PAGE 12 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 1911. Garments Why Wear East Years when you can buy this year's high class wearing apparel "-Ullm for less. . DON'T GET EXCITED, but see our line before you buy Our: Store is Jammed Full of New Goods m ri mini When you want QUALITY, corre to Geibel'g and get A REAL DOLLAR'S WORTH. . Remember our ? ."V ; ; Goods are not one year old, but up to the minute. 1 Cur Stock is Complete 1 THE FAIR CWTWSMT ttll. Tut NOYAU TAILOR Society and Clubs A large number of young people and elderly, ones, too figured in a surprise party last Wednesday even ing when the entire L. D. 8. choir UUU UU HlBll piCBlUOUt, A1 o. IJramwell, and tendered him with a very pleasant party. The entire a.u gatlon marched to th? Eramwell resi dence on Adams avenue en masse and took the home by storm and the guest ; of honor by downright surprise. The evening was pleasantly spent, re freshments coming In due time and lu plenty of quantity and excellent In quality. The choir . which numbers close to 100 was there almost to a . person and not only Is Mr Bramwell apprtclatlve of the honor1 paid him but the participants were well enter tained. The guests were: ; Messrs and Mesdaines Geo. Stod- . t W'TnTk-. rt 4 4.. TTf-l ' LET US DIE FOR T0U. In fact the only way we lire Is bj dj olng. Dou't dye yourself. ' It's better than dyeing yourself. W E DYE EVERY DAT AM) BVE FOtt ALL . .Our charge for dyeing for yon won't tie bgrlh. A sample Job Is sufficient. For host dyeing and denning have us 4lo it. 1V ! L I.LITE CLEANING & DYE WORKS, Thone Main 61. dard. Jos. P. Price, C. W. NibUy. Jr., C. P. Ferrln, Earl Stlt, W. K. Davis, M. Rosenbaum, Robert Wood, Clyde Metrnif v. s. nramwell' Mesdanics 1 . . n...l.. - :.c uusn, noseiva noimes, j. awns ham Marv Meteftlf. Fisher. C. W. Nlb- ley of Salt jk9 City; Miss.s Esther Wilson, Itoselva Wilson, .lenmo car hinn. Pnllie Cooner. Sallie Cooner. Nel lie Cooper, Ruby Ainsworth, Jennie Ainsworth, Clara carbine, reari kos enbaum, Nathtson, CoombB, Blanche Black, Edith Thompson. Irma Ueddes, Donna Geddes, Mary Stone; Messrs. w.A rnrhlnfi. Paul Ainsworth. Lynn Strlngham, Francis . Carbine, Chas. Mills, Leland Metcalf, Wallace Black. Leonard Chrlstenson, Klmer tjnrns. Tom Johnson, John Johnson. Ray Baum, F. C. Bramwell, Irving Biam well and LaRetta Dramw.ll. : The regular meeting of the Nelgh bohood dub held on Tuesday after noon proved to be one of the beat busl mss meetings of the year. The club decided to discontinue the department work after this year and for the fol lowing year will take up the study of England and Wales. For this work the members will have the use of a great number of books from the State Li linry commission, which hsva buen carefully selected for club use by MIsa Marvin secretary of the commission. Thr- books will arrive soon in order that the members who wish to do gen eual reading may do so before fie regular work beeln3. MIks Marvin sys! "The books sre so attractive that I am sure many will want to road them all." The Civics commit t c an nounced that it litiil perurcd the. ser vices of Howard Evarta Weed to Rive a lecture on March 28th. the Pt'lviect to be "The More Beaut "'l i.s Grande." The object this lectu-.e 's to build ri c'vto n!-ui! and create an Inter'Pt in dean str ft? an more I cenuiiiui ir.imv.-.-i. i nn - I nrrmlsslnn from thf city to plant trees In the. narking arov.nd the oip let nu FniM-th street. A rommi'tce was r,i nnint d to Ftct"? the trees aiid .have th"in ulaced at once ( 'I h I-vlf Tuesday Musical will meet at th ? d"b rooms tuxt Tuesdar at'tsr- Paper- Pisno Paper- a CAST f II We carry a complete stock of Coast Fir' flooring and finish at reasonable prices, of the same gradelused for interior finish in Mhe La Grande High Schoo! build ing. Also a complete stock ; of Oregon Pine Lumber and best grade of Shingles. WENAHA LUMBER CO. r GREENWOOD & MADISON Home Phone 421. . Bell Phone, Main 732 noon and will study the lives and com positions of Clayton Johns, Wilson G. Smith and George W. Marston. The program having be n arranged by Mrs. R. W. Logan and Mrs. C. G. Cum mings, Is as follows: Paper "Clayton Johns". Mrs. Anthony Song "Through the Eastern Gate" Clayton Johns Miss Alladean Little. -"Wilson G. Smith" Mr3. E. Polack Solo "Talntelle". Wilson Smith Mrs. Carlock. -"George W. Marston" Mrs. E. C. Moore Sng "I am a Pilgrim" George Marston