PAGE 8 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, MONDAY, MARCH 13,1911. Listen to an Invest ment Story of Truth Compare Some of the Investments Offered Near Home with Those Offered You Away from Hk me, and Note the Differ-- .. ence. '. ' -." rer 0DAY the sure money is made in developing orchard lands. No cne will for a moment de jl ny that fact. The world's supply for the next' twenty years, according to government statistics will be short. The northwest produces, the ;only apples that set the standard of quality for the, market. Therefore, not only the United States but ihe entire world is looking to the northwest for its supply of first class apples. All this being true, let us call vour attention to the difference In apple lands of the northwesta. Men are growing wealthy from apple lands in Hood River, Wenafcchee, Medford and Yakima, yet right here in the Grande Ronde valleyat our very door, i3 apple land that is proven to be a much better investment ; and will earn a great deal more money than land in; j.he districts named. For instance, in Hood River, Wenatchee, Medford'; and Yakima a six-year-old orchard brings $2,000 per acre, and a len to twenty year old orchard brings $3, 000. The actual cost of production, including spray ing, pruning and EXTRA grading i3 70 cents per box. The average sale price of these apples is $2.50, netting the grower $1.80 per box. Here in the Imbler district six-year-old orchard land is priced at $500 an acre and the 10 to 20 year old orchard is priced at $800 an acre. On account of free- dom from pests, climatic conditions and difference in grading it costs the producer but 40 cents a box to raise his apples. These find ready sale at $1.25 per box, netting the grower 85 cents. When you consider the difference in price of land in favor of the Imbler district, the low cost of produc tion, no irrigation, and the final prices received for the product the Imbler land far exceeds the land in the above named districts when it comes to returning the dividends cn labor and capital invested, and the dividend is always proof of the wise or unwise invest ment. The people of Eastern Oregon should compare the money-earning features of every proposition before ihey invest their savings, and if th is is done there will be no question but what they will seek investment in the Imbler district because it will prove to them what can be done before a dollar is parted with. These having orchard propositions of merit in the Imbler district are G. L. Cleaver, I?. Grande Invest ment company, Wenalu Lumber company and C. S. VTilliams. n ...Mock Nov) Complete... ,; everything In shoes from the dainty slipper to the durable every -day shoes.- Itie can please you in Jandals. Ox fords and Jhoes....Jee Our lne. , - : : ? Jfose your feet Mil JCoqc Best when properly clad in our Monarch Jine ts)e han them in Slacks, Jans, and all the delicate end fancy shades. 10.121-2.13, 25 to SOc. : AW Goods &Very Pay 1 O.E ,1 ''!l..Rl 1T!JW . Peielrs Shoe Co. I. ST, lOUt 2 . r- ( ' Si .firry Rusk, speaker of the house, who has enered to master 1,000 rangers and rialnsmen of Eastern Oregon to enter servke If trouble breaks out In Mexico. He has telrgmnhed his willingness to such actions to the war ' department. . ' TUESDAY MUSICAL TOMORROW.' KAMELA SEWS ITEMS. Mrs. McDonald and Miss Young to Hare Charge of the Program Snow Still Two Feet Deep on Western Summit Has Been More. The regular meeting: of the Lyla Tuesday Musleale will take place at the club parlors at 2:30 p. m. Tues-. i . av i . , ... nay. nirs. ti. n. wcuonaia ana miss Nell Young have arranged the follow excellent program: ' Paper "Mrs. H. H. A. Beat".". ' Mrs. F. B Currey ; Song "The Year's at the Spring".. Mrs. Herman Siegrlst. Soug "EcBta8y".Mrs. H. II. A. Beach Mrs. C. H. Upton. Paper "Margaret Ruthers Lang". . Mrs. K. D. Selder Song "Irish Lov. Song". ,M. R. Ing Mrs. T. J. Scrogglns. Song "Irish Mother's Lullaby M. R. Laif Miss Nell Young. With violin obligate by Miss Bort'ha Young. Kamela. March 13. (Special) The snow is yet two feet deep, but has been five feet deep on the Uvel during the winter. - . . George Ritter of this place is on the sick list. W. S. Nelson la in Pendleton on business. ORCHARDS COMMAND ATTENTION. Commenting on the sale of the Lald Inw, tract last week ntar Imbler and the noaslbtlltles of .the Grande Ronde, the Sunday Oregonlan .s:ns: W. A. Laidlaw. of Portland, sold his Imbler orchard. In the" Grande Ronde valley, I'nlon county, consisting of about 96 acres of jdauted land, to J. CV W'eatherford nnd A. A. Monnett, of Dayton, Wash., for :0,000." Mr. Weathtrford is a wheat rancher in Columbia county, nnd Mr. Monnett Is 9 business man iu lMvton.