L. - 3 $ J? 4 I PAGE 8 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, FRIDAY, ilARCH 10, 1911; .-r. - . gji f .g-...... ... , 1 , , ",, The Money-Saving Store 15c Ladies' Hose . , . . . . . . 25c Ladle Ribbed Hose 20c Children's Hose ............. 25c BoysVHose, 2 pairs .'. . .... . . . .... TOWELS. 15c Turkish Towel . . . .. . . . . . . , . . . . . 20c Turkish Towel .... . . . v ..... . . . . 35c Turkish Towel $125 Bed Spreads $1.65 Bed Spreads .... . . . . . . . . . ..... iwe Mucking .......... 45c Pillow Slips, pair ............... 75c Bed Sheets "... 60c Lace Curtains, pair. 85c Lace Curtains. . ...... .... . . . $1.25 Lace Curtains .................. $2.00 Lace Curtains. 25c Dresser Scarf . , . . . . ... . 25c Pillow. Top .... . . v. ...... . . ... .. $2.25 Ladies' Waist $1.75 Ladies' Waist. a $1.00 Ladies' Waist . . . . ; . '.' .V. ....... Ladies', $1.25 Muslin Skirt. . - ... ,...' . : . : . v. .. 5Cc Corset Covers V. . ... ... . . . , . . . . . Ladies' 35c Muslin Drawers. . . . . . . . . 7 and 10c Lace, yd. . .'. . . . . . . . . Men's 65c Shirts Men's Neckties, values up to 25c, choice Men's 35c Suspenders . . ... : . . . .7". . . . . Boys' 20c Suspenders . . .... . . . Men's 35c Wool Sox 30c Bulk Coffee, lb ' 15c box Cocoa Corn Flakes, pkg. Ladies' $2.00 Petticoats Ladies' $2.25 Petticoats SHOES SHOES SHOES Compare Quality and Prices. $1.75 Ladies' Shoes $3.00 Ladies' Shoes $3.25 Ladies' Shoes . . . .... .......... $4.25 Ladies' Shoes, Button or Lace. . . $5.00 Ladies' Button Shoes . ... .... . ". We can save you big money on men's and Children's Shoes. 10c 20 c 15c 35c 10c 15c 25 c $2.00 1.35 mm : oc n 35c 65c 45c 60c 98c 1.65 20c 10c 1.75 1.40 . 89c 1.00 39c 25c p oc 50c 15c 25c 15c 25c 26c 10c 10c 1.48 1.89 1.50 2:50 2.75 3.50 4.00 EXTRA-SPECIAL-EXTRA Saturday Only 75c Granite Dish Pan 25c II YEARS FOB TKlAL JUEORS EXCUSED OTIL Several True Bill HaTe Been Eetorn . ed the Pist 24 Hours. The first penitentiary sentence to be Imposed this term came today when Jndfe Knowles gave G. W. Mculer two years In the state prison on the lat ter's plea of guilty to a charge of lar ceny from a dwelling. ' . Last night the grand jury resorted a true bill against D. Walsh and Paul Coulten for laretny'ln'a dwellln?. committed at Union. A true bill has been reported In th 2 case of the state versus Kendall al leging forgery. The def.ndant plead ed not guilty. s The trial Jurors have been excuesd until Monday though the grand, jury Is still at work. ' , " 'V. J -'V.r .( -. ' " ,v"1 1 NT SC IN SOUTH LOSS ESTIMATED AT FIVE MIL LIONS ALREADY,' Itfo Mbnder hese Clothes are the Mest in the World Local People Have Money Interests In 1 Flood District. San Francisco, JUarch 10. Five mil lions Is considered a conservative ts tlmate today of the loss caused by the, floods and storms which prevail In all parts of the state. More rains are predicted for tonight. The Santa Bar bara district has' lost a million,, and rich bottom land has been Swept Into the sea. The flood loss In the vicinity of Los Angeles is severe to alfalfa and garden truck. Over $100,000 has been been lost In that. department of farm life alone. Scores of houses are un der 'water and several Southern Paci fic bridges have gone out. N ' Prugglst Fllgate, employed at the Wright drug store has property inter ests In the flood section of California and is. anxiously awaiting word from there relative to what damage was in flicted to his orchard properties. ,;' eomrm '. TH ItOVAL TAIMHM ' ; Think of tailoring 300,000 Suits to order every year and tailoring every last one of them on Six-Day Schedule Time! Without the slight of a stitch of the slip of-an hour! Without a variance or an interruption. The wonderful efficiency that makes this possible that is the efficiency that makes clothes built by the Royal Tail ( ors the best in the world. SELECT YOUR SUii NOW. ITlkW Is3 A Die) n n nvs q pDfl' "OUR NAU'-HTY CHILDREN CAMN0T BREAK OUR FRIENDSHIP." , llilk'ard Mill to Start J. D. Casey, the Hllgard merchant, sawmill owner and lumber dealer, is In the city today and said that he would commence cutting lumber April 1st. His planer has been busy all winter and although the lumber busi ness has been good he has on his yards at the present time one million feet of lumber, also has logs enough to make a full season's run. Mr. Cas ?y has Just finished filling a ,500,000 feet lumber Kntract for the eastern market. