PAGE (r LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1911. 1 he A. V. ANDREWS A Nice New Line of Imported Wtfolens, Just Arrivejdffiii all tne Latest Shades Come in and Make Ybur :SelectionyiFor I I had been troubled with constipation for two reai i and tried all of the tot phyoi--Uns in Bristol, Tenn., and they eould do nothing for me, writes Thos. E. Willinmn, Middleboro, Ky. "Two packages of Cham; ierUln'e Btomach aftd Liter Tablet cuw m For sale by all dealers. Drink the Best Cane Springs Whiskey Bottled in Bond and Bulk - JULIUS FISHER 221 FIR STREET ECZEMA CURE A BEAUTT WASH. S TRUST AT HAINES MISTORI OF THE DU3BARS. Although D. D. D. Prescription haa been recognized for years as the one DETECTIVES n oil other forms of skin diseases, it is now known that there is no other wash, ev:n those used by the beauty special-! 1st s, that can compare with this mild liquid for cleansing the skin of pim ples, blackhead!, rash, and all similar skin affections. , ' For this reason alone, a bottle of D. D. D. should be kept on band in every household. A trial 25c bottle will , show you the merits of this great rem edy as a complexion wash. D. D. D. seems to remove the cause, , whatever the trouble may be, cleasing the skin, and leaving it as soft, as smooth and clear as that of a healthy child. Get a 25c bottle today and keep it in the house. The'Newlln Drug Co. , CORRAL DEVELOP. MTiTS FOR OWtf USE. Male Quartet . Sight in to Appear Saturday the Auditorium. That's What They All Say u w It's Good For What Ails You Corner Sold to Have Been Formed on Latest News Relative to Fugitives. Real state Mining Investments General Informa tioh regarding the Famous WaBowa Valley . Correspondence Invited BOWR1AN: a CO. Joseph, Ore; That there has been formed at Haines a corner on the information about the murder of Harvey McCul- lought Is the claim of detectives who have been working on the case re cently, says the Baker Herald. The cause of this holding up of de tails is due to the desire of certain persons who wlBh. to e-ccure the $5,000 reward is the contention of those who have been working on the case. Some of the detectives have Just returned srom Haines and raised the complant that It is almost impossible for an outsider to get information about the details of the crime be cause of the zealousmss of those who have secured data and are guard ing It from any outsider who might have an opportunity to ferret the case and thus get a chance at the rich reward that would follow. "I spent some time In the vicinity of. Haines and North Powder in. the effort to find out the facts in the crime," said onv detective when he had returned from the scene of the murder. "At first I wished to get only the casual facts so that I could have a basis on which to work. But when I got there I found a closed corpora tion on Information that would pu the old secrecy of the Standard Oil company to blush. Every act and movement of a stranger is watched as If her were a prisoner. Should I start to inquire of anyone In r gartl o th matter, some one of those who are known to wish to get the reward would break Into the conversation and stop all opportunity of my get ting information. They even went so far as to call away people from me when I would ask any question In regard to the mystery. These guard of the information treasury would fol low me around town and called off every attempt toward Information that was advanced. I am not the only one who has had this trouble but other detectives and seekers of facts who have gon:- there have had the same experience. Sheriff Rand lias been always vigilant In helping Jus tlce but the fault Is with those in Haines who are holding up informa tlon. 'This holding back of Information so that only a few can have a" chance at the solution and reward la imped ing Justice and should be stopped by those interested in seeing fair play." i Warning to Railroad Men. Look out for sever and even dan gerous kidney and bladder trouble re suiting from years of railroading. Geo B. Bell, '639 Third street, Fort Wayne Ind., was many years a conductor on the Nickel Plate, tie says: "Twenty years of railroading left my kidneys In terrible condition.. There was continual pain across my back and hips and my kidneys gave me much distress, and the action of my bladder was frequent and most painful. I got a supply of Foley Kidney Pills and the first bottle made a wonderful 1m proveruent and four bottles cured me completely.. Since being cured I have recomm-nded Foley Kidney Plila to many of my railroad friends.