Mrs. 0. E. Silverthorne. Song "One- Spring Morning". . .Kevin Mrs, P. S. Robinson. ' Song "I Love and the World Is Mine" George Marston Miss Oina Richardson. . The second annuol hop of the Union County 0. A. C. association Is now drawing near and committees have been assigned from the association to carry out the multitude of dataila April 25th is the date set and the Elks auditorium, of course, will be used by the dancers. The event draws next to the Elks' annual ball, more out of town guests than any other event In the social s.ason. lnvitationn and programs are to be "nifty as '.lie slans; phrases put it, and from the mo3t im portant to the lessor phase of the arrangements, there is nothing going to be spared. Novel innovations such as last y;ar pleased tn?, f-,r'"t''-anticipated and wiil o UovLi Iized. ... ... - Because of many counterattractlons that could not be postponed, the im portant musical program event sched uled tor next v Monday. nig'.U by tlio !.y!e Tuesday muslcale has been post noii A until the following Friday and th- )ua.".iiH;iuent will mean too, that ;'.u .e v.-.'ll be a larger attention and move people will be given an oppor tunity to hear the numbers which are r ,'.. 'lifted to b.' high class. The promo te r; of the program report every thins ! 'ii '.eadlness and that Friday nlght.will (Iniir ami see a rare treat In musical itl'.'cles. j Vonday evenlnr will be an Import ! ant one to members of the Modern jW'jodm n of America for an evening i filed with entertainment is planned. The guests will be given an opportun to iilav cards or danc e n3 fancy j- ' U'-s them and at the proorr hour refreshments will be served All Wo.idmeii arc imited and their frit mU " will. Mus'i ,i! ji:";ilc", s will tilart juvt'i '. s o! M''3. C: i loci; s mu lass ut d a v"!'. :,' .: ::.h liiu ram :! h r ?:udlo this after noon, v tln lr p -vid a few In vited gi!.;. ;: Y':' ;hildren who gave the numbers were: Lola G'ven. Kutli I!i.gcr3, Louise O'Con uell, Elsa Cnrlock. Gladys Currey. .Marguerite Thatcher. Masier Arthur As!i and Carolyn Palmer, i 4 4 Miss Irene Murphy entertained Thursday evening, the La Jaunesse dub members being the guests. ? The American Brotherhood was th host this week to a pleasant informal party when dancing was' enjoyed at the lodse hall. Mrs. Franc Wllhelm entertained the afternoon KaftVe K.ath Friday at her home on First street. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Lilly w re hn?t and hostess to the Deeun dub f ' week. Mrs. W. 1). McMillan won the honors. Mis. 11. C. Grady wis lustes3 th'' week to the regular Five Hundred weekly meet ing. Mrs. William Arlin son won the honors. , The La Grand, band is planning to give a dance at a nearby date. The organization has commenced "ractlces end rehearsals under direc tion of Prof. Hill, after a short vacation." WORLD "0KSKKVE3 BIBLE . TERCENTENARY ANNIVERSARY (Continued from Page One.) which they were to deviate only where absolutely necessary. The 54 . schol ars of which the conference consisted, organized themselves into six sub committees and with all the available material, from the original Greek and Hebrew manuscripts, Bishop I'lflla's uotnic translation ana later Latin. German, Fr.nch, Italian and Spauis'a translations, to the English bibles o: Wycliffe, Tyndale, Coverdale and the Geneva bible at their disposal, beear their task which was not completed until seven years lat:r. The exact date of the completion of the work is no' known, but it was at the beginning oi summer. lision with an incoming freight train. It Is said that pedestrians using the railroad yards as a cut-off climb be tween the cars and step on th cou pling lever, lifting the bolt and when at a subsequent time th:. cars are hit by the switch engines from the other end, the cars continue to roll on and in the darkness sometimes continue for quite a distance down grade. IMBLER FRUIT MEN MEET. M. etlnar at Imbler Today to IMhcuss Various Tonics of Importance NEW SONG POPULAR. "Its Got to Be Someone I Love,' TI tie of Popular Song. Lynn F. Cowan ,th- musician at the Arcade Is singing a popular song this week end entitled, "It's Got to Be Someone I Lve.'' The song is one Oi ihe bi"".est sang hits in the many months that Mr. Cowan has been at the Arcade and patrons of that, th -atr a find him 'equal to the new song 'n fine style. He sings it with rare skill and the popularity of the populai song is Increased by his rendition. Four good pictures are also , being run and all in all the Arcad has a good program and attraction for Sat urday niebt theatre goers. Inibler, March 25. (Special) A meeting of the Itnbler Fruitgrowers' association was held today and mat ters dealln" with the welfare of the union and the Inibler orchard district came up for consideration. Buildlmr Branch Line Fences. The building and bridge department of the O.