La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, March 11, 1911, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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C. C Morse & Cr , Ci li-
fornia, D. M. Ferry and
Gj., Michigan Package
Seeds. Also full line of
I Pattison Bros.
Use either phone
LA A A Ailiilniirfii ifiiliiliilni ifc linlnliiLill Ai4
Why pay Rent ? We ha t t
money to build, ano n
pay hs as you would rent.
i. ?. CLIEJ?
Do you realize the import
ance of an
Electric Sign
n drjwmg frade fo your
store or place of business?
We make a very ow faf
rafe on sign lighting, and
are prepared to quote at
tractive prices on any kind
of a sign that you may de
sire. Our representative is al
ways ready to call and
talk the matter .over with
Eastern Oregon
Light & Power
Company Phone Main 34
Your Old Shoes
Made New, at the
Shoe Repair Shop
Prices Lower
-Better Work
Quick Service
108 ELM ST.
Vice Presidents Elected From Various
Cities for Union Show. ,
(Union Republican.) '
There was a rousing meeting of the
citizens of Union at the city hall Mon
day night last for the purpose of or
ranking for the 1911 stock show.
The meeting was called to order by
President G. S. Levy, with George
Benson acting secretary.
Afttr discussion the following off!
cers were elected:
President Will Vogel.
Vice Presidents Gus Levy. Union
Ralph Reynolds, La Grande; Dr. W. T.
Phy, Hot Lake: Alb-rt Hunter. Island
City; Roy Conklin. Cove; J. N. Chau
dler. Elgin: A. B. Davis, North Pow.
dor: H. McGoldrick. Imbler; T, T,
Glenn, Summerville; George South
Medical Springs; Ed Coles, Haines; J,
L. Dodson. Baker: J. D. French. Jo
seph: H ctor McDonald. Wallowa; F,
W. Tallmadge, Baker: N. K. West, La
Grande: Famuel Ltltle, Enterprise;
Samuel wade, Los tine: B. Frazler
Richland; Ed. McNutt. Halfway,
Secrctary-r-I. D. Wright.
Assistant Secrrtarles 06burn Rich
ins. J. A. Gilfillan.
Treasurer H. J. Lucas.
Executive Committees G. S. Levy
G. W. Benson, R. Withycombe, M. S
Lvy, j. Im jaious, n. n. nuims, aiuj
Slater. S. O. Swackhamer. F. A. Bid
well, C. J. Forsstrom, E. T. Raster.
Firanc- Committee Thomas Brash
er. M. F. Davis and H. J. Lucas. ...
Conm'ttee on By-laws G. W. Ben
son. L..E. Hewitt. J. A. Dalton.
The association accepted the propo
sition of S. O. Swackhamer for rental
of grounds for five years at $500 a
It is the purpose of th? association
to noid a stock show June 1. 2 and 3.
I though be fell down hard at the end.
:He played all year too, another asset
in his favor. With Geddes and Child
era both equal to the position, Lindsey
gets it on his assistance to the team
early In the and his constancy
at the Job. ' .
Lottes is another youngster nut un-
di&put&bly a guard. . He played all
year and played as good as any with
the possible exception of Holllster,
who is given a position nxt to Lottes
because of the first five games In
which he played. An unfortunate ac
cident put Holllster out of the game in
the height of the season, but his show
ing before that time clearly entitles
him to a position. Lottes comes first
because ho played all year.
Bean of La Grande Is backed by
several years' experience, a swiftness
of foot, accuracy of eye and ability
to guard that outdistance Kail of
Cove, or Bohnenkamp of La Grande
and Wade of Imbler.
& 4? 4 Q & & O $ ' O
Baseball Notes " ,4
9 V P O
Mce dope on Manush's . hitting Is
coming from Marlln, Texas. The
young Giant looks good.
Chris Mahoney, an extra outfielder
wnn the Boston Red Sox.' Is said
slso be. a very chver pitcher.
The. world's champions look good to
repeat this Bason, now that Jack
uoombs is In line. .
Hughe" Jennings is trine out Ness
and Gainer, two youngsters, for the
first base position with the Tigers.
