PAGE 6 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER; THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1911. . . " vwvwWMWMM ectory of the Fraternal Orders . of La Grande, Oregon r. & A M. La Grand Lodge No. T. 4 A. M. hold regular meet feS ftart and third Saturdays at & m. Cordial welcome to all SSASoa. L. M. HOTT. W. M. at yiUJAMS, Secretary. . :1S est. SL La Grande Lodge No. 433 each Thursday eveninr at 8 Da& t Elk'g club, corner of De- art altcet and Washington avenue. "Caitinj brotheri are cordially In ' todt attends , , . H. 3, RITTER, Ex. Rul. H. B. OOOLIDGB, Rec. Sec, XQ&DMEN OF THE WORLD La Grand Lodge No. la w; 0. W. snwts every second and fourth Sat) rfay at K. P, hall. All visiting saafcera welcome. D. FITZGERALD, C C. J. H. KEENEY. Clerk. Stir. A.--La Grande Camp No. 7703 awata every Monday m the month at 2 T. 0. 0. F. hall. All visiting 5nbora are cordially Invited to jBtoad.'.; v -: ' .v,'.. I R. SNOOK, 0. t D. E. COX. Clerk. REBEKAHS Crystal Lodge No. t y meets every Tuesday evening In th I. 0. O F. hall. All visiting men bers are invited to attend. , MRS. KATIE ARBUCKLE, N. G. MISS ANNA ALEXANDER, See. CN10HTS OF PYTHIAS Red Crot. Lodge No. 27 meets every Monrta.' night In Castle hall, (old Elk's hall. ; A Pythian welcome to all vlsltln Knights. ' - ' v : . ; - . jess paul, c.g . R. L. LINCOLN. M, of R. ft 8. 0. E. 8. Hope Chapter No. 13, Q. E C. holds stated communications thi second and fourth Wednesdays o: each month. Visiting members oor ' dlally Invited , CARRIE B HUNTER, W. M. MARY A. WARNICK. Sec. . WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT C rand Ronde Circle No. 47 meets even first and third Thursday, evening In the month at the I. 0. 0. F. hall l visiting members are welcome CHLOE ROBINSON, 0. M T.TZ7TK RTXPVORTH. P1M-1r ' ,1 I) 'i n 5 - 1' i Complete Equipment tof Resetting ann Repairing . Rubber Buggy Tires r V LA GRANDE IRON WORKS ; D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor . COMPLETE MACHINE SHOPS AND FOUNDRY DISEASE tURKS IN FREE BOOKS RESSLER DOES SOT BEGRUDGE DEATH OF BOOK LAW. . "ree" Text Boobs Are Disastrous to Heilth of the Children. I Fresh Vegetables ,vi :,, . Cauliflower, Let luce, Celery, Sol id Head Cabbage, Spinach and Dry Onions ; . ; : VJe are Not in the Association Royal Grocery 7. PattisonProp. LET US DIE FOB IOU. In fact the only way we live Is by djclng. Don't dye yourself. It's better than dyeing yourselt WE DIE ETERT DAI AND DIE FOB ALL . .Oor charge for dyeing for yon wont he hglh, A sample Job Is safBdent For best dyeing and cleaning have us do It ELITE CLEANING & DIE WORKS, . Phone Main 61. Perry Pneumatic Water Systems, Samson Wind Mills, Deming Pumps, Richardson & Boynton Warm Air Furnaces, Pipe Valves and Fittings, Gut , teril Plumbing Fixtures of AH Kinds,-Full Assort- . ment of Nickel Trimmings. BAY fi 7WFIFFI PLUMBERS, HEATERS, SHEET METAL WORKERS Oregon Agricultural College, Cor allis. Ore., March 16. (Sp-tolal) The danger of disease Infection, the lack of any pressing necessity and the satisfactory terms of the present law are th. ; basis upon which Prof. E. D. Ressler of the department of edu ction at the Oregon agricultural col lege rests his conviction that the state has lost nothing vital through the de feat of the free text book law pro posed In the legislature this year. "We have had the free text book question under consideration In the past two or thr e legislatures.'' said Prof. .Ressler today in discussing the matter, "and there Is now a provision In the Btate statutes that .school dis tricts may vote free text books In case the pupils are unable to provide them themselves; or the board may provide them, upon written recommendation, -if the clerk of the school board, for Indigent pupils. "Personally 1 am not in favor of a compulsory free text book law, so 1 do not mourn the demise of the one presented in the legislature this year. I think the optional arrangement in the Is sufficient to'meet foudltlons in Oregon as they now ex ist. Our text books are not frequent ly changed. They are adopted for oeriods of six years at a time, and at the close of such periods there are not often many changes, the old books being continued. Thus the matter of expense is not a great one. "Some people, I know, feel that