La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, March 11, 1911, Image 1

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co .northwest mi st ruo
Secret Orders Said to Hive Gone Forth
Askluar for Preparation for Artrve
Service by Militia In the Xirthwst
and Southwest Should the Divisions
Now Mobilized Enter the Mexican
Territory. ' -
Olympln, March 11. On orders re.
mIt4 from Wnxhlnvlnn. the national
guard In the principal cities are re
erulting and bringing companies up to
war standard, and also Increasing the
drilling hours to thr.e times weekly.
Lieutenant Commander Palmer.
Naval Officer Chosen aa One of the
Aids to the President '
yV .
Ha It Captain In Command ,
of tho Battleahip Maryland.
Los Angeles .March 11. Soeclal or
ders have been issued to all recruit
in? officers on the Pacific coast urgr
ing them to Increase the naval enlist
ment. Washington, March 11. The war
1 department has usurped the functions .
of th state department in the Mexican
situation, it was seen today, in tne
fact that Secretary of State Philander
C. Knox has not been consulted previ
ous to the orders for mobilization.
More Divisions Com'iug.
Array officers predict now that the
Second and Th'rd divisions of the
army will be called Into service unon
dispatch of the First into Mexico. The
war department is nr0ceeding as
thouch trouble is certain. Occupation
of the border has been -banned for a
year and should the troops now en
route borderward advance Into Mexi
co find Lowr California, the second
d!v!sfon of 15.000 regulars will be
mobilized on the frontier and if that
division is sent nto Mexco, the Third
devlslori will take hte fronter. . ,
Mnitla Included.-; ?
The Third division includes tip mi
litia of the Pacific 'cast and the
southwestern states. In that event,
the Oreaon. Washington and Califor
nia militia will take active part and it
Is said that secret orders have been
Issued to the commanders of these
varfous regiments, to keep the men
through the state Intact as much as
possible, In the -e vent help Is needed.
Uncle Sam Starts Inquiry.
Washington, March 11. Authorltat
lve information says the United States
will soon begin an Investigation of a
1 numbs r of Japanese employed in Mex
Mco. a greater number of whom are in
the mines. The determination to in
quire was reached after it was learned
overtures for the establishment of a
nival base at Magdalea bay had bn
made to Japan by Dia? It is said Ja
pan received a Buest'on but did not
act on it. The report of the secret
treaty kfor offens? and defense between
f Japan and Mexico is not credited.
Sus'iect Nabbed by Constabl- That
May Be Los Angeles Dynamiter.
, qallexico. March 11- Suspected. of
belni? J. A. Bryce. one of the three
men charged with dynamiting tha Los
Angeles Times, a man giving his name
as James Smith Jackson, is under ar
rest at Elcentro. Constable Crane ar
rested him while trying to cross the
border. ; ,". 1
This aid has been called In Into ser
rice In the present naval and mill
tary maneuvers end has charge of
navigation, one of the most Import
ant osts in connection with the
nay. - ..
Mexico City, March 11. Mexican!
troops will be rushed to the border
and encamped opposite the American
troops, prepared to resist an Inva
sion. This la in accordance with a de
cision of leaders In the Mexican con
gress which wUl convene In extraor
dinary session again tomorrow. The
lead, rs say foe Mexican' troops '.will
have their headquarters at Juarez, iust
onposite the river from El Paso.
Evidence of a Bluff.
From V'ashlntpn and from north
ern Sr;xlco. too, come reports from
revolutionary leadrs saying that de
spite the official denials that Mexico
would countenance the intervention by
the United States. President Diaz
would really welcome it.
Can Cross Rio Grand's Any Time.
San Antonio, March 1L Two com
panies or engineers - wuu yumwu
equipment, sufficient to throw the en
tire First division across the Rio
Grande, arrived today from Leaven
worth, Officers admit that such un
wieldy equipment precludes its use tor
ordinary maneuers. Thirty flat cars
are necessary to transport the pon
toons. ... . '.; .'
