La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, March 21, 1911, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    " J V
TUESDAY; MARCH 21, 1911.
Editor and Owner.
Catered at the postoffae at La Grande
as second-class matter.
fHiHyi single copy ' . . -. . . ,
Hally, per week, ...... .i....
Dally, per month,
. 16c
& (Anr-1 wit I FJSJ
I. Ml 12 13 14
26 27 28 29 30 31
The Commercial club of. La Grande
Is now, an organized working body.
equipped 10 nanaie' questions of tnter-
t to tbla valley for the next year.
That la, provided every citizen shows
r iiBptiiiou io utktt a Laud in. wai
ter anJ help. There la positively no
which, after all. are the best crop this
valley producea.
L'nlng on at the land office for a
tand' opening at Herralaton la now on.
Nt other concern but. the government
of the United States could Induce peo
ple to play this. kind of a game. but.
Uncle Sam works lp ' a mysterious
manner bis wonder te perform. '
Booker T,, Washington's explanation
of prowling around - an mparluient 1
nous? In New York la hardly suffl-;
cient. Can It be possible that the
cJony idol Is fnal'y to be.shaftered? j
The Spokane rate case is up again1!
for another final action. It seems
that there are many finals to this!
matter,, each of which leaves con dl
tiona as they were!
. . T f
V' n',
r W -
In the very, nature ,of things Teddy
should stir the people of Arizona. For
has he not proven his ability with the
spurt . : : -i ; '
If yon have not taken out that mem
bership In the Commercial club do not
hesitate, but do it now, how, now.
Barley aeedlnsr has bes-un. and th
GrandeJ Honde"iog grunteth-a pleas:
ant grunt. v
!' in attempting to nush La Grande
( in Mi I .v i. . V
iue ikjujjjc ao noi join.
And ; right now it is but right and
-proper to say that the out of town
property owner is going to b? called
5 opon to do his part. " There; Is an ele-
ment of .Inequality In a procedure that
home folk must carry the load and Jn
ao aoing make property values In
crease for the man who lives at a dis
tance. He must -stand his part, and to
this end the present Commercial club
Intends to, work, according to Ithe
opinions expressed last evening.
'If everyone will takt.hnM of
i rope and pull together during this
, summ season, the result will aston
; Ish the most skeptical. At the present
time Oregon is well stocked with
I homeseekers. They will not all come
t hre to be sure, but there Is quite a
number headed this way and many
have already arrived. La Grande and
i Grande Ronde valley must be in posi-
t mvu iu iw auer incse people, we
; must show them the . courtesy that
other communities show. We must at
- least take them over the valley and
'extend a hospitable welcome. Good
' breeding and decency demands this, If
nothing else.
' To accomplish these things a Com
1. merclal club is essential. The city
t now has such an organization, and the
' business men are responding to the
' call for support in an admirable man
ner. There are a number of people
not In active business who can render
valuable assistance. Do not wait to
be asked volunteer your services for
Assist In the united effort to pull
for the valley.
: " March 21. '
1685 John Sebastian Bach, the fam-
; Tous composer, born at Eisenach.
v uermany. pied at Lelpslc. July
" 28. 1750. '
1755 William Bull, colonial governor
of South Carolina, died at Shel
don, S. C. Born in 1683.
1775 Raising of "The Congress" flag
flag in New York.
1801 Kingdom of Etrurla created by
; Napoleon.
1805 Washington college, Washing
ton. Pa., established.
1806 Benito Juarez, Mexican patriot,
born. Died July 18, 1872. I
wu Robert Southey, English poet
laureate, died. Born Aug. 12,
1774. )
1851 Peter H. Burnett Inaugurated
first governor of California' at
San Jose.
1871 Marriage of the Marquis of
Lome, now the Duke of Argyll,
and , Princess Louise, daughter
of the late Queen Victoria.
1881 Act passed extending the boun
daries of Manitoba. '::
1910 Italian cabinet resigned because
of the failure of ship Bubsidy mea
sures, i
anid 1
ars of the
Assipee's Banlirapl
-. m'. r 1 .y ' ' t ' . ' ' . '
will be announced in SatuiayV issue of the Observer
atch for It!
. .
i . . '.
Sale I
y -
JMerv ShowiH
of Spring Models
Gage Pattern Hats
Tailored Street Hats
.. L -- Exclusive Styles . .'
