. . . PAGE 8 ' LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, THURSDAY, MARCH 9, X?ll. Export of the Condition of the -rITED STATES SATLOXAL BANK, at La Grande, in th: date of Oregon aft close of business, March 7, . Eesoams. : . . ? Leajr and Discounts ..... 1241,662.57 Owrjrafts secured and un- - cnred ....... t. ........ 71. SL Buds to secure cir- .ritfon ' 3C5tpmse .................. rstslssyr 02 U. S. bond. . Boots securities, etc. . .... &nkfa house, furniture arc? fixtures ........... Do from national banks fast reserve agents) .v.. Zfoe from state and private ; 1 taakft and bankers, trust ftKupanfts, and savings fkn(t8 , . . . Dh from approved reserye SCBt8 ............. . Cherts and other cash Botes of other national lualtH . .... Jlaretional paper currency, nickels, and cents... .... Lawful money reserve in lasakt ;. .... ..... . . ". .. . EIeimptIon fund with IT. S. treasurer (5 per cent '." circulation) . . .... . , . 181.96 25,00000 202.50 ; 554.69 10.029.09 28,391.40 : 1,766.54 3.8C2.40 39.849.57 372.70 405.00 425.67 1,250.00 Totat f. AO 4 f 4 LlaM'Itles. TAsr stock paid in ,,.,..$100,000.00 'Sarpfus fund . 7,000.00 Battau! bank ' notes out- sfsndlng .....I... ...... 25,000.00 Da f other national banks 2,493.98 "3w?Wtral deposits subject - . to check . , 152,826.10 TJcBrjrnJ eertiflcates of de . -jmsit ................... 47,354.81 na eertiflcates of deposit 44,539.06 tertffTed checks 10.79 Total .......... ..'...'.$379,224.74' State of Oregon, county of Union, : ' '.''.V;,-.;;?' .. i f, It I. Scroggln, cashier of the it rre-named bank, do solemnly swear Hvi't m above statement is true to the Kf'yt-my. knowledge and belief. T. J. SCROGGIN, :" ' ' .Cashier. : litres-.- Attest: -. "" J. C. HENRY, . ' C. T. BACON. H. E. COOLIDGE, . f Directors., Subpcrlbed and sworn to before me Ma tb day of March, 1911. -. ; W. M. RAMSEY, '(n Notary Public. O ' - O has returned 11 Am 11 r a For Weeks dnd Weeks we Hare Been Preparing for this Spring's Trade , You will find here the Most Distinctive- Wash oods Buy your wash goods early. Our Stock is not Surpassed in Sondan l'ongee, Pongee Cords, Poplins, Flax. , on, Guloteas, Organdy, Superb, Para xon Pongfc, Linen Finish Suitings, . Ginghams, Percales, Dimities, Persian Lnwns, Nainsooks, tte. For Suits,' Dresses and Coats, In Pop lar Cloth, Serges, Fancy Mohairs, Sack, lings, Checks, Batists, Pencil Stripes, . Henriettas, Voiles and the Dainty, Sheer Materials. . afslks This Season's 3Iot Potiular SUV Dress Patterns, In' Exclnshe lengths only, In Foulards, Messnllnes mid Tnf. f tas. , ( , ' ' SELECT 'OW while the sock is conivlete. , 8 ; ; ; New Idea Patterns FA Now in Stock fVs 4? IF Chas. TanBlg, Geo. Shirley, David Temple, and also attend to -business Sullivan, Ed Foster, Frank W. Corty matters. Mr. Wdls says snow is and H. M. Rouse are registered at the gradually disappearing around Joseph Iter J. D. Ginilan tana a trip to Ontario. ITra J. W; Clarke of Durkee is reg '6Vert4 at the Foley. CBet Hamilton of Summervllle Is In "& titr. J. P. Welch 'of Union Is at the Orintfe Ronde Valley house'. f J.'T. WllHamson left this momln2 m inafiiug tr)4 Into- the interior. A. L Fisher of Joseph Is at the Sa WOT. M K. McPlierson Is in the city from W-aavr unction and Is at the Savoy. .ITr. F. and F. K. AVilell of Sum wcrTflle are gu sts of the Savoy, IX C. Babbidge of Baker is regis tered at the Summer. ILE 'Wlioon of Sar. Francisco is at the Sommer. If. A. Ackert, a proinliient citizen of Xnrtteir la-registered at the Foley. C W." Jolly of San Francisco la a taest of the Foley. fXfb Wm. F. Wade of Unton Is stop- j pitig- at the Foley. Blanch GUtmers of Perry Is In the y rod is stopping at tlie Foley. C T. Peterson, a commercial man of ftsKro, Is at the Foley. J. M Chamberlain, of Portland, Is crrgidflred at the Foley. Mr. Cham Brrfaftr Is selling electrical good. K. ft Moore and Wm. H. Brown, of Iftirfrroft. Neb., are registered at the ffrantfe Ronde Valley house. ' t. R. Hlbbard is home from Buehl, nnfta. whore he transacted business ! Jffhr Wood of thei Golden Rule com- lny leaves tonight for a business vis ;it tm Ssi Francisco. WT J. Townley of Union is register tH at the Foley. Mr. Townley la heav ier ftferested In the igeneral merchan "&mt amf atock business. Blue Mountain hotel. J. A. Russel, the local meat retailer, returned this morning from a business visit of several days' duration In Port land. J. S. Kees, a prominent life Insur ance man of Pendleton, is in the cUy working the Grande Ronde valley with headquarters at the Savoy. Mrs. E. A. Erlcson and baby arrived last night to Join the husband and father, who Is the Observer linotype operator. ! C. H. Hankel of Bobe, S. H. Bar rows, Chicago, George Younmans, of Portland, J. W. Ross, Seattle, C. U. Barnes. New York and J. E. McCarty Portland, nr: registered at the Foley. Alex Slushclmer, with Mason & Khrman as special cigar and tobacco representative Is at the Somnwr. Mr Sl!!She!mer la pushing "Carabana" ci gars, Wm. M. Coughanour of North Pow 'li r l In the city today on business. Mr. Coughanour Is Interested In hog raising In the Powder River valley, also an extensive hay grower. