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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1911)
r . ... ' ., - ...... . ... . k V. " V." '.'"' ' - W " v f' PAGE 8 SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 1911. : . r.A fiRANDK EVENING OBSERVER. TOWN tf q iiyt y 1 n.iifr" -i ii y n "" 9 SEAT SALE SHOWS LARGE AUDI EXE FOR PROGRAM. EnspCTMtnutors "ond Musical Artists . Will Render Numbers. The world famous Dunbar quartet I now In La Oranie, prepared to ren- j Ier their entrrtaiunaent In the high chool auditorium this evening. Asaj mnsVal company they enjoy a world wide reputation of the highest order. "While they have mver appeared in . JL Grande before, many local people my nave heard them In other places In Tormer years praise them moBt "nifchly. Their program consists of a TXtvt variety that la guaranteed to please any American citizen, whether Tie e one who loves the muses that accompany th proper rprderinar of classical compositions, whether he en Soya the ever pleasing melody of the Inra ambitious selections, whether he Is aroused by the enthusiasm of genu ine ragtime, or whether, If he posses ses no ear for music, he envoys to lis ten to an accomplish d Imoerponatnr whose selections will appeal to 'V "hearts of the hardest metal and, then whoe merriment will transform the mrost ?Tlous and dignified contlnu mu Into a big hearty laush. This is the last and greatest muslcl program it tic ZZ-Z?'"- TVinbari with their "expensive equipment Including the 30O-bcll carillon will present their tTWKram before a full house this even ing bb Indicated b the board fit Sil- werthorne's dru? store. BUS 0 a AST IMPORTANT EYENTS TO TRANSPIRE. SHIP BODY TO COVE. Sterns Funeral Mill Be. Held From , That Town Tomorrow. 'The remains of L. B. Stearns, the vtrcxrtt court balll who died suddenly rerday morning, were shipped to 'Covvthls morning and the funeral will 1 "be -sia Trotn that place his home town. Relatives of the deceased w'P In attendance at the funeral, cora kLtS from Prosser and PaBco. timvm JURT STILL OUT. Tlar-CM""! "No RP"ort Todnjr Indtcat 1x2Ltt:ynn Late This Evening. - "fc--I'Tteved that the grand jury uru) i:m Hs fnal renoit this even V-r -sun true bills have bean r turned taiiw. nr In fact, no report of nnv twi hoii heen made. It Is thought the lnni'ls'tore Intend to clean up the wot Wore It tonight and make Its Baal t r-rt before the Sunday recess. -irt Or It iWiTt " Txm Remlllard. who has '"rd the IDnttm nponv for Schl't'. bot tle "hr that made Milwaukee famous nnlrmdlnir the first car to!"' of t 'Wpment of thre: cars that will bo .fltetTlbutea from this point. The bier Vslniown bv many as the Per pf lnt tie beers and in the future wll be re tailed and delivered ror ramuy use. St. Peter's Chnrch. 'Second Sundav In Let. iti mmmnnlon. 8 a. m.'fund wi in m morn Inn servlce.-ll - . ariinar aervlce. 5 n. tni Servlc raAv anil FrMav Bt 7:"0 ' ' UPTON H. GIBBS. Bector. Roos- ielt Trio. Society Yl'eddlngs and ImMortint National Topics. Washington, March It. The Im pending extra session of congress and the outlook for the Canadian reciproc ity agreement will continue to absDr'i public attention. Many of the senators and representatives who have followed the example of the president In tak ing a short vacation since the adr Journment on March 4, will be back l.i the capital by the end of the week. Col.: Theodore Roosevelt will spend the early part of the week in Texas, visiting half a dozen of the chief cities of that state. Leaving Texas he will sprnd the T.ater part of Wednesday pud Thursday In Albuquerque and will then proceed to Arizona, where on Saturday he will attend the formal op ening of thi great Roosevelt dam. Secretary of Waf Dickinson Is scheduled to sail Monday from New York for Panama, where he will spend ten days lnsnectlng ' tho work en tlu isthmian canal.' Argume nt In the famous "tap line" cases will begin before the Interstate Commerce commission In Washington Wednesday. For the first time In the history of the staie. uh vomcu t" who desire to vote, will be given an opportunity to argue the question be fore a legislative committee at Har rlsburg Tuesday. The marriage of Ogilen M in hem son of Ambassador and Mrs. WhUela1." Reld, and Miss Helen Rogers will be rolebrated Tuesday at Racine. Wis., the home of the bride-elect. Another notable wedding of the week will be that of Countess Margot von Barold- lngen and Samuel Norris, secretary 01 the United States Rubber, company. which will take place Saturday at the npme of the bride's mother in