THURSDAY, MARCH 30. 1911, Wl 11 : - ARE THE WARDROBE La Grande's High Grade Cleaning and Pressing .estjibKsliment is moving to Foley Hot6ui!ding, next toelectric light office. fiid we are always yes uTfcinDiP nnol --; muiumu win Saturday ; : : mm-mmM'- csss The Wardrobe TAILOR VjgO. WILSON BHOSv. . . PROPS Toil MTiiHt Try on a Gossard ' Corset to Itcallze Why It Excels. The Gossard Corset shown here Is model O flfad is tor the wom an of full prerportlons. It makes a solir figure appear slender anLgraceful. The bust fits close.wlthout raising the bust when seated, $8.50. j Other models $3.50 and $5.00.'; ... Mrs. Robert Pattison Phone, black 1481. FOLEY KIDNEY TILLS Tonic In i Action Quick In Results Give prompt relief from backach.. kidney and bladder trouble, rheumat ism, congestion of the kidneys, Inflam mation of the bladder and all annoy urinary Irregularities. A positive boon and elderly people ami to middle agdl for women. ' ' H. M. Beatty Little Rock, Ar says "For two -year; . I have been troubled with severe kid iey trouble The pains across my bacl and oyr my hips were so bad that tljey alinost nnant death to me at tlmes.used several welt known kldneyemedies which gavu me no relief until I used Foley Kidney Pills, and these1 I can truthfully rec ommend as they have made me sound and well." Hill's drug store. The quicker a com u gotten rid of the less the danger from pneumonia and other serious diseases. Mr. B. W. L. Hal, oi Waverly, Vt. ,sars: "I firmly believe Cham berlain's Cough Remedy to be absolutely the best preparation on the market for colds. I have recommended it to my friends and they all agree with me." For sale by a) Savoy Hotel EUROPEAN ? PLAN The Steam , -f. . . . rooms are good and Leated only, one bloikfrom depot D. C. BrichouxyProp . Phimbing John Melville 1423 Adams Avt ' LA GRANDE, - ORE '.' For all kinds of MESSENGER ASD DELITERY SERVICE Call Cp The Centrai Ifle raenger and delivery Co. V " Office In Foley Building --: Boom 2 -'';'- -.' riioncs, Main 709 , Ind. H. J. KESLER, ' MA5AGLR. 3XF0H9 FAYORITES AS BAY FOR RACE DRAWS SEAR. ' Earlier !n the Ynter Oxonians Crept I ato Popularity Bast. London, March 30. -Both tho Ooid and Cambridge crews have practically Sn'shed their training for the treat annual boat racf , which Is t bo rowed Saturday aver the usual course from Mortlake to Putney. Public tnterest in the great acquatic event is unusual ly keen this : year. ; For week, the :e p rs have devoted columns :o the daily work of" the two eights, while Una veek the Thame's has been lined with spectators to witness th- ' spins and to form opinions 83 to the condition of the contestants : It stems to be the general opinion hat there will1?be a grant struggle. The Oxonians are slight :., favorites, which. !s due largely to the fact that 'hey got into ihape earlier in hf season and have st:adily Improved In Torm and steadiness. Like all crews stroked by Mr, Bourne the Oxonians have a steady swing and nice' rhythm In ; their early practice work the Cambridge nun were unlucky In los ing the services of their second coaub. In the borne waters the crew showed a slower stroke than was desirable, but since they appeared at Putney ; there baa ben noticed . a steady improve nen. It is now conceded that ever; man In the crew Is a good worker and that there is not a weak snot in th; boat. The members of the crew are for the mo3t part a very power ful and heavy sat of men and many experts incline to the opinion that ambridg'e will quietly wear down 'Ir rival crew in the Jatt:r part of th- race. ' : . ' - This will be the 68 "i race brt-- the two universities. Oxford hT jt' the winner in thirty-six ' iozw.' ' r-' Cambridge In thirty, while the cm - 1877 resulted in a dead heat. Theirs time over the four-mile course, 18m 47s., was. first made by Oxford In 1893 ad equalled by Cambridge In 1900. Girl Strippers Wanted at Cigar Factory Experience Un- necesSi Apil ?at , FMtl US HltlG ClQkR FACTORY "SUFFRAGETTES" ATTRACT. Members of Society Circles Mistaken for Militants at Depot ) Members of the Five Hundred club of this clty.who were.' suestk .'today who Airs. ti. ti, iviaaie or isiana uity. were "tipped off" to a crowd of tour ists at the depot this morning as mil itant suffragettes and without thir knowledge