the present provision Is a sort of charity law. and therefore make undue sacri fices In order to avoid the appearance of accepting aid not required by their neighbors sacrifices they would not have to make If all were alike furn ished with free text books. But we buy the books at practically whole sak prices; I do not think school boards could buy them In large quan tities any cheaper than the individual can now secure them. "The sense of ownership In books and their care Is. I think, an Import ant matter for the child's develop ment, and la not possible, of course, where there are free text books. ".More Important than this howev er, is the v ry real danger of disease infection from books handed down by the school district from one gener ation of pupils to another. Thorough fumigation will, It Is true, minimize such danger; but that Is not an easy task, and few school districts would be llk- ly to attend to the matter as faithfully as necessary. "The danger of Infection Is great; the need of free text books Is certain ly not a pressing oiu;; and the pres ent law makes sufficient provisions where there Is a necessity; these. It sfenis to me, ar reasons for a fair rtgree of satisfaction with the present status of the free text book ques tlon In Oregon." ibid'11 Sealed Bids Wanted1 MAX! GRADUATES OF 0. A. C. HOLD JOBS. Engineers Are Sought for by Big Cor. lKratioas This lear. Oregon Agricultural College, Cor vallls, pre., March 16. (Special) The graduates of the Oregon agricul tural college are In demand ' for po sitions of Importance and trust all ov er the country.. Three of the gradu ates of ths department of mlnlnjr en gineering have recently secured such appointments in as many different states' Burton L. Cunningham, Fort Klam ath, who graduated from the collegi. in 1908 is assistant geologist for the Southern Pacific ' railway, with head quarters at San. Francisco. Albert O. E. Abendroth of Portland a 'last year's graduate of 0. A ,C, is now locating engineer for th P. R. k L. company at Portland.' : XJ E. Brown, Shedds, Linn county, a member of the class in mining engi neering with Abendroth, has a good position ih the Bunker Hill Sullivan mine at Wardner, Idaho. ECZEMA Cl'BE A BEAUTY WASH. SEBSS33C3I r The George Palmer Lumber Company Retail Department We solicit your orders for Shingles, Rubberoid Roofing, Deadening Felt, Building Paper We are prepared to furnish and deliver material, i promptly. Phone Main 8. Although H. D. D. PreBcr'ptlon hnr been recognized for y nrs ns the on remedy for eczema, psoriasis, and all other forms of skin diseases. It is now known that there Is no other wash ev 11 those used by the beauty special ists, that can compare with this mild liquid for demising th skin of plm pies, blackheads, rnsh, and all similar Mln affections. , For thi reason nlone. a bottle or D. 1). T). should be kept on hand in every household. A trial 25c bottl? will show you the merits of this great rem edy as a complexion wash. D. D. D. seems to remove the cause what-ver the trouble may be, cleaslnj? the skin, and leaving it as soft, as smooth and clear ns that of a healthy child. Oet a 2.1c bottle today and keep It In the house. ', The Xewlln Drug Co. The quicker a cold ia gotten rid of tlw lent the danger from pneumonia and other nerioui aiiteases. Mr. It. W. Ij. lull, ol ( Waverly, Vs., nam: "I firmly believe Cham- berlain t lougii lvemeuy to lie Absolutely the beat preparation on the nmrket for Colds. 1 have recomiuemli-d it to my friends end '.hey all agree with me." for sale by all dcnlers. ' . "Can a Minister Preach the Truth P Ford A. Ellis, minister of the Cen tral Church of Christ of this city will takr. as the subject of his theme Sun day evening the Btartling subject "Can a Minister Preach the Truth?!' Mr. Ellis has received anonymous (.com munication concerning some of the things which he has present d from the pulpit. These will be read Sun day evening and commented upon. He will give as his reasons why it Is so difficult for a minister of th;i mod ern church to preach his true convic tions. Mr. Ellis will preach at Alicel Sunday morning and return In the af ternoon for the service on the evening. 