Newport. Events of the weeK that win interest followers of snort and athletics will Include the annual power boat rfgat- ta at Palm Beach, the championship tournament of the Canadian Bowline association at Montreal the annual winter meeting of the National Asso ciation of Amateur Oarsmen in New York, th? pu?Illstlc contest between Ad Wolgast and George Memslc in L03 Angeles and the contest netwe n Packy McFarland and Owen Moran in New York. In financial and railroad circles con slderable Interest is manifested In the annual m eting of the Missouri Pacific ralway. which will be held Tuesday Ir- St. Louis. Br'g. Gen.' Charles - L. Hodges. In command of the department of the lakes, will be placed on the retired list of th armv Monday on account of age, Ca Monday France will observe the second centennial anniversary of tho deat'j of Nicholas Desprenix. the French poet and translator, 'r!?nd of Racln j and member of the French aca demy, Sale MSffl On Sale for Two Hour After Supper E FAD OS TM 1; READY FOR A JOKE. The Customs Official Had a Sense ef Humor Himself. In the smoking room of the Hotel des lies Brltiinuiquus at the lovely re sort of Mentone, on the French Ri viera, some three years ago two Eng lishmen met. After half an bourns conversation the Englishman from Society and Clubs -T- j Shamrocks and good old Irish mel- Tb.9 program follows: odies will be In vogue Friday lng, March 1 m Society will oreacnl a nroeram him- Manchester sold. to uls new acquaint-, ,nR cn R ,rm011g , ftura ent,tled ..Tk3 ancerom London: Land of Music and Song," by the Rev. "I say, old fellow, would you mind Father Fleming who is touring East taking a small panel for me to Paris ern Oregon at this time In the noted nfi i,v u Cont fn tht. ,i,i,.OHa tiiom? I chapel cnr. This lecture will deal with :.."".:'."; , i the ok" -lelofl of the C ltlc race. It is a vdl known fact .that the Celts were one of the nrsc io master iiitiu and melody In their songs. The lec turer will x;-'aln the develciment of Celtic mi'flc rd I'lustrate with olanc accompanlmev i. This masterpiece on Irish melodlev "ias ben cUl'vered. b? fore the Actor ' club of London an I In Ner: fl In Bath , verywhers with great su r-'ss. In addition to the address by father Fleming who won for himself i great deal of popu larltywhlle he: i a few weeks ago. ther? will be a program, the follow ing being a part: Celtic Airs La Grande Band Irish Song .......Miss Etta Foley I'm leaving for Milan In the morning." The Londoner willingly consented to do this much for one of his country men. "Awfully good of you. I'll have the boy take the parcel to your room In the mornlnrr," acknowledged the Eng lishman bo-.:1, fcr Milan. In the mi;:ulng the package wasnlcft at the other's room. "So that Is what ho calls a email parcel," be ex'-da lined, -."And what might It contain? A package of such size the custom officers would certain ly want opened. What cigarettes Ond suited and the following were his guests: Fred Densler, Arthur Cur tlss, P. A. Foley L. D. Sullivan, E. L. Main, Dick Kelley, Ed Conley. Lea, Ferguson. C. A. Allinson and Al Heu- let. . . Summervllle,March 11. (Special) Want V. WnntloU nnrl Mlsa Alary en- lolin solo , Louisa Kouscn E Sanderson, two hlzhly respected when St. Mary's Altar Chalk talk Milton Stoddard young people of Summervllle, were Mandolin sclo James uorDett married at the hom: of the bride, sun- L. H. S. Echoes Willard Carpy day afternoon at 5:15. Rev. H. P. Pet-' Vocal Solo Olive Massee erson, pastor of the Methodist Epis- Recitation ..Ethel Wilspn copal church at Summervllle, per- Recitation Hilda Anthony formed the ceremony. Near relates Recitation ............ .Mirlin Batley cniy were Invited to the wedding. The Critic Miss MacMillan couple will spend thelr honeymoon visiting -with relatives at Asotin. " i imm- Metnnriv neonie nave oeen wasn. , v having a busy week. To begin with, j - the M.thodist Brotherhood men made wedding that will eclipse In fash a night of it last Jue3day. There was jon any marriage of recent date in a program Interlarded with .toothsome Hllgard will transpire tonight when viands, post-prandlal wit and wisdom, j. jj, Haas and Mary McDanial will be and a heart-Joining tijne. Instead of united in marriage. Invitations for a 3,000 of thorn! ...Is It possible that any jTrto ....Piano one cou'. l ln:vc the. audacity to ask such n favcr to smusslo 3.000 ciga rettes Into Frnive! vThut chap shall pay for this, for I shnll dorhra these cigarettes and have them' to be called for when the duty Is paid." The Londoner left Mentone