PAGE 2 ' XoUee. . Notice It hereby von that i:ip:r ons violating Ordlaance No. ti'f, Ser ies 1906, will be p:oaecutv! ayirotf.d ed In laid ordinance? YoHrftlep5r.ii Is particularly calleft to tfit part ection 5, of said ordinance, wh!:x reads at follows j "AO owners ana cnpanta of property shll keep rlcr. and ren.ov from an streets and t. leys abutting the same, all kinds f'savacte- -J robMsh, garbage, man- defposlng or decaying ve- ji:--iT 1-- , off enurr. tiawt !cfome, or ot-lghL. fub-1' : t .." By rd.- of tft- ,r V ndent F .. JNER Sat Hen i'Avr ".' ' i ' To Core a Cold In One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO ' pulnlm tablets. Druggists refund money n it fails to cure. E. W. GBX)VES slgy 9tyrm nvi rh tOT. 2Rc. r We carry a complete stock of Coast Fir flooring and finish at reasonable prices, of the same grade used for intVfieh the La Grandeigh nool build ing. Also a complete stock of Oregon Pine Lumber and best gradexf Shingles. - i weMha LUMBER CO. GREENWOOD & MADISON - ,v Home Phone 421. Bell Phone, Main 732 Compefe EqupmentyorReseffng arm Repairing Rubber Boggy Tf ires LA GRANDE (RON WORKS D. FITZG&ALD, Proprietor COMPLETE MACHINE SHOPS AND FOUHDRY The George Parfmer Lumber Company 1 A r Retail Department We solicit your orders for Shingles, Rubberoid Roofing, Deadening Felt, Building Paper We are prepared to furnish and deliver material, promptly. Phone Main 8. 2 THAT ESSENTIAL QUALITY United States National Bank LA GRANDE, ORE. WHILE this bank adopts every de sirable method of mod ern banking, it never Jtoses tight of that euen tial quality: ABSOLUTE SAFETY. FOBT WORTH SHOOTING AFFAIR Is TO BE AIRED MONDAY. Perry Pneumatic Water Systems, Samson Wind Mills, Deming Pumps, Richardson & Boynton Warm Air Furnaces, Pipe Valves and Fittings, Out- ( ters, Plumbing Fixtures of All Kinds, .Full Assort- ment of Nickel Trimmings. , BAY 6 ZWEIFEL i PLUMBERS, HEATERS, SHEE1 METAL "WORKERS Killing1 of One Woman Through Jeal ousy Woman Is Subject of Trial. ) Fort Worth, Tex., March 30. For the first time in many years a wo man charged with murder in the first degree is to be placed on trial In this city next Monday. The defendant in the case is Mrs. T. M. Brooks, wife of x prominent attorney, and her trial upon the charge of having shot and killed Mrs. Mary Blnford, department manager of a local dry goods store, is to begin next Monday in the Sixty- seventh district court. . The crime with Which Mrs. Brooks is charged, was committed on Januar; 16 of this year and is believed to have been prompted by Jealousy. N.ither . " Brooks nor her husband have shown any inclination to make a state ment that would indicate the tause of the tragedy,' but for some time ther have been rumors strongly hinting that Mrs. Brooks did not live happily with her husband and that she be lieved her husband's affection had be:n alienated by Mrs. Binford, who was divorced about two years ago and was considered a rather fascinating and handBome woman. It is expected that at j the coming trial some light will be thrown upon the relations be twe:n the defendant and her husband and between the latter and the victim of the tragedy and this prospect has greatly intensified the public interesr In the casr. Whatever may have been the mari tal complications,' whether Mr Brooks' Jealousy was well founded or based merely upon a tissue of her own imagination, is still a myst;ry. At all events, however, it seemed real enough to the defendant at the time of her desperat: deed. Armed with a bl,g, old-fashioned revolver, Mrs. Brooks, on the afternoon of January 16, made her way to the dry goods store, where Mrs. Blnford was em ployed. While sh?. passed through the whole length of the lower floor on her way to the elevator, Mrs. Brooks met many acquaintance. Smilingly she bowed and stopped several times to chat pleasantly with her friends, not one of whom suspected for a moment that a few minutes later Mrs. Brook would be the chief actor in a trag:dy. Mrs. Brooks took the elevator to the second floor of the establishment