PAGE 6 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1911. r'fWm ' Mite Tou JTust Try on a Gossard Corset to Realize Why v It Excels. The GosBard Corset shown here Is model O and !a for the wom an of ' full proportions. It make a solid figure appear slender and graceful. The bust fits close, without raising the bust when seated, $8.50. Other models $3.50 and $5.00. Mrs. Robert Pattison Phone, black 1481. COLONIST FARES BANGER FOB LA GIUXDE . . PE&P1E APPESDIOITH Many La Grande people have wind or gas In the stomach or bowels, sour steraac hor constipation and do not know that these are symptoms of chronic appendicitis , which may any minute became acute. They should try almple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as compounded In AdleM-ka, the new German appendicitis remedy A SINCE DOSE will bring relief. A. T. Mill, druggist, states that the. QUICK ctlon of Adler-I-ka is a constant sur prise to people. . From the Middle and Eastern portions of the United States and Canada to OREGON, WASHINKTON. AND THE ,. NORTHWEST , will prevail DAILY MARCH 10th to APRIL 10th '' over the Oregon-Washington , RaiIroad& Navigation Co. and connections, the , Oregon Short Lino, Union Pacific and Chicago Northwestern i From . ' , Chicago at .... $33.00 SL Louis at ...........,..., . .$320 Omaha at $25.00 Kansas City at ..........$25.00 St Paul at ............ r.;.. $25.00 and from other cities corresponding Yon can PREPAY Fares The Colonists fare are westbound only, but if you have relatllves or friends or employees In the east whom you desire to bring to this state yoi can deposit the value of the fare with your local railroad agent, and an oraer tor a ticket will be telegraphed to any address desired. PEII FED BEEF CLEANED UP little mm: shipments from THIS T ALLEY 30 W. Seven' Cars Today Clean Tp Available ' Beef Await Grass Stock. McKennon & Chandler, owners i. ths sweepstak: carlot of s'; . and now gelling out their balmce o tY: pen fed supply, are E'o;:ng seven cars of beet today and this w'll 'los-' up tha shipping for ths.prcs i. Tliare Is" little more beef In the valley at this time and there will be but little ship ping until grass cattle come on the market. This will be in about two months If the range continues good. All kinds of stock have commanded good, prices the past season, say the buyers, and it has been a profitable year to feeder and buyer alike. Let the WORLD Enow Of our vost resources and splendid op portunities for ' , nOJTE BUILDING Call on the undersigned for good Instructive xatter to send East or giva htm the address of those to whom you would like to have such matter sent ' "' : . ;, WMMcMUREAY General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon. " r with a ray mm A SINGULAR , WILL CASE By ARTHUR W. BftEUSTER r Copyright by American Preat Asso- ...... ' elation, mi w: 'HEN you want a first-class iob of V Vd-4! iniuiug, anu want it without delay; when you have a design in printing you would like to have figured out sat isfactorily; ; when you want work at reasonable prices, bear the EVElT ING OBSERVER in mind and call Main 13, also Independent 1342. We Do Anything With Type EVENING OBSERVER The Print Shop with a Pay Roll Jk'JL. Of all the strange coincidences J have ever beard now U stranger thun one happening in my own !lfe, and It led to Important results. One day, bapenlng in at my law yer's office, be said to me: "By the bye. we have a big lot of paper In your case against Bunsby. It has all been settled up, and I would like to turn them over to you. We are overburdened here with dead docu ments." He called an office boy and sent for the papers. They came to me In one large bundle, which I tucked under my arm, walked borne with It, and threw it without opening It. into an iron box kept for family records. Ten years passed, during which pe-' rlod I went on an average to' the bos once or twice a year to toss Into It some document that would probably never be needed again. 