La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, April 06, 1911, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PAGE 6
We Have No Sale On, D) r U'l
but We Have ... . .
ii ii
Sdniethinii new in Collars. St
I'll VAT
Full Line of Spring Shirts Just In,
Goods, the classy kind. Extra Pants, supplying the long felt want
Stein-Blcck Suits.
rr rr
- E K
M Andrws
1 1
The Sound Sleep f Good Health.
Cannot be overestimated and any ail
ment that prevents It Is a menace to
health. J. L. Southers. Eau Claire,
Wis., ayi: "I. have been unable to
sleep soundly nights, because of pains
across my back and soreness of my Pills at once. Refuse substitutes,
kidneys. My appetite was very poor J Hill's drug store.
prompt alleviation of all kidney ani
bladder ailments. Foley Kidney Pills
are antlsecptlc, tonic and restorative.
Do not allow your kidney trouble to
progress beyond the reach ' of medi
cine, but start taking' Foley Kidney
emu uijr jtmerai couuniou wan uiuvu
run down. I have been taking Foley
Kidney Pills but'a short time and now
sleep as sound as a rock, my general
condition Is greatly Improved, and I
know that Foley Kidney Pills havo
cured me." Good results always fol
low the use of Foley Kidney Pills.
They are a prompt corrective of uri
nary Irregularities. Try them.
Hill's Drug store.
Ap. 4, 6, 8. 11, 13, 15, 18 20 22 25 27 29.
Foley Kidney Pills contain In con
centrated form Ingredients of estab
lished therapeutic value for the
The roufh
ap. 4, , a, 11, 44, 10, 19 i) ii ZSt 27 2. (
Larger and fief ter
tor IQll
Opening Yakima Division.
On Friday, March 24th, the O.-W. R.
& N. will open Its new branch from
Attallia to North Yakima, and will
run a through train dally between
Walfe Walla and North Yakima, leav
ing Walla Walla at 9:15. arriving at
North Yakima at 3:09 p. m. -
Returning i train will leave North
Yakima at 8:45 a.1 in., arriving In Wal
la Walla 2:30 p. m.
In addition to the above service mo
tor cars will be run between Kenne
wlck and North Yakima, and between
Grand View and North Yakima, also
between Mldvale and Sunneyside. Con
nections westbound can be made with
Washington D"vlsln No, 8 and main
line No. 5; .eastbound at Walla Walla
with Washington division No. 7 and
main lln No. 18. !
For more complete information as
to train service on this branch, call on
any local agent of the O.-W. R. & N.
eod General Pass. Agent.
Bids Now Being Advertised for on
Main Macadam Fourth at Once, ,
Long strides -toward realization of
hard surface paving were stepped off
last evening when, in the conra"
the evenings transactions by tlui coun
cil, Sixth street bids for bltulithlc
When your feet are wet tnd cold, u.
Steward to Present That Well Known
Drama at Nearby Date.
"The Squaw Man," H. E'. Pierce and
company's great play of western ranch
life, will be the attraction at the Stew
ard April 13. The selection of this
drama of the west will meet with wldi
paving from the Warren Construction j approval ,n Grande and the pro.
company, reading $2.00 per square n ductlon lt3elf promises. to be one of
yard, were accepted, the preliminaries the m08t pretentious that will be seen
on Main street gone through and bids here durlng thf, present 8eason The
ordered advertised to be on hand in a Squaw Man. ls a genulne American
week or so, and a petition came in for ! playi replete with vlrlllty and 8trength
paving hard surface, on Washington j Adwln Mllton R , the auth has
iiuiutiunuru, r '.i,iiii1in .nmt,u.j ti. i At
DBnuijr luiuuiucu uib 1115 1 cinema Ul
Regarding the Sixth street project, dramatl(1 InterPBt with th nmnP.r miv.
the bid of the Warren people was ac- tnre. nf rnmctAv anH vQ anaoi,'A
u wa. VhUWU.J SIMM J MV..WV.Uja
in Avnlvlntr a ram nlav wherpln owlff.
afterwards passed a resolution calling ly alternatIng laughg gve place, fre-
quently, to moments of Intense path-
II. Illl I III BI,MIIHllllillWIIII,H(j)Mm,WWW,
.. . tv ..''4 ,
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Voi r: ... ...
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' -
Tht Companion Includm
Expert Advica on FoolUll ud
i BMebtll Hunting wd Fithing;
Haady Contrivance (or tht
Young Mechanic.
Suggeitiont ior the Ctrl who
m tut make her own way ;
Hint lor Young HouKkeepera;
The CirlV Wardrobe.
