W' - . . V i ' ' '' J LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 1911. PAGE 5 Hi I i I . . 1 ".-'.' ... "'-.? ."-r..." 1 '. 1111 ..-..... . ,..,,,., n i. i II , ... . , ...... .' j THEATRE TONIGHT'S PROGRAM ' March 10 and 11. "The Escape from the Tuljler-. ................. Pathe A feature film of a thrilling, episode of the French revolu tion. Magnificently staged and acted. . "The Little Circus Rider"... ........ ...... Sells Spectacular story, fully ' equipped circus on the roai. -Great parade. "Three Men and a Maid".... .................. Vitagraph When a maid wants a man- she'll find some way to get her choice. SPECIAL Miss Nellie Garden will sing ; "Rubbernecking the t'EKSOJJALS. o 1 Boys and girls sell twelve boxes or "Toke One" Shoe Polish, 10c each. Make forty cents and get a nice foun tain pen free. A. W. Westby 129 Grand Ave. Portland, Oregon. F. M. Gray of Seattla is at the Som mer. ' O. L. Lindsav of Portland la tli Soramer. . . S. L. Albaueh of Portland la A Client of the Sommer. C. A. Blllinsrslev. of Caaelton. N. n is at th. Savoy. - , . Mrs. H. S. Brown of Flora In tn-i. ping at the Foley. , - , t W. C. Smith of Hilgard was visiting in the city yesterday, . A. L. Rice, O.-W. agent at Imbler, is registered at the Foley. B. V. Willis of Elgin is registered at the Blue Mountain hotel. E. R. Manning of Hood River is in the city stopping at the Foley, Oliver Lynch of Dale is registered at ne uranoe Rone valley house.. Chas. K. Wheeler of Fort Dodge, 'ansas., ia a guest of the Sommer. W. A. Cutmill and Thomas H. Lewis of Baker are registered at the Savoy. Erskin; Beal of North Yakima is a guest of the Grande Ronde Valley house. , - O.-W. Engineer Bert Anderson has returned from a visit to Everett, Wash, and will soon resume his run. Wm. T. Haines of North Powder and W. Torsey are In the city attending court and are stopping at the Som mer. . - Andrew Lun -of North Powder re- Mimed home this morning after spend ing several days in the city attending court. . L. Allehoff, with Allen St, LewlB of Portland, is at the Sommer. Mr. Al 'ehoff Is In th: cigar and tobacco de partment. Mrt Goldsmith, St. Joe; W. A. My. ?rs, Los Angeles; Joe Brough, Chica- that tb:re will be big immigration Into the Deschutes valley., i F. D. McCully and wife of Joseph are riglBtered at the Sommer. Mr, McCully ia In the general merchandise I banking, milling, farming and stock raising business in the city at the "foot of the lake." - L. A, Wright of Union was in the city yesterday. Mr. Wright Is presi dent of the Wright Dray company of this city and is also In the drug busi ness in Union and says that prospects for spring business In his xity are good. - v D. CvBirchoux and C. E. Cumming returned yesterday from a mountain trip In the timber section around Fox Hill, t Mr.- Cumming Is representing eastern capital and is lookintr for in vestments. Mr. Blrchoux has some fine relinquishments In Wallowa ' county for sale: . C. A. McKnlght of Chicago was reg istered at the Sommer. Mr. McKnlght went out on the branch today to call on the Wallowa sWfeepmen fx. the in terest of his firm. Chicago Flexible Shaft company, the only exclusive sheep shearing and horse clipping ma chine manufactured In the Lnlted State. ' ; , ' Mrs. F. G. Schilke leaves tomorrow morning for oLs Angeles with her niece, Miss Beulah Brown, who In been seriously 111 here for sevenl weeks. They will go to the bom? of Mrs. Schilke's mother and hope that the southern climate will aid the lady's health. Mrs. Schilke will leave her daughter Frederlca, at Carlton Oregon, and expects to return in aboui a month. The Oregon will furnish first class rooms and board at $25, $30 and 133 per month. No. 10 Depot street. Ceoked Food? Sale. The Maccabees will conduct a cook (d food sale Saturday, MaVch 11, from 10 until 5 in the store building adjoin ing the Bohnenkamp store.. , Lost, ,'- Between Gedder Bros, store and Is land City, a ladles' gold watch, and a sack of Blue Stem flour branded La Grande Milling Co., on the sack; the finder can keep the watch, but return the flour to this office, as I wish to get my Blue Stem flour-back. All grocers sell It. Fully guaranteed. Ask the ladles who use It. Resp., Mrs. R. - Nordensen. LOST Between La Grande National bank building and O.