1 had no oc casion to look Into the box during all this period, but the time came when 1 found It necessary to overhaul It In a search for a missing paper. By the i time I found my paper every separate buncb bud been unrolled and their con-1 tents were all in confusion. Picking up a paper marked "Last will and testa ment of James Chlenlngsby," I was somewhat surprised to find such a document ' I opened and ran my eye over Its contents. There was nothing to Indi cate the value of the estate, nor were the names of any of the legatees fa miliar to me. There were a few small bequests to different iiersons, and the residue was to be given to a minor. ; uow the paper got Into my box was a mystery. I was not Interested In the will, but I was' deeply Interested In j how It came to be where I found It. : It must buve been there a long while. 1 but not more than, twenty years, for the ,date it was executed was no fur ther back than that But It might have been put in my box much more lately than that. ' I should have attached more Impor tance to It it persons could not make more than one legal will. It struck me that this might be an old oue which bad been voided by a later one and bad got mixed with old out of date papers. But that did not explain how It came to be tn my possession, for It was not a paper In which 1 or any of my- family, so far as 1 knew, had any Interest I looked It over carefully to see It there was any clew by which I could discover who were the legatees, but there was nothing to give me the slightest information con cerning It ' I took It to my desk tn a room I occupied, for smoking and placed It in a pigeonhole, Intending to advertise It But time , passed, and I took no action. . Some time after this I married my' tenographer and typewriter. She was ' err poor, aud I was not rich. I was making a bare. living and until our' first child was born she retained her ' position In my service. Indeed, It was ' essential that she should, and when1 children came and I was deprived of ' her assistance lu spite of nil my ef-! forts I. whs losing my grip aud could 1 not afford to hire another stcnogrn-1 pher. j One uiuruInK while IooUIur ovw my I nercspnppr my ,ve drifts! to real ex-j tate item On t tutm mntlonil I tlu tun ! a ili- t iirtipcrty iwlouv J Irs " thi Mitf(iimMiy estate Tl;' i (;:;;!. i wa tin itj oin-, but It wemerl to me triii t I Hud wn It sotnewbeiv ": dc;ir." i ald t my wife, "did vuti i-vi't ttfnr ot.thi nauie Chlentujr i-.vr ' . "I ii'irt "i un -i "by that unm? ;. i i,. i'i s.. r. ; fjf d!s-; peared when be was a boy and was never beard from. All 1 know of him Is that I heard my motbr speak, of him before she died" i kept thinking of the name till sud denly it flashed upon u that 1 bad seen It In the wilj found In my Iron box.. 1 went to my desk, took out the document nnd rend th name of tfcf testator J a m rt-ifmnptby I will ed my wife' and n-m iln lll ro i.r When I enm t.. m- tinraf of the heir to the resldu t the estwtp I Htoptted. wiiidw Rtn-Kii it w:i 'tier maiden o.inif , ' She was mui-b inrsrlfled as I. All s!;e knew -t the nam of Chlenlngsby was - wint ht hud told uif But we I wtTt inn ill n flutter of excitement. 1 VVtwl .J1H If f.iiAa.. U 'I'lw... I mnm l.i. ....... ...-nil. I urn f 1 rinruiuci ed thitt n mini may roitke a will every d:i lT he Ilki-H mid mly the Inst one In of any vnliie. Nevertheti-W! Iiwax arouspd . I rushed out to iuv attor ney. or the one who tind on'e hud my j law buslncsK. showed tit ni the docu ment and to ubnut to ak blm to make an liiveKiigntioii for me when be exclaimed: "By tbiinderr ' ; ' "Explain;" I i-rled Impatiently "Instead of answering me be called out to bis piirtners, "Here- a will for tbe Chlenlnt'.-hv estate " ' "For hen veil's, mi ki tell me!". "Where dW yon ret this?" "Found It- in a m of mine where It has prolinhly Immmi for years" "It represents u n estate that has never been settled since tin one has been found near enoiiKh of kin to claim It... If this Is ceniltne ' all hot theve few bequests pie to Miss Kafherlne Miller, whoever she may he " "She's my wife" We were rich The will had been ieft hy the testator with my attorneys, had got mixed with the bundle of pa pers given to me nnd sid come to light when most needed. , ' Dr, Loughlin's . res. Main 57; Ind. : 1297. - C H. UPTON, Ph. G. M. D. -Physician and surgeon. Special attention to Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat Office in La Grande National Bank Buiid ng. Phones: Office Main 2.' Kesi tu-ut Main 32. DR. H. L. UNDERWOOD Physician ' and Surgeon. . Special attention to diseases and surgery of the eye. Phones: Office Main 22; Resi denceMain 72S. Ind. 631. ' ?EO. W. ZIMMERMAN Osteopath Physician. Sonmer Bldg., Rooms 7, 8. 