LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 1911. PAGE 3 For ill kinds of XESSEXGER ASD DELIYERY SERVICE Call Up The Central Messenger and Delivery Co. Boom S ;o9 Phones Main H. J. KESLER, MANAGER. Ind. Plumbing and Heating PR0FESSI03AA DIRECTORY. PHYSICIANS ASD SURGE0SS. N. MOUTOR. M. t. Physician and . Surgeon. Corner. Adams Ave. anJ Depot street. Office. Main 68: Resi dence 69. " 1 A, L. RICHARDSON, M. D. J. W. LOUGHLIN, M. D. Drs. Ktchardson LouguUn.' Physicians and Surgeons.' Phones Office Black 1362; Ind. 353. Office Hours 9 to lis 2 to 6; 7 to 8. Dr. Richardson's Res. Main 65; Ind. 312,' ' ' ; '- r H. UPTON. Ph. G M. D. Physician and surgeon. " Special attention to Eye; Ear. Nose and Throat. Office In La Grande National Bank Build ing. Phones: Office Main z, Kesi deuce Main 32. . !EO. W." ZIMMERMAN Osteopath Physician. Sommer Bldg., Rooms 7, . 9 and 10. Phoaes: Home 1332, Pacific, Main 63, Residence phone, Black 951. Successor to Dr. C. El Moore. II TICKETS III ELGIK FIELD OLD FIGHTERS LET TP SPLEEN IS GONE. ASD Spirited Campaign M ill End Next Mon. diy at Polls. y cus This year witnesses a changj, and while the old scrappers were there and succeeded in having some men of their particular liking on the ticket, the work was accomplished In a har raonious manner and the men nomi nated stand as candidates of the citi zens of Elgin, and not candidates rep reset In g the church and saloon sides and factions. Th election, which will be neld on next Monday, will be a spirited affair', but promises to be free ' from mud slinging and dirty politics. ; John Melville 1423 Adams flve LA GRANDE, - ORE GOSSARD ...Corsets The Seven Principal Selling . . : , .. Folnts . They lace In front They support every vital or gun. v ' They are as comfortable sit-' ting down as standing. They are easily adjusted U In plain sight 1 m They give Me-princess naca following the most beauwui line In nature, the spinal curve. They are filled with ELEC, TROBONE, unbreakable, nnd nonnistable. They supply the correct fash ionable figure for every worn- an's form. For sale by Mrs.RobertPattison Phone Black . 14S1 or Black 81 JR. H. L,. UNDERWOOD and DR. DORA J. UNDERWOOD Office ov er Wright Drug store. Special at-. tention paid to diseases and sunst of the eye. ,:, ' - ; Phones Office Main VL esldence, Main 728. " '' ' ' i. C. PRICE, D. M. D. Dentist. lioom 23, La Grande National Bank Build Ing. Phone Black 399. DP. R. L. LINCOLN, DENTIST First class services given. Office over Lil ly's Hdw. Btore. Phone Black-451. :;R. P. A. CHARLTON ..Veterinary Sup geon. Office at Hill's Drug Store La Grande. Residence phone, Re( 701; Office phone, Black 1361; Inde pendent phone 63; both phones si residence. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. 'OCHRAN & COCEBAN-Attorneys: Chas. E. Cochran and Geo. T. Coch ran. I Grande National ' Bank Bldg., La Grande. Oregon. f. H. CRAWFORD Attorney at Law. Practices in al lthe courts or the State and United 8tates. Office in La Grande Natiuuai Banc Bldg., L Grande, Oregon. (Elgin Recorder.) . - "; Thi annual city caucus held In the city hall Monday evening for the pur' pose of nominating candidates for the various city offices to be ailed at the regular ejection next Monday wa3 well attended and the most' harmonious event of like nature held in Elgin dur ing the past several years. Nearly 200 voters were In attendance, all br ing thf re with the purpose of nomi nating men in an open convention and there was no wrangling between fac tlons and parties. While there were men present from all walks of life, representing many different policies and views, the caucus was one of har mony throughout. Mayor. Weather Bpoon called the house to order and on motion L. B. Tuttle was elected as chairman and J. B. Thorson secretary. The objects of . the convention were brisfly stated by the chairman after which the method of choosing candi date was decided. It was vottd to place as many names in' nomination as the voters desired, but in making the final selection the voters werwuu .u to vote for only one man for any par ticular nomination, the two receiving the highest number of votes to be d - clared the candidates of the conven tion. " ' ' . . - " " Mayor H. H., Weatherspoon and D. Sommer received tb? highest number of votes in the contest for mayor and are candidates for that position. In the contest for councllmen only seven names wer? placed in nomination, F. E. Graham losing out In the vote, as did C. R. Patten for the nomination of marshal. : The result of the caucus left the fol lowing in n6mlnatlon for the offices mentioned below: Mayor H. H. W:atherspoon and D. Sommer. 