La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, March 25, 1911, Image 1

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: SATCIiJJAY. 2:,, uu
DIAZ'S cabinet 01
More Soldiers Will Be Rushed to El
Paso to Prevent Invasion of Juarez
by American Citizens Who Ar: Al.
legcd to Be After Liberation of All
. Imprisoned Americans In Jail There.
Washington, March 25 Reorganiza
tion or t!i6 ilcilcaa pcrcrr.n'-fr.t,
the early retirement of President Diaz
in the fact of conflict is expected here
by officials following the resignation
of Diaz's cabinet with only 'Minister
Limantour left as loyal to the presi
dent. The old cabinet was unpopular
and it is asserted that the action is
taken as a result of the mobilization
of the United States troops and it will
prove a big factor in the restoration
of peace and order.
Formal notification of the cabinet's
resignation web received today by de
La Barva from Minister Creek who
etated the public received the informa
tion Well and he predicted early
peace. ' . .
Rebels Conced.d Favorite. '
Speaking for the revolutionary jun
ta Dr. Yasquez Gomez, a local leader
here, said the reslgnnt'on cf the cabi
net marked the first hal fof the rebel's
fight with the rebels winning.
Americans Plan Invasion. . ,
El Paso, March 25. Discovery lid's
by .Mexican agents of an alleged. plot
whereby 500 Americans Ver-:,- to !n
vade Juareu and liberate every iui
prisoned American today cpuae a-gre'
"amount of excitement. Guards v-jii
be put on bridges and or; soldiers are
being rushed to El Paso to prevent
such action.
Brown, , Alleged Forger,, Who Broke
Jail, Is Back Again.
George Brown, a man who. figured
in several escapades here, the last of
which was to break county Jail June
4, 1!U0. has been returned to the dty.
He was captured at Dillon, Mont., and
Sheriff Chillers returned this morning
with him. Brown Is accused of forging
checks on Charles Dunn In 1909, and
was originally caught in Dillon.
Atlanta. Ga March 2.V Ten per
mhis are known to be dead and more
tli n n a score Injure? ns the resnlt of n
plunge through n trestle of the Chi
cago fljir line while crossing the Al
pha river. It Mas a train of live Pull
minis. Relief trains have been rushed,
The. train ulangcd a distance of 73
Champion Smoke Must Serve 25 Buys
In Juil for Speeding.
San Francisco, March: '21 Jack
Johnson, the champion priz.iiighter,
was sentenced to 25 days in jail for
speeding. There is no alternative and
he must serve the Jail term. ;
Circulars to tell Virtues of "La Grande
School to the Public.
At a recent meeting of the school
board authorization was given to have
a circular prepared and distributed
' telling with pen and photographic me
diums the various courses and attrac
tions of the new La Grande high
school building ana curriculum. The
circulars will be distributed to' vari
ous portions of the county that pros
pective students can learn at home
what courses there areand"how they
are taught.
Collision at Sra Ends In Saving of All
Members of the Crews. .
London, March 23. Colliding today
; in the British channel In a dense fog
the French steamer liorcleauvillo uivl
the Scotch steamer f risbrook sank in
a few minutes. The passengers and
crew were sent out in a life boat ami
quickly picked up through agencies
of wireless.
Bonk of Commerce With Deposits Ag-
gregatlng- $142,000,000 Goes Into the
Hands of Morgan, Rockefeller and
- Kuhn-Lo;b Interests Gives Them
. Power Over Monetary Commission
Washington. March 25. Confirma
tion of annnictnns that the Morgan
Rockefeller and Kuhn-Loeb Interests
plan to control the whole country's
finances are seen here today by Wall
street In the acquisition by the "Big
Three' of the National Bank of Com
merce, with deposits reaching $142,
000,000.. This stroke is expected to
prove the- entering wedge In the cam
paign to secure a chain of banks
throughout the country which will be
able to absolutely control and deter
mine the financial situation.
The reason of the activities of the
big three Is now said to be becaus.
they are convinced that the Aldrich
central bank plan will be approved by
the monetary commission and they flg
ily, dominate the central bank difec:
ure the bank chain will-be able to eas
torate and control a bulk of money In
the United States.
w m 11
School Board Settles With Sutherlln
for Work on School.
The residue of the payments due to
Contractor Sutherlin for plumbing the
high school building and installing the
heating plants, held out pending a
horoitNv twt during the winter,, has
been ordered paid at a rei'esnt meeting
of the school board. '
,.. - Farmers Sell Wheat. .'