Men Hate Delav. -San
Diego, March 11. The torpedo
boat destroyer Lawrence arrived from
Mare Island today and the expectation
is that smaller boats will soon receive
some orders to move. Ten companies
of the Tenth infantry arrived today
and also the. transport Buffalo with
&00 marines aboard. The gunboat
Yorktown is already here. General
Tasker Bliss, commanding here, says I order , to prevent anarchy in Mexico
he knows nothing of why the troops is given strength today by tne simui
are mobilized, and would like to know, taneous appearance of Ambassador De
He said the men are chafing at the La Barra and Attorney General wick-
delay. , Practically 4,500 troops, ma- ersham here. It is stated tnat a con
Courier Brings Word From Interior
That Enthuses Insurrectos.
El Paso, -March ll.i-Arrival of a
second courier from Casa Grandes
with the word that the federals were
reversed,; was announced' at the Insur
gents' Junta here today. It Is report
ed that Madero ' recaptured Casa
Grandes Wednesday night and that
Colonel Cuellar, with his intire force,
Junta leaders declare 7.000-insur-'
gents re in the field and that a large
force fa assembling under Madero for
an attack on Chihuahua.
News of tne recapture of Casa
Grandes could not be telegraphed on
account of government censorship of
telegraph wires and the only method
of conveying the news was oy cour
ler. .."'
The news has spread rapidly and
has enthused the Insurrectos.
Lucius Tattle Congratulated.
Boston, Mass., March 11. Lucius
Tuttle, who recently r; tired from the
presidency of the Boston and Maine
railway when that road was taken ov
er by the New York. New Haven' and
Hartford svstem. received many con
gratulation at his home in Brookline
today on the occasion of his 64th
birthday anniversary.1 The greetings
nossessed a double significance for Mr,
Tuttle. who recently underwent a suc
cessful operation lu which one or nis
legs was amputated. t
Stop Mine Defastation. r
s.m Francisco. March 11. Any loss
es sustained by American ranch or
mine owners in Mexico through- revo
lutionary activities will bp met by the
Mexican government, accoroinj to on
vate advices received here.
Expressmen Strike.
New York. March 11. Fifteen hnn
dred drivers and helpers on the Adams
Expr fs company struck this after
noon. The claim tne company nas
not fulfilled the terms which settled
the last strike. No wagons are mov
ing here. or at Hoboken, or Jersey
City. Th caTpany is recrultin?
could not be any cause for possible
American invasion, Ltmantour, the
Mexican minister or finance issued fl
statement saying the report that Ja
pan was financing an insurrection is
absurd. . ',' , ' ' J . ' ' " . , .
Llmantour said In part: A3 set
forth in' my PtatGnient yesteTday, iv.j
government does not for a moment
consider an Invasion. I think tho I n
ited State3 has no intention of inter
vening. Naturall.", Mexico desires '.he
United States to prevent the smug
gling of arms and recruit3 from tlic
United States. That. la what Ameil
can troops ar? expected to do."
, Three Transports Loaded;
Fortress Monroe, March 11. Twen
ty-four companies of , coast : artillery
sailed for Galveston today oft. board
the trr.errcrt? 'ininntHclc nd
McClellan. : '-. -'"
Railroads Criticised.
San Antonio, March 11. Array offi
cers here criticise the railroads today
and say alertness of troops quitting
garrisons was retarded materially by
slowness of the railroads. Only the
11th cavalry, and the 17th Infantry ar
rived here. 108 hours after the ord f
were Issued. The 11th arrived thU
morning, and also the tenth regiment.
Troops will continue arriving unrll
Tuesday Avhen the division will be
mobilized. ""-
Jlny Depose DIas.
Washington, March 11. The report
that Wall Street financial interests
have decided that Diaz must retire In
I (
V i
i x o-j '.' -r'".--T'
f '' '
Eurico Alfono on Trial for Killing III
Enemy After Belnsr Mnpmd in tho
. Face and Thirty Elirht Members of
the Secret Order Are Also 'Defend
ant Jn the Jr!nl Police Guard the
.Witnesses' Lhes.
rines and sailors are here.
