La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, March 22, 1911, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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Ill f PLIGlillSHU
LI Bp Increased to Ten and All File
F Homesteads.", ".'-
Ten applicants for homesteads and
. water rights to accompany them, have
been filed today In the land office
here on unit No. 4 In the Uma'lllsi
project, filings, for which were allow -
d, commencing at 9 o'clock this morn
Tng. There still remain four tracts
voder this unit and it is believed they
Noted Lecturer to Dlseoni- on That
Subject on Xearbj Date. ' i
La Grande made more beautiful, or to j
word the title precisely, "The More
Beautiful La Grande," is the theme to
be discussed by the well known lectur
er, Howard Everts Weed, who is to
come to La Grande vr, eyohstrylDLU
coma to La Grande very shortly to dis
cuss municipal beautincation. . Mr.
will all have been filed upon by tD- Weed will be remembered as a man
Of the filings made today, none,
conflict. The i lineup of four men
maintained for three days at the land
effice, was last night Increased to. 10
with the arrival of other applicants
who has attained renown from coast
to coast by his lectures on civic Im
provements and he will tell how cents
can be spent in the back yards to beau
tify the city. ' ; - .
The exact date of h's coming w'll be
- " O
None of these made nnv effort tn m i announcrd unnn and la looked forward
cn the few remaining tracts In unit Js'o. I to with much interest. That natural
$. ' ;' beauties of La Grande are often marred
Those who filed this morning, and! by carelessness and lack of knowledge
will, apparently, Anally obtain title to in making the city more attractive is
the land sought, are: ' conceded and Mr. Weed will point out
William Kennedy, Hermlston, 25 the short route to a more beautiful
an-: wmum v-.: Jr.. Hcrsfc- C!t7. , , -, , - :
ton, 23 acres; James Eddie, Hermlston, 1
S3 acres; Wlllianj S. Mitchell, Hermls
ton, 40 acres; Emerson E. D.avis, Will- TIIT PflOTQ IN I1IQPIITF
onvllle, Clackamas county. 17 acres; I til 1 lU II LI I J 111 ; UIUlU I L
Karl Schachermlrr, Seattle, 40 acres;
Charles Dlerich, San Francisco, 40 ac
res; Thomas ; Mackay, 'Portland, 22
--. 1:-- -" --'-r---:iiiaBfflfe--
Millinery ;
Our Spring line now opened up for
your selection.
Everything that is Dainty, Durable
and reasonable.
Do not buy until you see our line,
which is the best.
Dickens as a Report.
Dickens oner described the condi
tions under which he pursued the call
ing of a reporter-conditions, be said,
cf which his HticccftHors could have no
adequate, Idea. On one occasion he
transcribed his nliorthund notes of 1m
portant election speeches, he said, on
the palm of bis hand, by the light of a
lark lantern. In a postcholwe and four
galloping through a wild' country at
the dead of night at the then surpris
ing rate of. fifteen miles an hour. lie
nee. In the castle yard at Exeter,
took an election speech of Lord Russell
tn the midst of a lively fight West
mister Qasette.
' Pure Reading Matter.
. ,"One of the funniest requests I ever
got," the advertising manager told us,
"was from a local dry goods merchant.
Be said, 'I want this advertisement
put in a part of the paper where worn
em will be sure to read it '
"Croat Scott, man! I said. 'Don't
you k'k'MV tdat when we hnre some
pure renriiiix matter that w wnn
wotciMi in ure lo hp we fitir it
ext u a Uiy kimkIh Mdvertlsemputf '
-Cleveland Plain lHHler.
(Continued from page one)
one in which they can exercise dis
When the bill was up In the house
Steenerson . (Republican,' Minnesota).
chairman of the committee that con
sidered. Bald the president was author
ized to enforce the laws of the union.
A declaration of war is a law. In or
der to enforce such a law it might be
necessary to send the militia out of
the country.
"If this bill passes," said Represen
tative Williams (democratic, Miss.),
"the president will have the right to
wage war without a declaration by
oongress and send the entire militia
Into foreign porta to carry it on. Con
eress never Intended to place the or
ganized militia at -the service of the
president to be ordered about at his
"Under this law," observed Sherley,
(democratic, Ky.). "The presld:nt
could send the militia to the Philip
pines tomorrow."
' Despite objections the bill was rush
ed through and .the president, on the
capltol hill basis, seems to have full
authority to create a military divi
sion on the Rio Grande.
' I
David Jayne Hilt
Ambassador , to Germany tn Edu
cator of Note.
J. H. Thomposn and F. F. McCiilly
Named as Mayoralty Timber.'
Joseph, March 22. (Special) Mun
icipal ownership 'candidates won a
majority of places on the city ticket at
the caucus held here this Week. The
campaign was principally on munici
pal ownership lines and the large
crowd in attendance the largest at
any caucus ever held in the cityvot
ed itself with th? municipal owner
ship candidates almost .two to one.
The election which will be held Ap
ril 3 will segregate the men how-ever,
as there are opposition men for sev
eral offices. The slate as now ready
for the voters on April 3rd, are: ;
For mayor J. H. Thompson and F.
F. McCully.
Recorder A. White (no opposi
Treasurer A. K. Parker and L.
Councllmen L. E. CavcnessN. C.
