LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, WEDNESDAY, MARCH-22, 1911. PAGE 5 r .". . ' ; Absolutely ;Puro ' The Only Baking Poivder Made from Royal Crape Cream cl Tartar. iafegttatcis the gainst akimv Chemists tests haye shown that a part ot the alum from biscuit made with an alnm baking powder passes Into the stomach, and that digestion Is retarded thereby. Read the label and make sure that your baking powder Is not made from alum. food $ fEtfSONALS.' r3 1l;hefi& THEATRE rnoGRAX V, The Ironmaster Edison Latest feature film, a magni ficent picture. Prlscllla. and the Pequot.... V Kalem An Indian story of thrilling situation. Pots and Pans and Poetry... Pathe They all mix. Max Makes Music Patha X positive scream all through. You can't help It . Special: Silver Therads Among the Gold. Everybody's ' favorite, beauti fully arrange and illustrated. Matlnee-Miss Nellie Garrlck. Evenings Mr. C. P. Ferrin. Boys and girls sell twelve coxes or Take OnV Shoe-Polish, ,10c each. Make forti -ce'tits and gel a nice foun tain pen free. "A. W. Westby129 Grand Ave, Portland, Oregon. The Oregon wHl furnish first class nnma anil hnnrri nt 3S. SHO and 13! f.T month. No. TO ,t. T?V.ift .".'ountain 3top that cough, pany. .,:' .'-neb Remedy will Wr'ebt Drug com East- m Star Inltlaitlon All meniebrs are requested to attend this, evening. . Fred Mtcalf of Imbler Is at the Foley. , J. A. NIre, North Powder, is stopping nt the Foley. ! Dick Kinney of Joseph is at the Sa- M. L. Davis of Haines Is a guest of the Savoy. . AssisJaat Superintendent J. D. Stack, of the O.-W., Is here today on business and inspection. . Hfmn'a PeUrs of Pandlcton was In the city.todaj-.. ;, Mr. .Peters Is spend- fw dars in Hot Lake. T. D. Taylor, sheriff of Umatilla cvnty, was :n the city last night ,r.d was j'tlEtered at the Fol.y. County Sup rlntendent E. E. Brags v:s:tea scacois a; .orta . rowier today. Mrs. John Gardner and son John, Jr., left this morning for Baker where they will visit with friends for a short time, Rev. Father Alders arrivtd home frcn' Pcrtl?r morning. He has i been transacting business there for ft few days. - -: - ,- Commercial Superintendent E. Boin-ng- of the Seattle district of the West ern Union, is expected to arrive in the city tonight on a tour of inspection. He is at Baker today. Mrs. Jay Van Buren and Mrs. E. W. Bartlett left last evening for Portland where they will attend the funeral of their grandmother, Mrs. De Witt, who died there yesterday morning at the advanced age of 97 years. ; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur-Lee, who are staying at .Hot. Lake, arrived this morning to spend the day. with Rev. and Mrs. Upton H. Gibbs. Mr. Lee is the junior member of the well known legal firm in Spokane. Both he and Mrs. Lee were school mates and neighbors with Mrs. Gibbs at h!s former home in Clearwater, Minnesota. TEAM WANTED Medium sized tesm horses; gentle and safe. G. F. Duch- er, Cove, Ore. ; ' Onv glass counter show case for sale cheap at Sllverthorne's family drug store. '"" Spring :Sb I : I li l J j : i ..... i is i i WJM0: 1 M 4 : .01. 'At THE GOLDEM RULE CO. IN MILLlNihY DEPARTMENT . We invite you, o come and inspect our Spring showing of Millinery in all the very newest and latest styles for Spring Exclusive Designs in: Tailored Hats, Pattern Hats, Street Hats. ..-.. Out Prices are. within ffte Reach of AH (fliiir finn'nn'finp nf MdUhbin hals for Men and BOVS IS riow on displsy, and they are beauties, in all the new and Snappy styles. Come and look at them, it will pay you PRICES LESS (Cemm taoiiy QUAUTY THE SAME pfjpSMBjaaaaapss' r- -r- "I had been troubled with constipation f . .rA all of the best pnvH- I III iwi y n.i t.u - - . .- . ciann in Bristol, Tenn., ;d tljey uo nothing for me," writes TIiob. E. W illisnis. Middleloro, Ky. "Two iwckagn of Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets curer me.w For nale bv ll (IphIbix. i:- : : ; - i: i: S: LIFE m a I a sometimes depends nvon correct filling' of a a fact which we never over the jj prescription if flook. Evry prescription Is here K T fliijui with thn best drncrs uro- f T filled with the best drags pro cnrable and the service good as yon ean secure where. Any preecrfptio is as any tt is im- niirhnt n nn eh to demand onr It TV11NMI " kind of drnrs and service, ter remember this when have a prescription filled. not. TAB 1 Warning to Kallroad Hen. Iviok cut for sever and even dan gerous kidney and bladder trouble re suiting from years of railroading. Go E. Bell, 639 Third street. Fort Wayne Ind., was many years a conductor on the Nickel Plate, He says: "Twenty years of railroading left my kidneys in terrible condition. Thsre was a continual pain across my back and hips and my kidneys gave me much distress, and the action of my bladder was frequent and most painful. I gorlJ. a supply of Foley Kidney Pills and the first bottle made a wonderful im