Practical Short Article about
th Kitchen, lh Pailot, th
Catden, the Hennery every.
thing that can be of help in
making noma morecomionaDie,
, ; more beiuttlut,
Inspiring Articles
Current Eventa, Nature and Science,
The Doctor's Weekly CounaeL
Stnd far Aiuumaermtnt of iMi ytfttr't Mermf mnd
Hamplt CiipnMi Larger Companion f Pre.
In the County Court, for the County
of Union, State of Oregon.
In the matter of the Estate of Perry
Stephenson, Deceased.
To Thomas Stephensen, George
Sims, Floyd Sims, LeRoy Sims, Charles
Rice, James S. Rice, and Chester Rica,
all unknown heirs, if such there be.
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby cited and re
quired to appear In the Coun
ty Court of - the State of .Oregon,
for the County of Union, at the court
room thereof, at La Grande, In the
County of Union, on Tuesdny. the 2nd
day of May. 1911, at 10 o'clock, in the
forenoon of that day, then and there
to show cause why an order should
not be made licensing and directing
the administratrix of said estate to
sell Lot 1 In Block 8 of Grandy's Ad
dition to the Cl:y of La Grande, Union
County, Oregon, to pay the claims
against said estate.
Witness, the Hon. J. C. Henry,
Judge of the County Court of the
State of Oregon, Court for the County
of Union, with the seal of said affixed
this 31st day of March. 1911.
Attest: ED. WRIGHT, Clerk(
By Forrest Ivanhoe, Deputy.
FREE The Companion's
Art Calendar for 1911
Every Nar SuWruW who aula eat
mmi eeadt this alip (or mention tKia
paper) with $1.75 for The Yooth'a
Companion' for e year will receive Free ,
The Companion' Art Calendar for
tail, lithoampaea1 in twolv color
and ajoM'-nn eatra copy being MM
to every donor of a lift ukxcriptioa.
Than The Companion for the peat
52 week library of readme that
would coat $40 in book form. ,
Tie Tenth' Companion, Boiten, Mat.
Nm 3mltTiptlt Kfivtd mt Ihit Of fie
' commnmmmnmmnommmmmmmnmmmmmm
A Cold, laOrlpm-, then Pneumonia
Is too often the fatal sequence. Fol
ey's Honey and Tar expels the cold,
checks the lagrippe, and prevents
pneumonia. It Is a prompt and rdla
ble cough medicine that contains no
narcotics. "Foley's Honey and Tar is
the best cough remedy I ever used as
It quickly stopped a severe cough that
had long troubled me," says J. W,
Kuhn, Princeton, Neb. Just so quick
ly and surely It acts In all cases of
coughs, colds, lagrippe and lung trou
ble. It Is as safe for your children
as yourself, and should be used In all
cus a of croup, whooping cough and
measles cough. Refuse substitutes.
I lIU's dtuR store.
for an ordinance of contract between
the city , and the council. The work
will be carrLd on this spring, from
Washington to K avenue, , near th'j
court house.
On Main street from First to Fourth
the contract will be let In 10 .day's
time, meaning a large bulk of bltulith
lc will actually be laid this year. The
Washington avenue project, entailing
work on seven blocks, is still in the
embryo, of course but indications point
to the accomplishment of this work
this summer.
os. The management has furnished
a complete scenic productlo.n the
same as was used In Chicago and New
York, which will be used, in its en
tirety, during the engagement.
Complete Equipmtnt'JorlRestttmg ann Rtpairing
Rubber Buggy Tires
'V V, ' D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor;
H.-xtcrn Thousand Is Estimated Cost of
Improving Fourth Street
Commissioners appointed to ap
praise the Fourth str:ct macadam pro
ject reported last night that the wdik
will cost about $16,000 and will im
prove Fourth street, the long thor
oughfare to a width of 40 feet. This
commences at the foot of the hill
whert the bltulithlc ends and contin
ues to the end of Fourth street. Sharp
competition in bids Is expected en
this work, and It, too, will be com
menced it Is believed, this spring al
though there ls atlU a chance for the
contract has not been let.
Routine Work Done.
Petitioners last night asked for a
water main coming down Second to Nt
terminating near the Hubbard resi
dence. This was referred.
The Second street main came up for
discussion when it was made known
that Mayor Richardson was urging the
Newport people by wire, to repair the
work found faulty. Nothing has been
b ard from the company of late.
All the councllmen and mayor were
on hand last evening and a great deal
of work was done. Among other things
was a decision not to establish any
more sidewalk grades until It had Leri
definitely determined who was to let
the contracts, the city or the property
owners. This report will be made
next Wednesday when the council
meets asaln.
