La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, March 14, 1911, Image 1

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.1 1 I . . - .11, ' I H
TUESDAY, !MARCH 14, 1911.
If 0M01AHS
i -' " ''V: 1 'V V'
'- HOMES. : l ::1" I . I'-;
Two Sections Last Sight, This Morn
log and Again Tonight to Handle the
Homeseekers Coming to Oregon
Big Crowd Goes to Hermiston "to
Buy Fruit Land Washington Gets
Its Share. : ' V"' :
, -
.With a special car of Medford, Ok
lahoma, homeseekers due in La
Grande for a our of inspection to
night, two sections to No. 5 last night,
again this morning with No. 17 and
tonight; with No. 5, the infjux to the
Pacific northwest has" commenced in
dead earnest. A larg? number have
already penerated the Huntington
gateway and have commenced branch
ing out to their various destinations.
A large percentage of the first section
of No. 17 -this morning were headed
for Hermiston, having been told that
district was a fruit center. When in
formed that the principal product of
that formerly barren district is alfal
fa, many took to local descriptive lit
erature and will consider this valley
on their itinerary should th y not find
things to, their,, liking in Hermiston.
Immigrants from Missouri, Michigan,
New York and- Vlrgnla Intermingled
with the Iowa homeseekers, nd those
not going to. Hermiston were htaded
for . various points In Eastern Wash
ington. :-( '.'V:,' ' "' v .
Despite the heavy trajfic, the. local
trains are running about on time.
The first section today was "on the
dot" and the second or main section
' came a half late only. Both were
load-d to the limit, and already many
s hundred homeseekers have ' entered
Oregon. ! ' .. ,
distinguished company of guests at
tended the " wedding here today of
Miss Helen Miles Rogers, daughter of
Mrs. Benjamin Talbot Rogers, and
Mr. Ogd.n MUlsx Reid; of New York,
son of Mr. Whltelaw Reid, American
ambassador to England, and Mrs.
Reld. T,he ceremony took place In
the , chapel of Racine college, Canoa
B. Talbot Rogers, of Fond.du Lac, an
uncle of the bride, "officiating. The
best man and ushers wereform?rIy
classmates of the bridegroom at Yala.
The bride comes from an old Wis
consin family, that is krown for the
number of Eplsconal clergymen and
bishops it baa X produced.-'. She wa3
graduated from Barnard, college tn i
took a post-graduate course at tbat
Institution lnjl903-04. On the day c!
her graduation .she accepted an .ap
pointment as private s-cretary to Ilr?.
Reld and, she has since made her horao
with the F.eids abrnJ. .
Mr, Reld Is 23 years old and Is a
director and secretaryof the Tribes
association In New York. He Is a
Yale graduate, class of 1904, and f.teo
a graduate of the Yale Law school
and a member of the N-: w York bar.
for n
H ill THE
London, March 14. Declaring the part;
Information tomes from the most au
thoritative source, the London Stand
ard nrlnrd diKTmtche tndnv from
Washington saying Japanese friend
ship with Mexico is the real cause of
the 'United States' mobilization, The,
article sr.ys the Japanese f intimacy
with Mexico Is Increasing dally and Is
fostered by powerful Mexicans who
dislike the Americans. It is said the
demonstration is a warning to Japan
and Mexico that the (United States
would not tolerate any relations that
will in anywise .threaten America in
the future from the south.
Japanese fief use Charges.
Toklo, March 14. Officials here of
ficially designated the stories that Ja
pan is allied with Mexico, ' as rldjpu-
They accounted for all battle-
performing his duties as such officer
was shot by a thug, and dangerously
wounded; that from th effects of such
wound he was disabled, and rendered
Incapable of physical labor, and later
became mentally weak,.the latter conr
ditlon necessitating his confinement in
an asylum In Dakota, where his rela
tives were obliged totake" him. Ho
never resided upon the land after re
ceiving the wound, and upon offering
a proof in February, 1910. showing the
foregoing facts In excuse of his fail
ure to reside' upon or cultivate tne
land, the forest sf Hce filed a protest
Insanity P -flflclent
The commlos' K' l0w rejected
ths pioof and' . , i concellatlon
At Least 19 Families and Perhaps
More Will Come Here.