Japanese Scare Scoffed at.
fertnee of financiers has been called
iin the hone of settling the Mexican
Nw York, March 11. Insisting that
bis government had not formed any
alliance with Japan, and that iiter
troubles, selecting Yves Llmantour,
tha Mexican minister of finance, as
Diaz's successor.'
. i.
Vlterno. Italy, March 11. The trial
of Enrico Alfono and 38 members of
the Cammera," the most sensational
-' - - i ' . . ' . ' . .. ......
enmuuu trim ui - iiiu .w.j, .
gan today. They ar; charged with the
murder of Gennaro Cuocuoll and his
wife in 190& after Cuocuoll slapped Al
fono's face and published secrets of
the order.' :
Vlterno is guarded by r00 troops to
prevent assassination of the witnesses.
a threat to that effect having '. been .
made several times. .
Frfsoners In Uontlnement.
Several prlsonsrs are reported to
have confessed to the priest and par
taken of ' the communion. Gennero
Abatemagglo. who turned Crown's evi
dence, has been placed In solitary con
finement, to prevent attempts at as
sassination. . ...
The jury was selected this afternoon
and evidence will be presented at
Some Would Kill City Hall Bonds and
-Then mil Sewer Election,
Help Reached by YJrawlIng to Road and
Then on to Neighbors House.
Oldest of European Rulers.
Munich. March 11. The ninetieth
birthday anniversary of Prince Lult
pold, regent of Bavaria and the dean
of European rulers, will b;1 celebrated
tomorrow with national rejoicings u
on an unusually extensive scale. Al
ready the venerable regent Is in re
celDt of telegraphic congratulations
from Emperor William and tne neaos
of the reigning house or the empire.
Tomorrow te deums will be chanted
throughout the kingdom in honor of
the ag d ruler, military reviews win
be held and the people will indulge! in
many forms of festivity.
No German prince now living nas
played a more important role In the
history of Germany and. Ind de, of
central Europe, throughout the last 60
or 60 years. Although he was never
proclaimed as king, he has Virtually
rnled the klnedora of Bavaria for
than GO rears. During the lif
time of his father. King Louis I.r who
forfeited his throne for the sake ot
Lola Montez. the famous adventu-es.
Prince Luitnold was to a gr?at extent
intrusted with the executive duties of
royalty, the entire time and attention
of his more or less mentally unbal
anced father being monopolized by his
love affair, which eventually led to the
revolution of 1848.
Maximilian II.. who then s'leiejd'd
to the throne, was in such a chronic
state ot ill health that he surrendered
most of his responsibilities as a mon
arch into the hands of his youueer
brother, Luttpold. The late Xing Lou
is II., who came to the throne at tha
death of his father. Maxlml'.'an, ul
though in excellent plmlevil health,
was so eccentric and so full ef his fan
tastic devotion to mvsic pnd tbe arts,
that he gladly left the task of govern
ing the kingdom to his uncle. Lult
pold. During all thrj years Prince
Luttpold. although actually regent,
was not officially recognized an such.
This official recognition did not come
to him untilafter the death of King
ouls in 1886, when the iormai appoint
ment of a regent became necessary
owlna to the fact that the tiucer-aor
to the throne, his nephew OtU was
incrrablv insane and utterly unfit to
assume the duties of his position., ,
San Rafael, Cal., March 11. John
La FranchI, his nephew Augustine Al-
bertino were shot and killed and Mrs.
La FranchI was seriously wounded in
the legs by an Italian who visited the
ranch late last nUht. The murderer
escaped and a posse is searching Lu
cas valley for him this afternoon.
Woman Crawls Two Miles.
Unable to walk, the wounded wo
man crawled two miles to get help
and announce the death of her hus
band and relative. She says there Is
no motive as the family never had any
trouble In Italy.