Reading of bills and allowing sal
ary bills occupied consld rnble time,
The big wnter users' and the plumb
ing Inspection ordlunnces were passed
When yo- w a cold a bosut
rhamberlniu's O'h KtmeC?.' It i
;ix ou ur- ali .:rM niui nru;?, r
n tendency IonhM pneumonia. ;.
-f'tnly contain n oj.;iim nr i'nrr rrr
i:r..l ra'av be r'"vi . vnii.hnliy to a i;; '
"'?iiin!u:;. ... . - .'..ii-t.v
k."" your body chilled through and through from
2f exposure, take a big dose of Chamberlain's
most certain to ward off a severe cold.
'a ' 'A
3 tf f.?Jc I J Cough Remedy, bathe your feet in hot
KM I fw IV I f ' fl gtWfm K water before going to bed, and yon are hi
4 ale bv all dealers.
aT an
FURNISHED ROOMS to let. 1118 Jef
ferson avenue. 3-30-tf
FOR SALE Two good homestead re
linquishments In Wallowa county.
Inquire of D. CIrchoux.
$1.50 per setting. Hy Posselt, Phone
Black 932, Frultdale. 4-l-6t
FOR RENT LlKht housekeeDin
room. Clint Van Fleet at Golden
FOR SALE A forty acre; also an
eighty acre tract of fine orchard land
near Elgin; also some fine residence
property and building lots in Elgin;,
will sell on easy terms or will
trade for La Grande or suburban
property. Address box 22, Elgin,
Oregon. . . 4-3-4
A Fresh Supply of
FOR RENT Furnished rooms. Mrs.
Roy Rynerson, phone Black 1462.
1620 Sixth streft. 4-2-tf
WANTED Hired girl for general
housework. Apply 2206 Cedar. Phone
Black 1412. 4-3-tf
Fresh Tomatoes
Fresh Asparagus
H H. Lettuce
Green Onions
Rhubarb s
IVe are Not in the
Association j
Royal Grocery
mperfect Dlgnstlou Causes Ua Com.
plcxlon and Dull Eyes.
The color In your cheeks won't
fade, the brightness In your eye won't
vanish, If you keep your stomach In
good condition.
Belching of gas; heaviness, sour
taste in mouth, dizziness, biliousness
and nausea occur Bimply because the
stomach is not properly digesting the
MI-O-NA stomach tablets give In
stant relief to upset istomachs but they
do more; they put strength Into the
stomach and build it up so that It can
asily digest a hearty meal.
I had stomach trouble for six years
for days at a time could eat nothing
at all. After taking MI-O-NA treat
ment I am in perfect health and can
eat anything." E. M. Campbell, 1200
S. Prospect St., Sedalia. Mo.
MI-O-NA Is sold by Newlln's Drug
company and druggists everywhere at
50 cents a large box. It Is guaran
teed to cure indigestion, and all stom
ach distress,, or money back.
FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms..
Close In. On ground floor. Inquire ,
1417 Wash, avenue. Phone Red
752. 4-5-tf !
WANTED To trade One good resi
dence lot on 10th street near Adams
avenue for good lumber. Inquire
1502 N avenue or see F. G. Schtlke.
T had been troubled with constitution
for two years and tried all of the best physi
cian in Bristol, Tenn., and they could do
nothing (or me, writes Ihon. E. Williams.
Middlehorn, Ky. "Two pneksges of Cham-
lam Stomach nml Liver Tablets curec
The world -known
Chinese doctors .
with powerful and
wonderful Chinese '
remedies, cure all
chronic disease and
blood disorders suc
cessfully for both
men and women
If you are suffering and cannot bf
cured by other doctors why not wrlh
us fora free book and symptom blanl
or describe your case to us? On
doctors will diagnose your case ani
tell you the exact result. All our
Chinese medical advice free to every
one. ,
210 W. Main St, Walla Walla, Wash.
Yon Must Try on a Gossard
Corset to Realize Why
It Excels. .
The Gossard Corset shown here
is model O and Is for the' wom
an of full , proportions. It:
makes a solid figure appear,
slender and graceful. The bust
fits close, without raising the
bust when seated, $3.50. Other
models $3.50 and $5.00. -
Mrs. Robert Pattison
Phone, black 1481. "
Fresh Hand-Rolled Choco
lates Can't Be Beafen
- . . .,
Buy thtnr IN BULK and save money. We have the best qualily of
, Western Grown Seeds, aso Tmoihy, Cfoier, Alfalfa, etc. . .-
WatmSisnchikld Pioduce Co.-
i , , ,,,
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