(Elgin Recorder. -Four
local farmers, who have been
holding their wheat ron since last
harvest, disposed of their holdings the
'to part of this ' week to the Elgin
Flouring Mill company. The crops be
lched to W. B. Hindman, Harry Mc
N:tb. J. L. Jlindman and J. A. Knight
arid amounted to about 10.000 bushels.
The price received was 67 1-2 cents.
boir" oovern. rents lower thanjit the
time . . ' . . A few
sma! V A J. . J this
sect!. r . - LIrl, ; Musis
will soon tie empty.' '
Eneland Orders Its Shi;s to Protect
v Property hi Chinii.
London, , March 25. As a conse
quence of the, news that Russia has
seml-ofllcially announced her Inten
tions of declaring war against China
even after the sweeping concessions
granted Russia, the British warships
in Chines; waters were today ordered
by cable to protect all foreigners. Of
ficials here expect Russia to declare
war on China soon.
The Lloyds, reflecting this feeling,
today raised the insurance- rates
against war, commencine before April
25th. ' . '
It is reported' that Cossacks are
driving Chinese out of the Amur vol
ley and Chinese;. are wrecking the
ManLhur'an railway.
Russians OptiniM.f.
St. Petersburg. March 25. Despite
the grave. complications, Russian of
ficials do not-expect war.1 Japan is
exerting heavy1 pressure on China and
possibly 'she. will succeed In making
China bow to tha Russion terms which
have been named on interior commerce.
Demnnds Presented. i
Pekin, March 25. M, Kerestovltz,
the Russian minister to China, pre
sented Russia's final note to the Chi foreign board, demanding com
plete acquiescence to-Russian's Mon
golian demands. Failure to comply,
It Is predicted, means war. '
04$ 4 $ $&4i i&'4 ,crowd below, nnd Jump-d, one by one.
' . i.Many more are In the building,, and
DEAD AT 4 O'CLOCK 4 m" "e 1
j ' $, The building was occupied by the
S New York, March 25-(4:00 " ii. ? American Triangle Waist company. On
m Pacific Time) At this hour, s'tho tenth flcor more than a score of
fifty-three bodies har been faces were sen at the windows. Ex-
Counted.' : . tentlnn Indilpm ran ronrli inlv in ihp
New York. March 25iFlHslrt .S
At 6s3( eastern time, tbe build- $
$ Ing is gnttrd, and it is estimated
Q that over one hundred iersons &
r AA. Some wer burned, and cS
some jumyed to death. , 4
S .
seventh floor.
' The flames are ontbnrstlng, prevent
ing the use of the scaling ladders.
NYorly the whole down town depart
ments are rushing to the scene. Hun.
Crds of thousands of persons are Jam
ming the streets, but are bclnjr held
back by police reserves.
New York, March 25 (830 Pacific Eight hundred girls werv employed
time) Cut off by flr? 24 persons jump- J in the shirt waist factory and officials
ed to their death from the eighth story say the entire force was working when
of the American Company' s building j the fire started. The number of deaths
at Washington square th!s afternoon, is Increasing so radly that the
The tenants of the upper story dash, corpses are being plltd up like cord,
et? to the windows, In full view of the wood on Mercer street
Searching Boats Return Claiming They
Can Find No Trace of Wreckage or
of Boats Carrying Passengers Fif
teen Reported Saved , at Williams
Head Indians Say They Saw Boat
Go Down.
Book Print d In 152(1 Will Be en DIs
play nnd Exhibits Will Show Re.
markable Growth and Versions of
the Bible From Early History Down
Entire British Empire to Observe
the Event.
Strango and1 supernatural premoni
tion of death "marked, the singular
death yesterday of Mrs. Samuel Moffat
of May Park. While about her kitchen
Mrs. Moffat who was a woman of about
37 years, suddenly declared she wa3
about to die, and going serenely to au
adjoining room and removing a bed
mattress, dragged It to the kitchen
and lay down on It. Doctor Hall was
V hastily summoned but the woman was
cold in death before he got there, tlyr
tug or heart disease. . -.
Dr. Hall brands the instance as ex
tremely peculiar; '
Mrs. Moffat is survived by her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Barney of
Mt. Glenn, her, husband and six chil
dren, the. youngtst of whom is six
months old.
Chicago-, 111., March 25. (Special)
The awakening of interest Jn the larg
er eastern centers of population in ir
rigation and development possibilities
of the west and the southwest Is evi
denced by an interview with Judge C.