A special car carrying homeseekers
from Medford. Oklahoma, to Grande
"Fonde valley, Is due to arrive! In La
Grande tonight. However, if a stop
over was made at Salt Lake, as is
llk ly, the car will not reach here
until tomorrow sometime. A party of
Stillwater, Oklahoma, homeseekers
may accompany the Medford colony
and if such Is the case, the total num.
T)er of the group coming to La Grande
will be 60 at one time.
J. A. Aiklnes, a former Medford,
Okla.. resident is making preparations
today to entertain ths big crowd of
home seekers ' coming tonight' or to
morrow, from his home city. ..
Death Instantaneous According to the
Manner of Shooting,
ships which are in Japanese waters.:
nasnington iircieg surrw. ,
Washington, March 14 The London
Standard's explanation of the mobili
zation today created a sensation in
government circles. . The publication
appeared simultaneously with the of
ificlal confirmation that the Japanese
line Toyo KIsen Kaishl Is negotiating
with the National Railways company
of Mexico for a coaling station at
Halfway, March 13." Noah KInsey,
one or the prominent ranchers of
Pine valley, shot and, klllfd nlmse'lfUyes at Manseanillo on th:. Pacific
in the bedroom of his hema rwhei"i ITTJlueo uboxopi eqj jo iBUjmJOj jsbod
his baby was aslep. Oth;r members
ti the family heard the shot" and
broke In thu door, when they founi
nls'llfeless body with a bullet through
his head. , ,
The shooting occured Monday morn
ing about 8:30 and no motive what
ever can be assigned for the suicide.
He was not known to be Involved In
trouble of any kind, his home; life
being pleasant and agreuhle. He
was successful as a rauche1 nnd hns
not been In any diff iculty of any k:nJ.
He arose and went about his wo k
as ustial this morning, aud did not
show any indication of being mental
ly unbalanced. He took his revolver,
walked into . the bedroom and fhu:
the door, locking it after him. A
moment later a shot was. heard ad
the sound of a falling body came from
the room. His son-in-law, who wis
present, tried to open the doo-, but
found It - locked. His family had nr.
Idea that anything was wrong unt!l
a Btream of blood waa seen coming
beneath the door from the bedroom.
The door was then broken open and
the body was found on the floor lying
partly against the door.
Mr. IClnsey had evidently placed
the revolver In his mouth and pulled
the trigger, . causing Instantaneous
death. There was little disfigurement
of the features from the shot. '
A physician was immediately sum
moned but the man was beyond aid.
Coroner E. F. West of Baker," who
happened to be 6r Halfway, was noti
fied of the shooting and went to the
home to take charge of th,c; body. It
is the belief that Mr. KInsey did the
rash act while in a .fit of . temporary
The Japanese line Is close to' the gov
ernment. ;:. . . .: .
In official communication to the
state department, American Vice Con
sul Stadden at Manseanllla writes, in
"Toyo Kisen Kalsha ships touch at
Manseanillo on the run from Yokohq-
trm tr Valnarniqrt n1 If roallnp
tlons are. secured here these vessels
would coal hom- ward bound at Man
seanillo."'... 'J; '' '" .T
The report reached here on March
1st and the mobilization started a
week later. Thd line is heavily sub
sidized by the' Japanese government
and is practically government owned.
The coaling station would practically
be ?an emergency coaling station,. for
the. Japanese navy In time of war or
in time of peace would bs almost in
valuable to the Japanese trading
ships.. .'.:,v. ri.
Dickinson Dentunded Action.
New York, March 14. Interviewed
today Secretary of War Dickinson' de
nied that there had been friction be
tween cabinet members over moblllza
tlon. He said the hasty gathering
was only for maneuvers. He laughed
at the terorts that troops would cross,
the border and ridiculed the London
story that,, mobilization was intended
to- prevent the Mexico-Japan agree
ment for a coaling station on the
Mexican coast. , ";''. '..'.. ,
High military officers today assert
vd a hurriedMnoblllzatlon,
swer to Dickinson suppressed report
on preparedness of the United States
for. war, Said Dickinson threatened to
resign unless troops 'mobilized to test
efficiency and that Taft; agreed to or
der the troops ?out.
of the entr'
Smith's Ves' j
was. unaa& ' J
came!' ba?:g
proof if
r.eigaln' '
couia . .
' the proof ot
to his Insanity
ad noting that he
" gon ;to make the
' sumes that he had
Uhal condition and he
ed on. the place. Com
ment Is atw made that when entry
ment is 'alsovmade that while entry
man married after his recslvlng the
shot, no effort was made by either .en
tryman or the family to reside upon or
cultivate the land.
