La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, March 10, 1911, Image 1

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    - nMrnVPn . FRIDAT, MAKCH 10, 1911.
' j jA a A. j
nil life rr9 'rsM
FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1911.
While Mexico is Chaotic, United States
; will Keep Close Guard-Combining
Profitable Maneuvers with Business--
5 Mexican Minister Disputes Cause
Is obtained from the rate sheet pub
lished some time ago: From Atlanta.
Ga.. 946.95; Baltimore, $49.76; Ten
nessee points $46; Ohio "points about
$37; Wisconsin $33; Minneapolis $25;
St. Louis $32 and Missouri river and
common 'points $25. This,,'! Includes .
uiuaua, jiausaa cuy, uenver, council
Bluffs and a dozen other Missouri riv
er district towns. - i ;
cno o n n nnrnriipr nr
run L tiii ii uiil i m lu Lii u L ur
MCltS' : ilFFS
British interests aggregate a half bil
lion dollars. ,'.-....,;......--, :--.-l.:-;
"" Aboard President Taft's Private Car,
near Mount Atty.'Ga' .March lO.--The
forces of the United States standing
army areSeady to Invade Mexico at
the "first necessary cause for. action." 'Mexican Minuter Dlsimtea , Gronn
Canadian Lawmakers Will Confirm the
; ; Agreement Soon.'
Ottawa, March 10. The reciprocity
agreement with the United States will
be confirmed by parliament ka soon
as it is possible to reach a final vote
on the decision, reached by a caucus
of Liberals night. When Canada
ratlsfies it. it remains for the United
States to take action.
ariny win check any secesslonajTy
movements by th 3 people of Lower
California and will prevent-destruction
of American property, prevent fil
ibustering and patrol the border and
lastly will practice bqth land and sea
maneuvers at the same time. . - '',;
The administration makes no furth
er attempt to conceal the real, reason
of the mobilization of troops on the
' border. It has admitted that; the army
, may soon be aiding President Diaz to
suppress the insurrection. President
Taft and the Mexican ambassador, De
La Barre, i havj decided - on plans
whereby the United States and Mexl-
v can troops will act together and the
i. United States will not hesitate to in
vade Mexico if It s: ems necessary, to
aid Diaz. '.'.".'' ; ' .'. ' ' :' '
r It Is said moneyed Interests "have
',. been among those who appealed to the
Unit d Sttaes for aid. The Investments
- - of Americans In ; Mexico Is a billion
J and a half dollars, largely secured
through concession granted by "Diaz.
The chief holders are the Morgan
Guggenheim .interests, the Wattrs
1 Pierce Oil . company and the Wells-'
: Fargo Express company, while Amer
icana have much railroad ' holdings
for Mobilization of Troops.
New York, March 10. -Taking direct
issue with President Taft, ; Mexican
Minister of Finance Llmantour Joay
declared there exicted no exc; ,u for
American Intervention in Mexico. ; He
said Mexico under no , circumstances
would consent to an Interference.- In
the statement be said conditions in
Mexico were Improving the last two
days and denied that Diaz was !"K.
Presence of American troops will h:iv
a salutory effect on the revoluthn!8ts,j
he said.''''' ;..( ', . - '
Only Two Killed by Explosion That
mcs Entire Wisconsin Town.'
Kenosha, Wis.; March 10. Only a
few buildings are left standing in the
town of Pleasant Prairie today as the
result of an explosion of 150 tons of
dynamite In the Dupon Powder works
plant. , "Engineer Joe Flynn and an
unidentified man were the only one s
killed.;. ' V: ;.'.
Monster "Tamy Rapidly Assuming
ShR'te In Texas Town Today.
San Antonio, . March' 10. Rapdty
taking on the appearance of an armed
camp, troops and cavalry are arriving
on all trains. Major General Wilkin
son, chief of subsistence, today took
charge of the gigantic task of feeding'
the soldiers.' The camps are battjt
pitched rapld and many arnjy offi
cers are of the opinion that the chief
reason for the hurried movement has
been to test the efficiency and ascer
tain. how quickly the 'mobilization nay
be made. .
filllV I If 11 y I la M W VI
With Hauler and a String of Splendid
Numbers, the ProgTam Committee
Closes Its Contracts for Second Au-
nnal Event Commence Campalen
wr ticaet mrchases Next Monday
and Keep at It.
