La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, March 21, 1911, Image 1

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JiLi i r J ' ' M i t J - ; " ' UM Hi K'
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TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 1911.
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Twn-vFiR-m nq nirtrins-nil irfufii khiskfr imy I lUJUTfiim mmm
Aside From Winning Sweepstakes, WUi Striken In Fall Control of 8IU. Rebels Wm Be Asked to Ly Down
, Twe.Tear.01ds Take First Menejr
and Other ExWWU Come In for Prli.
es Boosts Grande Ronde Cattle In
, Markets of the Entire Coantrj.
Portland, March 21. (Special.
Grande Ronde cattle carried oft tho
sweepstakes at the annual Pacific
Northwest Stock show now In prog
ress at the Portland stock yards. This
signal victory for Grande Rondel
grown cattle has boosted that dis
trict's stadning in the stock circles of
the entire country for not only did the
sweepstakes victory zease a crown
; ing laurel but places the Grande
Ronde valleyrin stock circles as no
other victory In fxhlmtion lines could
"have, done.. The "stock making the
sweepstake victory belonged to Mc
Kennnon & Chandler, Jne La Grande
stock dealers, and numbered 41. The
stock was pitted against the best from
a half dozen states. . , .
Other Tlctorles, Too.
But the sweeping prize winning un
der sweepstake classes . was not the
only honor coming to the Grande
Ronde valley. The string of beeves
walked off at 12 o'clock today, witn
the following:
First money for two-year-olds.
Second money for second best two-year-olds.
Fourth money for best three-year-olds.
At 2 o'clock there are two more
. prizes yet to hear from, and Mr. Mc
Kennon and Mr. Chandler are hope
ful of placing in them as well.
Local stockmen, when told of the
victories at the Portland Stock show,
expressed their highest pleasure.
When the glow of the nows had work
ed itself through commercial circles,
the stock growers' friends dreamed
through the sunny afternoon, of what
they , are missing by not being near
the jubilant stockmen in Portland;
they pictured a vision of two Grande
Ronde stockmen in Portland wearing
the mlle that grows always broader
and never wears off. ; .
However, all agree that the distinc
tion Is a meritorious one,, and P.l?ces
Grande Ronde valley In a high plsriie
in cattle raising as ell as in horse
Object to Putin $575,000 Fine. .
Atlanta, Ga., March 2t. United
States Commissioner vColqultt today
resumed the hearing on the applica
tion of benjamin D. Greene and John
F. Gaynor for leave to take the pau
per's oath and swear off the $375,000
fine, which a part of the penalty Im
posed upon them for their part In the
Savannah harbor frauds. The . two
men have completed their prison sen
fences but freedom - has been denied
them pending the, settlement of the
fine. Both Greene and Gaynor contend
that they are now penniless,, and have
no money with which to pay the enor
mous fine. The department of Justice
on the other hand, declares its belief
that the two men have large fortunes
secreted and consequently should not
be permitted to escape payment, of
their fines by taking the pauper's oath.
atlon, State Tree; Are Called for Arms and Congregate at , Xexlce
to Protect Lives of Those Wko Are City Where a National Convention
Not In the Strike TwoUbJobs Re. Will Be Held to Settle Dlspite Diss
fuse to Join Strikers and Are Said to Have Gives Llmantoar the
Threatened. Rights. -
Gillisple, 111., March 21. Three hun
dred 'troops arrived here today pre
pared, to prevent rioting by 2,000 idle'
miners who threatened assault on any
miner attempting to return to work In
the coal mines, Tne strikers have
policed the towns and have driven pa
trolmen from the streets.- Nine depu
ties came first to protect the men as
a death penalty had been affixed to
strike breakers who refused to leave
town.?: - , -
Fight Expected Tonight
Nine detachments of state troops left
this afternoon for the scene of the
trouble and intend to forcibly disperse
the 300 strikers who have threatened
bloodshed. ; , ,
Fatalities Are Expected
Three shafts of the Northwestern
Coal company are affected. .Officials
refused to recognize the strike and or
d work to be resumed. After two
local unions discussed ' the situation
ey decided to return to work and
other union threatened to kill those
who did. ,
Armed foreigners paraded the street
all morning threatening Americans
who wished to return to work in the
mines. Colonel Lang, commanding
the troops, announced his Intention of
disarming them.