- Mr. Laid law has owned the orchard about four years, It having beun planted a year or bo before he acquired it. The land Is a rich, sandy soil and ft said by experts to be exceptionally well adapt rrt to the production of a high grade of 'ommerdnl apulee. ThW tract Is one vf the largest or i hards of uniform age nnd-slze in th -ate. Btt to a frw standard varieties. Yellow Newtowns. York Imperial. Pom Beauties and U.inos. The pur rhasors oxpe t to develop it Into one of th'i b st commercial orchards in the northwest and are negotiating with J. W. norpjibefg to take sup?rvlslon i f t') isiuh In V future. Mr. Dor- nir" rhiirup n the famotlS Po- mona orch-dn. wh'-h w 10 owned and sold by Mr. Dumas. In the Touchy valley, nesr AValtsburg, Wash. There are a number of fine orchards rr imbler arc, about 1700 acres are :o bn dattd this season r aln 'n n'l. It ta ':!d, a larger acreage than that abo'it llwd River. U. F. Uryatu ?f V. vl:'r 1, ra?d th cp!?. Scnsatlonnl Picture at the "Isis." The efforts of thr birdmen at fly Ins have been reproduced by most of the film makers but it remains for the French firm of Gaumont to fully por tray a fatal accident. Last year at Rhelms, in France, the noted aviators, Messrs. Laffont and Pola started In a monster monoplane for a record fllsrht which proved to be their last. Mr. Gaumont's. operators were on the field to take motion pic tures of the US' r. ' nd flight, not an ticipating the i-aUKtroihtj which was to follow. When the nhmen had as cended 1,000 t'ti t t'oeir machine col laosed and crashed to the ground, crushing the life out of the two dar ing aviators and reducing the mono plane to a heap of Bt rap. This Is all vlvldlw shown In the pic tures at the Isis and shoufd b; seen. Tonight is the only chance to see It as the program is changed tomorrow. NEW MILL AT I.OSTIXE. Million Feet of Loirs Await Saw Which Starts Next Monday Morning. W. W. Winning. Llndse Hammock and John T. Bowman are In the city today trom I)8tlne. Mr. Hammock and Rowman are starting a sawmill six miles Bouth of Losttne and they have 1,000.000 feet of logs in the yards ready to start sawing Monday. They are havln.y their nscessary repairs for the mill niada by the La Grande Iron works.. Sheriffs Sale. Notice is hereby given that by virtue if an execution and order of sale is sued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for the County of Cnton, bearing date the 4th day of February,' 1911. and to me directed and delivered up on a Judgment duly rendered In Bald court on the 31st day of May, 1910, in an action wherein O. W. Smith do ing business under the firm name and style' of Union Coal and Feed Co. was plaintiff and Jessee L. Smith, was de fendant, said judgment being in fav or of plaintiff as against said de fendant, for the sum of f 144.33 with Interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, from May 31, 1910, and the further sum of $10.80 for costs and disbursements, I will on Monday, the 20th day of March, 1911 at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, at the front door of the court house in the City of La Grande, Union County, Ore gon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said Judgment, Interest, costs, and dis bursements and accruing costs, all the rlp-ht HHa and Intaraot that giM An- a .... I w.w vob vuufc omu A fendant had in and to Lots 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. In Block 22 of' the town of Imbler, Union County, Oregon. Dated this 18th day of February, 1911 at La Grande, Oregon. . . F. P., CHILDERS, ? Sheriff of. Union County, Oregon. Sat. Feb. 18-25 Men 4-11-18 A Notre Dame lady's Appeal. To all knowing sufferers of rheuma tism, whether muscular or of the pains, to write to her for a home treatment which has repeatedly cur fd all of these tortures. She feels It her duty to send' it to all sufferers free. You cure yourself at home as thousands will testify No change of climate being necessary. This simple (.-.Ptovery baEishet uric acid from tV ni the t' fes, gtvilffg eiisty.ity and tone to th vhole sytem: If the above Interests you, for proof address Mrs. M. Summers, Box. R.. Notre fame. Ind. blooa. iucaeai the ttllsned ivlu'A. iiuriCes iSc M.' s.d hrlgntens the "I had been troubled with constipation for two years and tried til of the best phyel- jiuns in JJmtoi, lenn., ra tney couki u a.thing for me," writes Ticw. E. 'William Midillelvorn, Ky. "T V,,'lt:,!'0' of Cbm elnin' Mvuimrli not) Lin r 'J'alilets cur'1 Arcade THEATRE PROGRAM. !J Kdiaon "The Doctor" Dramatic Sellg "Rival Dramlsts". . . . . . Comic L'rbin "Washed Ashore".... ............. .V.T. Dramatic Urbih "Wood Carvers". ;.' Industrial Cowan, Pianist and t.nor solo ist. ' Greenaway Drums nnd effects. Admission 10 cents V3Z2