-W. depot or between deDot and South La Grande a bunch of keys with identification tasr on them No. 111. Return to L. H. Russell. The early sale of seats for the Dun bar entertalnm-:nt as indicated -by the board at SIlverthorne'B drug store guarantees atC. 'audience "-tha;will quite fill the high School auditerltten AT THE ISIS. Fine Scenes From French Revolution Shown at That Place. Progre"--" rnd . i") to date and more progressive and even more up to date is the policy of the manage ment of this theatre. A feature of the program advertised for tonight Is the latest product of the firm of Pathe Freres. ' It depicts a stirring incidmt in the first French revolution during tae reign of Kin? Louis XVI. The so, commercial men,-are stopping at!terrible da7s of tne "Commune" saw th: Foley. Giist Mosler, the grand exalted ruler of Oregon Elks will be in La Grandy next Thursday and wijl meet with th ; local lodge. F. C. Van Way of Perry spent yester day In the city. Mr. Vanway Is on the La Grande Rondj Lumber company's logging train. , M. L. Mourfield of the National Pick le works. Will French, Thos. Duncan and F. H. Sutherland came in" today on the Elgin branch. Ruby Ross. P. H. Winston. W. E. McCarty, W. I. DIshman, E..N. Strong many such scenes as an nerem de picted and "The Escape from the Tuil eriea" closes one of the most thrilling of these. ' The frenzied mob packing the palace of the Tuilleries and searching for more aristocratic victims upon whom to wreak their ven?:ance and the methods adopted by those of the pur sued to escape are vividly portrayed in this film an4 literally carry the spectator with them from start to fin ish of the picture. It is magnificently staged and acted by this celebrtaed comnany. "Thre? Men and a Maid" is a clean and enjoyable comedy starring Miss and H. E. Champan of Portland are Mabel Fulle in the chief role. This registered at the Foley. . ever comedienne has Jusr sev -red G. E. Dudley of Elgin is at the comDanT and has been secured by the Sommer. Mr. Dudley is with the E. Edison company. Her app:arance In M. & M. Co. and has. charge of the dry . the pictures is always a very welcome sroods and gents furnlshln- deoart-ione, ment "The Lltt'e Circus Rider." a Selig T T o firanAa Inral tot the Vn rmT? I Droduction. is on the "big spectacular union are holding a meeting todav in line" dealing with a fully equipped cir- this city discussing, busness matters cus ana a preuy Biorj. i,uu.uiiuu5 pertaning. to the local and the union tomorrow. Sunday, the management at laree t hag secured the services of Mr. George 15 ' . . J Birnle of La Grand;, who will render W. F. Looker, representing Beal & th(, VOf ai 0ios everv evening. His To say Gloves at this time-just for Easter you know--it is like hollering "FIRE" for every lady wants to lcnov about it. Well, this is what it is: I7e have about 100 pairs of Ladies9 Fine Dressed Hid 1 1 , ...ii . i i . Gloves that have become stightly mussedsome of them," others in first-class condition, just as they came from the factory, while others have been tried on and may be what is called "shelf worn," that ve are going to close out at $1.50 to $1.75 Values IU5 to 150 1.00 $ .98 They come in Assorted Col .68 ors: Blacks, Grays, Tans M and Browns. This Special