1! I!-. Mi ! 1 s f If I i pi It IT r S IK M "i 3 1 ' ' (S - mi j J- t ?! PAGE 6 I Il GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1911. Directory of the Fraternal Orders i of La Grande, Oregon 1 L F. ft A. M. La Grande Lodge No. ? 41," J 5". ft A. M. bold reftUOM EvSt lnga first and third Saturdays at r 7:30 p. m. Cordial welcome to all ; Mason. L. M. HOTT. W. 1L A. a WILLIAMS, Secretary. B. P. 0. E. La Grande Lodge No. 433 meets each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Elk's clnb, corner of De pot street and Washington arenas. Y Visiting brothers are cordially In tltad to attend. H. J. HITTER, Ex. Rul. ' H. E. COOLIDGE, Rec. 8ec. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD La Grande Lodge No. 169 W, 0. W. . meets every second and fourth Sat , nrdays at K. P. nail. All visiting ' mebers welcome. D. FITZGERALD, C. C. J. H. KEENET, Clerk. Mi W. A. La Grande Camp No. 7703 meets every Monday hi the month at .. th i o o F A!! 1' neighbors are cordially Invited to tttend. I. R. SNOOK, C D. E. COX. Clerk. . tiBEKAHS Crystal Lodgs No. M sects every Taedy evening In the 1. 0. 0. F. halL All visiting mem bers are Invited to attend. MRS. KATIE ARBUCKLE, N. Q. MISS ANNA ALEXANDER, See. NIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Red Cross Lodge No. 27 meets every Monday night In Castle hall, (old Elk's halL) 4 Pythian welcome to all visiting Knights. JESS PAUL, C C R. L. LINCOLN, M. of R. ft 8. . E. S. Hope Chapter No. 13, 0. E C. holds stated communications the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. Visiting members cor dially Invited. CARRIE B HUNTER, W. M. MART A. WARWICK, Sec. (OUMT COURT PROCEEDINGS. VOMEN OF WOODCRAFT Grands Ronde Circle No." 47 meets every tn the month at the I. 0.0. F. hall Ml vlsltiig members'are welcome. CHLOE ROBINSON, G. M. LIZZIE ELLSWORTH. Clerk. General Fond Bills Alio wed, Mrs. E. W. Bartlett. work on tax rolls ..........$ 12.00 J. D. Stout, teacher's examining . board .......... 10.00 W. L. Tucker, teacher's examin ing board 15.00 C J. Vandernool. work in tax partment 57.00 Geo. W. Lamoreaux, exporting county records 440.00 F. P. Childers, board of prison ers 66.74 Emil Neiderer, services as Jan itor 50.00 P. A. Charlton, services as stock inspector 25.00 Boys' and Girls' Aid society, al lowance for February 10-00 N. Molltor, secretary County Board of Health 8.92 M. K. Hall, County Physician 25.00 Henry & Carr, funeral expenses two children .... 25.00 E. J. Atkinson, supplies for in digent family A. C. Williams, juBtice of the peace, state vs. Kendall.... I. W. Faulk, constable fees, same A. C. Williams, Justice of the peace, state vs. Marlon.. ... I. W. Faulk, constable fees same A. C. Williams. Justice of the peace, state vs. Berry..... 10.00 7.45 2.65 9.45 23.10 10.05 2.20 4.20 8.30 Complete Equipment tor Resetting ann Repairing Rubber Buggy Tires LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor COMPUTE MACHINE SHOPS AND FOUNDRY we Fresh Vegetables Cauliflower, Let tuce, Celery, Sol id Head Cabbage, Spinach and Dry Onions : IVeare Hot in the Association Royal Grocery HJPattison, Prop. .3.15 6.00 LET US DTE FOB I0U. In fact the only way we live Is by djelnp. Don't dye yourself. lf better than dyeing yourself. WE DIE ETERI DAT AXD DTE FOB ALL . .Oar charge foe dyeing for yon won! be bgfti. A sample Job Is sufficient For best dyeing and cleaning have ns do it 1LIIE CLEANING A DTE WORKS, Phone Main 61. 