11hy pay Rent? We loan " money to build, ana pi pay us as you would rent, J. R. OLIVER "I had been troubled with 'conatipatic or two years and tried all of the best phyi :ian in Bristol, Term., snd they could ( vithing for me," writes Tiios. E." William MiddleboTO, Ky. "Two package of Chun 'erlnin's Stomach and Liver Tablets curt mti." For sale by all dealer. , THE LITTLE THI(iS THAT TELL. in t lie- making of good clothing arc mainly unseen. The interlining, the thread used, the fipwtay on of the hut Ions. But they have a big effect on (he Hppmrunco and life of the (iiir incuts Let us imike you a suit for 30.00 mid the clothes will nrove our itiitcmcnt. THE WARDROBE TAILOR CO. WILSON BROS. 11 18 Adams Ave. Phone 735 The undersigned will receive sealed bids for the following described property In La Grande, Union County Oregon, to-wit. Lots One (1) to Twen ty Four (24) Mlock 143; also Lots One (1) to Twenty Four (14) Block 144. Chaplin's Addition to La Grande. Ore gon, up to Saturday April 1st. 1511. A cash deposit of ten per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid and the right is reserved to reject any and all bid3.. ' - , Taxes are all paid and title good. Address R. L.. Sabln No. 7 First Street Room 8, Portland, , Oregon, , Mar. 4-JL - " FINAL ACCOUNT. Me cough medicine that contains no narcotics. "Foley's Honey and Tar is the best cough remedy I ever used as it quickly stopped a severe cough that had long troubled me," says J. W. Kuhn, Princeton. Neb. Just so quick ly and surely it acts In all cases of coughs, colds, lagrlppe and lung trou ble. It is as safe for your children as yourself, and should be-used in all casts of croup, whooping cough and measles cough. Refuse substitutes. Hill's drug store. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Fannie Brown,, the undersigned Ad ministratrix of the est at of Benjamin Brown, deceased, has filed with tht clerk of the County Court of Union county, state of Oregon, her Final Ac count, as such Administratrix, and the Jndge of the above-Entitled court has fixed the 12th day of Aprils A. D 1911. at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at his office in the 'courthouse, , in the city of La Grande, said county and state, as the all objections that may be filed or' made on or before said day, to said 1 Final Account, or to any item there of. And if no objections are made pi: or before' said date to said Final Af count, or to any Item thereof, the said court will, at said time and place set tie said Final Account with the u:i dersigned Administratrix, of said es tate. Dated at La Grande, Oregon, th?. 4th day of March, 191 1. . FANXIE BROWN, Administratrix of the Estate of Benjamin Brown, deceased. F. S. IVANHOE, Attorney for Administratrix. Ely March 6-13-20-27-Apir. 3. H 1 1 1 11 H f I I 1 1 1 1 1 if ,f rf f GENUINE 1 CODFISH Absolutely Boneless :: 40c a 2 lb Box;: Will keep in perfect c ondition beca use : they are cured with pure Sea Salt .. .. i Pattison Bros. I Use either phone When your feet are wet and cold, an. your body chilled through and through fron. exposure, take a big dose of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, bathe your feet ia hot water before going to bed, and you are in most certain to ward off a severe cold. Fc ale b all dealers. A Cold, LaOrlpjH-, then Pneumonia 1 Is too often the fatal sequence. Fol ey's Honey and Tar expels the cold, checks the lagrippe, and prevents '"onmonla. it ) a'nromnt and rflla- For all kinds of ' MESSENGER AD DELIVERY SERVICE Call Up The Central Messenger and Delivery Co. Office In Foley Building Room 2 Phones, Mala 709 Ind. H. J. KESLER, MANAGER. Cement Sidewalk Construction FIGURE WITH Co ' 'To Barley Thirty Day Salel ! I For the Next Thirty Days To Can Buy .four Silverware, Cut Glass, ! 1 1 Band Palnte China, Clocks an d Jewelry at a Redaction of frsm 19 ' 10 z rer ieni on. aii reuanie Quality and Fully Guaranteed. J. H. PEARE, Opposite U. S. Land Office on A dams Avenue. Job Printing Promptly at The Obse er Selder 9- Fresh Hand-Rolled Choco lates Can't Be Beaten SBSSfcfcbjMMJ I SNOWDRIFT FLOUR best FLOUR on the market, and is GUARAN1EED in illA ihn ltt -J?.f -l! m . . ' yi. me weal dauaidciuon. money DacK 1 it does not. DELIVERED TO YOU AT $1.40 PER SACK. PHONE US YOUR ORDERS toafer-Stanchfield Produce Co. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS V n i