that aft ernoon. The following day ho was In rarls nt the Gare de l'Est. his luggage ready for examination. ' . "Arything dutlablf?" asked the cus toms officer. "N'othlng." replied tho Englishman, "excepting In that parcel there." , "What does It contain?" - "Three thousand cljrnrettes," saidtbo Londoner, with a umile upon, his face a smile of embarrassment nt having such a parcel with hl:n. The Frenchman raised his hands in the air and laughed heartily. ' He, too, was ns ready for n good joke as any one. aud on earli piece of tho English man's luggape went his O. K. cross. Hardly realizing what had happened, Irish Melodies .Mr. George Hennessey Duet .... Piano Chorus Sev-al Young Ladies Band music. The program will b: delivered at the L. D. S. church. Erla Ca:!ock entertained the popular "Young People's meeting" In Wednesday evening, the Epworth league varied matters by providing the public with the ever welcome Polma- large number of friends hav; been Is- " sued. - Last Thursday evening about 20 !LeLS.!S-, .e.r8l Knights and Pythian sisters surprised t a . f t a 9 1 Y- . f rmay win db ceieoramu m ousiou i t , , ,.tj i,ir, in as Evacuation day. the annlvesrary of ; lAoun found hi use riding In the evacuation of the city by the Brit- a taxieab along the streets of Tarls IGood fSyringes 3 Whatever you need In this . . i line we can supply, very rew Kfnrea in th country have so complete a line of syringes as we rarry. It includes an Kiuia It .Fountain Syringes. rwniblnutlon Syringes. Infant Syringes. li JIard Kuhber Sj ring's. Class Syringes. Ear nnd Tlcer Sjflngis. Hypodermic Syringes. Jlorsft Syringe Our bulb, fountain and com bination syringes are bought di aettly from the makers and y.n- will always find this stock fresh trad guaranteed. lsh In 1776. Among other matters that will fig ure more or leBS prominently In the news of the week will be the opening of the annual live stock and show at Fort Worth, the opening ot the Pacific Land and Products exposi tion in Los AngekB. and an Interstate conference of the sea Island cotton rowers at Waycross, Ga., to consider nlans for Increasing. , the price of the Stenle. Notice to Creditors. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned J. J. Carr has been duly appointed and qualified, aa Ad ministrator of the estate of W. L. Touey, deceased; and that all persons hsvlng or claiming to have claims with the parcel of .1.000 cigarettes un der his arm and nothing left to do but to deliver it ns he bad been asked. Grill Furniture Arrives. P. A. Foley, proprietor of the Foley hotel, received the furniture for his new grill last evening and work will begin at once on rearranging the In they "pull;d oft" was a "full-length social on Friday night where the La dies' Aid found out how long every one Js for this world and taxed them accordingly. That was one time when all were not equally pl. ased with their length of living: the longer the worse. Nobody knows what's coming next among ' them Methody folks." As the day approaches for the Tues day musical recital in the Arcade the atre. It becomes nior: and more ap- number of h r pupils In an Informal E:in VhUJ5-WlLl.5r,fri5 JIZ lence. The chorus of 20 ladles' volc?3 Miss wav Ijtst evening at her music studio. At the close of the program dainty re freshments were served. Mrs. Carlock was assisted by Mrs. C. S. Col; and Mrs. iJ. F. O'Connell The following piano 'numbers were given: Silver Threads Danks ,i Two pianos, Irene O'Connell and Mrs Carlock. Boating Party Fink; Constance Blrchoux. under the direction of Erla Carlock, will b: the central oortion of the pro gram, yet there will be a literary de partment of much value and worth all augmented by musical solos and other feature numbers. The ladks behind the recital give their highest stamp of apnroval on the program's grading jand music-loving neo jle will find Bomoj Mr. and Mr. John Frawley. cards were played until a late hour and re freshments came In due time and In bounteous quantities. Mrs. Brown was hostess Wednesday afternoon to the New Idea club. A very enjoyable afternoon was spent by thos: In attendance. The Decum, Five Hundred and the Bridge clubs are three afternoon asso ciations that did not meet this week. Mrs. McDonald and Miss Nell Young will have charge of the Tuesday Musi cal program next Tu-sday afternoon. ' Mrs. A. W. Nelson entertained the La Jaunesse club Thursday evening. Petit Elude Bartl:tf, esi 01 "e 101 ia,ei 1 Fern Geddes ithls clty r: presented on the evening's Second Valse Jensen numberi. Further announcement of