The Quality Store
A suggestion to Union: When In
terest Is at its height In getting out
all of the good live stock In this val
ley", turn your attention to the Grande
. Rond e babies, Do not give a. prize
for the prettiest paby for every mother
would be vexed, but do something to
encourage a lineup of the youngsters,
Dr. George Edgar Vincent, who at
the end of this month is to succeed
Dr. Cyrus Northrop as president of
the university of Minnesota, was born
In Rockford, III., March 21, 1864. He
received nis education at Yale uni
versity and after his graduation in
1885 was engaged In newspaper work
for a short time. He then spent n
year In travel and on his return was
made literary editor of the Chautau
qua Institution. He was fellow of so
ciology In the university of Chlcaeo
from 1892 to 1894; assistant In sociol
ogy there In 1894-5: Instructor In
1895-6, and assistant professor from
1896 to 1900. In 1907 he was chosen
president of the. Chautauqua institu
tion and a short time later he was
made dean of the faculties of arts, lit
erature and science In the university
of Chicago. Dr. Vincent has a na
tlonal reputation as a writer and lec
turer on sociological subjects. He Is
regarded as one of the most effertiv
orators in the country.
if tM MU t I I II 1 1 111 111 m 1 1 1 1 IHfMI I H f 1 1 1 1
of this bank will be pleased to talk with you at
any time concerning mutual business relations
nHEN the Federal Government, the
yr county, the city and a large and
growing of list commercial and private
depositors entrust tnwr funds to this institu
tion to the extent of $800,000.00, you may
. be sure that it is a safe one for you to identify
, yourself with.
La Grande National Bank
CAPITAL ... $ 100.000.00
SURPLUS . . . 100,000.00
RESOURCES . . .1,1X5,000.00
Prti J. Holmes, Pr. W. J. Church. Vice Pres.
; . F. L. Meyers, Cshet Earl ZundeUss'f. Cashier
(Ohio State Journal.)
Boston culture Is taking on a new
phase, and that Is In an altruist! M.
rection. It is evidenced by the fact
that several wealthy women have per
sonally entered upon various methods
for Improving the condition of the
poor. One woman of ereat wpnlfh
has gone Into the. poverty sections ar.d i
onln 1 . . .. I
llu Mining dl-hoois ror ne poovt
cniidren. She goes on the lc!?a ihat
it keeps them out of mischief, end
more, for it gives them a oleasnnt
hour, teaches politenres and secures a
happy environment, all of which this
good rich woman thinks gr-atly lm
proves these poor children.
This new departure has MM consid
eration back of it. It is difTli ult to
attract the unfortunate and m-iift hv
methods Intended dlrtctly to educate
ana upurt. This manner of getting at
these children 1b said to be . erv tmr.
cessful and while the graces and cour
tesies that Incidental zo with .ha
dancing exercises are havinj their In-
uuence, the good woman :$ bringing
hf own Intelligent and chirmlng
personality into play, and there Is the
real argument for the new departure.
But It Is in other directions that the
rick women are doing their duty to
the poor. It Is becoming a real fash
Ion among them. A true woman can
do more with her personality thai
with her money, eapfcially if she uses
them together.
ing, or you can have your money back.
If you have any stomach trouble
whatever try MI-O-NA on the above
liberal basis. You can put your stom
ach in tip top shape in a few days so
that you can eat what your appetite
dictates without fear of heaviness or
Just get a fifty-cent box of MI-O-NA
stomach tablets today. They are small
and easily swallowed and if taken
regularly will surely cure any case of
stomach trouble.'
Be Wise, get a box today. Sold bv
Newlin's Drug company and druwlsts
everywhere. Booth's Ml-o-na, Buffalo,
.v i., will furnish a free trial treat'
ment upon request.
Smoking Legal Again.
Olympla, March 21. It Is now legal
to smoke cigarettes in Washington
WANTED A man with a few good
teams to taue contract for hauling
1 1-2 or 2 million feet nf
1 u
hour trip. Apply at once to Overton
Lumber Co., Union. Orecon. itt
80CB stom Am
One tr Two MU-a. TiMwU aa
Prwto! Soar Stomach Is Geae.
If you want a perfect stamaofc; tut
to gt rid of food fermentation, ni
eructations, aeartbara. bloating atot
meejB aaa aay atotnach distreea MI-O-NA
stomach tablets sold and guaran
teed by Newlia Drug company Is the
one euro, speedy remedy.