While An rJcan Are Walling Frontier
V v riis Revolutionists Sinllo
2$ I t the Prospects for
, ' to Advance on Enseunda nt
7 - i Ordt rs Are Effective. ; .
sin iiuis n
Cost of Present Mobilization Runs Ov
er $7,000,000 at the Lowest
Washington, March 10. The demo
. cratlc congress, pledged to economy,
must bear the brunt of the deficiency
appropriations of several millions to
defray expenses of the present army
mobilization. The cost to the govern-
Cment to move Its army to Cuba was
; $6,500,000. The present maneuvers
"r will prove more costly as four times
'" as many .troops are involved in the
L movement ' - . ; '.. '
Ten Dollar Gold Pieces Being Turned
Out, Jthe Police Say.
Everett, Wn.. March 10. Secret ser
vice nun are investisating the report
that counterfeiters are working here
and have a plant making $10 gold
pieces. One man has been arrested as
a suspect ; ' "
Local Railroad Company Officials Ex
leet Big Traffic at Once.
$$J J $ 4 ? s
The Chautauqua Numbers. , f
, The complete list of attractions S
j for the Second Annual Assem-
bly of the Grande' Ronde Chau- I
tuqua association. Is as follows. . $
Ex-Gov. J. Frank Hanly of In-
dlana, the Williams Jubilee Sing-
ers,' Dr. Gabriel R. Maguire, Af-
rican explorer, DiWltt C. Miller,
lecturer, William Sterling Battls,
$ interpreter of Dickens, the Apol-
lo ctlntette'and bell ringers and $
the Sadler company as represent- $
ed at the session of 1910.
BeaUnVvCourseySnpplJed with ; Water
, and Two Bridges Done. , i
Colonist rates,' Intended to bring
such numbers of immigrants to the
northwest as has never been equalled
in previous development eras, became
effective all over the United States to
day and within two days the flrft
tralnload of immigrants will reach La
Grand 8. Wnile tickets can be bought
in the east to any point on the O -W
it is the history of i!ch rates ihnt
a big majority go directly on to th9
full limit of the ticket rights nd
then gradually drift back. This year
1 t is known . however . that Several
parties will head direct for La Grande
One party is coming from Oklahoma
consisting 6f 18' families, and tomes
with the well-defined notion . of re
maining In this valley. .. Others, from
other sections are .also headed. . this
.way.", j .4..4'. ' ;
The Influx to. the northwest will su
persede" anything" in history of , ; Its
kind, agree railroad officials who are
lh touch witli the demand. for infor
mation of the northwest, and. the let
ter writing days will also bring re
sults; The 0:W Is prepared, - along
its entire route ,to handle the lmml-
Mr. .and Mrs J. K. P. Jones, wno gratlon with dispatch ana wnne trains
have, been looking over the city for from the east may run slightly be-
several weeKS yesteraay aeciaea inai nina time, extrem3 enori io maintain
La Grande looked good enough for J schedule runs will be'made by the lo-
them to make a home in it and through cal corps of officials and employes,
the George H. Currey real estate agen- Local teal estate men are prepared
cy bought the P. M. Kelley residence to distribute- literature and do all In
on North Fir street, the consideration their power to swing a Just quota of
"being $1,575. This Is close in proper- the Infiuj to the Grande Ronde.
. ty and will never be worth less. -An idea of the lowness of the rates
All work has been done on the dam
harnessing tne waters of the- Grande
Ronde Jlver at Riverside park, and
the water' is how backed up in , the
boating course and "back: to the bridge
giving fine boating facilities. The
work was completed -yesterday. . f
,, 'The dam is made up' In three parts:
on the .La- Grande side the dam Is
made of earth and is five feet .high,
running out to the spill-way which Is
232 feet wide and will pass four feet
of water over It At the north end of
the spill-way is a timber, crib nine feet
high and is the last link in the dam
and is made solid to withstand the
current of the river which centers at
that point. Under the wooden crib is
the Bluice way to freshen water In. the
boating course through the park.
The boating course Is a big feature
of the park. It meanders about the
natural wood, with a course ten feet
wide and two feet deep and local ca
noeists are anxiously awaiting the
season when canoes will be in order.
Four concrete arches will span the
course and two of these have already'
been constructed by Engineer Darley.