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Choate- of Sum- nierville cam- In on the Elgn branc" today. Mr. and Mis. Choate are on their way to Durkee to make it their future home. They are stopping at the Foley. Mr, and Mrs. C. A. Nordlne of Ka iiipla are In the city on a business trip. Mr. Nordlne Is with the O.-W. and Mrs Nordlne runs a boarding house. They are registered at the Sommer. S. L. Brooks, a retired wheat grow er of F.lgln. was In the city today and ' very much elated over the big or chard sale there yesterday. and says and spring work will soon commence. John Hacker, one of the moat pros perous fruit growers of the Summer vllle district. Is in the city today dows displayed In this city, Is shown by Toney & Scranton, with a gents' neckwear display which Includes all the fashionable shapes, color and shades to suit any complexion and the many styles of silken texture Is a revelation. Mr. .Scranton of the firm calling on the grocery men trying to announced this morning that the nec! place some very fine quality apples. wear department would pe a atron; Mr. Hacker is also largely Interested feature of their store. In dairying and gardening. I f . Carl Glllilau, lately discharged from his three-year enlistment in the regu-' . I0it1, lar army, . returned this morning; to Between Gedder Bros, store and Is- Portland where he is employed by the land City, a ladles' gold watch. and a that his prediction of five years ago has proven true. B. F. Wells of Joseph came In to day and will go to Pendleton tonight to visit with his daughter, Mrs, Dr. 3-W as passenger brakeman, after a visit with his parents and other. rela- fives in this city. Oscar Lund, one of the prosperous fruit growers of Cove was In the city today. Mr. Lund says that the pros pects of a big fruit crop an good and that laud values are Increasing in and around Cove. He was offered $"G0 per acre for his 10-acre' tract. W. S. Houghton, manager of th; Warren Construction company, Is in the city today . looking after the de tails of the business here and says that ' Just as soon as the frost gets out of the ground work will commence. From here Mr. Houghton goes to Baker and Twin Falls to look after work that Is In course of construction In those cit ies. Editor George Sciblrd of Union pas sed through the city this morning en route home after a month's stay in Southern California, with San Diego and other extrem- southern nrin- - ' his destination. The return trip wa: marked by the severest kinds of rain he reports, and the old reputation o Wllhmctt: valley showers wer mads Inp'gnlfkant. lie had a very Pleasant trip, the first of Its kind in many vpbic s'x-nt In building up his newspaper field at Union. sack of Blue Stem flour branded La Grande Milling. Co., on the sack; the finder can keep the watch, but return tha flour to (his otTIce, as'I wish to get my Blue Stem flour back. All grocers sell It. Fully guaranteed. Ask the ladles who use It. Resp., Mrs. R. J. Nordensen. : A Bratttf ul Window. One of the mo3t striking Bhow win ' Your Water Xteut Is Dae. Tomorrow is the last day. to pay water rent, and to save that fine of one dollar it will be necessary to meet the water supeilntendent before ths sun goes down tomorrow' evening. bla. It is as safe for your children u yourself, and should be used in afl ras of croup, whooping cough and measles cough. Refuse substitutes. Hill s drug store. cure any case of Itching, Blind, BJeed Ing or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 50c. Piles Cured in to H Days PA30 OINTMENT is guaranteed to With night riders in Idaho and a fist fight In the legislative halls at Boise that state Is fast coming Into the ranks of the reformers. 1' TTn You want to prosper, just try this recipe chce. It is bound to give satisfaction, as well as save you money Social Friday Sight; ; The Ladles' Aid society of the Methodist church will give a social at the church Friday night. Novel fea tures will characterize It Everyone is welcome. M' A Cold, Lafirlp-x-'t then Pneumonia Is too often the fatal sequence. Fol ey's Honey and ,Tar expels the cold, checks the lagrippe, and prevents pneumonia. It ts a prompt and rdla- hie cough medicine that contains.no narcotics. "Foley's Honey and Tar la . the best corsh remedy I ever used as It quickly stopped a severe cough that had long troubled .me,", says J. W. Kuhn, Princeton. Neb. Just so quick ly and surely It acts In all cases cf coughs, colds, lagrlppe and lung troa IX one pound of cemmon tense with a good big grocery order. Stir gently to see that nothing is missing. Use just enough and not too much of everything. Flavor and sweeten to taste, before cooking see that everything is from CUMMINGS & PRICE The Grocers Who Give Prompt Delivery Stick Always Clean, Fresh and Complete v. I "0