Pofndexter Points Out Belief That the ;
Money Interests Instigated the Mob. '
illiatlon of TroopsIf Plalo War
' Game Maneuvers Are FnprectdenUr
High and If Not He Has' Usurped
': Powers. ,'.; . .;.' ;:' "..';-'.' '';'.
"y H I ML ti ' n ml Hinunmm mi n i ,i iiii .mi i , til w-'-'niiiiiMiiriiTiiiii; p
El Paso, March 14.- Fifteen Amer -cans
captured at the battle of Cam
Grandes were shot to death by , the
federals, according to Madero scouts,
who were sent to ascertain the fate
of the' prisoners following th;- en
gagement. Gonzales Archla, provisional secre
tary of state, today said there was
not the slightest doubt but that Am
ericans "were shot as under th mar
tial law the troops would not feel any
hesitation and would take action to
discourage other Americans from as
sisting the rebels in their struggle.
Recruits Being Drilled.
San Antonio, March 14. The en
campment here is being turned Into a
John Gates Said to Be Behind Thirty
Million Dollar Trust
New York, March 14. John Gates
and several friends are behind a $30,
O00.000 corporation which , will be
formed to control the bread market
In New York and vicinity, It is report
ed on good substantial facts.
One billion loaves are sold annually
In New York alone and It is to control
this output , that the trust has been
Conference Has No KesnlfT !
Albany, March 14. Two hour con
ferences between Governor Dlx, May
or Gaynor and Charles Murphy today
was followed by the announcement
that no step toward breaking the sen
atorial deadlock had bee: reached.
Ambassador Raid's Son Weds.
.' Racine, Wis.. March 14 A small but lod of four days
Motor Boat Races at Palm Beach.
Palm Beach, Fla., .March 14. The
seventh annual regatta of the Palm
Beach Power Boat association began
on Lake Worth today under conditions
that give promise of the most success
ful event of the kind ever held under
the auspices cf the association. Eigh
teen of the fleetest motor boats in the
country are entered for the various
contests, which will extend over a per-
vast drill ground and raw recruits, ar
riving hourly, are being assigned to
regiments of regulars for field work.
Hospitals are being established and
military attaches from foreign coun
tries are arriving as special guests
this afternoon.
Cblhnahna In Trouble.
El Paso, March 14. It Is, reported
by revolutionists that hope of Chihua
hua being relieved ' by federals has
disappeared and the situation in that
city is desperate. Rations are nearly
all gone and the water supply Is prac
tically exhausted because the Insur
rectos have diverted the stream and
surround the town.
McKennon & Chandler WU Ship For.
tyTwo Head of Good" Ones. ' .
Probably the best cattle that have
ever, lefe, Grande' Ronde' valley will
soonVV shipped" td: Portland by" Mc
Kennon & Chandler to enter the stock
show which begins in that city Ion-
day. ;f" . -
Forty-one head constitute the numT
ber, and out of this lot 2 of the best
will be entered In the contest which
embraces the entire Pacific coats.
From th? well rounded appearance of
the animals and the excellent breeding
St. Paul, March 14. Congress will
investigate the action of Pre&idepit '
Taft In mobilising ' the! , Amerkaai
troops, according to Senator Miles
Polnd xter, of .Washington, here to
day. Polndexter said:
"It Is understood that the Presi
dent gave two different statements
with reference to his order. - There'
Is nodoubt but what an Inquiry will
be . made td1 ascertain which is cor
rect. If the mobilization Is planned '
merely as a maneuver, the ; cost la
high and unprecedented'. If the
second statement was correct, thent
Taft usurped th. powers of Congress
by making a demonstration which Is
almost equivalent to a declaration of
war.".;;. ;r;-:v-;- ,:'.;'.'.'." ' v '
" Polndexter Intimated that he be
lieved American trust's" "demanded
protection and that this caused the
day and will continue over tomorrow.
there is everv reason to believe that iThe membership of the association Is
the La Grande shipment will carry off
the ribbon. J. D. McKennon, who has
handled stock all of his life, asserts
that he has never been Interested be
fore In such a bunch of cattle and
without doubt they are the beet ever
shipped from this valley.
