La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, March 18, 1911, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    I .
SATURDAY. MARCH 18. 1911. ' ' ' n n PAnr. 7
The Men Who are Raising
Fruit Know Best
Read what Green & Sawyer have to
Say Concerning Grande
Ronde Fruit.
Hardscrabble Orchards.
Imbler, Ore., Febry. 17th, 1911. "
La Grande Investment Co.,
La Grande, Oregon.
Dear Sirs:.
We have your inquiry as to what we think of the
quality of the fruit in the Grande Ronde valley as
judged by our experience this past year, and we feel
free to say that while we are familiar with the Hood
River, Yakima and Wenatchee districts we do not
i- now of a location where so many varieties are at
their best, and as far as we know there are only two
varieties that do not do well hereSpitsenburgs and
most given up the Winter Banana, that led the mar
ket this year as to price, because they do not stanc
shipment well, yet ours were as hard and firm as you
could desire, and would ship fully as well as Jona-i
hans and as you know we received a high price for
them (5c apiece on the tree) we are so well pleased
with them that we intend planting Bananas in all
blanks. The writers spent some three or four months
at Hcod River last year and did not see any Yellow
Newtons there, though it is one of their specialties,
that were superior to those we raised this year, either
in size or color and our opinion of them is pretty well
borne out by our taking first prize with our New
towns at the "Fruit Grower" Apple Show at St. Jo
seph, Mo., where we were in competition with apples
from twenty-one states' and British Columbia. We
also took two first prizes at the Eastern Oregon Ap
jie Show at Elgin on our "Rome Beauties," and af
ter the show sent a box of them to the judge, he hav
ing been particularly pleased with them and having
ing expressed the opinion they were the finest Rome
Beauties he had ever seen, and the most perfect spec
imens of any variety exhibited at the show.
Last fall we sent samples of our apples to the
Northwestern Fruit Exchange 'at Portland, through
whom we finally sold our crops and we quote from
their letter to us Oct. 17th, commenting on our fruit
"The Ganos are extremely good and the color is as?
high as we ever saw for this variety, such fruit would
be quite arractive if sizes are good. .The Jonathans
are very well colored. The Ben Davis some very good
color, so poor. The Newtowns are very good. If you
grade this fruit as to color there is no reason why it
should not be sold for full-value compared with the
best districts." ,
We also quote from a letter from Steinhardt &
Kelly, New York, Oct. 26th, who sell the entire Hood
River output. We sent them samples when they ex
pressed a doubt as to our fruit being as high grade as
we thought it, they say, "We don't blame you for
being:enthusiastic regarding your crops, and we real
ly must say that the fact that your apples ripen sc
late is of great advantage to you in disposing of your
We did not ship any of our crops of apples until
January and at that time they were as hard and firm
as the day they were packed.
The prices at which we have sold our fruit speak
pretty conclusively as to the quality, Ben Davis $1.25
per box, Ganos $1.25 and $1.40, Wageners $1.50,
Rome Beauties $1.50 and $1.75 and Yellow New
towns $1.75.
Yours truly,
By Mr. D. W. Greene.
The Firms having reliable Fruitland
Investment offerings in the Im
bler district are:
G. L Cleaver,
La Grande Investment Co.
Wenaha Lumber Co,
Sherwood Williams,
Hill & Hibbard.
Woodmen May Build. :
The Woodmen of the World crani
ration of Union Is figuring on the
erection of a hall some time during
Pie present year, and It Is withi.i the
range of possibility that arrangements
imay t- made whereby the baildtog
may be erected. The order Is on a
, nourishing condition and many mem
ibers favor the Idea of owning their
own nunaing.union Republi.-an.
The New High School.
Soon after March 18th, the directors
of School District Nd. 5 will eonsidei
the bids for the erection of the new
high school building at Union. !t I?
the purpose of the directors to croW'l
the work as fast as it can be done af
ter the contract Is I t Union Repub
Any womai. ro Hare It by Using
Parisian Sufce.
Madam: If your hair isn't just wha;
you would l'ke -it to be why don't yev
use Parisian gage.
If it does not put lif- and luster nf
the hair and cause it to grow abund
antly rvou can have your money back
"I'ceinnot say enough In its favor,
from Newlin Drug company.
Two years ago I lost all my hair. I
saw Parisian Sage advertised and I
tnought I would try it. Before I had
finished using the first bottle my hair
had stopped falling and my head was
cov red with new hnlr: b'fo removed
all dandruff and today I have a love
ly heda of hair.
