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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1911)
j f LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1911. PAGE 5 n""" . j"800 Na RtM IlYork; E. D. Stnrgls, Sai FrtnTlar,,: I Krr . I ... I H. Russell. - . ri,.. M " 1 ' - 1 ' .' I mnn Oa T7. f . li i u rmucisco; v..v. JJOKe. Fort- fl ' . - ' HEATRE , TONIGHT'S P.OGRAM March 10 and 11. "The Escape from the TuUlc- les" .......... paths A feature film of a thrilling; episods of the French revolu- . tlon. . Magnificently staged and acted. - ."The Little CIrcu Rider".'.. -..v. ...... ............ Selig Spectacular story, fully equipped circus on the road. . Great parade. "Three Men and a Maid".... . . ... . . Vltagraph . When a maid wants a man she'll find some way to get her choice.' , SPECIAL Miss Nellie Gardes: will sing v "Rubbernecking Moon." I LO CALS The early sale of seats for the Dun bar entertainment as-Indicated by the board- at Silverthorne's , drug store guarantees an 'audience, that will quite fill the high school auditorium. Boys and girls sell twelve boxes or "Toke One" Shoe Polish, 10c each. Make forty cenrs and get a nice foun tain pen free. A. W. Westby 129 Grand Ave. Portland Oregon. The Oregon will furnish first class rooms and board at $25, $30 and $35 per month. No. 10 Depot street : ' " New' Home sewing machines' at Newlin Book and Stationery company. 4 Cooked FeotfJSale. '. The Maccabees will conduct a cook ed food sale' Saturday, March 11, from 10 until 5 In the store building adjoin ing the Bohnenkamp store. .-- .) Vp" Plf month Boosters for Sale., ; . A fine lot of Plymouth Rock roosters can be purchased bycalUpg, pfl' R. E. Reynolds cY 'phoning to Farmers 64. Lost Between Gedder pros, store and Is land City, a ladies' gold watch, and a sack of Blue. Stem flour branded La .Grande Milling Co., on the Back; the finder can keep the watch, but return the flour to this office, as I" wish to get my Blue Stem flour. back. All . grocers sell It. Fully guaranteed. Ask the ladles who use it. Resp., Mrs. R, . J Nordensen. .. LOST Between La Grande National bank building and O.-W. depot or between depot and South La Grande a bunch of keys with Identification q o 4 4 o - 4 I'EKSONALS. . - ' A M. H. Taylor and J. C. Shaw; mining men oi Seattle, are at the Foley. W. C. Lane and wife of Baker, are registered at the Foley." . ' Ed Fosler, Gerorae. Idaho, Is regis tered at the Blue Mountain hotel. . s W. D. Winters, "Frisco, 1915, Is at the Sommer. ; Dell Irwin of Alicel is In the city and Jls stopping: at the Sommer. Jack Nelson and F. B. Kountz of -tland re resist? red at the Savoy. Geo. W. Gunther of Lima, Mont, Is er!stered at the Savoy. ' ; N. Darron of Cove is a guest of the Savoy. .-' H. E. Bachus of Wallowa Is stop pin? at the Savoy. : '''. .- S. P. Bement, Miss Fany and Teddy Stanley of Baker are at the Savoy. John C. Arnold is In the city, from Union and is registered at the Blue Mountain hotel. r .. - Edgar Bollinger; ftenry Pearson, Mark Robertson, Jack Gorham and W,. H. Gorham, of North Powder, are registered at the Foley. ," ; ui. t ie oi Aiicel Is registere 1 ct the Foley.. . Mr. Playle has charge of the Pacific Coast Elevator company at Alicel. Mr. and Mrs. McKenzle and Ahx McKenzie are guests of the Savoy. They are prominent , people of Sum merville. ' I ." ' Wm. Avill of Merrill. Wis., was at the Savoy . yesterday. Mr. Avill 1 looking after the Interests of Wiscon sin parties in Oregon lumber lands. C. A. Allison of Weiser, Idaho, ar rived in the city last nlht. Mr. Alli son has accepted a position with Jlvo Warren Construction company as en glneer at the plant and will be a the Foley. - ; ;, ' ., '',') Harry Elmore, Chicago, Is register ed at the Sommer. Mr.c Elmore only makes about one trip ' a "year out nere in the interests pf his house and re late that he finds business good In the horse shoe line, and that Jheeast, em people ' iiave " their eye Ijin great northwest ' ' v' . ' " N. D. Varner of Enterprise register ed at the Sommer last night. - ,Mr. Varner Is on his way home frdm a business trip to Seattle. He Is hear- ily Interested In the cattle and hog business and says that stock did fine this winter In his section of the coun try, ; ; 'John Grenlich of Pendleton is a the city and registered at the Som mer. . Mr! Grenlich is one