Glove Sale will Begin Monday, C'Oo general housework in family of two at Telocaset. Good wages. For par ticulars write to Alice Dupes, Pleas, ant Valley, Ore. Henry Henson; . WANTED Girl for general house work; Inquire at U. S. National bank. FOR SALE Two good homestead re , linqulshments in Wallowa county. Inquire of D. Blrchoux. ' FURNISHED ROOM bath In connec , Hon, hot and cold water, after March 15th. Mrs. Fred DIttebrandt, , 701 Washington Street, Bell phone, Red EMPLOYMENT OFFICE We furnish all kinds of reliable help on short notice. We have them listed In our office. If you are reliable 'phone us your wants. Wilson ft Reed, employ ment office In postofflce block. HAVE nicely furnish room for - rent Modern conveniences. Phone Blk. 822, or call at 1311 O avenue. TO LOAN A client will loan f .000 at 8 per cent Interest, one year or lon ger, first mortgage farm security. JP. 8. Tvnnhoa. company of Portland, is registered nt the Sommer. Mr. Looker looks after the business for his firm on road ma chinery and sprlnglers and , sweepers; W. G. Estfs was in the city yester day on a business trip. Mr. Estes is from Athena, the heart of the Umatilla wheat belt and says that wheat looks fine and all Indications are that the; crop will be large. C. v.. Lincoln of Bedman, the new town on the Deschutes fiViV. ts in the city and registered ' at' the Sommer. Mr. Lincoln formerly; 'made this city his home but is now -In business in in the 3oley Building Across Street from Postofiice. Fjne line Hair Goods Fancy Hair Ornaments. Shampooing Scalp treat ment. Manicuring. Combings made to order. Paris Jtair Store, 1106 Foley Hot el Bids. Adams Arcane. solendld baritone voice is well known In the cUy and the public will appre ciate this rfpnortunity to again hear him. Miss Nellie Garrick will continue singing at the theatre, but only at the matinees which are held dally, Mr. Birnie taking her place.at the even ing performanc. Other beneficial changes and new innovations at the Isis will shortly ( be announced. It Is the determination of the Isis to be second rtsn; in catering to the neople of .LsL:Grande and the peo ple will eee l.;' Horses Please Spectators. A large number of farmers and horsemen this afternoon viewed the exhibit of Neil horses. Depot and Adams. The Clydes w re. groomed for the show and pleased the audi IClassiUedl l Advertising FOR SALE 130 quarts choice canned fruit including strawberries, reach es, raspberries, blackberries, peara and some plums, also household goods. Call Independent 'phone 1367. CITY SCAV ANGER Joseph Turn bull, city scavanger. Anyone want ing my services call np City Recor der's office.' $500 Loan Wanted Security first class property. Address Observer. FOR RENT Furnished and light housekeeping rooms. Mrs. E. C. Moore 1617 Fourth atreet FOR RENT Furnished rooms lor light housekeeping. Inquire at King t Cigar factory. WANTED A good woman ' to do You All Know Our Jewelry :.Y::.:::;:: We have been here sx years , i , and-are right here to stay W.-:- ': -:" WE JIAVE NEVER ADVERTISED OUR OPTICAL DEPARTMENT AND OUR LARGE TRADE Itf THIS LINE HAS BEEN 'CAUSED BY SATISFIED CUS TOMERS TELLING OTHERS. OUR OPTICIAN IS ONE OF THE BEST IN THE STATE, NOT FALLING HEIR TO HIS CERTIFL CATE BUT GAINING IT BY PASSING THE STATE BOARD, NOT ONLY IN THIS STATIC BUT IN OTH- ERS. ';v- ' v,.:';.:-:',. v';r DR. MENDELSOHN ON LEAVING THE CITY AD. VISED HIS CUSTOMERS TO COME 'HERE AS HE KNEW WE WERE COMPETENT. WE ARE REFITTING OUR TEST ROOM, MAKING- IT ABSOLUTELY UP-TO-DATE AND IF YOU HAVE TROUBLE WITH YOUR EYES YOU WILL DO WELL TO CONSULT US AS WE ARE NOT DE PENDENT ON THIS BRANCH OF THE BUSINESS FOR A LIVING AND CONSEQUENTLY OUR PRIG ES ARE REASONABLE. v ALL WORK GUARANTEED rist:& Co., SSL" ,1 n " i' i: ii i 5 h v'. r 1 0'- .' t