If the school children of SL Louis
attain a certain grade of scholarship
they will be given free tickets to the
Browns' games.
The Washington team will hit the
rattlers iom? this season. According
to the American League schedule the
Senators will travel 10,058 miles.
Umpire Jack Stafford has quit the
Eastern League and Joined the "rah
rahs." He baa been engaged to um
pire 60 college games during the com
ing season.'.
In the Carolina League, Joe Jack
son, now witn Cleveland, is known as
the "shoeless wonder." Joe used to
be a pitcher and alweys worked in
his stocking feet
The new clubhouse of the Chicago
Cubs will cost $2,500 and not $14,000,
as waa first reported. No chickens
will be allowed in the new building.
For the first time in a dozen years
or more the Boston Nationals will is
sue season tickets. The price of the
little books has been set at JoO a
toss. '
Birmingham, Falkenburg . Joss, De
Mott, Blanding. Kiler, Griggs, Olsen.
Mitchell, Marshall and Doane of the
Cleveland team, are all former college
players. v .
Billy Hamilton, the former, big
league star, has resigned his position
as manager of the Haverhill team, to
become a scout for the Boston Nation
als. .
Pitcher Jess Baker of the White Sox
says his best fooler Is the "Fox Ball."
Years ago Miller, the "Fog Horn
catcher, performed In major leagues.
and now we have the "Fog Eair
pitcher. T-o-o-t! T-o-o-t! .
' When Pitcher Wyatt Lee was asked
why so many wonderful minor league
twtrlers failed In the big shdw, he re
marked. "It's this way. The yfind
their fast balls a mite too slow and
their slow balls Just a little too fast"
To Cure a Cold la One Day
tablets. Druggists refund money It
it fails to cure.'E. W. GROVES sig
nature on each box, 25c
Sheriffs Sale.
Notice is hereby given that ly ist
of an execution and order of saS Is
sued out of and under the seal of tlur
Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon for the County of Union, bearing,
date the 4th day of February, 18
and' to me directed and delivered
on a Judgment duly rendered in said,
court on the Slst day of May,
ln an action wherein O. W. Smith
lng business under the firm name an
style of Union Coal and Feed Co. wa-
. plaintiff and Jessee L. Smith, wa de-
Scaled Bids Wanted1 fendant, ,said Judgment being In fa
The undersigned will receive sealed or 0f plalnilff as against saia ta
bids for the following described fendant, for the sum. of $144.33 witb
property In La Grande," Union County interest thereon at the rate of 6 per
Oregon, towit. Lots One (1) to Twen- cent per annum, from May 31, HIK
ty Four (24) Mlock 143; also Lots One and the further sum of $10.10 tosr
(1) to Twenty Four (24i Block 144, costa and dlsbursementa, I will &.
Chaplin's Addition to La GrandekOre- Monday, the 20th day of March,
gon, up to Saturday April 1st, 1911. t 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, at the-
A cash deposit of ten per cent of front door of the court house in the
th amount offered must accompany city of La Grande, Union County. Ore
each bid and the right le reserved to g0n, sell at public ' auction te the
reject any and all blda.. ' ! highest bidder for cash to satisfy aaUa1
Taxes are all paid and title good. f judgment, Interest, costa,' and di- (
Address R. L. Sabln No. 7 First bursements and accruing costs, all the
Street Room 8, Portland, Oregon, 'right, title and Interest that said de-
Mar. 4-31.
'When you have a cold get a bottle ol
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It will
soon fix you up all right and will ward ofl
any tendency toward pneumonia. -This
remedy containa no opium or other narcotic
ind may be given s confidently to a baby
s to ac Sold by all dealer.
fendant had In and to Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, V
6, and 7. In Block 22 of the town aff
Imbler, Union County, Oregon.
Dated this 18th day of February--1911
at La Grande, Oregon.
Sheriff of Union County, Oregonv
Sat Feb. 18-25 Mch 4-11-18
(Continued from page Six)
"o) "S) fr ;3n 7a SJt :,
:. : li vyj lQ) lizzi 11 ;ZrrA Lza LLn
V : ; wm M..n m .LiM,,liM.,Ml.nlil ;.!LLijoti... i, . ' ""'", -i
inter-games have been many.