7.00 27.00 6.60 .50 17.00 Yoo I, Perry Pneumatic Water Systems, Samson Wind Mills, Deming Pumps, Richardson & Boynton Warm Air Furnaces, Pipe Valves and Fittings, Gut ters, Plumbins Fixtures of All Kinds, Full Assort ment of Nickel Trimmings. SAY 6 ZWElFEl PLUMBERS, HEATERS, SHEE1 METAL WORKERS The George Palmer Lumber Company Retail Department A'e solicit your orders for Shingles, Rubberoid . Rooting, Deadening Pelt, Building Paper We are prepared to furnish and deliver material, promptly. Phone Main 8. game ... M L. Bussey, hack hire, per bill Wm. Miller, agent, premium on insurance policies 100.00 J. T. Williamson, abstracting unassessed land 16.00 Monarch Paint Co., paint as per bill ...... 94.00 Cherry's New Laundry, laundry per bill ..; 2.00 Myers & Kelly, hospital fees, p.r bill 82.50 City of La Grande, one-half expense,' case of smallpox. . 28.50 L. Stilwell, services as fruit in snector ; 64.00 T. 12. Hall, services as assistant fruit inspector ; . 46.00 Wright Drug Co., merchandise as p r bill 8.35 Thos. Graham, repairing elec tion booths COO Perry Athletic club, hall rent for elections Dushong & Co., merchandise as per bill ' 1.34 John C. Conrad, protectograph ' for treasurer Ongon Scout, publishing notice of examination . Western Union Telegraph com pany telegram as per bill.... E. O. Lights and Power company lights as per bill City of La Grande, water rent for January..., Home Independent Telephone Co., phone rent for January 12.2o E. Bragg, express, etc.. . .... . 4.85 'J. M. Rlehey, stamp d envel opes 93.18 W. A. Maxwell, justice of the peace and constable ' fees, state vs. Walsh 14.00 H. M. Shannon, witness Justice court, state vs. Walsh 1.70 Gustav Forsstrom witness lust ice court, state vs. Walsh.. 1.70 Dewev Johns, witness Justice of the peace court, state vs. Colton 1.70 C. W. Wright, witness justice of th: peace court, state vs. Colton 1.70 '.V. A. Maxwell, Justice of the peace and constable fees, sta.te 1 vs. Colton 16.00 H. M. Shannon, witness Justice of the :ieace court, state vs. . Colton.- 1.60 Justav Forsstrom, witness Jus tice of the p:ace court, state vs. Colton 1.70 Dewey Johns, witness Justice of the peace court, state vs. Col C. W. Wright, witness Justice of the peace court, state vs. Colton M. Reynolds, Juror circuit court October terra John Feebler. Juror circuit court. October term 3.20 W. R. Jasner, grand Juror .... 11.00 E. K. Grout, grand Juvor 9.40 1 L. Cross, grand Juror 14.00 . u. Nice, grnnd Juror 11.40 r H. Murlln. grand Juror.. .... 16.60 Wis Schoondver. grand Juror.. 1220 toe Woods, grand Juror 9.20 Vr.'- A. Smart, wittiess praml Jury M. A. Smart, witness grand jury n A. Want, wttn ss grand Jury. Wm. E. Harris, witness grand Uiry .' M. F. Griffin, witness rrand Jury Bert Batchelor, witness before. uriind Jury . W. J. Batchelor, witness before grand Jury . Frederick Kllntworth. witness befol-f grand iury ........... Hertrude Kllntworth, . witness ,.' befor; grand Jury 2. F. T. Sanford, witness before grand Jury Al. Puckett. witness before grand Jury 6.-40 Julie B. Holmes, witness nerore -rand Jury 2.-0 X lite Grlnimet witness before grnnd Jury 2.20 F. L. Meyers, witness before Krand Jury 2.20 .. H. McLachlen, witness before grand Jury i 2.20 T. J. Scroggln. witness before grnnd Jury 2.20 G. T. Fleming, witness oeroro grand Jury X al Suydam, witness before loio 40.00 32.50 30.00 8.00 9.00 353.06 grand jury A. V. Andrews, witness before grand jury Charley Pearson, witness before grand Jury ....i. ......... ... Will Pearson, witness before gTand Jury 8.40 C. D. Goodnough, repairs ' to court room 48.00 Mornin" Star, printing, per bill 29.00 Evening Observer, printing, per bill ,. BU.W" Home Ind. Tel. Co., phone rent ; per bill 11-75 N. Molltor, secretary county board of health 40.00 F.' P. Childers, cash paid for telegrams 110 Geo. Llndgreen, supplies for January 2.25 J. H. Hubbard, M. D.. profes-' alonal services (Insane)..... 