This marks the beginning of the end
of improvements at the natural park
site and La Grande will be supplied
with park facilities such as few cities
enjoy. '' ' '
Compilation of numbers for the
second annual Chautauqua in this city
has Just Jaeeu completed by the aboard
tf dlrectorand Secretary W. D. Mac
Millan announces the commencement
of a campaign' for tickets next , Mon
day morning1 that, will be kept going
continuously until the guarantee fund
has. been reached. vThe announcement
of numbers, runs' hand, in hand with
the counten announcement that the
thautauqua. will ; continue one "day
more than last year including 11 days
in au. This is in obedience to. the de
cision of the directors last year that
the ticket cost would be. reduced or
more numbers added. An entire day's
program, has been tacked..on the pro
gram, making 11 days - of splendid
numbers. The Chautauqua -will com
mence on July Fourth. ;'-'".
In contrast to the Ashland chautau
qua which started Borne time ago, the
La Grande association commences
with a clean sheet. Its first was a
financial success In that the anticipat
ed shortage In expense did not occur
due to the ' consistent management
and the liberal public support. With
the same management assured for this
year and a better program than last
year now contracted for, the manage.
ment will go forth next Monday morn
ing again soliciting the unstinted sup
port of last year, .
Tickets will sell at $3.00 for the Bea
son. .,..'' ( ' -
feles, March 10 If the I n-
i pi 'Insets uiton Interfering
jflght In Mexico we will shoot
ers the same as we would
said LIbrado Rivera, chief
dirtiHv of the rebels who are' direct,
lug the Lower California revolt, from
this side of the border, "There Is a
fight between Mexicans and everyone
of our army in Lower California and
we will fight the United States to the
bitter end." - -v''' ' ' ' ' .
New York,. March 10. That the
Mexican rebels have all the arms and
ammunition needed.was stated today
by Gustave Madero, a brother of the
revolutionary leader. He . said the
feeling among, the ' revolutionists is
that America has a right to put Up a
wall of soldiers on . the frontier1 but"!
that it will not hinder the Insurrectos
in the least and .will make' too1 parti
cular, difference with them. They have
all the arms and munitions of war
needed to carry on the campaign ln-
, Ensenada Jn Danger
Mexicali.r Mexico. March 10. Acting
under orders of General Loyva the In
surrectos here are today packing their
belongs prc-paraiory to moving on En
senada, a towa centering Hhe Llhsur-i
rection troubles this -week.
Dth Overtakes Conri Bailiff Wh'.le
on Duty at the Court House Fam
ily Rushing. Here Court OiVlolaU
nntf Attorneys Deeply Grieved Dep.
uty Sheriff LIndirren Keeps Death
Watch at Bednldi. '
Two Tlioawind Men Fighting to Save
the Balance of the Place.
Relief for Famine Sufferers.
Seattle, March 10. Laden with' 8.
000 tons of provisions the United
States transport Buford Is off for
China to distribute relief among th3
famine sufferers of that country. The
provisions were contributed by or
ganizations and Individuals In many
parts of the country and were carried
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. P. Jonc Buy Prop,
erty on North Fir ' '
Jackson Ready for Guest
Jackson, Miss., March 10. Ex-Pres-ldent
Roosevelt will be in Jackson to
morrow, and. extensive arrangements
have been completed for his reception
and entertainment. , He will arrive at t t0 Seattle free of charge by the rail
an early hour In the morning and will roads. The local - arrangements were
remain in "theVlty until i p. m.', when j looked after by the Seattle chamber
he will leave for. New Orleans. The or commerce,
chief feature of his visit will be an
nddress before the commercial club.
During his stay in(the city he
the guest of Governor Nol.
' H College Officers Confer.
Columbus, O., March 10. The as
sociation of Ohio college presidents
and deans met in Columbus today- for
its 15th annual conference. The meet
ing will last two days and will be de
voted to the consideration of numer
ous matters relating to college ad
ministration,' student life, and the'
course of study. President Alston El
lis of Ohio university occupied the
chair at the initial session of the con
ference today. -v
History Teachers In Sesson. ; v
Washngton March. 10. The annual
convention of the Association of His
tory Teachers of the middle states and
Maryland began in this city today and
will continue over tomorrow. - At to
day's session the association discussed
a plan for an annual pilgrimage to
Washington by, the school children
throughout the country. .