'V. :- . Councllmen F. E. Smith. ; J. B. Thorson, 8 E. Harris, R. C. Mays, Nelson Hackett, J. C. Shockly. Recorder L. Denham and Jesse Crum. ......... ... ... ........ Treasurer R. L. Shoemaker. Marshal W. E. St. Peters and J. C, Christiansen. R. L. Shoemaker was unanimously nominated by acclamation for the of flee of treasurer. V , For the oast several years city con ventions and elections have been char acterlzed by bitter fights, resulting from the church, and saloon contro versies and differences, and each fac tion has always had its ticket ready for adoption before going into the cau- $ CHURCH NOTICES j . ' Christian Srlence Service. : Christian Science services are held each Sunday at'll a. m. at 907 C ave nue. The subj et for tomorrow is "SubBtance." ; . German appendicitis remedy. A. T. Hill, druggist, states that A SINGLE DOSE of this simple remedy will re lieve any bowel or stomach trouble'.' POPULAR. MEX3HANICS AIAGAZINB "Writtei St Yn Caa Uaderstand It" 300 Pictures Every 400 Articles fv 250 Pages montil Methodist Episcopal Chnrch. The Sunday school In charge of F. H. Green meets at 9:45 and ends very abruptly at 10:50. . -; Miss Edith Clifford has the charge of the Junior leaaue which meets at 3:00 and Miss Christine Wheatley leads the Epworth league session at 6:30. - ' -w-..-- At 11.00 a. m. the pastor preaches and pt Island Citv In the afternoon and again at the church in La Grand at 7:30. : ' i. A number of new members were re ceived this week and their residences will be mad : known to them who in- riafni . , ', . ....... i' The Sunday evening services are growing in attendance, and the young peoples meetings are wen au.naea on Wednesday night. - Our music is steadily improving un der careful management, and Is ap preciate.. ... - J. JLJ. uil,l.iua.n. rasior. A wonderful storv of the Proomsof this Merhnn. icsl Age. Instructive, but more fascinating than any fiction. A masazine for Bankers. Doctori, Lawyer, Teacher. Karmers, Business Men. Man ufarturers. Mechanics. Has 1J00.U0O readers erenr month. Interests everybody. When you see one you understand why. Ask the man who reads it. Your newsdesler will show you one; or write the publishers far free sample copy. The "Shop Notes" Dept. things How to make repair, ana ankles for home and shop, etc. "Amateur Mechanics" wp;" i i ... to make mission furniture, wireless, boats, engines, magic, and all the things boy loves. ' ft. SO per gear, tintft copla 15 ttntt ASK YOUR NEWSDEALER Or Address 0. W. C. NE150N Mining Engineer. Baker C'ty. Oregon. PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleed- Ing or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 50c. Tk niilrbr j eoia w .ratten rid of the teat the danger from pnennionla and otner (1 meases. Mr. B. W. 1 uan, oi w-.oriw V. asva: "I hrruiv oeueve vnam Hltivilll ' ' T J ----- m ... berlain's Cough Remedy to be absolutely tne lettt preparation on tne mantei lor wki. hnve recommended it to my friends and tiiev all agree iih me." tor sale by nlpra. THE WARDROBE TAILOR CO. Suits CleanedPress ed and Repaired, Hats Blocked .M Kid Gloves Cleaned. La dies' work a specialty P0PwMiC 1118 Adam. Ave. Phone 735 r Central Church of Christ. "The Dominion of Love" will be the subject of the morning sermon. "The Laborer and His condition win De Via vAnlne thflmc. Bible School at 9:15; church at 11:00 a. m. ana t.ju p. m.; Junior and Christian Endeavor at 6:30. The hospitality of the church is extended, to all. Church located on the corner of Washington and Depot street. . ' '' ' COLONIST FARES From the Middle and Eastern portions of the United States and Canada to OREGON, WASHINKTON. AND THE NORTHWEST , will prevail DAILY 'Building Material No order too small for Quick Delivery Let us figure on your large orders -we can fill them promptly. MARCH 