La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, March 16, 1911, Image 1

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    VOL -X
Rebels Will Dynamite All Bridges Re.
cause Railroads Do Sot Ciase Car.
rjlng Federal,' Trooi ?r?cz
rrlsoners May Remain 'in Jail for
Some Time Aeroplanes ' Figure
: Conspicuously In the War Game To.
day. ;..;,'',
Admiral Who U In Charge of
Naval Bureau of Ordnano.
; "
er Truxton is still at sea, ,The rest of
the torpedo boats and fleet are in the
harbor. Submarine boats are practic
ing daily.
ThatlSteel Organization, Coupled with
Competition to Rear Against the
Alpha Cement Company, That Firm
Files Charges With Interstate Com.
merce . Commission. " ' ,' 'J. '.'
El Paso, March 18. No one was kil
led at midnight when the federal bar
racks at Juarez were dynamited, ap
parently by insurrectos A portion of
the barracks was demolished and 12
soldiers Injured. The rebels tntered
this city easily and all escaped after
the explosion save two .who were cap
tured. It is be lleved the -dynamiters
are still In Juarez.' ;y '
The rebel junta announced today
that a general uprising In the Inter
ior of Mexico will commence next
w;ek. The battle near Douglass be
tween insurgents and federals, Is re
ported under way today. '
Ueaiy Guards at Bridges.'
Following the explosion, General
Navarro ' posted heavy guards at (the
IhtefnatlortaTbrldge to prevent panic
stricken Inhabitants leaving the city.
The populace Is still nervouB today.
Brldgts Ordered Dynamited.
Washington, March 16. Because
the Mexkan railways refused to com
ply with Maderos order to cease
transpotring the federal troops, reti
els today began a campaign of bridge
destruction according to revolution
aryv Junta announcements which pr?
" dieted that the rail communication in-1 TROUBLES IN KENTUCKY CONTIN.
Washington, March 16. Declaring
that th6 United States Steel corpora
tion .uses itspower to stifle competi
tion In direct defiance of law, the
Apha Portland pany today
Valuable 'rr.allii liWura to" Com.
plete a, Yolnme on Irrigation In the
States Where It Is fn Yogtie, Is be.
Ing Sought In This County Special
Agent Anxious to Have Co-Opera-tioa
of All the formers. ; ' : ;
Titled Guests Leave for Home.
Ottawa, Ont, March 16. The Dow
ager countess of, Arrand and her
daughter, ' Lady Winfred Gore, "who
have spent a considerable part of the
winter in Canada as the guests of the
Earl and Countess Grey, departed for
home today. . . .: ' .
An iteresting volume is soon to be
published by Hh- bureau of census;
Washington, D. C, presenting valua
ble data relative to Irrigation in those
states where it is In vogue, and Un
ion county will be considered in th.
filed charges witn Uie interstate com-. report. This Inquiry ts called for by
msree commission against the trust: I the law of February 15. 1910. and i-J
w .. , . itne nrst census or irrigation ever tin
The charges say the corporation eith - . . . i
dertaken on so wide a scop?'.
Irv brief, )thls law. calls for the lo
cation and character of irrigation en
terprises their methods of construc
tion, the amount of capital Invested,
the price, at which water rights and
er owns or controls through Its di
rectory all eastern railroads includ
ing the Pennsylvania & Baltimore, the
New York Central, Union Pacific and
others. ", v
It also charges that the Universal
Portland Cement company, which Is
controlled by the steel magnates, is
givgi; preference by the above named
lines In the matter, of shipment of
orders. '
to the Interior of Mexico will be cut I
within two days. It Is denied Jhat
Madero is suing for peace as reported.
Cars Still Loaded. '
San Antonio, March 16. Though
14,000 troops have arrived here the
government still holds nearly every
car used to transport the men here
and their equipment as well. Am
munition was left aboard the trains.
The first maneuvers commenced to
day. ...
' Use Aeroplanes for Scouting.
Several regiments were ordered to
conceal themselves in nearby locall
tls and Lieutenant Foulers and Avla
tor farmale have been ordered to go
up in an aeroplane and ascertain the
number of men; guns and their post
Troops are being to the strength of
20,000. Tourist sleepers, day coaches,
400 gondolas, stock cars and locomo
tlves are being held here. The rail
road won't say. whether demurrage is
being paid on them.
It Is Intended that aeroplanes will
be given most severe tests. -
Frlsonrrs Face Long Term.
Washington; March 16. That Con
verse and Blatt, the Americans alleg
ed to be spies, will remain Imprisoned
at Juarez Indefinitely was predicted
here today. This follows the news
that the young Americans were, ar
rested on a strip of land, the owner
ship of which is disputed by Mexico
Posse of Five Hundred Ordered Out to
Prevent Disorders Hereafter.
Somerset, Kyv, March 16. Armed
strikers and mountaineers attacked a
Queen-Crescent engine in the moun
tains near here today and fatally
wounded Fireman Powers, a white
strikebreaker. The engine guard is
missing and it is believed he was
killed. Powers declared the guard
refused to Are on the mountaineers
The loss of the railway from the
strike to date is estimated at $1,000
000 In traffic between here and Oak
dale. Governor Wilson has ordered
the Pulaski county sheriff to deputize
COO to protect the property. Many
have already been killed.