were th object of consid erable study by passengers on No. C. The ladies, a , doxen or so, were guests with . Mrs. Kiddle for the dny,: going out on the morning train and returning this afternoon. A wag who was familiar with the facts ' In the caBe, informed a tourist who inquired as to the wher.for so many la dips boarding the branch train', that the women were militant suffragettes and the report spread rapidly to othe' passengers on the train and though the innocent ladles -didn't know it, they were studied from car windows as a fair sample of the famous suffra gette..;, ; .;' MAM MEN LAID OFF. Montk-End Cnrtallment In Expense Comes for Two Days This Month One of the first month-end curtail ment of txpenseg In many months was ordered by Portland offices of the O. W. last night and with the exception of a few machinists, and a man or two In each department, the entire O.-W. machinery Is at a standstill today and will be so again tomorrow. This Is In harmony with the general curtailment orders given out early In the month when several train crews were laid off and a large number of other employes given temporary lay offs.. The month-end curtailments will likely be continued until the summer business picks up again..- , pi ' Notice to Stockholders. The annual stockholders meeting of the Grande Ronde Reservoir company will be held In the. office of the com pany In the M. M. company build ing, La Grande, Oregon, on Monday, April 10th, 1911. at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m.t for the purpose of elect ing a board of directors and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. W. J. CHURCH, Sec'y. Mch 21Ap 10 " .'"'V-S''"' "I would Be Glad to Trade my Outside Investments for Imbler Fruit Land." This was the remark recently made by a man in the Grande Ronde valley who listened and was tempted by the oily agents for wireless stock, the dignified agents for Portland city lots, the talkative men for Seattle and Tacoma additions. : . , He bought some of all of them, believing the great 1 chance to make money was in another man's gams. Now, he has awakened to the fact that "hills look green far away" but that home securities and home investments that can be looked after occasionally beat anythinng offered by the "fly-by-night" agent. ' This man now realizes that there is plenty of money on he coast to grab anything that looks like an in-r vestment destined to return big dividends. Men do ' nothing but watch for such things in money centers and they never let the good things get away. What do they market away from home? Here it is: f Several men go in together, and get options on a piece of property. Little money is put up except for hiring salesmen. Tnis "syndicate" hires the best talent obtainable, gets out glowing lit erature with pretty pictures and starts operation in the interior country. ; ' One salesman said to a friend recently: "I always like to sell from a blue print. It is far more attrac tive than the property and besides the rough land, ravines and brush piles do not show up on the print." . .This syndicate pounds at their salesmen who work very hard and the rersult is that the addition or what ever it may be is finally unloaded and the stockhold ers of the syndicate pocket a handsome profit, while the people holding contracts cannot under any cir cumstances sell their lots at what they paid for them. The man referred to has bought something of all offerings made by the outside men lately and he is through. He now admits he would like to trade his entire holdings for Imbler fruit land. Is it not likely there will be others who will gladly make the, same offer after :' they investigate what they have been buying? Bear in mind, there is nothing so staple as fruit-" land, nothing so sure of bringing returns and at al( times having afull value in your security The man , with a few hundred dollars can now handle such land with as secure protection as can the man with thous ands..; Investigate what is being offered to you right here at home before you send another dollar from this community. .Those having meritorious fruitland investment offerings in the Imbler district are: ' .'.-, "''': i . G. L Cleaver, La Grande Investment Co. Wenaha Lumber Co. Sherwood Williams, . Hm&Hibbard.