La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, April 04, 1911, Image 7

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    The Sound Sleep of Good EftJUu
Cannot be overestimated end tr.y ail
meut that prevents It is a menace to
Do you realize thejmport'
ance of an -
Electric Sign
in duwing trade to your
store or placeo business?
We make a very low flat
rate on sign lighting, and
are prepared to quote at
tractive prices on' any kind
of a sign that you may de
sire. ''-'.:":' ' :;:
Our representative is al
ways real y to call and
Ulk the matter over with
you. v.:.:.:
that will make
you money ;
Ten acres, one mile from the
city, no Improvements except
trees which are 13 years old.
This Is a fine location, road on
two sides, good water, right and
produced, over $4300.00 last year
Price is J6.500.00, one half
down and balance on reasona
ble time. This year's crop will
more than pay all expenses and
balance of purchase price.
, Ten acres, two miles 5 acres
In 9-year-old apples, 2 1-2 acres
of cheerles that will bear con.,
slderably this year, and 2 1-2
acres of garden land. Small
house and barn. This place Is
on main county road, near
school and , wIH maka a fine
home. Price only $3,500.00, one
third down and balanee on time.
This Is fine strawberry land, and
when planted, will yield the
price of the property . every
year. . . '
' Ten acres, just one mile out,
practically new. six room house
and barn, close to school and a
fine money-making home. There
are 8 1-2 acres la apples, and
11-2 acres In pasture. Last
year this place produced 4,300
boxes of apples and will easily
pay Itself out after first pay
ment. Price is $5,500.00, one
half down, good time on bal
ance. Soil unexcelled for straw
berries and small fruits. ' -
Farm lands In all parts of the
alley. ..
Residences and vacant lots In
all parts of the city.
Security Land &
Eastern Oregon
Light & Power
Pliohe Main 34
health. J. L. Southers. Eau Claire,
wis., says: "I have been unable to
sleep soundly nights, because of natns
across my back and soreness of my
Kianeys. .My appetite was very poor
and my general condition was much
run down. 1 have been taking Fohy
Kidney Pills but a short time and now
sleep as sound as a rock, my general
condition is greatly Improved, and I
know that Foley Kidney Pills have
cured me." Good results always fol
low the us? of Foley Kidney Pilla
They are a prompt corrective of uri
nary Irregularities. Try them.
Hill's Drug store. .
Ap. 4, 6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 18 20 22 25 27 29.
When yonr feet are wei and cold, u.
roar body chilled tlirotirh and tlirouek fnm
exposure, take a bifr Je of Clmmbprlaio't
Cough Remedy, bathe your feet in hot
water before going to bed, and you areaf.
moat certain to ward off a severe cold. Fr
wle bv all dealers. ...
O ;
. MQLITOR. M. D Physician and
Surgeon, ' Corner Adams Ave. an'
fWot street.: Office, Main 88; Reel-
deace 09. : ; ..
J. W. LOUGHLIN, M. D. i .
'. ' Ds, Rrchardscu V Leughlin,
Physicians and Surgeons,
Phones Office Black , 1352 ; Ind. 853.
Offli mir 4 tn 11-' o
Dr, Richardson'B Res. Maia E5; lad.
322. . v .. .:;.!;:,.:";.;.
Dr.. Loughlln't res. -Main 67; Ind.
an fi
C HUPTON. Ph. G. M. &. Physician
and Burgeon. Special attention to
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office
In La Grande National Bank Build
ing. Phones: Office Main, 2. Real
dence Main 32.
DR. 11. L. UNDERWOOD Physician
and Surgeon. Special attention to
; diseases and surgery of the eye,
' Phones: Office Main 22; Resi
denceMain 728. Ind. 631.
3EO. W. ZIMMERMAN Osteopath
PhyBlcian. Sommer Bldg., Rooms 7,
' 8, 9 and 10. Phoaes: Home 1332,
Pacific, Main 63,' Residence phone,
Black- 951. Successor to Dr. C. B.
Moore. .
I. C. PRICE, D. M. D. Dentist. Room
23, La Grande National Bank Build
J lug. Phone Black 399. "i ( i :
class services given. Office over Lil
ly's Hdw. store. Phone Black-451.
DR. P. A. CHARLTON .Veterinary Sur-
geon, -l Offlee at Hill's Drug Store
La Grande.. Residence phone, Rei
701; Office phoneBlack 1361; Inde
pendent phone 53; both phones si
residence.. ..- i
30CHRAN & COCHRAN Attorn Ays :
. Chas. E. Cochran and Geo. T. Coch
ran. ; La ' Grande National Bank
Bldg., La Grande, Oregon.
T. H. CRAWFORD Attorney at Law.
-' Practices in al Ithe i courts of the
State and United States. Office In
- La Grande Nt!uuai Bans Bldg., La
Grande, Oregon.
D. W. C. NEION Mining Engineer.
Baker CHy. Oregon.
In fact the only way we live Is by
tiyetng. Dont dye yourself.
It's natter than dyeing yourself.
. .Onr charge for dyeing for yon wont
be hglh. A sample Job Is sufficient
For best dyeln? sjid cleaning live ns
do L
Phone HaJn M.
Pacama-Califomla Exposition Is Well
Advanced With Its Plan.