10.0P J. M. - Selders, commissioners' . fees 35.20 D. W. Souder, relief for Febru-, ary : , 15.00 Magele Slagner, relief for Feb ruary 12.00 Mrs. John Hllderbrandt, relief for February 25.00 B. M. Fellers, relief for Febru ary 15.00 Elizabeth A. Garren, relief for February 12.00 Rose Hornbeck, relief for Feb ruary 25.0C Clara Searles, relief for Febru ary ..." 10.00 Mrs. F. B. Huntley, relief for I'euiuitiy ,i id.uu Mrs. Orlando Moffitt, relief for February ... 15.00 Layton Tripp, relief for Febru ary 15.00 Mr. and Mrs. Jas. R. Land, re lief for February. 5.00 Harry French, relief for Febru ary H. R. i.anna, court reporters' fees. Der bill Cochran & Cochran, supreme court costs, state vs. Orley Chandler W. E. Fickk'. Wood ai.d rails used by road crew .......... l- Fund Bills. O. , R. Coolid;;-, supplies per bill . Nels Endrup,'W?rk on county road Grande Ronde 1 'imber company lumber, per b 11 Grand Ronde .V at company, supplies per b' 1 60.SS Blue Mountain ( amery com- F. L. Lilly, suppl! 3 per bill... 60.2C Geo. Palmer Lum'i-r company, .lumber per bill 30.72 J. F. Campbell, work on coun-. t- road 115.20 Cyrus Rush, work on county road 26.00 Geo. Stevenson, work on coun ty road 21.2' If. L. Kellem.. work on county roaci o.-.i M. Gray, work on county road. 22,r.f L. Potter, work on county road. 9.0C J. H. Robinson, work on coun- i ty road 21.2.i Joe Keller, work on county road 45.0C Joe Darr, work on county road 22.0C Arthur Peterson, work on coun ty road 21.0C w. A. Jones, worK on county road Charles Chandler, work on county road .- Q. R. Patten, work on county road . H. L. Andrews, work on county road ,- O. Johnson, work on county road R. Hallgarth, work on county road M. E. Stevenson, work on coun ty road O. Nelson, work on county road 13.7 J. James, work on county road ., IP Jay Parke, work on county road 16.7o Joe Johnson, work on county road 16.60 R. W. Tauscher, work on coun ty road 12.2o John Tauscher, work on coun ty road 12.(5 W. E. Crane, work on county road 16.6a H. C. Patten, work on county road 16.75 S. Knight, work on county road lu.oO P. Thornton, work on county .. road 975 B;n Robbs, work on county road John de Clue, work on county road 6.9.) W. E. Mason, work on county road 13.50 James, Hawk, work on county road 12.25 Q. Heullne. work on county road 1 -'..'. Jess Parker, work on county road , 8.io E. Robertson, work on county road 11.25 John Mede, work on county road 1L2.C J. W Coats, work on county road 112; J. T. Rlmbey, work on county road 1121 Fred Hatfield, work on county road 11.2." Lee Rimbey. work on county road 1L25 E. Yager, work on county . road 11.2; Ray Brown, work on county road H. L, Andrews, work on county road ....... R. Keefer, work on county road R. Keefer, work ' on county road J. P. Solomon, work on county road Ed Ayars. work on county road H. M. McNaughton, work on county road Mart Booth, work on county rpad A. Sipple, work on county road ............... I...... r A. Meade, work on county road R. Jones, work on county road , , .. Frank Sherwood, work on coun ty road Frank Coe, work on county road 31.3 Ben .Courtney, work on county road 108.9C ?.0( 4.5( 5.51 2.2 8.51 8.0( 6.5C 7.76 7.5t lO.Of 11.0C 28.6! t TtTl1. T .. --. ........ " T ty road 21.85 Frank Zweiner, work on county road 35.1a Earl Roberts, work on county City Meat Market, supplies per ; bill I....,.'