where Mrs. Blnford was employed. As she Btepped from the elevator Mrs. Brooks luquired where she could find Mrs. Binford, and as the latter ap proached, Mrs. Brooks, without say ing a word or giving: any warning. pulled her big revolver from her muff. Mrs. Binford,. realizing "her danger. grappled with Mrs. Brooks and tried to wrest the weapon from her. Her strength was no match, however, for that of Mrs. Brooks ami the latter quickly freed herself and forced the other woman agamst the wall. In the scuffle the weapon was discharged the bullet plowing Its way through Mrs. Binford's hand. With her victim at bay, Mrs. Brooks stepped back and .fired four times. The second ball struck Mrs. Binford in the left .shoulder, the third one inch higher, and the fourth entered the base of the neck, shattering the spinal vertebra. Just before hsr victim sank to the floor, Mrs. Brooks fired again the bullet striking Mrs. Binford be hind the ear, coming out through the top of the head. There were probably a hundred or more witnesses to the tragedy. Shop- pert and clerks alike seemed to be paralysed by hysterical fright and without hindrance Mrs. Brooks passed through the crowd and reached the t f- flce of her husband, two blocks dis tant She handed the revolver to her husband and with the murmured words "I am sorry." she sank to the floor unconscious. Later sh? was ar rested and after waiving irellml nary trial, was released untie. S10.- 000 ball. - i ' u " i " i " u " i " i1 , "i "'li "' I I I" ii 1 - jg y--y - niiri- iji iji j' j ij -j A fold, LaGrlppc, then Pneumonia Is too often the fatal minno EY,l ey's Honey and Tar exnela'the cold checks the lagrippe, and; prevents pneumonia; It la a prompt and rt lia ble cough medicine thatcontains no narcotics. "Foley'sHony and Tar is :he best cough remeay I ever used a? !t quickly stopped a sWere; cough that had long troubled mey says J. W, Kuhn, Princeton, Neb. Just so quick ly and surely it acts In all cases of coughs, colds, lagrippe and lung trou ble. It is as safe for your chHdrir as yourself, and should be used in all cas:a of croup, whooping cough ant measles cough.. Refuse substitutes Hill's drug store. , If I Had Enema I'd wash It away with that mild. soothing liquid, D. D. D. Trial bottle. 25c. Relieves all kinds of skin trou ble, cleaslng away the Impurities and clearing up the complexion as nothing else can. Yes. If I had any kind of skin trou ble I'D USE D. D. D. Newlin Drug company. SCHEDULE K OPPOSED. Baker Commercial Club Petitions Tilt on Wool Schedule Not only is the National Wool Growers association protesting against the Immediate revision of ' schedule K which deals with wool and wool ens, but many other organizations in the west are protesting because of the effect It will have on the wool market, says the Baker Herald. ' The Baker Commercial club today sent the following message to Presi dent Taft: . Baker, Ore., March 29, 1911. Hon. W. H..Taft, ' , Executive Mansion, x Washington, DC. '. It is the sense of the legislative committee of this body that schedule K be not revised at this time. The wool growers soon will have their clips on sale and .any agitation will have a demoralizing effect on the ma.r- keL.' ' ... As the tariff board is collecting data for the use of congress; showing the cost of producing wool In this and forei-. jc-j-ii;c8i w aeem It wise to postpone revision of schedule K un til this board submits its report Ic congress. , " . :. . - BAKER COM'MERCIALCLUB, f F. K BODINSON, Pre? 3 S. ASHLEY, Sec. Directory of the Fraternal Orders of La Grande, Oregon c Sotice of Street Improvement. A. 7. ft A. M. La Grande Lodge No. 41, A F.ftAH. holds regula. meet logs first and third Saturdays i 7:30 p. m. Cordial welcome to a Maaona. L. M. HOYT. W. M. A. a WILLIAMS. Secretr- 8. P. O. E. La Grande Lode? . , meets each Thursday evening ai o'clock In Elk's club, corner of De pot .street' and Washington avenue Vultlng brothers are cordially In vited to attend. H. J. HITTER, Ex. RuL H. E. COOLIDGE. Rec. Sec. WOODMEN ' OF THE WORLD Lr Grande Lodge No. 169 W O. W meets every second and fourth Sat urdays at K. P. hall. All visitins mebers welcome. ?D. FITZGERALD, C C, . J. H KEEXEV. Cirk. Vu.iw. a.