V t PAGE 6 LA G RAN DE EVENING OBSERVER, SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 19ll. ,vl - i r . St r If-, rrS'v s.- IS X- 44444444444 44 444444444444444444444 4 4444A A A AAAAA A . . .v . . A . . . . . . . . . . . . A ....... A ....... . AAAAAAAAAAaaa-............. . . . .r. . . . - - w Y---v-vwvvvVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VV V V VV V V VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV44 1 fASSIGMEE'S 1MMKRUPT SALE I STORE CLOSED I ! r rT - j J to Arrange Stock. I iy;i&MfeS) 4 UCWe. IVlIOi I SEffl ? " I 'I . A LA AV. A -A A A A A . A . c A N - . ' - l&- : ! 5 A A o 4 $60,000.00 STOCK of Strictly New high quality merchandise at sacrifice prices; LA GRANDE N. ' K. WEST GRANDE An Opportunity you can not tford to miss. It will pay you to come tor miles to this Great Sale. ASSIGNEE'S BANKRUPT SALE OF WOMEN'S and MISSES' Suits 4. TkA IM ( . Coats HALF PRICE Large variety to select from, made ( of pure wool cloth ? 28 and ,T0 inch 1 coats, plain and - fancy skirts, .itll sizes, including models for stout women, every sta ple color including some novelties. $15.00 suits. $ 7.5a 20.00 suits. 10.00 22.50 suits. 11.25 25.00 suits. 12.50 30.00 suits. 15.00 ENTIRE LINE HAL E PR I C E IKarnillddlF of the Morgan DcpartmcnJ Store OF PORTLAND, OREGON. (Portland's Newest and j Finest East Side Store) NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC: - MORGAN'S DEPARTMENT STORE, ONE OF PORT ' LAND'S FIVE LARGEST STORES WAS IN BUSINESS j ONLY A SHORT TIME WHEN IT FAILED, AND THE EN TIRE STOCK OF NEW, HIGH QUALITY .MERCHANDISE ; WAS ASSIGNED TO ME AT, A PRICE THAT WILL ; MAKE THIS THE GREATEST SALE EVER HELD IN EASTERN OREGON. NOT ONE ARTICLE IN THE EN TIRE STOCK RESERVED, i Buy now for months to come at prices far below !the actual value ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF LADIES' WAISTS. Linen Tailored, Silks, Em broidered Linens, Lingerie, and Mescalines, all sizes, at Manufacturer's Ccst. it NOTIONS. AT BANKRUPT PRICES. Nothi::; reserved in this great stock of Staple and Fancy Notions. The largest line ever shown here. LADIES' $3.00 SHOES $S.BE 200 pair of Ladies' shoeldBS this lot, Vici Kid, Box CfenBes if and Gunmetal. both hic-h Ith8 clty low 3hoes, in button and llupt, vn saie now at $i.4y. " - MEN'S $3.00 and $3.50 j SHOES FOR $1.80. , Men's shoes in Vici Kid, Gun metal,; Box Calf and Patent Leather, all new lasts. As signet's I'lxzo 5i.t-u Cfccterflcld Men's Shoes, SororitrT --'-' School Girl llu-ti' Shoes, r,t Great C.v. :.np;:. Price. Men's ! Clothing Included at Great ' Reductions. OVERSTOCKED is the reason for this extraordinary sale cf New Spring Styles in BENJAMIN, SOCIETY, SINCERITY and Every Man's Suit in Store E educed Bkal organization first class of that charitable feeling to NSIGNEE'S SALE OF pressed for a band, and which is never justified. t'n's, Women's and Misses' A STEP THAT MEASS S05T This afternoon SHOES ,wml This arternoon tne lmoia WjjKxrrA.aLe rirvuzjng (hemsface will not permit us to I ki -csu in I'nrifln hnr iatit J V When we say this sale will WfJ be the greatest Shoe Sale we ever held you know what that means. 6-. : ar.A-w r.j'-i AT MANUFACTURER'S COST. BANKRUPT SALE OF MEN'S FURNISHINGS SAVOY DRESS SHIRTS SUMMER UNDERWEAR HOSIERY, NECKWEAR.- WORK SHIRTS, SUSPENDERS, BELTS, -ETC. AT BANKRUPT PRICES. ITEKS TAKEN AT RAN DOM FROM THE ; DRY GOODS DEPARTM;T. Imported Gingham3. , ,;.19c 25c Fancy Ribbon. . . W2c 15c Lawn, all colors. . 7c Toile du Norde Ginghamllc 12y2 Percales........ ...8c 20c Tickmg . .13c 12c Pure Linen Crash. . . .7c 12y2c Silkoline ...8c 15c Sleeveless Vests 9c 15c Women's Hose. .... . .9c 35c Wash Belts... I4C Remember the ; Opening Rate Toesday, March 28th, MM WW? mm lif ASSIGNEE'S BANK- RUPT SALE OF WOMEN'S & MISSES' DRESSES ' ' Half Price. ' Every dress in the entire stock in the lot, made of . Serges, Taffetas, Chal lies, Chiffonv Foulards, Pean.de Soie and Voiles. ' Colors, Black, Brown, Garnet, Cardinal, Helio, Light Blue, Maize, Shep hard Checks, White, 01 ive, Royal and Stripes. Sizes, 34 to 40. Dresses for every occasion. ; j ONE-HALF PRICE . Hundreds of Bargains Like the Above Throughout the ; entire Store. - h THE ONLY SALE OF ITS KIND EVER HELD IN LA GRANDE GREATER IN VOLUME ' . GREATER IN BARGAINS - Cost or Former' Selling Price, will not be considered in thi3 ; j GREAT BANKRUPT SALE. Additional Salespeople Wanted. .Apply at Office, Saturday. March25th. N Portiers and Curtains OSe a pair. This lot was sold at $1.50 to $2.00. Full sizes and new pat terns, Sale Price... 98c AAAAAA 4.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A M 4 ft II I 1 1 1 1 I I Vxl? V V H BANKRUPT SALE OF Muslin Underwear Largest and most com plete line of Muslin and ' j Cambric underwear ever 1 ; shown by this store, at f WHOLESALE . PRICE ' A A A . A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A : A A A A : A . : A A : A 5 A A 4 A 4 A 4 . , 4 4 . 1911 1 e'- ' s ' 4 4l 4 ,4 S 4 ;W) A4l Mliill III "t'E- ' 4 ! i .1