Bolton, of La Grand?, and Richards,
of Cove, hold their games at forwards.
Few wlUjllsagree with the statement.
Bolton is' always on the Job and no
matter how heated floor work is, he
he never leaves his firing line. Rich
ards falls to show team work with
Reynolds, but has a peculiarly good
eye for baskets. Reynolds, of La
Grande, is Just blossoming out as a
forward and his floor work commands
him honors that are unglimmered on
ly by his inability to shoot difficult
baskets a feat that will come when
he has given the position a better try-
out. He was shifted from guard this
year to his real position, and next
-ar will have mast red his new task
The same is true of Ralston who was
switched by the Reynolds transfer, and
he too shows wonderful aptitude at
guard, which will be perfected with
more eames. and for this reason, as
with Reynolds, fails to command the
consideration as Lewinn, of Union, It
la by the narrowest margin that both
Reynolds and Ralston did not qualify
as leaders in their respective posi
Hons. No one disputes Lottes' right
to the place against any team In the
county or In Eastern Oregon.
Kali big. strong, active and accur
ate basket-thrower is the peer of
center in high school circles. He
can outjump anyone in Eastern Ore
gon, but more than that, acts quicks r
and guards well and throws accurate
ly Bhowlng Just a little more finish
in most of these departments than
Bohnenkamp, a younsBter and still
new to the game. "Big Bill" will
command a permanent Job next year,
The second team men are easily
selected with the-exceptin of one for
ward position. Union has Hess
and Cove has Hancock, who are
both fairly good men to act as team
mates to Reynolds, but Crawley must
be given credit
Then comes the all county team
This brings to the front teams from
North Powder. Union, Cove, La
Grande. Imbler, Summerville and El
gin and from this bunch of players it
Is not always an easy matter to select
the men who made the nest perform
ances. Bolton of La Grande high Is
eiven the forwardshlp again as In th
high school line up. He is entitled to
it from every respect There are al
ways many instances in basket ban
where "there Is lots of time." tws
doesn't mean hours hut seconds and
Instances like these Is where Bolton
Is consistent and sure. He lacks the
brilliancy of some.
His teammate is difficult to pick
Three men appear in the running,
Either Geddes or Childers would dls
nlace Lindsey but for one or two facts
Geddes shifted to guard the last four
turn pa. disclosing that be is by far
the better suited for the defense than
the offensive end of the game, but
thereby lost his chances, in a measure
of belne a peer at forward. Childers
has a peculiar and be it said a high
lv dcBlrable knack of playing hard
hall and doing it without "dirt." He
has 4es8 fouls called him in his ca
reer than any other player. He knows
the game, too, but yet. has only ap
peared In one actual game at home
this year. Lindsey 1b given the other
forward because he rolled Tip a big
bunch of scores early in the season,
Sale Commences at 10 o'clock Sharp.
Free Lunch
I Mm.
.. t A,
41 Head of Horses
German Coach Stallion, 5 years old, weight 2 Walking Plows. .
1500. .-"! '.
10 Head Work Horses. ' -
6 Head 3 years old.
' 8 Head 2 years old.
8 Head 1 year old. -
8 Driving Horses.
40 Head Sheep, some full blood Lincolns.
20 Head of Hogs.
3 Wagons and Racks.
2 Buggies. 2 Hacks.
2 Hay Racks. 1 4-Disc Plow.
2 Gang Plows and Fixtures.
Alfalfa Disc Cultivator. . ,
2 Harrows. Grain Drill.
Hay Buck (New). Mower.
Hay Rake. Derrick.
Half Interest in Header,' Beds and Net.
Set Buggy Harness. . ,. "
8 Sets Work Harness. '
2 Sets Single Harness;
Cream Separator.
and many other articles.
All of my Household Goods will be Sold Also
TERMS: All Sales of Ten Dollars and under, Cash.. Other amounts on 8 months' time at 8 per cent,
with approved security. 3 per cent discount for Cash.
Ed. Stringham
4 '
tawya 0S0tmit0'm