Lonfellow, H. L. Cummins, Wesley
Duncan, J. B. Streeter and J. M.
Thompson. (Three to be elected).
' . I
l' ' .JVt" J
Mmut f K. ' H 'i- f
tisoro lo Only Ono
TSjat lo
Always remember the fall name. Look
this signature on every box. 25c.
La Grande, March 22. (To the editor
of the Observer). As a resident on
1 Fourth street, I necessarily feel some
Interest in the street improvement thai
was begun on that street last fall, but
which has not been nearly completed.
It is certain that the contract price
for the Improvement is exorbitant, an.l
it seems to me that so high a price
should not have b:en agreed on. The
price to be paid is much higher than
the price paid in Portland and Willa
mette valley and southern O reenn
points, and I am satisfied that It wa.i
I necessary io pay any SUCU price.
The paving company seems to hav;
had its own way In most respects. The
people on Fourth streets should take
pains to see that the work is properly
done. And I now call attention to the
sador of the United States to Ger. curD on Fourth street in front of the
many. Mr. Hill's subject was "The residences of Dr. Molitor and Mr.
Problem of World Organization as-Holmes- H will be seen by examining
Affected by the Nature of the .Modern thl8 curb that the lower part of It is
Ambassador mil Addresses Students.
New York, March 22. A large au
dience heard the first of the Carnen-
tler lectues at Columbia univeslty this
aftenoon by David Jayne Hill, ambas
to ;
4 T .... , ..
The Right Kind of
Clothes for Easter
Clothes that are distinctive but not freakish
stylish but not extreme -different but tasty
just the sort of clothes the
like to wear, are now being shown here
to those interested in the new Spring styles.!
You may not be eady to buy yet, but you' J
are surely ready to look. You should have
a new suit for Easter.
almost free from cement, and on the
west side of this curb, where It can be
j seen, it seems to me to have little ce
iment. I call attention of the mayor
(and other officials. to this curb, not
only at the points mentioned, but all
along Fourth street where it can be
seen. I do not know what the con
tract calls for, but if this curb Is built
according to contract, the city has a
poor contract. A sound price should
guarantee a sound and honest Job.
If the work Is not well done on
Fourth street, tn persons interested
i should find out whether the law has or
has not been complied wJth and govern
themselves accordingly,
Tolstoy Hated Doctors. . 1
"The late Couut Tolstoy loathed nhv-
slcians." said at a dinner in Washing
ton a Russian diplomat. f :;
"Yon remember bow Tolstoy ridi
culed physlclaus In 'War aud Peace?
Well. heard him ridicule three of
them to tbelr faces over a vegetarian
dinner at Yrisnnya Polyona. " 1
" 'Physicians, he sf Id bitterly, look
ing up from a plate of lentils, 'may be
divided Into two classes the radicals,
who kill you. and the conservatives,-
o let you die.'" ;
(C ran ton
. Mtntal Arithmetic
j "Is your'young man gittln' a sal'ry.
I "Sure he Is. An' what's mo, de boss
tol' William he's gwlne to double it"
"Dat's fine! How much Is be gittln
I "I dunno what be's-KitUn now, but I
speck It's somefin like half what he'e
gwlneter git" Cleveland Plain Dealer.
I . '
Jutt a Precaution,
! "So yoo are attending cooking
school r says the friend. "Are you go
ing to do your own workT"
"No. I want to be able lo teach toy
bnsband how to prepare tae meals In
to emergency Judira
Any Woman Can Have It by
Parisian Sae.
Madam: If your hair isn't Just what
you would like it to be why don't you
use Parisian Sage. v , -
If It does not put life and luster Into
the hair and cause It to grow abund
antly you can have your money back
"I cainnot say enough In Its favor,
from Newlin Drug company.
Two years ago I lost all my hair. I
saw Parisian Sage advertised and I
thought I would try it. Before I had
finished using the first bottle my hair x
had stopped falling and my head was
covered with new hair; also removed
all dandruff and today I have a love
ly heda of hair.
"I think Parisian Sage the best hair
restorer and dandruff cure in the
world today. It also makes the hair
cleqfn. fluffy, and silky, and I would
recommend It to eery one who wishes
a hair, restorer and beautifler."--MiB8 r
Mary E. Dickson, 287 South avehuec"
Bridgeton, N. J. 1910. ;
For men, women and children, there
Is no hair preparation that equala Par .
Islan Sage; it never disappoints; it
does Just what the American makers
atdvertlse it to do.. It banishes dand- '
ruff, kills the dandruff germ, stops .
falling hair or scalo Itch, nr mnnpv
back. Sold by Newlin Drue comnanv
and druggists everywhere. Large bot
tle 50 cents.
The quicker a cold is gotten rid of the
less the danger from pneumonia tni other
serious diseases Mr. B. W. L. Hall, of
Wsverly, Va,, env "I firmly believe Cham
berlain'' Cough Remedy to lie niiroltitely the
best preparation on the inurkrt for colds. I
have recommended ii in my friends end
they all agree with m " "'ir sale by all
'Vxlers. .
vCaptain Barnacle's Courtship
i ' Vitagraph
A Decree of Destiny. . .Biograph
On the Border of the Forset. .
Canadian Iron Center.
Admission 10 cents