Strenuous Program to Be Carried Out
In Portland.
Several ; Lives Lost When Storm
Struck Lake Erie Last Night.
, Cleveland, March 16. Eight sail
ors' lives is the toll of last night's
storm on Lake Erie. It is predicted
the d ath list w-ill be extended-Seven
I perished when the fishing tug, Silver
I Spray, sank outBlde the Cleveland
Tn tuRS Monarch, uerald D. are
f '
u.i ui.wu.Lu r, batt:red reach port today. Two
and the United States. At present the 1
uuu UWVUWU.OI. v man were rescued and two more were
question Is before the international i
boundary commission and It is possi
ble that they. will ty ialIed "Wthe
commission acts.
Mystery Surrounds Ships.
San Diego, March 16. Mystery as
to the whereabouts of some of the
navy vessels, marked, the progress of
the war game here today. Otherwise
the brigade camp routine, was unre
lieved by the war's alarm. The gun
boat Yorktown is missing and some
reports say she has gone to Magda
; lena bay and others that she Is near
San Diego. The torpedo boat destroy-
soon on Ice In the lake.
Admits End Is Sear, Following Para.
lytic Stroke Recently.
Augusta, March 16. That ha con
aiders the stroke of paralysis recently
as the beginning of ills end, was ad
mltted today by Senator Ben Tillman
It Is certain he will never recover. "I
find my strength gone," said he, "and
I expect the eud any time."
Portland, March ( 16. (Special)
Portland promises to give Col. Theo
dore RooBevelt a strenuous day of It
whenhe arrives In the rose city on
April 5. From the minute he reaches
the union depot until he leaves by the
same gate, he will be driven about.
dined, welcomed, grasped by the hand
and made to talk. There is no letup
In the program as now mapped out.
Even such a strenuous charatcer may
be expected to heave a genuine sigh
of relief when he leaves the city.
Upon arriving at 2:30 p. m., Col.
Roosevelt will be whisked away In a
waiting automobile for a ride about
town, giving him a chance to .note the
changes that have taken place since
he was here last. At 3:30 he will lay
the corner stone of the new Multno
mah club home and he will make a
dedicatory talk. He will then be ta
ken to the east side where he will
greet school children of the city who
will parade.
The colonel will then be. brought
back to the weBt side at 5:30, when
he has an Invitation to attend a recep
ceptlon to be given by the New York
society. He may, however," decide to
give this, hour up to resting, in' case
he Is sufficiently fagg:d to require re
laxation. 1
Col. Roosevelt will attend a dinner
In his honor at the Commercial club
at 6:30, which will last until 8 o'clock
when he will be taken to the armory
for a .public address. This talk is
expected to last for two hours, with
the preliminaries, so he will be free
again at 10 o'clock, when the Port
land Press club has spoken for the
famous ex-presldent during the re
malnder of his time In the city. He
will go to the Press club rooms and
meet the newspaper men until time to
take: the train at midnight on his way
President Harvey Beckwlth of the
Commercial club is the head of the
special committee of welcome, made
up of repre sentatives of the various
organizations of the city. The ar
rangements for the welcom have
been outllnd to Col. Roosvelt by wire,
and It Is expected that, strenuous as
they are, he will accept-them and car
ry them out without balking.
Pot of the 8lerrat, Who Hat
Bn 8rtualy III In California.
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With Caruhal of Crime Blotching His
History, Frank Mfller Has Attained
Distinction of Being Boldest Crlmf.
nal' on the Coast Today Caught
Here When He Had Cached Ills
Gun Pants Stolen in Umntllla.
With a string cf crim s behfnd him,
trailing from Pocatello to the Pacific
coast, branding him ,as otfe of the
worst criminals in this section of the
United States, 'Frank Miller, the no
torious outlaw who has been operat
ing .throughout the Pacific' coast coun
try for some tini?:, was today taken
from the county jail here and s?nt to
Pendleton where he will be tried for
complicity In box car robberies. Late-
this afternoon Chief of Police Walden
discovered that the, fellow Is also
land are obtainable.' the quantity of
water used, and the federal and state
laws under which . these enterprises
are operating. , . ; it
1 Much of the information, especially
that" relating to,' the small ditches and
plants of Individual farms has 'been
obtained through correspondence.
H. W. Grumsky, a Bpecial agent of
the bureau is at present busy round
ing up this work for Union county,
and is anxious to secure the co-opera
tion of ell who are interested In irri
gation work to get thf ir , schedules
filled, detailed informtalon given on
every project, large or small within
the territory of Union county. Rela
tive to this , work, Mr. Grumsky said
Private Ditches Hard to R ach.
"It will be easy for me to come In
contact with the larger enterprises,
but the difficulty in the limited time ! Meeting of Much Importance to Start
at my disposal is with the small pri
vate ditches scattered overfthe coun
try. Over three hundred printed
schedules have been mailed to Union
county irrigators but as yet only one
third of this number have taken the
pains to respond.