F. Fishback, an irrigation authority,
which recently was sought and given
space in the New York Sun. Mr. Fish
back is Ihe chairman of the Chicago
board of, control of the Nineteenth
National irrigation congress, to meet
here this year, and it was In this
capacity that he spoke for the New
York ra;ier. . .
Mr.' Fishback was described as hav
ing arrived in New York on, the crest
of a wave of optimism, and In his tallt
he touched upon financial conditions
in the west, the reciprocity measure,
the Chicago Association of, Commerce
trade expansion tour of the orient and
the Importance to both Chicago ami
the country as a whole of the Irriga
tion congress this year. 'J .:
"Financial conditions in the. west
are on the mend.', he is quoted, "and
everybody recognizes that since Janu
ary 1 there has been an upward trend.
The market for bonds on, the natural
resources of the country has improved
remarkably, and is still Improving. I
never have known a better outlook In
this direction than there Is today, j
"The Chicago Association of Com
merce, which has lent , Its support to
the work of the National Irrigation
congress, is about to send a party of
its members to China. This movement
is in line with the great Interest which
Chicago is taking In deveIoplng not
alon the resources and commerce of
our own west, but the orient as well.
"The outlook for the development of
the arid lands of the west has never
been better. Many persons do not ap
pear to realize that the government Is
spending f48.000.000 in the develop
ment of huge Irrigation enterprises in
arid land states in addition to the tre
mendous expenditures already made.
The Importance of this work Is illus
trated by the fnet that President Taft
is to address the Irrigation congress
this year, this being the first time the
organization ever has been promised
the privil-ge of having the president
for Its guest. V
"The work of interesting the people
of the United States In this convention
would seem to be a matter of superer
ogation for all the newspapers of the
country, practically- speaking, have
from time to time been generous In
their treatment of accounts concern
ing the relation of Increased develop
m nt to the cost of food stus'and so
on. The congress will probably at
tract the attention of half a million
people In Illinois alone this year. Far
mers, merchants 'and manufacturer,;
have nothing but confidence In the
general out look for the year."
Mr. Fishback, who is a partne-r '.u
one of the hi? linnrt hnnspa nf t'io
j country, has lived In California. New
(York and Chicago and is capab'o of
Ven observations, both because of
his business training and his travels
Recently he left Chicago to Bpeud i
month In England aa personal mis
sionary of the Irrigation congress.
Victoria, B. C. March 25. Thlrty
JI?!! jmn wr nrnhdhlv drowned
off Williams Head some time yesterday
afternoon when the steamer Schelt
capsized in a sudden gae, taking the
crew entirely unawares. ,
The tugboats Jelllffe and Madge re
turned to Victoria at noon today after
searching the straits without finding
any trace of the boat, any wreckage or
any sign of the passengers on tha. dis
abled boat.'
Indians on the .shore said to the
searchers that they saw. the boat go
down and the men are convinced that
all are drowned. ,
The Sechlet was 82 feet long and
plied between Victoria and Sooke, with
Captain Jones In command. .
There is no known passenger list
and the supposed dead cannot be de
tcrmlned at this point. ' :..; -. -.V V'V,
Rumor of Some Being Saved. .
An unconfirmed rumer reached here
late this afternoon saying that 15 pas
sengers landed at Williams Head just
previous to the sinking of the boat. '
Even in thf, event that the 15 are
saved the death list will be "big, but re
turning searchers gle little credit to
tha last report. ,' -
. .Iustnll Immense, Power Plaut"-',;
.. (Elgin Recorder.)
. The . McCully-Rumble,,, . Land and
Power company is the name of a new
corporation which is completing pre
liminary arrangements for th con
structlon of an immense lectrlc pow
er plant on the Wallowa river, about
two miles below the state flrsh hatch
ery. Applications for various franchis
es have already been asked and the
company expects to develop between
1500 and 2000 horse power. The prime
object Is to furnish power to northern
Union county for all purposes. The
enterprise means an enormous expen
tnture ana will be of untold benefit tc
Elgin and this end of the county. More
detailed account will appear next
Architects at Work and Bulld'ing Will
Soon Be Commenced.
Pendellon Rancher Help Mining Bond
Up Hie Grande Ronde. River.
Joe Vey of Pendleton was at the
Foley last night. Mr. Vey Is the
largest land owner and sheep breeder
In Umatilla county besides owning
22.000 acres of ranee land in this
county. While here Mr. Vey donatrd
the county a right of way through his
land for the new road up the Grande
Honde river. His son-in-law, Jas. Mo
nese of California accompanied him on
a s'eht-seelng trip.