Hel n CUtrrev. the date wln be made later. Lullaby .' Weber! Minna Ash. 1 Saturday evening a surprise party Poldlnl Bach New Collier to Be HutlL Mare Island, Cal.: March 11. Orders to begin construction of a new collier, to be called "Jupiter" and to cost $1, 200.000 have Just been received here from yashlngton. Commandant Os terhaus of th . Mare Island Navy yard Immediately Issued orders for begin n(n nnnfltfnnttnn nf tha vpnnpl. Plnnfi against said estate, must present Uie for6the blg Bnlp wera prepared last same, properly Itemized and verirl d. I year, but actual work on the v:ssel Waltzing Doll Stella Bodmcr. Solflegetto . . Margaret Moore. Etude Veloclte . . i Czerny Lela Cole. The following members of the class w.-re present also: Helen and Luclle Pierce, Mildred Oliver, Gertrude Moore, Naomi KIrtley. Nora Arbuckle, Lillian Baker, Marjorle Sllverthorne, Florence McLachlln. Ceclle Lily. The Junior Sophomore Literary so ciety of the La Grande high school gave their monthly program before the student body of the school yester day afternoon. Over a dozen visitors were present which is the greatest number that have attended any of the programs this semester. The enter tainment given by the soclet- was ex ceptionally fine and the critic's reiort by Miss MacMillan contained many valuable suggestions. The various mu sical numb rs were, all .accompanied b" ti rhorlster. Miss Buna Bacon. Wright Drug Co. with the undersigned, In la Grande Oregon, on or before six months from the date of this notice! J.J.CARR. Administrator or the Estat: of W. L. Toney, deceased. F. S. IVANHOE, Attorney for Administrator. First publication March 6, 1911, last publication Apr. 3, 1911. D. Mch 6 -13 -20- 27 Apr. 3. Notice of Final Settlement Notice Is hereby giv;n that the ad ministrator of the estate of Mons Mor land, deceased, has filed his final ac count and the County Court of the State o Oregon for Union county has fixed Tuesday, the 4th day of April, 1911, at the court house in I.n Grande, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing any objeetl"ns thereto, and to finally settle sal destate. Dated at La Grande, Oregon, this the 25th day of February, 1911. J. J. CARR. Administrator of the estate of Mons Moreland. deceased. ' Feb. 27 5t .a held up by the navy department. Cuthollc Church. Sunday. Early mass at 8 a. iu.; late mass at 10:30 a. m.; Sunday school at 4 n. m.: Benediction at 5 . m. Dur lng Lent: Wednesday at 7:30 i m.; Friday at ":ZQ V- n. was given in honor, of Mr. and -Mrs. John Adams at their home in South La Grande. A delightful evening was spent and at a late hour a luncheon was served. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. John Onla and daughter Im ogene. Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Montgom ery Mr. and Mrs- W. S. Monfomerv: Mr. and Mrs. Chas Crandall: Mr. and Mrs. Will Candell and Mr. and Mrs. George Setley. , One of th; most pleasant meetings of the Kaffee Klatch this year was en- ( joyed last evening when Mr. and Mrs. : George T. Cochran and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Cochran entertained the Kaffee' Klatch at the home of the former. Eight tables played five hundred and Eugene Selder won th? men's prize while Mrs. Walter L. Reld of Tellru-1 ide, Nevada, won the ladles' prize. ' L. Remlllard vi3t last night at the Foley hoM gr.U to a few of his men friends when he entertained at dinr-er. A very ""'"able affair re- treadle THEATRE 9 PROGRAM. Edison "The Doctor" Dramatic Sellg "Rival Dramists" Comic Urbin "Washed, Ashore".... Dramatic Urbin "Wood Carvers" Industrial Cowan, Pianist and tenor solo ist. Greenaway Drums andef-fects. Admission 10 cents SEE OUR NECKTIE WINDOW Notice to Creditors. Notice Is h:reby given that James C. Mclntyre has been duly apuolnted. ond has qualified, as the Administra tor of the estate of Frederick B. Small, decH8c-d; and that all persons hiving claims against said estate must present the same, properly item ized and verified, to F. S. Ivanhon. at hU office, In the city of La Grande, Union county, Oregon, on or b.fore six months after the date of the first publication of this notice. The first publication of this notice Is Marrh 6th, 1911. JAMES C. Mclntyre, Administrator of the Estate of Frederick B. Small, deceased. F. S. Ivanhoe, Attorney for Admin istrator. Dly-Mch 6-13-20-27, Apr 3. SEE OUR NECKTIE WINDOW SWELL EASTER BONNETS FOR MEN The very best shapes and shades. The very best quali ties to bs had anywhere. Come, see and try them on. Tooiey & cirairD'f )(td . r .... t.,,v .. r 3