"In Crook, Baker, Malheur and oth
er counties we have practlcalyy se
cured a complete census and I am
anxious that Union shall rtcelve a
full representation.
"The difficulty seems to be not so
much a lack' of willingness to make
reports as skepticism on the part of
the farmer as to what, use is to bf
made of this information. -It Is need
less to say that all figures given the1
bureau are confidential and are to be
us d only for purposes of compilation.
"Some of the questions' asked may
not be applicable t the case of the
party who receives the schedule; but.
I hop- this fact will not hinder any
one from sending us a report of the
principal facts.
"Some farmers think that because
they gsve Information of a simllf.r
character to the census enumerafo
last w!nt-T or spring It excuses them.
This Is o mistake. The present !
qulry U new one.
"It !i believed that the work whlrh
Is to be riibllshed will not only be of
value a.i a reference for agricultures
but wil: s"rve to advertise the dl!T,i'
ent se'-t'ons.
"Farmers who have not yet fi'.l!
scheduler sent them, or other inter
ested partels, will find me, at Union,
March. roth, 21st and 22nd, .at Cove
March 34'd and 24th. after that for a
few days in La Grande at O 'l,
Cleaver's residence, Third street."
..County Toward Association,
A meeting of great importance to
fruit growers of Union county Is to be
held In this city next Saturday when
an open meeting will be held at te
Commercial club rooms for the pur
pose of transacting of work to make
the fruit growers of this county ellgf
ble to the new association now beinj
formed throughout the Pacific north
west to facilitate the shipping of
crops. .
C. S. Williams, the secretary of the
differences committee of the entire
association, has issued the following
call to fruit growers:' 1
The Fruitgrower g Mutual associa
tion wllj hold an o;en meeting In the
Commercial club rooms on Saturday.
March 19th, at 2 o clock p, ra. '
Any person Interested lh orchards
or any grower wishing to become a
membtr,of this association Is Invited
to be present at tnls meeting.
Portlund Council Alms to Cleanse Its
Theatres. '
, I wanted ai rocaceuo wnere ne . was
jauea wun tnree otners lor burglary
and escaped on thes night of February v
25th. His arrest here was accomplish-'
ed by Chief of Police Walden who
picked the man up as an ordinary box
car thief after he , bad , attempted to
sell .eighty pairs of trousers at the ,
Haisten store. The trousers were stol
en from a par headed for the Wlllam
mette valley and over 40 pair were ta
ken out, presumably in Union county,
but U was discovered yesterday that
the car had been on Umatilla county
soil hen .the theft was made, and
after being held In the county jail
here for two weeks pending investiga
tion, he was taken to Pendleton this
morning where he will stand trial.
The developments coming from Poca-
ello were unknown this morning,' be-
g accidentally discovered this after-
oon. .' ..- :'i '
Woods Recognizes Criminal.
! It was by the merest chance that
the arrest was made without a gun .
ftlay. Miller, who was later Identi
fied by O.-W. Detective Woods as ha
was belpg placed in the: city jail here
had cached his gun so that hesmlght
be free from suspicion while he at
tempted to sell the goods. Through
the co-pperatlon of Fred B. Haisten,
the fellow was caught before he re
covered his gun and the weapon was
found later after his pal had "peach
d" on him. " , ! ;
. Notorious Criminal.
Miller is a notorious criminal hav
ing served time in the Oregon peniten
tiary and having been accused of com
plicity in train robberies and other
vicious crimes. Woods recognized him
Immediately on seeing the man In the
local police staton. This Is the first
time he has submitted to arrest' as
peacefully as he did, due to the fact
that his gun was not with him at the
time. Jailer Llndgren has -used ex
treme care In waiting on the man
while In the county Jail for thuggery
Is said to b his long suit and his
past record brands him with a dispo
sition to kill at the slightest provocation.
Deadlock Unbroken.
Albany, March 16. The &0th ballot
was taken today, but the senatorial
deadlock remains unbroken. lh
Portland, March , 16. (Special)
Portland will have its plays censor
ed In- future so that city theaters will
present only moral and helpful shows
if a city ordinance now being consid
ered passes. Local organizations are
backing the movement strongly aud
urge the need of a more wholesome
class of plays in the city theaters.
The ordinance provides for a board
Interest In Dillon. Sullh an Bout.
"Buffalo, March 16. Boxing fans la
Buffalo and vicinity are attaching
much Interest to the ten-round fight
between Jack Dillon of Indianapolis
and Mike (Twin) Sullivan, which Is
to be pulled off tomorrow night by the
International A. C. of this city, plllon
though a novice In the fighting game
compared with the veteran iMIke,
of seven censors, to be named by the i showed in his recent defeat of Jimmy
mayor, who shall pass upon all acts I Gardner that he possesses the stuff of
In the vaudeville houses, plays In the
other theatres lnd motion picture
films. Objectionable exhibitions may
be stopped by order of this board and
nut again presented within the city.
which iflghtcrs are made. As Sulli
van also Is a fast, clever boxer, the
ring followers look for one of the
fastest bouts seen here In a long
time. ' .