-W. has crews at work build ing 66 miles of fence on the Elgin branch. NOTES FROM THE LABOR WORLD. ACCrSGD OF FORGER. Far! Blnlr Accused of Forahnr t'heck t . nt O.-W. Offices Hcrcv Earl Blair is in, jail today due to a lack of $500 bond money placed over his head by Justice of the Peace Wil liams after Blair's arraignment v" terday on a forgery charge. J. H. Keeney, agent for the o.-vV. is complaining witness.' Blair is accused nf having forged the name of C. M. Blair ,to a draft of $114.45 on the Grande Valley National bank, Grand Junction, X. Y. On motion of the s'ate and consent b" th"' clef n d:nt I the case was postooned until WDrines ! day. Blair was formerly an employe of the C.-W. hero. PEDESTRIANS START SOML TLIM; ( ouplinir L vcrs Lifted ?y People 'hi ('llnii'Inv' Between Cars. What might have resulted disas trously but for slsnal block system, occurred in the east end cf the local vards recently when five box cars broke away from the yard and galnin? momentum, ran out of the yards and hit 'bt tiiivk in tlin' tn pr v"t " rn'- Detrolt dredge workers demand ths bight-hour day. The Des Moines trades and labor assembly has decid.d to purchase the Iowa Union, of Des Moines, the organ of the Iowa labor unions. . The French fishermen who man the St. Pierre fleet on the Grand banks are engaged for shar:s in the catch iistead of for regular wages. MiOre than 900 hundred - working firli are now being taught to operate elect! ically driven machinery in . a new trade school in New York city. Ohio ' enjoys a rather' unique dis tinction in the fact that two of Its miners have . risen , to great promi nence. One is a supreme court judge and. the other attorney-general for the state. :! With only two dissentients, the Manx house of keys passed a resolu tion requesting the lieutenant-governor to direct the preparation-of a workman's compensation bill on the lines cf the acts of th imperial par liament. The unorganized g'rl shirtwaist and kimono makers of Boston average from 5?.."i0 to ?7 a week. While th" pveiage wage of the girl trad, union ist following filename calling localb t tOUA 1 1 r ninrtfillnD i i iailfa IIUIU ?C III Y I l, nilUiUiiift 1" j Hairy Dublr.isky, special organizer for the Lftdhs' Garment Workers union. Have Yon Read Tills Book. A new book tilling how the fearful appendicitis is caused and how you can EASILY prevent it, Is being read with much interest by La Grande peo people. . It is given away free by A. T. Hill. PILES CURED AT HOME BY NEW ABSORPTION METHOD. . t Z you inlfrr from - bleeding. Itching, blind or protruding I'lliw, wnil me your (ddreiw,, 1 will tell you bow to cure yourself at li'im'e by tn new ibnortlon treatmeut; and will also tend some of tula borne treatmeut free for trial, with . references from your own locality if requntted. Immediate re lief and Hrmanent cure assured. Send no money, bnt tell other of this offer. Write today to Mrs. M. Summers, Box 1, Notre Iud. lliy pay Rent? IVcoai " money to build, ana yot pay us as you would rent. J. R. OLIVER i Arcade THEATRE PROGRAM Captain Barnacle's Courtship , .... Yitagraph . Comedy, i 1 " A Decree of Destiny. .'.Biograph Dramatic On the Border of the Foyset.. Eclipse Canadian Iron Center. . .Uurbin Scenec. Admission 10 cents To Cure u Cold In One Pay Take LAXATIVE BROMO puinine tablets. Druggists refund money If It fails to cure. E. W. GROVES sig nature ou each bo. 25c. The World's Great Artists m Your Home. It is not possible for everybody to see the world's greatest musical artists, organizations and entertain ers, but it is possible for everybody to hear them by means of a PHONOGRAPH. ' No one should overlook what this means as a source of pleasure and education to children as well as to other members of the family. The cost of a phonograph is within the. means of anyone. As to the possibilities of these instruments you must hear some of the new records. Come im and hear them. Newlin Book & Stationery Co.