PAGE 4 - LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 1911. THE OBSERVER BRUCE. DENNi S Editor and Owner. do man has an excuse to die poor in the Grande Ronde val!ey. Exactly so. he who dies poor here Is either a plunger, an invalid or too lazy to work. Hear that last remark: TOO LAZY TO WORK. Tfr ' " ' Entered at the pestoffice at La Grande .as second-class matter. . SUBSCRIPTION BATES JiaJIj, single cowy 5e Dally, per week, 15t Dally, per month .,....,... 65c S lAiLtT1 IWIT iFlS I I 1112 1314 12 13M516l7f8 19 M212223 24,25 20 27 2cS 293031 StTrODTIXGG THE CHAUTAUQUA. Next week the Chautauqua associa tion will place its season tickets cn ale. On the number taken will large ev:nt. That La Grande will push this alendld event to the front this year ere Is Utile doubt, but It cannot be done by the work of an exclusive few. A Chautauqua assembly is a neeessari f Jy a community undertaking and tv -"harder the community as a whole works the greater results will be ob tained. : ' ' at will be remembered that last year It -aid its way. which was really a remarkable record for the first year of any Chautauqua. This being the sec ond year there should be no question but what the association is entitled to launch out a little farther from safe ground and contract for heavier obligations which means a better line of talent and more features of enter talnm.nt. r ': " Th's bit ot advice is due tha associa tion, however: Encourage n'O'-e cri ers. Make the pak an'lnvltint plait and then induce people to take tents and call it home during the per lod. No cliautauqua fulfills what was Intended for it withor.t .campers and plenty of them. ( HUGS AND MONEY. Th- Grande Ronde hog is in demand. You never want to sneer at a hog. He Is one of the beet pieces of property In the world today.and every day for that matter. Listen to this: Swam and Greullch, Pendleton packers, are hipping out all the Grande Ronde nors they can buy in this valley, and they ere shipping them to Pendleton feed the men who raise wheat. You may think, well, the Grande Ronde In turn mtiBt hav the Pendle ton wheat for bread stuffs. Not true, for this valley produces ten times as much' as Eastern Oregon can consume. In the columns of trade, then, the con clusion must be drawn that this valley Is far ahead of Umatilla county in the balance of trade and so it is. The hog produced in the Grande Ronde Is of such excellent quality that It tops the Portland market whenever it shows up there. It Is a stnndari product and the wender is that more arc not produced. Dear this in mind, the man who gets a f w acres of alfalfa land and raises hogs one year with another In the Grande Ronde valley will die a rich man.' But the same is true of the man who will ' raise wheat in this valley, . and the sam? Is true of the man who will move out on a fruit ranch n! raise fruit bv hard work and ap'lW tlon. It is then to he understood that If you hear the last small plea of u weary traveler some night . you can readily understand he has gotten Into one of the niudholes of La Grande's residence streets and Is forever lost. SNAP SHOTS. A skirt divided against itself cannot tndure. Columbia State. If a mere vice president can vote, whv not women? Boston Transcript It would take a brace mayor in Seat tle to sign an anti-hatpin ordinance. New York American. Charles F. Murphy favors the di rt ct election of United States senators by Tammany. Baltimore Sun. Postmaster General Hitchcock has succeded In getting his name in the magazines. Toledo Blade. It is to be hoped that there will bi enough reciprocity left "after the Can adian bill is disposed of to be put to good use in the republican party. Cleveland L.ader. ' Howard Chandler Christy has paint ed a picture of the battle of San Juan hllj, 'caving Colonel Roosevelt out of It. He might Just as well have left out the hill. D trolt Free Press. Those Lake Shore & Michigan Sou thern bollermakers who declared they were p rfectly satisfied with their wages do not deserve the blessings of un'on leadership. Wall Street Jour nal. . . - THIS DATE L HISTORY. March 11. 1702 The Dally Courant, the first British dally newspaper, issued In London. ' 1779 Gen. Prevost, commanding the British, demanded the surrender of Charleston, S. C. . 1789 The Pennsylvania Igislature granted a charter to the city of Philadelphia. v 1865 Parliament at Quebec adopted the confederation scheme. 1866 The Right Rev. John J. Wil liams consecrated as bishop of the Roman Catholic diocese ot Boston. 1872 Jay Gould ousted from the man agement of the Erie railroad. 1874 Charles Sumner. Massachusetts statesman, dl d. Born Jan. 6, '1811. ' 1SS3 Prince Alexander Gortschakoff, famouB Russian stateman, died. Born In 1798. 1891 France consented to arbitration on the Newfoundland fisheries question. 