..., 37.46 R. D. Zweifel, supplies per bill. 1S1.2S' G. M. & S. Co., supplies per bill 138.42 Grande Ronde Meat company. supplies per bill .-17.65 Bolton Bodmer company, sup- olies per bill 16.40 W. R. Chatten, supplies per bill 2.20 Mrs. John Lewis, meals for road crw 4 .. ... 14.75 , . Poor Farm Fund. T. M. Shannon, repairs , per blU 4.40 . O. Lt & Power company, HghU per bill 7.70 Jos. Smith, salary for February 65.00 Sam Simmons, labor at poor farm 19.00 Geo. Hammel, labor at , poor farm...... 34.00 Geo. J. Waggoner, posts for noor farm 8.00 Ash Bros., supplies per "bill .... 2.25 J. G. Snodgrass, supplies per bill 23.50 Henry & Carr, supplies per bill 3.55 Geo. Pakmer Lumber company, pany, supplies per bill ..... 178.38 Grande Ronde Meat company, eupplies per bill 21.78 Pioneer Flouring Mill company, aupplies per bill 13.70 F. L. Lilly, supplies per bill... 4.00 . Grande Ronde Meat company, supplies, per bill 22.25 Proceedings. Report of county treasurer approy- eu. ..- Statement of county clerk of scalp bounty warrants Issued, approved The following road supervisors were ap pointed: 'J. R. Thompson. No. 36, Will road 87.85 Sherwood, No. 19,. Herman venrs, o. B. T. Roberts, work on county 37, Ed. Shaw, No. 34, W. T. xoniey, road 28.75 No. 22, Hans Endrup, wo. io, narry Geo. Duncan, work on county GaGwith No. 3 road 20.65 ; Bond of John Frawiey county treas- Ray Barrett, work on county, . nrer, approved , . road 22.50 1 Bona or r f. vnuaers, xax conec-,( Elmer Houston, work on county tor, approved. '. road 25.15 1 Petition of Mrs. u A. wason ior John Woods, work on county .county aid denied. road ; .: 29.25 John Keefer, work on county road ;. 50.05 Xels Endrup, work on county road 27.00 Clyde Stultz, work on county road ; 45.0( Charles Williams work on coun ty road 2.5C James Baskln, work on county. road 8.oC Thos. Mills, work on county road lo.eC Mrs. C. Shaw, cooking for road crew 45.0t Mrs. Maeeli Bruce, work of Thos. Bruce 33.00 1.70 1.70 3.20 5.20 5.20 5.20 5.20 7.20 7.2 7.2 2.20 19.0C 4.50 21.2 10.0C 17.00 18.00 18.00 Application of J. T. Williamson to correct assessment, allowed. The application of Catherine Rogers for cancellation of taxes, denied. Application of Cochran & Cochran for payment of Judgment, state vs. Chandler, allowed. The petition of Albert Scott et al. to change county road, denied. Proposed county road petitioned for by M. M. Ross, continued for term. Bond of D. M. Clark, county asses sor, approve. , An apportionment of fifty per cent of the general road fund was made to the cities and road districts. Claim of Ed. Wood for wood ana J. D. Casey, supplies per bill. 0.1t Mntonn juinTilifS r.Pr bill. 52.85 rails burned by road crew allowed to R on the amount of $30.00. Cement Sidewalk C onstruction FIGURE WITH Co To Barley Sals Thirty Day for the 5ext Thirty Dsjs Tot Can Buy Your Silverware, Cat Glass, I Hani Palate Cblaa, Clocks d Jewelry at a Bednctloi of from 19 Z to 25 Per Cent off." AH reliable Quality and Fully Guaranteed. La Grande's Lead ing Jeweler. Opposite V. 8. Lani Office on A dams Arenue, J. H. PEARE, 7 i n 1 1 1 m 1 1 n i it 1 1 1 1 1 i m h i m 1 1 h tm t n n 1 1 in in 9-. I : Uptown office Main 720 Residence Dhone Main 25 AMBULANCE e l bussey HACK AND Job Printing Promptly at The Observ er Selders Fresh Hand Rolled Choco lates Can't Be Beaten 4.20 SNOWDRIFT FLOUR hthe best FLOUR on the market, and is GUARAMEED to give the best satisfaction. Money back it it does not. DELIVERED TO YQU AT $1.40 PER SACK. PHONE US YOUR ORDERS Water-Stanchfield Produce Co. y EXCLUSIVE AGENTS , .