provement and tour bottler cured flie completely. Since being cureq; Llave recommc nded Foley . Kidney .PU1 to many of my railroad friends." Hill's drug store. - "V1 " 1 s 1" J1 1 s M' nl' !"J VrightDrugCo. DILL PICKLES: Sweet Pickles t Both plain and mixed in bulk. Carefully packed in a cleanly manner. Even the work people who pack these pfckles are un der constant care of maul cur lata employed by the well known packers, H. J. Helm A Co. Z For sale by iPattison Brc: Use either phone WHIM OF AN ARTIST. Turner and His Qrt Picture, Th Building of Carthagt." When Turner exhibited his great pic ture. "The BuildJn Of Carthage." he was disappointed because It had not been sold at once at the private view and engry with the press for criticis ing it severely.. Sir Eobert Peel called npon him. ' -Mr. Turner," eald be. "I admire your 'Carthage so much that I want to buy it I am told you want 500 guineas for it" -Yes," said Turner: "It was BOO guin eas, but today it's GOO." Well." said Sir Robert, I aid not come prepared to give GOO, and 1 must think It over. At tne same ume u seems to me that the change is an ex traordinary piece of business on your part" Do as you please," said Turner. "Do as you please.' After a few days Sir Robert called again upon the great painter. "Mr. Turner." he legan. "although I thought it a very extraordinaJthlhg for you to raise your prif-e J jsltfill be proud to buy that picture. -andVtjutt prepared to give you the (5W gnmeas; : "Ah!" said Turner. "It was GOO guin eas, but today It's 700." Sir Robert grew angry, and Turner laughed. "I was only in fun, be said. I don't intend to sell the picture at all. It shall be my winding sheet" For years be kept it in his cellar, Then it was brought up and bung In his gallery, where it remained as long as he lived. When be died be left it to the nation. M T To Our Friends and Customers: We wish to announce that after an absence back In the of four years w are I J. E,. WINE.S 6 CO. Changing a Nam. The brother of Mme. de Pompadour had at first been created Marquis de Vandleres. a somewhat unfortunate title for a man of inch new nobility. for be soon discovered to his profound annoyance that bis enemies would per sist In calling him the Marqula d'Avant Hier (the Marquis of the Da Before Yesterday). , Mme. de Pompadoor, naturally sen sitive in such matters, brought the af fair before the king and, as a title more or leaa was a small matter to grant the lady who grasped so much. after due forms her brother became the Marqcda de Marigny. From "Mme. Gaftln.,, timililillsstllltlliMi An Ox Hid. "Thomas," said the professor to Pupil In the junior class In chemistry. "mention an oxide," "Leather," replied Thomas. "What Is leather an oxide of?" asked the professor. X I blifrbt yonnatAr-hlcflsro Newt. Harness Business We have been in this business In this valley for 30 YEARS ana during that time we have consecutively endeavored to make th best HARNESS AND SADDLES that good Leather and skilled workmanship can produce. If you are a customer we thank you for your patronage ana promise to msrlt your favor m the future as we have in the past. If you are not yet a customer a trial order Is solicited, In full con fidence you will not regret re. MANUFACTURERS OF HIGH GRADE 108 FIR ST, HARNESS AND SADDLES argams MCE FRESH SMOKED SALMON PREFERRED STOCK FISH FLAKES IN 15c CANS FOB CREAM FISH FISH BALLS OR FISH HASH For the LENTEN SEASON BONELESS LUNCH HERRING ALL KINDS OF SAB DINES AND PREFERRED STOCK OYSTERS, ALSO CRAB MEAT FOR CRAB SALAD City Grocery & Bakery The Home of Fancy Groceries that will make you money Ten acres, one mile from the city, no improvements except trtes. which are. 13. years old. This is a fine location, road on two sides, good water right and produced over $4300.00 last year Price . Is ; $6,500.00," one half down and balance' on reasona ble time. . This year's crop will more than pay all expenses and balance of purchase price. , Ten acres, two miles 5 acres In 9-year-old apples, 2 1-2 acres of ;,that will bfar con-siderably--this 'year, and 2 1-H acres, of. garden land." Small houBendjbarn. This place Is on main county . road, near School and will make a fine home. Price only $3,500.00, one, 'third down and balance1 on time. This Is fine strawberry land, and when planted, will yield the, price of the property every year. ; ' Ten acres, Just one m tie out, practically new six room, bouse and barn, close to school and a fine money-making home. There are 8 1-2 acres In apples, and 1 1-2 acres In pasture. Last year this place produced 4,300 boxes ot apples and will easily pay itself out after first pay ment. Price la $5,500.00, one half down, good time on bal ance. Soil unexcelled for straw berries and small fruits. IMBLER ORCHARD TRACTS ON INSTALLMENT FAY. MENTS. Farm lands In all parts of the valley. Residences and vacant lots Jn all parta of in city. Security Land & Trust Company