1910 James A. Patten, Am-rjcan cot ton operator, mobbed on the Manchester cotton exchange. "THIS IS MY 78TII BIRTHDAY." William J. Beal. . Dr. William J. Beal, famous as a botanist and for 40 years a member of the faculty of the Michigan Asrlcul- tural college, was born in AdrlanJ Alien., marcn n. 1833, and spent his boyhood on a farm. He graduated from the university of Michigan in 18C9 and spent the next ten years in teaching school. In 1870 he became professor of botany in the Michigan Agricultural college and continued in that position until last fall, when he resigned on account of age. Dr. Beal was the flrtt president of the Associa tion of BotaniBts of the Untied States and first president of the Socltty for the Promotion of Agricultural Sci ence. He has served also as president of the Michigan State Academy of Sci ence and as secretary of the American Promologlcal society. He is the author of several well known works on bot anical subjects. mm Modes for Your Approval Our Ready-to-Wear Department for Ladies and Misses is more attractive than ever before. All the pre vailing styles for this Spring's wear are on display now, in shades and qualities to meet the demands of the most particular dresser. THE NEW WOOLTEX SUITS are here and must be seen to be appreciated. Tan and Gray mixtures and Blue are the prevailing shades. All linings are guaran teed for two season's wear .... Wooltex means All Pure Wool : SUITS COATS DRESSES $20.00 to $40.00 $20 00 to $35.00 $6.50 to $35.00 V 046 VJ71 bvnM Wtl I I BBftPk. -X ""(BBP 1 1 1 V 1 'IV fttrtrtg, Irani (Cb; IN OUR MEN'S SHOP jT" ' """ " 11,1 ' , , . ' ' ' ' . ' ' " ' We are prepared now to fill your wants in Clothing and Furnishings in this department as well as the most exclusive men's store of the large cities. FOUR GREAT CLOTHING LINES: BENJAMIN New York Styles for Men $2010 $30 SOCIETY. Young Men's Clothing $20 TO $35 SINCERITY Suits for Men Who Stay Young, $15 to $2S EIDIR-HEIMER, STEIN & CO'S, CLOTHING FOR YOUNG MEN and BOYS WHO W NT THE BEST uVJ vwrs-gooa jiws, to y.vy roung Men's Suits $12.50 to 77 to W The Quality Store gi" W W "tP V W f IP The Quicker a cold is gotten rid of tl less the danger from pneumonia and other vrious dine uses. Mr. B. W. L. Hall, ol Wsverly, Vs., "I firmly believe Cham berlain's Cough fkmi'dr to (e nlilutely the dw preprtion nn tin- nun I ( rr colds. I 'mve recomm'!i'ln! i' t; n x (Vends rnd " aj'' i- ' ,f .jf tjv si! t I t MM THE OFFICERS of this bank will be pleased to talk with yoi at any time concerning mutual business relations nHEN the Federal Government, the yr county, the city and a large and . growi-g is of commercial and private depositors entrust !r.e;r funds to this institu tion wO tha exfa-t or 1:830,000.0-, you may be sure thir it h a safe one for you to identify yourself with. v GALL AND TALK IT OVER WITH US La Grande NationaJ Bank LA CRANDE. OREGON. . $ 100.000.00 . . v 100,000.00 . . 1,125,000.00 UNITED $TATE3(DEP0SIT0RY Fred J. Holmes, Pres. W. J. Church, VTce Pres. F. L,. Meyers, Casfuet , ' Earl ZundelMss'i. Cashier inntiniiiiiiniiuiiiniimmnnttnm. CAPITAL . SURPLUS RESOURCES ANOTHER PERIL OF THE HOBBLE SKIRT. Well Vfhat ! &4 (f VVhotorcyou pk'tJS doird vith my jfc'X I count, or to any Item th-Veof, the said court will, at said time and place set tle said Final Account with the un. dersigned Administratrix of said es tate.: .... -, Dated at La-Grande, Oregon, this 4th day of March, 1911. FANNIE BROWN, Administratrix of the Estate of Benjamin Erown, deceased. F. S. IVANHOE, Attorney for Administratrix! Dly March 6-13-20-27-Apr. 3. "I had been troubled with constipation lor two yeais and tried all of the beet phyal lians in Bristol, Tenn., and tliev could oo , n.-thing for me," writes Thos.iL Williams. , Middlebolo, Ky. "Two paekaitM of Cham- I rlam's Stomach and LiTera&leU cure ! me." For sale by all dealers, A 'otre Dame lady's Appeal. Fox in Chicago Evening Peat FINAL ACCOUNT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Fannie Brown, the undersigned Ad ministratrix of the estate of Benjamin Brown, deceased, has filed with the clerk of the County Court of lnion county, state of Oregon, her Final Ac cuunt. as such Administratrix, and the Judge of the above-tntitled court has fixed the 12th day of April, A. D. 1911. at the hour of ten o'clock In the forenoon of said day, at hit office In the court-house, in the city of La Grande, said county and state, as the time and place for hearing any and all objections that may be filed or made on or before said day, to said Final ' Account, or to any Item there of. And if no objections are made on or before said date to said Final Ac To all knowing sufferers of rheuma tism, whether muscular or of the joints, sciatica, lumbagos, backache, pains In the kidneys or neuralgia pains, to write to her for a home treatment which has repeatedly cur 4 all of these .tortures. She feels It her duty to send it to all sufferers free. Tou cure yourself at home as thousands will testify No change of climate bets; necessary. This staple ti'.scoTery banishes uric acid from tj'1' Wood, locns the stiffened jolntal P'rifltr tf 5md. and brightens the Hen, givfltg elasticity and tone to the vbole syrteia. If the above Interests you, for proof address Mrs. M. Summert, Box. R., Notre Tame. Ind. I Nbui 4 mm Pnwnr 4m Pnunx nen iiuiu buvci uuuvci WEBSTER NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY JUST ISSUED. Edb Cliief, Dr. W.T.Hani,fonner U.S. Cca. of Education. Tie Webster Tradition Developed hj Uodem ScientificLexicocrapnj Key to Lit eratureof SetenCentiiries. GeaeraJ lafomtaiioo PractkaHj Doulled. 2700 Pages. 6000 Illustrations. 400,000 Words and Phrases. ' GET THE BEST in Scholarship, Conven ience, Authority, Utility. When your feet are wet and cold, tab your body chilled through ad th rough from exposure, take a bis does of Chamberlaia'i Cough Remedy, bathe rout feet io hot water before going to bed, and you art moat certain to ward cn s eevm cold, i"" ile bv all dfulrr. . -- - t ac. nxauM co. snuNcnao. kass.