--La Grande Camp No. -Ti meets every Monday tn tb month ; ' the I. 0. 0. F. hall. All . visjtii '. neighbor are cordially ' InvUM ttend. . ' " 1 R. SNOOK. O REBEKAHS Crystal Lodge Na u meets every Tuesday evening in the I. O. 0. F. halL All visiting mem bers are Invited to attend ' . MRS. KATIE ARBUCKLE. N. 0. MISS ANNA ALEXANDER, 8ee. I KNIGHTS OF PYTKIAS Red Crow Lodge No. 27 meets every Moniy .night In Castle hall, (old Elk's hall.) A Pythian welcome to all vlsltlnf ' KnUbta. , JESS PAUL, C. C ' R. L. UNCOLN, M. of R. 8. 0. E. S. Hope Chapter No. 13, 0. It C. holds stated communl'ctti.ei tli - second and fourth Wednesdays ot each month. Visiting members .or iUUy Invited. i CARRIE HUNTER, X M; ' MAH A. WAitXICK, riex. WOMEN OF WGOIKJKAFT- (' rni Konue Cin-ie No. .i" : taet "vir first ami (bird Thursday tfitiium in the niM-th at tne I. u t K . Kll v'.iiiiNK nifmh-rt km- ,. Geepf Sidewalk . fiQURE WITH " I liliJniiiii I., I, hi . .i.1:1,.!,1 ," ?r.l.'ffJfr,J.lLJ'yfJ;.Ml!'JP!lll! To whom it. may concern: Notice Is hereby given that in pursuance of a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of La Grande, Oregon, on the 5th day of August 1909, creating Improvement ' District No. 3 and designating Main avenue, as such district, and In pursuance of a resolution adopted by said common council on the 15th day of March. 1911. whereby said council de termined and declared its intention to Improve all that' portion of Main avenue,' in said Improvement district as hereinafter described, by laying thereon bitulithic pavement, the coun cil will, ten days after the service of this notice upon the owners of the property affected and benefitted by such improvement, order that said above described improvement be made; that the boundaries of said dis trict to be so Improved are as follows: All that, portion of Main avenue. from the side of 4th street, to the west side of First -Street, (A). And the property affected or benefitted by said Improvement is as1 follows: . .-.f - - o AU the property between the south line of Main avenue arjd a line drawn from Fouth street wast through--The center of blocks 10 afad ljrln Gran dy's addition to La Griny; Oregon, to the Center of block 21 bf Romig's ad dition to the town of Ka Grande, Ore gon, and all the property between the north line of Main avenue and a line drawn from Fourth street weet through the center of blocks 1, 9 and 14 in Grandy's addition to the town of La Grande, Oregon, to the center of block 1 in Rdmlg's addition to the town of La Grande, Oregon. Notice is hereby further given that the council will levy a special assess ment on all the property affected and benefitted by such Improvement for the purpose of paying for such im provement That the estimated cost of such . improvement la the sum of $12,230.00. That the council will on the 5th day of April, 1911, meet at the council chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m.( to consider said est! mated cost, and the levy of said as sessment, when a hearing will be granted to any person feeling ag grieved by such assessment La Grande. Oregon, March 20th, 1911. CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE OREGON. . By C. M. HUMPHREYS. Recorder of the City of La Grande Oregon. March 20-10t Thirty Day Sal II For the Jfcxt Xhirtjr Daya Ton Can Btfy Yonr Silverware, Cat Glasa, J Hand Palntei China Clocks andewelrj at a Seduction of from 10 to 25 Per Cent off. All rellab!Qoality and Fully Guaranteed, J V V ' j J H PF&RF "'L CramM Lead- l 4l. n. r&HIC. ie Jeweler, i t Opposite V. 8. Lanl Office oa A dams Avenue. .. t iMiiitiiiiiiiuiiiiitiiii tuiiiiuiuiinnnitm HACK AND Uptown office Main 720 A iim i Tiri rri R5dence phone Main 25 AMBULANCE V e.l bussey &0HEM3SS39V THE Mome Bantififl is only tobe had by consulting Clogston & Nutte to .Obsirvr office HOME PHONE 1341. r -ABfiuT MM 0 Satisfaction Positively Guaranteed