The woman reached the roadway
where she lay four hours before she
regained consciousness and strength
to drag herself to the house of County
Surveyor Pacheo. Sheriff Keating
found a soft f It hat left by the mur
derer who has a good start on the pur
suers. La FranchI rose to milk the
cows. '' As the two men entered the
house the assassin killed th m in the
doorwav and shot at the woman as she
leaped from a window. By feigning
death she was able to escape further
Division of Forty Thousand Said to
Have Instituted the Crime.
Healdsburg, Cal., March 11. Tem
porary Insanity causes are assigned by
some today as an explanation why
Fred Schwarda, a wealthy young
rancher, killed two sisters at their
home with a shot gun. The authorities
say that 'trouble with the women oc
curred over the division of 40,000 as
an estate left by the parents.
The man had just completed his
heinous crime and was reloading his
shotgun when his brother entered and
a desperate struggle followed in which
the murderer was disarmed and turn
ed over to th authorities. The fel
low collapsed when he realized the
enormity of his crime.
Elgin, March 11. (Special) Dire
danger of defeat being meted out to
the new city hall bond Issue question
next Monday by the , Voter of this
city .and .a.'. proposition to bring c
"ending issue for sewar purposes be
fore the voters at a special election a
month hence, are indicated by ante-
election discussion here. The city si
ready, Is bonded for 15,000 and the
city hall would cost f 10,000. With the
new charter v which will undoubtedly
be adopted Monday will come provi
sions to bond the city for $30,000 only
and that will leave $5,000 available for
other purposes, should the city hall Is
sue be granted. . The. crying need In
Elgin, say many business men, Is a
sewer project and $5,000 would not
build the system. Hence the plan now
afoot Is to kill the city hall bonds and
bring a special election for the sewer
project which It Is said could be com
pleted with $15,000.
This issue is forming a warm side
fight to the regular election and peo
ple who are versed In the situation
aay the klll-tha-hall and build-sewers
movement has taken a firm root.
Million Found by Appraise rs, Princi
pal Items Being Copj rights.
': k '
Concord, March 11. The estate of
Mrs. Eddy In New Hampshire Is val
ued at $2,512,146 according to an ap
praisers' report today. Henry Baker,
the executor 4t the Christian Science
founder, estimated her Massachusetts
property worth. $250,000 additional.-!!
. Copyrights are the largest Items ap
praised at $1,400,000. , .
. ' . . ,7 "-'-.' v.e't.
Manitoba Winter Fair.
Brandon. Man., March 11. The
Manitoba Winter fair and Fat Stock
show opened today, to continue until
March 17. The exhibition of horses,
cattle, sheen and swine Is the flnp?t
evai ehnwn In Manftnha anA la 1
of the wonderful growth of the live
stock industry In this section. The
exhibition also includ e a large dis
play of poultry and seed grain.
London Takes Steps to Drive Mission
aries from England.
London, March JL The home office
will soon issue "an orde r expelling
Mormon missionaries from the United
kingdom, according to the Dally News.
The paper , today asserts that Hans
Freece, representing tha women's In
terdenominational council, has con
vinced the secretary, Churchill, that
Mormons constituted a menace.
T?"tlrement of Col. Hamilton. '"
Washington, March 11. The active
careev In the army of Col. William R.
Hamilton of the foaBt artillery ro-rv
closed today by reason of the fact that
s Flour Rates Cut.
Victoria, Bv C. March 11. The an
ticipated rate war on the North Pa-
ifi la tinder wnv OnmmnnlcBtlnng
are being sent shippers by the Blue tomorrow he will reach the age of
Funnel line announcing that the rate miuiury reureiuem. oi. nam-jiuu
on flour from Puget Sound to the Orl- 18 nat,ve of Wisconsin. He gradual
wit has been cut from J3 to 2 me.r ed from the West Point academy in
ton. It Is Kxpeeted by ahipplng men
thet the rate will go lower.' Shippers
declare that the Nippon Yusen Kalsha
Is responsible for the war because the
company, It Is said, has been granting
1876 and from the artillery school in
AmbaspHdor Hill Coming Home.