Little fear Is entertained that any
section of Oregon will show better
cattle and the only competition prob
ably of consequence will be from Cal
ifornia and Montana. If the McKen
non ft Chandler cattle win this prize
It will mean a great deal to Eastern
Oregon aa a whole and to the Grande
Ronde valley in particular. To the
home of the best cattle In the coast
county is no small honor for any
stock raising community to boast of.
and It will be a surprise to many here
if such prmlnence Is not given this
valley by the cattle now being sent to
the metropolis.
Action by the Washington authori
ties on two Wallowa county home
steads was recorded in the local office
this morning, ; when the decision of
the secretary of the Interior reversing
the action of the commissioner of the
general land office and granting a pat
ent to Mrs. Ida B. Welchel, formerly
Ida B. Roberts of Wallowa, and the
decision of the commissioner In rej:ct
kig'the .final proof of Walter Smith, of
Jos eph. were received. .
In the former case, the entrywoman,
who was a nurse without other means
of support, was away from her entry
concitlerable of the time and when she
tnr.Ae proof the forest service protest
ed her entry, claiming that the resi
dence of the claimant was Insufficient.
After a number of hearings and decl
lons, the commissioners ordered a fur-
the case. From this action, she ap
pealed, and Assistant Secretary Pi: rce
reversed the holding' of the commis
sioner and ordered that she be given
a patent. The case has been pending
over two years', Mrs. Welchel now
resides near Seattle, Wash.- .
Famons Shooting Recalled. ,
The Smith case Involved a construc
tion of the law p-rmlttlng proofs to
be made where the entryman has been
absent from the homestead entry by
reason of Insanity. In 1902, Smith
filed on som-: land near Fruita, on the
uoper Imnaha river, and later the
land was placed In a forest .reserve,
mfih Holms to have resided upon the
land from February, 1903, to October
21,. 1903, wh-n he went to Joseph for
supplies, and while at the lake city
was detailed as a city policeman for
near Women's Plr a for Suffraee.
Harrlpburg. Pa., March 14. Delega
tions representing the women's 'suff
rage organizations of the state were
fglven a hearing , before the Judiciary
committee or tne legislature toaay on
the proposed amendment to the state
constitution giving women equal Juf-
frage. The hearing was the first ever
granted to the equal suffrage idvo
cates by the Pennsylvania .legislature.
ther hearing to take more evidence in a Hallowee'en night; and that while
Pioneer Law Makers of Iowa.
Den Molnes.'lai, March 14 The 13th
annual reunion of the Pioneer Law
Make rs' association of Iowa began at
the historical building In this city to-
confined to members of the g neral as
sembly who served .prior to the year
Dog Shoe Opens at Erie, -Erie,
Pa., March 14.-The annual
bench show of the Eric Kennel club
opened today with the largest and
most varied display of thoroughbred
dogs ever shqwn In this city. The ex
hibition will continue until Saturday. '
Roosevelt at Fort Worth,
Fort Worth, March 14. Colonel
Roosevelt was warmly welcomed here
today. He spoke briefly at the coli
seum and then started for El Paso.
City Planners Meet
Philadelphia, Pa., March 14. Many
experts are attending the third annual -meeting
of the aNtlonal Conference on '
City Planning, which met In this city
today. The sessions will last thres
days and will. b?. devoted to the dis
cussion of a wide range of municipal
problems. . . ' ' ,' m
Illinois Ice Dealers Mfot
Rock Island, 111., March 14. The an
nual convention o fthe Illinois Ice
Dealers' association met In this city
today with members present from
Chicago, Springfield. Peorja, Rockford
and numerous other cities throughout
the" state.: : , ' .
Wife Mnrderrr to Be Hanired. v
Nashville. Tenn., March 14, Tomor
row Is the day set for the execution
here of Napper Byrum, a white man,
for the murder of his wife. -Th:- mur
der occured In Wilson -county and was
a most brutal one.' Byrum's case was
carried to' the state supreme court,
which reaffirmed the death verdict Im
posed by the trial court. , i
Jealousy at Back of Carnival of'Crlmef
v Had Quarreled.
Ban Francisco. .March 16. Crazed
with Jealousy, John Sharkey, a sailor
on'the cruiser California, today shot
and killed Miss Bessie Cook, a Bar
bary dance hall 'slager... to whom he
was engaged, killed Night Clerk Hugo
Rhunn and then blew his own brains
out, The; sailor and the girl had
quarreled In the hotel and the night
clerk Interfered with the' result that.
two are murdered and the murderer a
suicide. , f .- j. -
' '1
r. !
1. 1