10th to APRIL 10th over the Oregon-Washington Railroad& Navigation Co. and connections, the Oregon Short Line, Union Pacific and v Chicago t Xorthwestern WENAHA LUMBER CO. GREENWOOD & MADISON Home Phone 421. Bell Phone, Main 732 First Fresbvterhin Chnrch, , Mnfninz . aubiect. "Callfd to Be Saints.". Evening subject, "The Whole Dutv of Man." Sunday school, : 45 a. m.';'Mr,W. B. Pickens, superintendent. Christian Endeavor service, 6:30 p. m. Praver meeting, Thursday, 7.30 p m.: Brotherhood meeting, Monday, 8 ;00 p m.r at the Manse. . v i ' ; Call for Warrants. Treasurers, call for county, sca'p hnnntv jinri road warrants, wonce hereby given that ths . undersigned treasurer of Union county, Oregon has funds on hand with which, to pay all county and scalp bounty warrants which were endorsed prior to the flrsl day of FebruaryM911, and all war- rants Issued on the' road fund prior to the 11th day of March, 1911. . No Interest will ba allowed on t'li above warrants after March 11, 19U JOHN FRAWLEY, County Treasurer. La Grande, Ore., March 11, 1911. PURE RICH BLOOD The Xewlln Drn? Co. Sells a Prescrlp- tion That Means Vigor, YIm, . ' Vitality. Because MI-O-NA causes the blood to get better and more nourishment It is at all times a valuable tonic. It putB vlgorf into the muscles,, clears up the lmprop-rly nourished brain nri makes stronsr nerves that will sta&d the severest test. Men who feel that their vitality Is slipping away; that the vim and en ergyt hat they formally put into all their work is lacking; that ambitious lmpuls and celever ideas do not come as they used to are the kind of rat-n that need MI-O-NA. Besides belu a txieiless remedy for indigestion MI-O-NA is a most pro nounced tonic. It you have that blue, discontent ed feeling through the day and pass The Colonists fare are westbound ' r stlessni gMs, trying unsuccessfully to eet a refreshing sleep, taae a From Chicago at ' . St Loots at . . Omaha at Kansas City at St Paul nt ... $33.00 .$32.00 .$25.00 .$25.00 $25.00 and from other cities correspondingly low. Ton can PREPAY Fares only, but if you have relatilves c? friends or employees in the east wbcir. you desire to bring to this state yo'i can deposit the value of the fare with your local railroad agent, and an order for a ticket will be telegraphed to any address desired. let the WORLD Know Of our vost resources and splendid op portunities for . HOME BCILDIJfO Call on the undersigned for good j Inptructive "natter to send East or j Make Your Home More Pleasant and Comfortable by calling at the new Paint and Wall Paper Parlors 1703 1-2 Sixth Street, conducted by CLOGSTON & WITTER We do all of our work in a style that is bound to please painting, paperhanging and tinting. Our stock is' complete in all lines and we will take pleasure in showing you our excellent as sortment. You will find the prices riht. Don't wait until you are ready to have the work done , bufcome in'afid look bur line over. Will be glad to show you and give you estimates on your work. - ; -: '; -;'.f ; , '--p. V-'f::P Remember the number, 1703 1-2 Sixth Street Home Phone 131, ta Grande, Or, -MONTANA POOL ROOMS- CIGARS and TOBACCO Wetori & Batnett frops., Corner Jefferson andfflepot st. NECKWEAR of the Latest Handsome BELTS New PUFF. PINS The Finest CASH BAGS Elegant RIBBONS Dainty HEAD SCARFS Tailored TURBANS, Pretty SAILORS in the most approved styles E M WELLMAN & Co; ronth's treatment of MI-O-NA sto mach tablets, and bring th; sunshln Into your life. MI-O-NA vosts but 50 cents at the Newlin Drug Co and druggists evcryi where. Guaranteed to cure Indiges tion and Immediately relieve all sto mach misery, or money back. Feb 21 to M'h 12. ? That's What They All Say CARELESS ABOUT .AFPESDI - . miS IX LA GBADE Many La Grande people have chron- glve Wm the address of thoee to whom 1c appendicitis which is carelessly vou would like to have soch matter trpnted as If it wer ordinary bowe' sent. Si' WM McMURRAT General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon. or stomach trouble. If you have wind or gas in the stomach or bowils, sour stomach or constipation, try simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as pnmnonnded In Adlr-I-ka, the new It's Good For What Ails You