of the pro prietors and also Uuyr for Swartz & Grenlich, meat packers and wholesale butchers of Pendleton and is In the Grande, Ronde valley looking for hogs and ..before returning to Pendleton will "go Into Wallowa county. W. D. Joiner, San Ffflncieca; G. A. Grant Portland, Franlci K. OTJrin. New York; N. B. : thoiapBon. New land; .C. L. Campbell, Portland; E- Klrker, New York; J. B. lluffroiin, New York; S. L. Harrod, Denver; P. B. McGlynn, Denver; B. Pollair. fti- cago, and E. B. Overman. Ch!''np, or registered at the Foley. - - A T. Hill, the druggist, returned this morning from a business visit to Portland. . v ' ' " Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gulling left this niornlne . for . Portland t mpnH week with ther daughter,Miss Ethel Gullfng, who Is employed In that city. H. A. Bodmer returned from ausli ness trip up the branch today In the interest of his firm, the BoltonTBod- mer company. - : Jacob Pepper was a passenger on the Elgin branch today. Air. .Pepper win h ave oh No. 5 tonight to consult an. oculist In regard to his eyes and take a ourse of treatment -'v ' E. -S. Heath, ' representing Gaar Scott Threshing Machine Company, came In on the Elgin branch from a trip interesting ' threshing machine men in-and around Elgin; J j ; v ! , W. H. Bohnenkamp arrived home this morning from Southern Califor nia. He left the rest of his party, Mm. Bohnenkamp and Mr. and Mrs. H;C. Grady, In Portland and they will come home later Mrs. . Bohnenkamp will not be home for several days whllo Mr. and Mrs. Grady are spec ted home tonight. The party went south to the scene of the troubles In Metko and saw the digging of trenches where t was expected subsequent battles will be fought : " Extwct to Bnlld. ' Mr. and Mrs. Pickens, who have been making their home In La Grande for the past two or three years have caught ' the spirit of good citizenship to the extent of desiring to own a home in the best inland city , in the northwest and bought two splendid lots on the corner of Cedar and JefferV son, through, the Geo. H. Currey real estate agency, the "property of Mrs. Emma Simms, wheels now a resident of Portland. Th? . Grande - Ronde CaBn company will move Into the brick now occupied by .A. V. OHyer. They will continue to hold their present building fo hay warehouse. '' ' V '. "' ; " Call for Warrants. Treasurers call 'for couhly, sca'n bounty, and road warrants. Notice Is heteby.-: glfenHfial - the ViidW!raei treasurer Qf Tnlon covinty Oregon has funds on hand with which to pay al! county " and scalp" "bounty warrants which were endorsed prior to the first day of February, 1911, and ail war rants Issued on the road. fund prior to the 11th day of March, 1911. t No interest will be allowed on t'u above warrants after March 11, 1911. JOHN FRAWLEY. , . County :, Treasurer; La Grande, Ore., March 11, 1911. 4- i . ' - ofw Gm Slav Quaifois in ihe Foey ffiudding Across Street from Postoince. Fjne line Hair Goods Fancy Hair Ornaments. Shampooing, Scalp treat ment Manicuring. : Combings made to order. f7 . & . Vi 1106 Foley Hotel Bldg. j j arts urn Adams Avenue. DON'T BE BALD. Nearly Anyone May Secure a 8plendld Growth of Hair. We have a. remedy that has a record of -growing hair and. curing baldness In 83 out of , every-, 100 CBsea where nsed according .to directions for a rea onable length ot::xlm& That may seem like a strong ' statement it K and we mean It to be. and no one should donbt It until they have put our claims to an actual tet. We are so certain Rexall "03" Hair Tonic will cure dandruff, prevent bald ness. stimulate the scalp and lmlr roots, stop falling hair and grow new hair. that we personally give our positive guarantee to refund every penny paid us tat It tn every Inctance where It does not give entire uutlsfuctlon to the tter. Rexall "83" Hair Tonic Is as pleasant to we as clear spring water. It is de lightfully perfumed, and does not grease or van the hair. Two sizes. 60c and $1.00. With oar guarantee back of It, yon certainly take no risk. old only at our storeThe Rexall Store. Halt Drvs. 8tort. mpesp urn - MaSMSMMMMMMMMMi.