San Diego, Cal.. April 4. (Special)
Since the victory of San Francisco
over New Orleans in the contest be
fore congress for official sanction for
the Panama Canal exposition desired
to be given by both cities, an impres
sion lias gone forth that the Panama-
California exposition, to be held in
San Diego during the 'entire year 1915
has been abandoned.
Such is not the case. I Preparations
are going on for this exposition with
out abatement The board of works
has been organized and at the head of
this department is Frank P. Allen, Jr.,
the builder of the Alaska-Yukon ex
position. ' Bertran G. Goodhue, an
architect of world-wide fame, Is de
signing the buildings. John Clark
Olmstead, of Olmstead Brothers, land
scape architects of Boston, Mass.. has
completed the ground plans.: Active
work in preparation of these and Dron-
agatldn of. millions of . flowers and
vines for. use In Balboa park in San
Diego is in active progress. -
The ' legislature of California has
inga in the exposition grounds and
has passed a bill authorizing counties
of California to appropriate eertaln
sums toward providing exhibits at the
Panama-California exposition ; " also
for needed harbor Improvements. . y
As a matter of fact the1 Panama
California exposition is further along
in its plans than any similar enter
prise has ever baen at the same com
parative stage of preparation. The
building and grounds committee 1b
meeting constantly and rushing the
work. Director General Collier, with
other members of the exposition man
agement, expects to make a UiivV
east and .middle west In the near fu
ture to make the necessary announce
ments in the proper places.
The Panama-California exposition
has on hand $2,000,000 for preparation
and construction and will have more
when it is needed. "
' Well Known Drama Coming.
For strength and interesting quail
ties in dramatic form, there is noth
ing to surpass the coming presentation
Of the well known New York succesj,
"The Squaw Man," in which Lee Wfll
lard will appear at Steward's' Opera
House, Thursday, April 13. , )
In writing this play, Mr. Edwin
Milton Royle, the author, has gone' a
step farther than many dramatists,
and has succeeded in putting together
a comprehensive structure and one
may travel far to find an equal to it.
There is always a strong ltnerest in
the West, but few plays have shown
that life of the plains of twenty years
ago as it really was, with its atmos
phere of arid heat, strong passions
and faithful friendship. ... .VJ,
Mr. Les Willard has succeeded Dus
tin Farnum in the title role and Is per
culiarly suited to this character. : Hu:
man emotion Is shown at every turn,
and yet it is handled delicately, , so
ably, that there is not one discordant
note to ba found at any point , ;
Throughout only absolute strength
and virility, with . clean cut human
passion and a certain element of self
sacrifice upon which the play hinges
is to be found. So vital Is the tale
that runs athwart the stage, that the
Interest of the spectator is held as by
a spell, and the final curtain brings
a satisfaction to the auditor that it
is bard to duplicate. It has been said
that "The, Squaw Man" is the great
American play, but that question the
audience is left to decide for Itself.!
Foley Kidney Pills contain In con
centrated form ingredients of estab
lished therapeutic value for the
prompt alleviation of all kidney and
bladder ailments. ' Foley Kidney Pills
are antlsecptlc, tonic and restorative.
Do not allow your kidney trouble to
progress beyond the reach of medi
cine, but start taking Foley Kidney
Pills at once. Refuse substitutes. '
Hill's drug store.
Ap. 4, 6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 18 20 22 25 27 29.
The quicker a cord is gotten rid of (he
leti the danger from pneumonia and other
terlooi dineaaes. Mr. B. W. L. Hall, ol
Waverly, V. ,8nv "I firmlv believe Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy to be absolutely the
best prejiaretien t the market for coUIb. I
have reconir.,,"i .!i'j i; u my friend and
thev all rc-3 : iv' ; For lala by it'.'
dealers. ' ' :'. I
C. I D
omuewer, m
. the Famous Poimm
ichards, Locates at
; Dd you think a man, whose life has been spent in
developing fruit land, could be induced to leave an
orchard such as the Pomona near Dayton, Washing-,
ton, to locate in an inferior fruit belt? :
; Well, Mr. Dornberger is the man who has brought
trie Pomona orchard to national prominence. ; Ho is
known to every fruit man of the country as an au-v '
thority on fruit culture, and he has located at Imbler
taking charge of the Laidlaw purchase recently made
by Dayfcon capital.
1 '' ' . i ..' ' - "' ' " "l ''- '. ' '' : ' ' '' "' -.u ',,"'
. J. P. Steinman, of New York, was through the val
ley this week. ' He had been through the entire north- '
west. What did he say?". Simply this: "Without a
question of a doubt the Imbler fruit section is posi
tively the best I have seen."
'. '' ' '':';. '''':' ; ; ;"; z 'v: .. P.'"t
And yet land is purchased today in the Imbler dis
trict set to trees for a fourth of what other sections
are asking for the same land.; Can you not see that . :
a few hundred dollars invested in the Imbler coun-"-
try is bound to yield big returns? Nothing plainer'
is possible. Before sending a dollar out of Union
county for payment for outside stuff investigate this.
Those haying good fruitland investment offerings -V' ?
m ' h m m mm m ' j - ? ' '
in the Imbler district are:
GL Cleaver,
La Grande Investment Co.'
Wenaha lAimber Cr t
Sherwood Williams.
Hill & Hibbard.
r -
; -..,lArttwb . ;i. ' M'