PAGE 2 . . LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER ' SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 1911. Directory of the Fraternal Orders of La Grande, Oregon Second Annual Chautauqua u F. ft A. M. La Grande Lodge No 41. i P. & A. M. holds regulai meet ing! first and third Saturdays at 7:30 p. to. Cordial welcome to all Masons. L. M. HOTT. W. M. - a WILLIAMS, Secretary. B. P. O. E. La Orande Lodee No. 433 meets each Thursday evening at 8 - o clock In Elk's club, corner of De pot street and Washington 'avenue Visiting brothers are cordially In vltea to attend, H. J. R1TTER, Ex. Rul. H. E. OOOLIDGE, Rec. Sec. WOODMEN OP THE WORLD La Grande Lodge No. 169 W, 0. W. meets every second and fourth Sat urdays at K. P. hall. All visiting mebers welcome. D. FITZGERALD. C. C. J. H KEENEY. Clerk. M. W.-A.--La Grande Camp No. I'M . nieets every Monday m the month a the I. O. 0. F. hall. All vlsitlwr neighbors are cordially invited t tftend. .. ' - I. It SNOOK, C. . D. E. COX. Clerk. REBEKAHS Crystal Lodge No. meets every Tuesday evening In to I. 0. 0. F. hall. All visiting meu. bers are Invited to attend. MRS. KATIE ARBUCKLE, N. G. MISS ANNA ALEXANDER, Sec KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Red Cro Lodge No. 27 meets every. MonU night In Castle hall, (old Elk's hail A Pythian welcome to all visltln. Knights. . JESS PAUL. C. C. R. L. LINCOLN. M. of R. A S 60 0. E. S. Hope Chapter No. 13. 0. V C. holds stated communications th second and fourth Wednesdays o each month. Visiting members cor dially Invited. CARRIE B HUNTER. W. M. ' MARY A. WARNICK. See. WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT C ran Ronde Circle No. 47 meets ev first and third Thursday evonlnr In the month at the I. 0. 0. F. nal All visiting members are welcom CHLOE ROBINSON, G. M LIZZIE ELLSWORTH. C)rs Complete Equipment tof Resetting ann Repairing Rubber Buggy Tires . LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor COMPLETE MACHINE SHOPS AND FOUNDRY 325ZZ California White Clover Honey v IVe are Not in the Association I ! t t 1 i ! ; '' V , . . . . . , , J THE APPOIO COMPANY. 1 GABRIEL MAGUIRE rmcH tXPLOxrx Gov. JIanly. Royal Grocery H. Pattison, Prop, LET CS DYE FOB YOU. la fact (he only way we live Is sj djeiug. Don't dye yourself. It's better than dyeing yourself. WE DYE EYERY DAT ASD DYE FOB ALL . .Oar charge for dyeing for you won't be hgth. A sample Job Is sufficient For best dyeing and cleaning have no do It ELITE CLE A MSG & DYE WORKS, Phone Main 64. Perry Pneumatic Water Systems, Samson Wind Mills, Deming Pumps, Richardson & Boynton Warm Air Furnaces, Pipe Valves and Fittings, Gut ters, Plumbing Fixtures of All Kinds, Full Assort ment of Nickel Trimmings. BAY 6 ZWEIFEL V iy w - -v I ! v . . r . - 1. is Buttls, the Impersonator. PLUMBERS, HEATERS, SHEE1 METAL WORKERS The George Palmer Lumber Company Retail Department We solicit your orders for Shingles, Rubberoid Roofing, Deadening Felt, Building Paper We are prepared to furnish and deliver materiaJ, promptly. Phone Main 8. Hanly, the Sadlers, the Apollo Con cert company, Battls, the clever Im personator of Dickens' characters, Gabriel McGuire, the famous Irish traveler all these and more, what a -alaxy for a Chautauqua they do make. July is still some time away, but interest is whetted and sharpened anew by the definite announcement of the main part of thj 11-day program. The Apollo Concert company and Bell Ringers is offered in response to a persistent call for a company of strictly high-class musicians and en tertainers, capable of putting on a program of great variety and superior quality. A careful consideration of the personnel of the company, their long and successful concert experi ence, the instrumentation (which ln- clu(lB legitimate instruments only) in solos nnd splendid ensemble work, the vocal selections, etc.. will convince the thotightful buyer that the Apollo Con cert