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Bert O. Carl, ah insurance man of Portland, U in the city and stopping at the, Foley. . Miss Lucille Collins has returned to her home In Union after visiting her aunt, Mrs. John Frawley. O. I. Wade of Summerville Is In the city ' and la registered at the Orande Ronde Vallev house. J Dick Maxwell who has been fe d- lng cattle for McKennon & Chandler. will leave ' Sunday' for ' his home ' jn Wallowa and take charge of the Wal lowa' Coach association's fine horse for the coming season. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFT. FURNISHED ROOM, bath In, connec tion, hot and cold water, affr March 15th. Mrs. Fred t)lttebrandt, 701 Washington Streft. ppii vW. r 531. . , Farnum in York Tribune. Flies Cured In to 14 Days Puts Life Into Faded Hair and Stops Scaly Itch. If your hair is dull and lileless, Is falling out and getting thin on top, then you need Parisian Sage, and the quicker you get it, the sooner you will thank the Newlin Drug Co. for selling you such a worthy dependanble hatr grower, dandruff cure and hair dres sing. Read what Mrs. M. A. May, of 107 East Elizabeth St., Detroit, Mich., writes on June 6, 1910: "I have used many 'hair restorers but have received no apparent bene fit until I tried Parisian Sage. My hair Is soft and silky, and while before I commenced using the remedy ' my hatr was falling fast, was dry and mlnlstrator of the estate of Mons Mor land, deceased, has filed his final ac- ; count and the County Court of the State of Oregon for Union county has fixed Tuesday, the 4th day of April, 1911, at the court house In La , Grande, Oregon, as th time and place for hearing any objections thereto, and to finally settle Bal destate. 1 ; Dated at La Grande, Oregon, thls the 25th day of February,' 1911, r : . J. J. CAJlR, Administrator of the estate of Monsv Moreland, deceased. :i Feb. 27 5t ' V; i Mil m 1 V ' "I bad been troubled with constipation for two years and tried all of the best physi :ins in Bristol, Tenn., and they could do nrthin for me," writei Thou. E. Williamn, Midd'eDoro, Ky. "Two package of Chnni rliiin's Htmn irh n I.ir.TaWets cur'' havh, faded, and altogether unlovely now just within the past few weeks several have remarked how lovely my hair was. It is also fine just for a dressing leaving the hair soft and fluffy. It remoes dandruff, and cures itching of the scalp. I certainly taice pleasure In recommending Parisian Sage.". , Parisian Sage is sold by the Newlin Drug Co. and druggists everywhere. ' Get o 60 cent bottle today, use it for two weeks and if you are not satis fied that It will do all that it ia ad vertlsed to do you can have your money back. The girl with the Aub urn hair is on every package. Feb. 18, Mch 1-11 Arcade Notice of Final Settlement Notice Is hereby slv.n that the ad- THEATRE PROGRAM. ' Edison "The Doctor" ................... Dramatic Selig "Rival Dramlsts" Comic Urbln "Washed Ashore". . . . , Dramatic Urbln "Wood Carvers" Industrial Cowen, Pianist and tenor solo ist, Grefenaway Drums and ef-j fects. Admission 10 cents To Cure a Cold In Out Onr : TMe -LAXATIVE BPOMO pulnln 'i-M. Pnieslsts refund troney If "V'rn nn each box. 2ty P.V70 OINTMENT Is guaranteed to rnre any case of Itchln. Blind. BWd 'nr or Trotntdlne Piles In C to 14 days .r money refunded. 50c. ' SWELL EASTER BONNETS FOR MEN The very best shapes and shades. The very best quali ties to be had anywhere. Come, see and try them on. iroey n