1H M
Washington, March 21. The admin
istration Is apparently marking time
this afternoon awaiting the result of
Minister Llmantour's missions to Mex
ico City. It is known he carried offi
cial messages from Taffs administra
tion to President Diaz. On accouAi of
the absence of several members, the
cabinet meeting today was postponed
until tomorrow.
President Taft does not hlmsolf :ear
any International complications from
a Japanese angle.' "" '- "
Publicity will be given to alt man
euver orders hereafter,-say arm v of
ficials. . .
Intervention Fades j.
San Antonio, Mrach 21, Chance of
American intervention In Mexbo is
believed to be more remote today than
ever. Army officers generally express
the opinion that the possibility of see
leg active service is small. .;
Llmantonr as Peace AngJ. ;.
El Paso. March 21. It is reported
here that Llmantour has been placed
at the head 'of the Mexican Interior af
fairs by Diaz; , that he will send an
order to Insurrectos to abandon arms
and send delegations to Mexicj City
for a national conentlon, which, :t is
said, will take up reforms. Diaz win
not resign and will not order a new
election until all arms agalnsc the
government are laid down.
Uncertainty Still Exists but Matters
('.., " Are Freeh Discussed. "
. Washington,. March- 2i: With the
democratic house -way. and means
meeting' dally for the" dlsc'ussiorf of
plans to be followed at, the special
session of congress the democrats are
divided here today over the question
of whether to '"open up" a series of
Investigations' during the special' ses
sion or to concentrate their energies
upoh'the next regular session. , As the
committee holds the newly acquired
power formerly wielded by -Speaker
C?rnon, whatever It may determine in
all probability will ' be the -working
program of the house.
In addition to consideration of the
reciprocity agreement and revision of
certain tariff 'schedules the" following
Investigations may be taken up:
After drastic revision" of the federal
payroll, congress will ask to learn the
real reason for the military "maneuv
ers." To discover why the steel trust was
not prosecuted under the Sherman anti-trust
To fix responsibility for the sale of
Friar lands In the Philippines to the
sugar trust.
To attempt the unseating of Senator
To Investigate the purchase of the
Panama canal from the French com
pany in order to learn what promoters
o fthe. deal received.
To determine whether soft bertha
are being systematically given to the
men defeated at. the recent elections.
German Critic Answered.
Washington, March 21. Answerlne
the criticisms of Colonel Gaodke. the
German military expert, who said the
United States army was ineffective as
a third class police force, Congress
man Hull of Iowa, 20 years chairman
of the house committee on military
affairs, said h? could arm a million
men today and have plenty of reserve
to supply ammunition. Army officers
assert they could have an army of
2,000.000 men. In the field in three
months. .
,r .... Old Battleship Changed.
Aboard the flagship Connecticut.
Chesapeake bay, March 21 One found
of firing of guns on the battleship New
Hampshire today put the old battle
ship Texas out of commission. She
is now known as the San Maris. The
government Is trying out a new "de
tached explosive," to bu usrd In the
Iowa Kills Eqnal Suffrage.
Des Moines, March 21. Voting 27
to 31, the state senate today killed the
bill which was framed to grant equal
vi ir4t m WW t m m I - mm
Burr McIntob Noted Writer, Makes
Startling Statement
Portland, March 21. Burr Mcin
tosh, the famous war correspondent
Is here today. He said a high naval
officiar recently-told him that govern
ment knew there were 60,00d armed
Japs In Oregon, Washington, Idaho,
and California, ready to take up arms
at a momenfj notice. He said he be
lieved war hetw ten the United States
and Japan fill come soon, Intimating
w japan woum start it ny insisting
thai tbiltPaajina canal: remain unfor
lined. Armed Japanese,' he said, were
working as iouse servants and laW-
Diet Attentats His Dethronement bat
Efforts Are All la Tain.