And mind yon It is guaranteed with
out any red tape and wlthoat any
sinnga attacaed. to cure any case ot
Indigestion, naasea. bllloaaceet. ner-
voaanesa, no matter how long stand-
Famoiis Horses at Auction.
New York, March 21. The auction
sale of Paul A. Sorg's great stable of
shnw hnreoa of hii.lnnj'. nui . .
w v LuuflUUB xviuuig Ala- '
demy tonight has attracted to this city J
many exniDitors and horse fanciers
from all over the United States and
Canada. The stable cost Mr. Sorg ov
er $200,000, and Includes a number of
famous blue ribbon winners. The star
of the collection Is the bantam hack
ney mare, Vanity Fair, which won the
highest honors of the National Horse
show on several occasion.
FOR RENT A furnished flat n.n
phone 462. Hattle R. McDonald, tf
Womb's Missionary Werlu
New York, March 21. Three thou
sand women representing nearly all
religious denominations are to take
part In the great celebration here of
the fiftieth anniversary of the beginn
ing of women's organised work for
foreign missions in this country. The
oelebratloa began today and will con
tinue through the remainder of thla
month. Carnegie hall will be the
scene of a series ef rallies that will
be addressed by speakers of mach
prominence. The unique feature of
tfce celebration, however; trill be the
"Pageant of Missions" to be held at
the Metropolitan opera house next
Monday afternoon. Three hnadred
women will take part la the pageant.
ffl(t will coaeiat of a number of tab
leaux showing the werk of the mis
stoaariea In every land.
FOR SALE--Two good fresh milk
cows. Easy , milkers. Inauire mm
corner 2dn and J streets..
WANTED Man and waon for col
lecting. Apply of E. C. Herringer,
Savoy hotel.
FOR RENT Five room house for rent
close In. Inquire of Geddes Bros,
store. "March 21-3t
bull, olty scavenger. Anyone want
ing my services call up City Recor
ders office.
FOR RENT Furnished and Mgnt
housekeeping rooms. Mrs. E. C. Moore
161 7 Fourth street.
WHTTE LEGHORN rooeers for sale.
Inquire Mrs. W. O. Hunter, Red til.
Marriage License Ism4
Coanty Cleric Ed Wright this morning-
lisied a marriage license to Mr.
Lowe aad Miss May Plerson.
FOll BALB-Two good homestead rs
UnquhhaienU in Wallowa county.
Iaquir of D. Blrchoox.
red Plymouth Rocks, R. I. Reds and
White Wyandottes, $1.50. Black Orp
ingtons, $2 and $3 per aettlng of 15.
3 choice R. i. Red Cockerels. Chas
E. Perry, 1315 Jackson avenue.
FOR SALE Large brood and work
mare.. 1315 Jackson Avenue.
For Sale.
A Bean power spraying outfit in
good condition at a bargain If taken
at once. Inquire of C. O. Ramsey, or
J. B. Stoddard.
claim. Address Box 93, La Grande.
FOR RENT-Furnished room for light
nouseKeeplng. Clint Van Fleet att
Golden Rule.
FOR SALE At a bargain. One acre
;tract, six room hnusa hom' c.
poultry yard; 50 full blood Barred
Kocks, 80 friut trees, also gooseber
ries, strawberries, etc. Fine place for
poultry ranch. Owner
must Bell at once. TO SEE IS TO
BUI, A. L. Hire 7mhlir rv, .
' iiumci. Wi
. att kinds ..of rarfaMe help on skort
otic. Ws have "them listed la our
flics. If ye are reBabte 'pSaae u
your. wanta. WTfeon ft Reed, emp.
ment efrv in sWofflce block.
TO LOAN A efleat wffl loan $jiKM at
per etnt taUrest. om rear or xm
r"rt nrtge Sana Becarlly. F.
S. rvnnhoe.
TOR tOTCT-Fosr good rooms,
Medlsoa aVene.
For Boaaestle Purposes.
Tkfc preparatloa b Mt injur, t
t the tkis, eeien ar fab. f
r lsn 1m fm M " ... X!
v m rum mm imtin ;
: ; Pint Bottles 2Qc j
, i i
i mmmm ' '
Pattisca Bros.;:
! Use either phone ' '
MIOH.I.MIH "-? , ,,,.J