company and Bell Ringers will attract large audiences and please them greatly. The nress of many of the best lyceum citiaa of this country uniformly attest the splendid satisfac tion given by their entertainment to William Sterling Battls Is also a master of the art of stage craft. He has the most amazing array of cos tumes, which he dons and doffs at will and in shorter time than this is taking In the t.lling. His ever entrance was a study and with the .finish of the pro cess of making up Battis seemed lost In the character that he sought to por tray. He did not impersonate; he was. Dr. Gabriel Maulre, the gr.-at Irish orator and African traveler, is avail able for the Chautauqua season of 1911 Among great successes of the Chau tauqua platform for the past ten years Dr. Magulre stands out a3 one of th: mcst eminent His phenomenal suc cess is probably due to two factors, one. his natural, eloouence, and tho other, the intense interest of the story he relates. He is one of the most not able of the African travelers and mis sioned. He was the first white man to go uo the Congo after Stanley caraa down. REMOVES PANDIHTFF Tuts Life Into Faded Hair and Stops Scalp Itch. It your hair is dull and lileless, is falling out and getting thin on top, then you need Parisian Sage, and the quicker you get It, the sooner you will thank the Newlin Drug Co. for selling you such a worthy dependanble hair grower, dandruff cure and hair dres sing. Read what Mrs. M. A. May, of 107 East Elizabeth St., Detroit, Mich., writes on June 6, 1910: "I have used many 'hair restorers but have received no apparent bene fit until I tried Parisian Sage. My hair la soft and silky, and while before I commenced using the remedy my hair was falling fast, was dry and harsh, faded, and altogether unlovely now Just within the past few weeks several have remarked how lovely my hair was. It Is also fine Just for a dressing, leaving the hair soft and fluffy. It remoes dandruff, and cures itching of the scalp. I certainly take pleasure in recommending Parisian Sage." Parisian Sage is sold by the Newlin Drug Co. and druggists everywhere. Get o 50 cent bottle today, use It for two weeks and If you are not satis fied that It will do all that it Is ad vertised to do you can have your money back. The girl with the Aub urn hair Is on every package. Feb. 18, Men 1-11 Every family has need of a good, reliable liniment. For sprains, bruises, of the muscles and rheumatio pains there it none better than Chamberlaia's. Sold bj all dealers, T0--NIOIHT A. f . S Male Quartet AND BELL RINGERS Under auspices of the La Grande High School Third Number of Lyceum Course . TUC 1 HLjim Dunbar Company presents an always pleasing entertainment of great variety and , of rare excellence with the aid of a large amount of costly equipment, that cannot be excelled. Admission: 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 THAT ESSENTIAL QUALITY United States National Bank LA GRANDE, ORE. UT HI LE this bank " .adopts every ; de sirable method of mod ern banking, it never loses sight of that essen tial quality: ABSOLUTE SAFETY. ;: FARQUHARSON'S LUNCH ROOM :; Clam Chowder, Chile, Fruits, Cigars and Tobaccoes leese 213 Fir Street tlFlllpMlllltllwffttii Cement Sidewalk Construction Co T FIGURE WITH o Barley Thirty Day Sale I For the Next Thirty aj Ton Can Boy Tonr Silverware, Cat Glass, Z Band Painted China, Clocks an d Jewelry at a Seduction of from It I to 25 l'er Cent off. ID reliable Quality and Folly Guaranteed. ?X H. PE VRE, U gJewele!Td' T OppoMte U. 8. Land Office ta A dams 1 venae. HI mnni iL Residence phone Main 26 ; AMBULANCE E. l bussey Job Printing Promptly at The Observer er Fresh Hand-Rolled Choco lates Can't Be Beaten SNOWDRIFT FLOUR l$ tht f J' nouR on ' ' cimmnieed to jve the best sslislacthn. Montr back il it docs not. DELIVERED TO YOU AT $1.40 PER SACK. PHONE US YOUR ORDERS Water-Stahchfield Produce Co. . EXCLUSIVE AGENTS