Tokio, Msrch 21. Efforts by antl
Ame.rlcan .the . nationalist party to
Impeach 'Prime "Minister Katsura and
his cabinet, today in Diet failed utter
ly. , Foreign Minister Komura took
occasion to declare the Japanese gov
ernment Is determined to maintain
friendly relations with the United
States. Resolution demanded censure
of cabinet alleging the recent United
States. Resolutions demanded censure
cause no further privileges were
granted them ;"f f? t " .V!.' t'' '
Replyjnr to; the ; charges, Komura.
declared -Japanese-havs ". been
placed on an epjuaffootlngW the! new
treaty as regards Immigration, with
other nations. . .':
s -. . .:
Well Known Railroad Promoter Dh
at Boston This Afternoon.
Boston, March 21. Nathaniel Thay
er, for many years known as one of
the foremost railroad promoters In
America, died here today. He was di
rector of the New York, New Haven ft
Hartford railroad, of the steel corpor
ation and many other .financial lnstl
tutions. :..,
Directors of Missouri Pacific Meet to
Elect New Slate of Officers.
New York, March 31. Directors of
the Missouri Pacific met this after
noon and elected George Gould chair-
man of the board. The presidency of
the road is left vacant but will be fill.
ed soon. Gould, Frederick Gates. E.
D. Adams, Edwin Gould, E. T. Jeffery
and Cornelius Vanderbllt were elected
to the executive committee.
: Prisoner Remains Confident'
Viterbo. March 21. Late contradic
tion of testimony of the state witness
es were made on the stand today by
Nicola Mefra, accused of the actual
murder of Gennero Cuoccelo - in re
veng: of an offense he "committed
against the Camorra. A grueling ex
amination failed to cause him to admit
that he murdered Cuoccelo or that the
Cammora .had anything to do with
Maiden Trip tf New Liner.
Baltimore, Md., March 21. With a
large party of. guests representing th
commercial organizations of. several
southern cities, the new steamer Su
wannee of the Merchants and Miners'
Transportation ' company sailed from
Baltimore today on her maiden voyage
to Savannah and Jacksonville. v
Roosevelt Enters California.
Los Angeles, March 21. Roosevelt's
arrival in California! today was unos
tentatious. A Los Angeles reception
committee met the train at San Bern
ardino and there were big crowds at
the local depot. Tonight he" stays at
Pasadena, a guest of Arthur Fleming.
This afternoon he addresses the stu
dents of the Pasadena high school.
- $ $ $ $ $ $ $44't $ V$
The Nine . Permanent IMreetors.'
. A. S. Geddes, Chas. .' "-na.
Fred J, Holmes, J. J. ' A v.
J. Church, Mac Wood,
Her, George H. Currey a
Permanent officer J$ uce
Dennis, president; A, J des.
vice president; W. Cf rch,
secretary; Chas. 8. f If -eas-
urer. f" .. .
Direct results of last night's,?
meeting:. r:'"-i'f':"':. :
Employment of a booster man-
ager: : -v-y
Subscription of necessary
funds to Insure commencement. .
of work. c
Ramification of purposes and
enlargement of territory to be
Influenced by club's Interests. $
After weeks of thought and plan,
ning, . La Grande's Commercial club
has been reorganiaed and tonoenhted
witha virus of permanency and ac
tivity whlchf I is apparent.lwllt coo percolate through. ihe. veins
of commercialism In i ; this ;' city and
county for years to con.e.v;Ths asso
ciation has been established on a firm
financial? basis, the i foundation 'of
which ! was subscribed last night, and
iS purposes have ramlflad until net
only the direct Interests of Ln Grande
are to be fathered, but the entira yal-
;iey i to come under th Influence Tor
deveirpment which the club hopes to
A spirited, enthusiastic and fruitful
meeting was held last evening ami re
sulted not only in the election of a
new board of directors, but In ; tho
expressions of a desire to hire at once
an expert In the publicity lines whose
main and only purpose will be the
furtherance of interests of La Grande
and . l'a!on county. Purse strings
were unloosened by the business men
in, attendance and promises of more'
from other sources were made so thajf
there Is no longer any doubt as to th
policy of the: club but It, Is clear-cut
and welt defined. v;v'v "
Many Attend Session.