- Hill's drug store. each bid and the right la reserved to I had been troubled with constat lie reject any and all bids.. j fortwoyesra and trii aUof thebst phy.i. cians in Bristol, Tenn , and they entiiu.d' Taxes are all paid and title good, j nothing for me," writes Thoe. E. WiMiHrmV Address R. L. Sabln No. 7 First Middleboro, Ky. . "Two 'Packages of Cham berlain's btomach and Liver iaDiei xsuree , The Dunbar company will driver an evening's entertainment under the auspices of the Lyceum course in the auditorium of the high school next Saturday night at 8:30 o'clock. This is the third number of the Lyceum course that has been brought to La Grande this year under the auspices of the La Grande high, school and is the last great musical program of the season. The Dunbars are past "promoting." Their history is . their strongest en dorsement. They have given nearly two thousand concerts on tours carry ing them more than three hundr.d thousand miles, to every part of the union, Canada, Great Britain and the continent, and everywhere great audi ences have been charmed with thei? programs. Three concerts were given aboard jreat steamships In mid-ocean. At least 44 weeks of each year is given to concerts, with no optn nights; the other eight weeks being required for special rehearsals and coaching. In some of the large courses, they havs appeared annually during their seven years of travel, and ,in many others, they have appeared again and again with uniform success, and now about 75 per cent of their engagements are returns. One hundred and twenty dif fer chautauqua assemblies have heard them and approved, some returning them for the second, third and fourth consecutive year; they often drawing the largest cash receipts of any at traction. They sing part sonzs with all finesse of mature men and finished musicians that they are, and they pro duce comedy In song that is at once original and refreshing. Most of their music is in manuscript, not published, much of which Is composed or arrang ed by members of the company. Their equipment is the finest money can buy. their present magnificent carillon of nearly 200 bells having been made un der their personal supervision while nbrqad. They have perfected several Improvements in bell construction and have placed hand bell ringing arhong the arts Instead of a pleasing special ty. Seats are for sale at Sllverthorne's drug store. Street Room Mar. 4-31. 8, Portland, Oregon, me," For sale by all dealers. Make Your Home More Pleasant and Comfortable . by calling at the new Paint and Wall Paper Parlors 1705 1-2 Sixth Street, conducted by CLOGSTON & NUTTER IE. THE CRAVING FOR DRIXK STROTED. No raor? terrible affliction can come to any home than the craving for strong drink of husband and father. We appeal to wives, mothers, and sis ters to save the husband and father or the brother with Orrlne, a -Scientific treatment. ORRINE is prepared In two forms, No. 1. secret treatment, a powder, ab solutely tasteless and odorless, given tcretly in food or drink. ORRINE No. 2, in pill form, is tor those who de sire to take voluntary treatment. OR RINE costs only $1.00 a box. Write for Free 6rrine Booklet (mailed in plain sealed' envelope) to ORRINE CO., 574 Orrlne Building, Washington; D. C. ORRINE la recommended and Is for sale In this city by O. E. Sllver thorne, druggist We do all of our work in a style that is bound to please painting, paperhanging and tinting. Our stock is complete in all lines and we will take pleasure in showing you our excellent as sortment. You will find the prices right. Don't wait until you are ready to have the work done but come in and look our line over. Will be glad to show you and give you estimates on your work. Remember the number, : 1705 1-2 Sixth Street Home Phone 1341, La Grande, Or. fS iiildingjiatery Sealed Bids Wanted The undersigned will receive sealed bids for the following described property in La Grande, Union County Oregon, to-wit, Lots One (1) to Twen ty Four (24) Mlock 143; also.Lota One (1) to Twenty Four (24) Block 144. Chaplin's Addition to La Orande, Ore gon, up to Saturday April 1st, 1911. A cash deposit of ten per cent of the amount offered must accompany No ordef tdob ismall 8 for Quick Delivery Let Us figure on your large orders -we can fill them promptly.. WENAHA LUMBER CO. GREENWOOD & MADISON Home Phone 421. . ' kell Pnone; Main 732