Positive assurance that the ' La
Grande's federal building ' is . soon
to take shape here is given by Con
rressman Ellis of Pendleton who has
returned .from Washington. He as
serts that architects at Washington
are well along with their work and
that construction will be ordered very
shortly. , ... . ... , , . . ... ,
He called on the department'-just be
fore leaving Washington and ascer
tained the positive facts in the mat
ter. La Grande's building Is now oc
cupying the attention of the architects
and has been for some time with the
result that the construction will start
as soon as spring opens up In good
The Pendleton bulldinf Is 20 num
bers behind the. La Grande building
and Judge Ellis believe Pendleton's
structure will be commenced nee-fall.
Di posed Speaker Will Seek Lcodertthrp
of the Minority lr) tbe House.'
Washington. March 23 Though tim
id about making his candidacy known
It is generally understood that Joseph
O. Cannon is out for the leadership cf
the republican minority In the house
London, March 25. Throughout the
pwittaH imnim nrnmt.lflns are com
pleted for the fitting observance or
the tercentenary of the authorized ver
sion of the English bible. In England
London will be the center of the cele
bration, which will begin tomorrow
with special thanksgiving services in
all the churches. The bible, Its history
and historical sketches of the origin
of the authorized version of the Eng
lish bible will form the text for every
sermon tomorrow. The churches of
every denomination in Great Britain,
and In fact all English-speaking coun
tries, will join in the observance of
the English bible's birthday.
The celebration will not be confined
to this city. In the course of the, Ve-eK
meetings will be arranged In leading
provincial centers In Scotland and Ire
land; similar to the large mass meet
ing to be held In the Royal Albert hall
on Wednesday. The celebration will
continue for several weeks and will
reach Its climax and conclusion on the
Siindayfollowlng Easter. , r t
Iu connection with tha Interesting
Celebration the 'authorities of the Brit
ish museum have arranged an exhlbl-,
Hon of a historical character which
will attract the attention and hold the
interest- of the thousands of bible
scholarsVho'MTl'vlgrt XCndon during
tha tercentenary celebration, The
exhibition will -be divided into two
sections, manuscript and printed books.
The manuscripts wlll illustrate the
progress of the bible from the "very
earliest times, starting with examples
of the Hebrew: and Greek originals,
and going on to. the Latin Vulgata.
which brought the bible into England.
There will also be numerous examples
pf enrly English manuscripts, produc
ed at, various intervals down to the
time when the art of printing was In
troduced. There will b? about 30 ex
amples of biblical manuscripts illus
trating the various periods mentioned.
The printed or book section will
start with a copy of the first exarapla
of a portion of the bible printed in
England, this being Tyndale's New
slon. produced In 1611. when the spe
examples of printed works will show
all editions produced by "rivate indi
viduals from Tyndale's time down to
ha odifinn rf thn authorized ver
sion, produce din 1011, when the spe
cial 'committee appointed seven years
before by James I to revise the bible
for all time, produced the result of Its
labor. There will also br specimens
of some especially Interesting editions
of the 'authorized "versiori stnre that
date. ,- ' ' i
The exhibition will include a specl
tnent of practically every bible In the
museum, excluding, however, mere
translations into foreign languages of
the authorized version. Several copies
will be accompanied by documents il
lustrating th lr history' and the lan
guages and dialects represented In tha
whole collection will include Hebrew,
Greek, S'Tiac. three dialects of Egyp-
tlon. Latin. Anglo-Saxon and Enelisn
of the middle ages, Tudor and Ellza
be'hlan periolds. '
It was In 1603 that the Puritan wing
of the church of England petitioned
James I. for the revision of the Book
of Common Prayer; - To bring about a
final settlement of tbe matter, which
caused considerable dissension among
his subject, King James summoned a
conference of learned men, theologans
and bible students. .which convened at
Hampton court. In the king's pres
ence, on January 14, 1604. It was dur-i
Insc th four days of that conference,
which clearly showed the divergence
of opinions regarding the. existing
English texts of the Bible, the Great,
the JilvonB' and the G'neva ; Bible,
' . jidea of '.or-
( - . the bible,
h - as the only
antrtoi,i,t-v-...J.. :. ,'v ismlssed (the
vuiuereucB, jiuwtvf r, 'i" uiuiurjin
his plan. . t ' "
On July 22. of the same year he
rnlled tha nmn arhnlara tneether nnrrt
more and charged them with the task
of making a new version of tae bible,
based upon the Bishops' bible jfrora
(Continued on Page Twelve.) .
.p. ......