A large number of business men
wer,e In attendanot, anxious to voice
their opinion and anxious, above all.'
to see the club reorganized slonsf'
lines that will take in the entire coun-
ty. Wallowa county, too, is to have
desirable Influencj shown Its way un-"
der the direction of the local organi
zation. "V
Directors Represent Wide Range,
In th; selections of the directors
many trades and professions are rep
resented and things will , be moving
with a vim. The first thing the di
rectors did after their election was
to convene In executive session and
elect Its permanent officers. Employ
ment .of. a publicity agent Is now un
der way and even at this early date,
several desirable men are being ne-;
gotlated with In thejibne of securing'
the mad with the very best quallflca-l
tlons. Within the next day or two
it is likely that the booster will have
been selected. His duties will be the
same as those assigned to F. B. Currey,
when he was' booster manager but-;
many Important details are, of course, s
to be left to the manager. , New life
and new Interest Is manifest at every
turn today and that the club Is resur
rected with permanency written all -over
Its countenance and commercial
circles are greatly elated. j
Dwell ob Ramification. ;'
That the club must add to the radlui '
of Its territory was expressed on ev-'
ery nana ana its field wilj henceforth 1
He from the xtreme boundaries of
the county to the very heart of it,
and on Into Wallowa county.
liiilldlng Proper to Cost Nearly $30,000
. , ' V Nampa Man Gets It ' .
Union, March 21.-(Speclal)-It- "f Walla.. yani,, .March 21.For reas
tlng of contracts for the construction Jons that'probitbly never will be'known
Hnsband und Father Somewhere In'
- Montana ns a Drummer.
of the1 new high ; school-r-tHe main
plans of which provide for the expen
diture 'of $35,910 and $10,650 for ven
tilation, heating and plumbing has
been completed and the builder .will
be G. H. Rush of Natupa. The Bchool
board has closed a contract which
provides for completion of the build
ing by August9 and the structure is
to be 117x82, two stories .and a 'base
n;ent hih, making practically three
The heating, ventilating and plumb
ing has been let to another concern
and Offler & Latham of Spokane are
the men who will do that work. Their
contract .calls for $10,650 and with
tho amount of the general plans tht
structure will come close to $50,000
when completed. ;
Every modern ldda In school archi
tecture Is embodied In the plans. The
contractor will tear down the old
court house, building and the old jail
tit 1 J . a . . V
wiu.ue usea io nouse tne neatlng
plant. In this way every possible ad
vatage is taken In reducing the cost
of the building.
-but S bel'isved -to : b- sudden insanity
(,e?!'S Wllcoxson shoi and killed 1
her 23-year "old" son in his bed and !'
then blew out her own brains. ,
Neighbors heard the shots yesterday -and
Investigated today and found the 'i
body of the woman near the bed, a '
pls.toj In her hand.. There are no notes j
auu uu rtsason roc. tne shootinj,1 The,:
husband is a traveling man now
somewhere In Montana.
New Town Site Lalcf Out at -i Sagv
Mountain,' ; ,
Reno. March 21. Following reports
of N. R. Fitzgerald and Rees Savia of
San Francisco who Inspected the gold
strike at Sage mountain, a rush for
tne new diggings Is on In earnest to
day. Town sites have been laid out
and an even 100 men had gone Into
the territory at noon today, f It l
norted the ledge Is 2,000 feet ami f
1 I :
1 1
ft I
1 i
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