9 and 10. Phoaes: Home 1332, Pacific, Main 63, Residence phone, Black 951. Successor to Dr. C. E Moore. J. C. PRICE, D. M. !. Dentist. Room 23. La Grande National Bank Build ing. Phone Black 399. DP, R. L. LINCOLN, DENTIST Flrsi class services given. Office over Lil ly's Hdw. store. Phone Black-451. OR. P. A. CHARLTON .Veterinary Sur geon. Office at UlH's Drug Store La Grande. Residence phone, Ret 0W Office phone, Black 1361; Inde pendent phone 53; both phones si -residence. 1 Savoy Hotel EUROPEAN PLAN PCS! The rooms are good and Steam heated only one block from depot ' . . t '. D. C. Brichoux,Prop. ATTORNEYS 1T.UW. 30CHRAN & COCHRAN Attom7s: Chas. E. Cochran and Geo. T. Coch ran. La. Grande National Bank Bldg.. La Grande. Oregon. DANDRUFF VlVfsiHFd FalWng Hair Inds and Hair Grows! ' Profusely. Your money back if Parisian Saga isn't the best hair tonic the best hair grower the best hair saver you ever used, you be the Judge." Ask Newlin Drug Company. It's really a wonder what a phenom enal sale Parisian Sage has mad; for itself in America in a few years. And what a multitude of people have been cured of falling hair, dandruff, and Itching scalp by its use. And now the American women praise Parisian Sage for its peculiar ability to turn harsh, faded, lusterless hair into fresh, beautiful, silky and lustrous hair In a few days. Parisian Sage is today tha favorite hair dressing and tonic of discrlminat ing Americans, because it is the only hair grower that will do Just as It Is advertised to do. or money back. It kills the dandruff germs and cures dandruff, stops falling haid and itch ing scalp In two weeks. If it doesn't Newlin Drug company and druggists everywhere will give you your money back, y If you haven't tried Parisian Sage, get a large 50 cent bottle today. Ap. 3 May24 June 3, 14. T. H. CRAWFORD Attorney at Law. Practices In at lthe courts Of the Stat an1 United sft. Office in La Grande Niuusi Bang Bldg., La Grande, Orego-u. Opening Yakima Division. On Friday, March 24th, the O.-W. R. & N. will open its new branch from Attallia to North Yakima, and will run a through train daily between Walla Walla and North Yakima, leav ing Walla Walla at 9:15, arriving at North Yakima at 3:09 p. m. Returning train will leave North Yakima at 8:45 a. m., arriving In Wal la Walla 2:30 p. m. In addition to the above service mo tor cars will be run between Kenne wick and North Yakima, and betweeu Grand View and North Yakima, also between Midvale and SunneyBide. Con nections westbound can be made with Washington D'vislen No. 8 and main line No. 5; eastbound at Walla Walla with Washington division No. 7 and main lin No. 18. For more complete information as to train service on this branch, call on any local ageit of the O.-W. R. & n. WM. McMURRAY, eod General Pass. Agent. O. W. C. NELSON Mining Engineer. Baker C'ty. Oregon. Girl Strippers Wanted at Cigar Factory Experience Un necessary Apply at . . . t ' i FMill US KING Cir-IR FACTORY CHOICE NAVEL ORANGES Oranges are at their best at this season of the year. We have just received a fresh shipment of nice, uicy Sunkist Oranges, Phone us your orders 0 MOFESSIOXAL DIRECT CRT. riiYsicms mo sntGEOxs. N. MOLITOR. M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Corner Adams Ave. and Depot street. , Office, Main 68 Resl dface t;9. A. L, IUCHARDSON, M. D. J. W. LOUGHLIN, M. D. Drs. Richardson St Loughlin, Physicians and Surgeons. Phones-Office Black 1362; Ind. 353. Office Hours 9 to 11; 2 to 5; 7 to 8. Dr. Richardson's Res. Mala C5- Ind 812. Don't Spare the Rod! if it's r good1, stout one, because It liould be able to hold Its own against ny fish that swlras. Want to be -sar. tn.n, shoy about yonr Ashing tackle 1 Get It from F. L. Lin, and four wOI be a soft and slVroo oue until the alarm clock awakens ,0 for a fine day's syort. F L. HARDWARE and CROCKERY LILLY