde hospital. He was seized by an acute attack of ap pendicitis and Doctors N. Molltor and C. T. Bacon performed the operation. C. J. Pratt, a contractor of Red Oak, Iowa, and Albert Fields, also of Red Oak, are among the homeaeekera who have found suitable locations in Union county and these two men will be lo cated at Imbler hereafter. They add to the Red Oak , colony already In Imbler. Mrs. Fred G. Schllke and daughter Frederlca have returned from a month's visit at Carlton, Ore., and Southern . California. Mrs. Schilke went to southern California with an ailing relative and Miss Schilke re mained with Mrs. Will Morrison at Carlton. While away Miss Schilke was quite ill for a time. 7 J Have you Seen the Spring GreeEi-YIieeler On- for 1 C TT O as ror iLacaieo.' Green-Wheeler Oxfords are known far and wide as 11 The Standard of Style," and Fit and Wear. There are none better made. This Spring we are showing some New Styles in Tan, Patent . Leather, Glazed and Nature Kid, Pumps and Oxfords. ' . OUR POPULAR PRICES RANGE FROM $1.75 to $3.50 A PAIR. . We Have the Most Complete Line of Misses' ; and Children's Pumps-and Oxfords we have ever had, and our Prices are Right on this line of mer . chandise. We are sure we have the styles that , will please'you. - Prices range from 60c to $2.50 apair , ' We are Showing the Famous Weber Line of Oxfords, for Gentlemen. These Styles and Lasts are Strictly, Up to the Minute, in Patent Leath er, Cun Metal, Tan and Velour, If you are in the market for a pair of Oxfords, don't fail to look this line over. Prices, $3.50,4.00 and $4.50 a pair. . - u 1 Quality the Same, Prices Less $1.50 per setting. Hy Posselt, Phone Black 932. Frultdale. 4-l-6t FOR RENT Light housekeeping room., Clint van Fleet at Golden Rule.' '. , - . - FOR SALE A forty acre; also an eighty acre tract of fine orchard land near Elgin; also some fine residence1 property and building lots In Elgin; will sell on easy terms or will P' 1 trade for La Grande or suburban ' property. Address box 22, Elgin. Oregon. 4-3-4 FOR RENT -Housekeeping rooms. Close in. On ground floor. Inquire 1417 Wash, avenue. Phone Red . 752. . ' '.' . ' 4-5-tf FOR RENT Furnished rooms. Mrs. Roy Rynerson, phone Black 1462. 162a Sixth street 4-2-tf WANTED Hired girl for general , housework. Apply 2206 Cedar. Phone Black 1412; 4-3-tf WANTED To trade One good resi dence lot on 10th street near Adams avenue, for good lumber. Inquire 1502 N avenue or see F, G. Schilke.' 4-6tf uassmea n Advertising $ FURNISHED ROOMS to let. 1118 Jef ferson avenue. 3-30-tf FOR SALE Two good homestead re linquishments In Wallowa county. Inquire of D. BIrchoux. BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK eggs at Shoes! Shoes! i Shoes! Shoes! Shoes!. Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! 8 o CO CO o CO S o CO .FoirEveFylbinidly at Lower Prices DALTON 1318 Adams Ave., I La Grande Shoes! 1 Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! i to o 8 to tr o 8 to S3- o 8 Shoes!