---. " - '"' ' ""J- LQML I ! To say Gloves at this time-just for Easter you Iinow--it is like hollering "FIRE" for every lady wants to laiov about it. Well; this VJe have about jOO pairs of Ladies' Fine Dressed Kid Gloves that have become slightly mussedsome of them, others in first-classtcondition, just as they came from the factory awhile others have been tried on and may be vyftaf 7s called '? shelf worn," that Ave are going to close out at Bargai($Prices. $1.50 to$lJS Values $ .98 They come in Assorted Col 1.25 to 1.50 ; " .68 ors: Blades, Grays, Taxs 1.00 " M and Browns. r': .. . i Household Goods for Sale f v 804 Wash. Ave. i . Pnone Black 662 X Gall Tomorrow Leaving J au- ir:i... T miiHtii4iimiitnin This Special Glove Sale will Begin Monday, March iZth: See window display. 1M Me & -1 A Notre Dame .lady's AppeaL To all knowing; sufferers of rheuma tism, ' whether ' muscular or of the Joints, sciatica, 'lumbagoe, backache, pains lq the kidneys or neuralgia pains,! to write to her for a borne treatment which has repeatedly ur- H all of these totturea."She. feels It her duty to send t to all sufferers free. Ton cure yourself at home as thousands win teeUfy No chance of climate being necessary. This simple discovery .banishes uric acid from t blood, Iqceenathe stiffened Jointa, purines tt(Jm, and brightens the rves, glvTttg elasticity and tone to'she -vhole system, If the' above Interests you, for proof address Mrs. M. Summers, Box. R.. ; Notre rame.. Ind. v-'- ' - " xf r r fA 1 uassweQ f- $ Advertising I Tf COSTS BUT A TRIFLE XO CURE CATARRH . How many readers of the Observer know that In Inland Australia where the mightiest of eucalyptus trees grow In abundance, that there Is no cbnsumptlon, catarrh or' diseases of the respiratory tract A , The refreshing balsam thrown out by these trees fills the air and la breathed Into the lungs by the inhab itants and all germ life is destroyed. , If you have catarrh you cannot go to Inland Australia except at great expense, but you can breathe right in your own home the same pleasant, soothing, healing, germ killing air you would breathe Tf you were living In the eucalyptus district of Austral-la-, -'v. '. . - , Just breathe HYOMEI; It Is made from Australian eucalyptus and scien tifically combined with thymel and other antiseptics employed in the Lis terlan system. , Pour a few drops of HyOMEI in the Inhaler and breathe It As It pas ses over the catarrh Infected mem brane It kills .the germs .and. heals the raw, Inflamed surface, ' HTOMEI is guaranteed to core ca tarrh, colds, coughs, croup and sore throat, or money back. Complete outfit ' including Inhaler $1.6. Extra bottles of HTOMEI cost but 50 cents. Sold by the Newlin Drug Co. and druggists ev erywhere.' -,'.y ..:;;: .'".J , .Feb. 17, 27 March 10.' j f The quicker a cold is gotten fid of tli teat the danger from pneumonia and other serious diseases. Mr. K. W. L Hall, ot Waverly, Vs., savg; "I firmly believe Cham berlain'i Couli Remedy to (kj ulnolntely the best preparation on ttie ninrkft for colds. v I hiv recommended it to my friends end they all agree witK me." bor sale by all CITY SCAVANGER Joseph Turn- bull, city scavanger. Anyone want Ing my services call up City Recor der's office. $500 Loan Wanted Security first class property. Address Observer. FOR RENT Furnished and ' light housekeeping rooms. Mrs. E. C. Moore 1617-'Fourta street FOR RENT Furnished rooms tor light housekeeping. Inquire at King s Cigar factory. ' ; , - WANTED A good woman to do general housework In family of two at Te loess t Good wages. For par ticulars write to Alice Dupes, Pleas ant Valley, Ore. Henry Henaon. . WANTED -Girl for general house work. Inquire at IT. 8. National bask. FOR SALE Two good homestead re linquishments in Wallowa county. Inquire of D. Birchoux. EMPLOTMENT OFFICE We furnish all kinds of reliable help on short notice. We. have them listed in our office. If you are reliable 'phone us your wants. Wilson ft Reed, employ ment office in postofflce block, ' HAVE nicely furnish room for rent. Modern conveniences. ' Phone Elk. 822, or call at 1311 O avenue. You wanktopjrosper. just try this recijence. It is bound to give satisfaction, as well as save you money MIX one pound of common tense with a good big grocery order. Stir gently to tee that nothing is missing. Use just enough and not too much of everything. Flavor and sweeten to . taste, 1 before cooking see that everything is from CUMliNGS & PRICE The Grocers! Who Give Prompt Delivery Stock Always Clean, Fresh and Complete ? 1 1 in j ' I 3 ( B I i I i v . f -.-'v ''' V "