Berlin. March 11. Dr. Hill.. Amer
ican ambassador to Germany, sailed
tnr th( I'nltd RtAtPH tndav tn deliver
Lawmakfrs After Hobbles. jth9 Carpentler lectures at Columbia
Sprlnefleld, 111.. March 11. Hare m i university next month. The nmhan-
and hobble skirts are subject of a bill Bador Is accompanied by his wife and
presented in the house by Represents
tlve Murphy of Chicago, Hobbles m-ea-surlng
less than one and one-half
yards are prohibited. An absolute ban
Is placed on the harem skirt by the
bill which prohibits any woman ap
pearing in public In such a garb. The
penalty for violating thi proposed law
Is a fine of not less than $10 nor more
than $50 for each and every offense.
daughter. He expects to return
Berlin about the middle of May.
Taft Receives News.
AugUBta, Ga., March 11. President
Taft is settled temporarily In head
quarters here today. He received dis
patches from the Mexican frontier by
a private telegraph operator. .
To Share Profits with Tollers.
Pittsburg, Pa., March ll.i Accord
ing to a report tn circulation here the
stockholders of the Union Switch and
Signal company at their annual meet
ing next week will take steps to es
tablish a profit-sharing plan for the
benefit of , their workmen. The com
pany Is one of the Westlnghouse cor
porations and It Is said that eventual
ly the plan to share profits will be ex
tended to all of the Westlnghouse In
terests, which employ a total of over
30,000 men. ' ., .-, '
Dallas Man for Grand Exalted Ruler.
Waco, Tex.. March, 11. At a big
rally held here today by the Texas
State Association of Elks, it was ae
elded to boom Charles A. Rasbury'of
Dallas for the office of grand exalted
ruler at the next national convention
of the Benevolent and Protective Or?
der of Elks. John H. Klrby of Hous
ton, president of the Texas associa
tion, presided at the meeting. . t
Test Out Torpedo Boat.
Washington, March 11. The torpe
do boat destroyers Roe. Paulding and
Terry, recent additions to the navy,
will b alven their final acceptance
trial off th' Virginia capes during the
latter part of March or early in April.
Box. Car' Pried Oprn and BrakemanV
Head Crashed. i
St. Louis. March 11 The third train
robbery with murder as an adjunct
within recent months, was discovered
early today when an M. K. & T. trail
reached Lortmer station. Brakeman T.
J. Cahill was found with , his skull
crushed and dead In a box car. tha
door pried open and goods missing.
Storm Subsiding and traffic Will Soon
Be Resumed on Railroads. ,
San Francisco, March 11. With the
weather clearlns' today it is expected
that traffic, will be resumed soon and
floods which heavily damaged parts
of the state will subside.
To Visit SeTeral Texas Cities.
Houston, Texas, March 11. Col. Ce
cil Lyon leader of the republican par
ty In Texas, has completed the ar
rangements for the visit of Col. Theo
dore Roosevelt to Texas during the
firEt half of the coming week. The
Pocsevelt, Itinerary in Texas will In
clude brief visits in Houston. San
Antonio, Dallas, Fort Worth and El
Paso. In Austin he will deliver an
address before the Texas legislature.
Roosevi It In Mississippi Capital.
Jackson, Miss., March 1L Citizens
of Jackson regardless of political af
filiations joined in the hearty welcome
given to Col. Theodore Roosevelt to
day. The former president reached
the city at an early hour this morning
and departed for New Orleans Immedi
ately after luncheon. Governor Noel
and Senator John Sharp Williams as
sisted In his entertainment during the
forenoon. Col. Poosevelt was taken
for a ride about the city and later de
livered an address before the comraer
merclal club. , , :?
Wappenstrin Pleads Not Guilty.
Seattle. March 11. Former Chief of
Police WapnenBteln. indicted for ac
cepting a bribe of $25,000 was arraign
ed today and entered a plea of not
Assembly Likes Primary.
Sacramento, March 11. The assem
bly today unanimously passed an
amendment to the primary law pro
viding for nomination of United States ,
senators on' the Oregon plan. The
measure hat not passed the senate.