Juneau, Alaska, March 10 With the
entire business section wiped out and
the- Treadwell . mine" closed today the
tntlre force of the Douglass district
comprising 2,000 men,' have been turn
ed to the work of saving the r:st of
the town of Douglass." A high wind Is
raging and 'it is impossible to sonl.
help to the Island until the wind has
abated., The place has a, population cf
4,000 people and, the damage, by fire
originating 'last night is terrific al
ready. There, s- not much hope, o)
savng. the balance of the town, for the
fire has spread from the business dis
trict to, close In residences.' "
Celebration at Waycross. . ; . .'
Waycross, Ga.V March' 10. 'Mahy
visitors -are In Waycross ntteodlag the
big census celebration and carnival
The entire city Is gorgeously decorat
ed. The. program or attractions is an
elaborate one and Includes automobile
races and aviation contests among. lfsj
principal features. ' "
. Ftenti Scheduled for Toplghf.
Pal Moore vs. Young Sammy Smith,
10 rounds, at N-w York city. V
Tony Ross vs. Morris Harris)
rounds, at Rochester, K. Y.
Hale, hearty, and active last night
and dead at 8 o'clock today Is the
untimely, flnls'appended to the life of
L. B., Stearns, circuit court bailiffTon
duty at his post when death overtook
him just' ai few , minutes 1 before - 8
o'clock this- morning, and lessens the
number of living men and women who
witnessed the horrifying spectacle of
seeing President" Abraham ' Lincoln
shot down In tha Ford theatre.
Mr Stearns - came over from his
Cove home Monday to be present at .
the opening of the Marc-n term of clr
cu)tv court resuwed his duties as
bailiff, a position held, by him for sev
eral terms. He was well and active
until last evening when he confided
to Deputy Sheriff ' George Lindgrea".
that hr. was not feeling well and decid
ed to go to his fbom.' He occupied a
room in the court house with Mr.
Llndgren, to be on duty for night
work when occasion demanded it. Lit
tle was thought of the matter at that
time but shortly afterwards Mr. Llnd
gren discovered the bailiffs was criti
cally ill. A physician was called and
Mr.,- Llndgren kept an all-night watch.
Shortly after 'J o'clock, Mr. Ltndgfen ,!
found his patient sinking rapidly and
just before $ o'clock got Into commun
icatlqny.wlth the family .at Cove, but
daughter, krs.- Frank Dougherty, will
6latlves h'ave been notified. The
youngest in the family ' is Miss Mae
Stearns who lived at Cove with her
father and she is already In the city.
r.a etiearns oi r asco win arrive as
soon as trains can bring him and a
daughter, Mrs. Frank' Dougherty, will
come from Prosser, Washington. ;
The sudden death was a decided
shock to the court officials, attorneys
and Jurors all were attached to the '
l .HIM . . a' ... . .
Damn ana tne iact tnat he was about
the court room last night at the late
sessions and down town last, evening.
adds all sadness to the fact that he
lies cold'ln death today. - '
Predecessor Died Suddenly.
It Is a peculiar fact that Mr. Stearns
predecssor died suddenly while hold
ing the position, of court bailiff. : It
was Mr," William Hancock, also of
Cove, who", about two' And a, half years
ago was taken suddenly ill while on
his way home to Cove to spend a day
or two while out on duty as courfiball-
Iff, and he passed away suddenly, Mr.
Stearns, also' of :-.Cove. was named to
succeed him in lesi than three xears
died even more suddenly than did hie
predecessor of the saoia office. ' j,
Civil War Veteran.
Mr," Stearns was a' member oCJhe
clrll wur' brigade and drops one from
thfr survivor of that struggle,' One of
the..jsadde st moments In his life was
his unfortunate privilege of being an
auenaant in tne-rord theatre when
PresidenkjAbraham 'Lincoln was shot
dowB- Attached to the; presidents
soldlef and civlliari he' was particu
larly grieved at the hoijor enacteS In
the, theatre at the time,' Mr. Steatns
was about 75 years old.
Taking Son to Portland.
J. A. Baker of the Elgin Hardware
company came in on the branch to-
taking to Portland for an operation
for appendicitis. Mr. Baker will re
main in Portland with the boy until
the effect of the operation is ascer
tain.! '
Cnlqne Subject.
Tomorrow evening the well known
Ford A.' Ellis., minister of the Oen-
day with his son Joseph, who he is tral Church of CHrlst will speak upon
the subject,, "The Laborer and lis
Condition." Mr. Ellis will endeavor to
show the relation of the present con
dition -in Mfexlfo and the official atti
tude of Uncle Sam to the labor. ;
. ii
" ) L
'...'., .,-