"I think Parisian Sage the best hair
restorer and dandruff cure In the
.......... . .
cleiifn. fluffy, and silky, and I would
recommend' it to eery one who wishes
a hair restorer and beautifier." Miss
Mary E. Dickson, 287 South avenue,
Brldgeton, N. J. 1910.
For men, women and children, there
Is no hair preparation that equals Par
isian Sage; it never dteappolnts: It
does Just what the American makers
advertise it to do. It banish 8 dand
ruff, kills the dandruff germ, stops
falling hair or scalo itch, or money
back. Sold by Newlin Drug company
and druggists everywhere. Large bot
tle 50 cents.
bids for the following described
property, in La Grande, Union County
Oregon, to-wit, LoU One (1) to Twen
ty Four (24) Mlock 143; also Lota One
il) to Twenty Four (24) Block 144,
Chaplin's Addition to La Grande, Ore-
on. np to Saturday April 1st, 1911.
A cash deposit of ten per nzi c
th; amount offered must accompany
each bid and the right U reserved to
reject any and all bids.. ''"
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received by the council
of the city of L aGrande, Oregon, for
th; construction of 10.670 square yards
of bitulithic pavement on Sixth street,
between Washington avenue and K
avenue, together with excavation,
curbing and drainage, the same to be
constructed according to th: plans,
specifications and estimates on file in
this office. All bids to be in by 8
o'clock p. m. April Btb. 1911, and each
bid to be accompanied by a certified
check of 5 per cent of the ajmount of
the bid. The council res-rves the
right to reject any or all bids.
Attention of all contractors is called
to the agreement of Warren Brothers'
company, filed with this city, in ac
cordance with which agreement War
ren Brothers company agrees to li
cense all contractors desiring , to bid
for the work to lay bitulithic pave
ment In accordance with its patents
and the terms of said agreement.
La Grande, Oregon, March 18th,
Mch 18-29th.
Fresh 1
Cauliflower, Let'
tuce, Celery, Sol
id Hezd Cabbage,
Spinach and Dry
Onions : :: ;
We are Not in the
Royal Grocery
H, Pattison, Prop.
Taxes are all paid and title good.
Address R. L. Sabln No. 7 First
Street Room 8, Portland, Oregon,
Mar. 4-8L
hy pay Rent ? IVe lean yoc
moreyto build, anayot
33JT MS 3$ jruu WOiii'u icui, '
You'll Smile
at Youtsdi
For your good judgment In trying
FAM US KING Havana Cigar for you
will know that at last you have founa
a smoke that you can really enjoy
without paying more than 5c, 10c or
a uii ior iu iiie aui us nine cigar nn :
three Bhapes but one grade of hlgn
flavored Havana. ';
In the new styles in, Ladies' j
vi Ar UKUo, ru Mr Sand Strap g
SLIPPERS in , Patents. Gun I
Metal. Suedes, and Viri VLA L
We carry these in all sizes and I
widths to fit the most exacting foot. Come in and
buy or not.
u..iiun mew iv you wnciner "Tou-are -reaav to ii
- . -
Successor to Smith & Greene
Mght Riders May Escape.
Hopkinsville, Ky., March 17. Pros
ecution of tha night riders will prob
ably be dropped following the acquit
tal here of Dr. Amos Moes, alleged
raider leader.
Call for Warrants.
F -Treasurers' call for coflhty, gcaTp
bounty, and road warrants. . Notice is
hereby given that th., undersigned
treasurer of Union county, Oregon has
funds on hand with which to pay all
county and scalp bounty warrants
which were endorsed prior to the first
day of February, 1911, and all war
rants issued on the road fund prior to
the llta day of March, 1911.
No Interest will be allowed on tii
above warrants after March 11, 1911.
County Treasurer.
La Grande," Ore., March 11, 1911.
Sealed Bids Wanted1
The undersigned will receive sealed
The George Palmer
Lumber Company
Retail Department
W e solicit your orders for Shlnski;': Rubberoid
Roofing, Deadening Felt, Building Paper
We are prepared to furnish and deliver material,
promptly. V , Phone Main 8.
Welton & Bamett Props,, Corner Jefferson andipepot st.
Fresh Hand-Rolled Choco
lates Can't Be Beaten
SNOWDRIFT FLOUR is the be5t FL0UR 0tt th ma''. guarahued
to give the best satisfaction. Money back It it does
Water-Stanchfield Produce Co.
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