La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, March 09, 1911, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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wood W::iiaius, a voung man in whom
everyone has confidence, has a com
munication on the fru't indurtrjr of the
Grand,: Roade valley that should not
be overlooked. He puts the matter in
plain language and ask the grower
what he proposes to do. Mr. Williams
offers a remedy and plan for the ills
of this valley, and semingly he Is cor
rect in his conclusions,
. . Like every other profession or trade
the outlaw grower Is the man who
brings down the standard of quality
in a fruit section and makes It hard
for the district to have a good reputa
tion. The Grande Ronde valley has
had too many outlaw fruit growers
men who would not pay attention to
the rules of organization and look af
ter spraying, pruning and packing.;
Apparently agitation has begun now,
however, that will r:sult in good an
the only thtag to do Is to keep It up
eonstanly. When a grower shows in
clination to depart from the rules pub
lish his name and the history of the
transaction. Make the rest of tbr dis
trict understand Just what an enemy
he is to the legitimate fruit business
and, sooner or later such cases will
cease to txist.
;. We rejoice at our paving this time
of year; we cheerfully talk about our
cement sidewalks and other civic, Im
provements', but there is one thing
that La Grande needs and needs woe
fully bad. : That simple need is iiu'x-
;:n:'.e and me wonder is that It has
not been done ln the past. It Is plain,
common sense drainage. No city ever
Deeded drainage so badly as does La
Grande. A small shower of rain leaves
water ln the streets for days, and in
the principal portions of the residence
district at that.
So far as the eye can s-e there has
never been a systematic plan of work
the city streets adopted. It is not due
to lack of road machinery, for mod
ern grading machines are to b; seen
In the city's possession. Take Adams
avenue, for Instance, two, blocks above
the Foley hotel and a horse will al
most mire down to his belly in the
muck and. mud. And this Is only one
of the many streets that need fixing.
In answer to a question asking why
La ' Grande streets have never b; en
graded and gutters provided the an
swer Invariably Is: The land is too
flat where the city is built and noth
ing but a sewir system will ever drain
It. , Such an answer Is not sufficient
Without using a surveyor's Instrument
the naked eye teaches that there is
enough fall to obtain drainage if the
right kind of read work Is don?. But
the streets show no work of that kind.
Mr, Bussey, who owns the carriage
line here, "can point out mudhole after
mudhole that has existed every winter
for the last ten years. There Is no ex
. cuse for this. It we are to have a first
class little city we must use some
Judgment in street work,, and must do
the work. ' Paving is a fine thing, but
there is no chance for the whole, of
La Grande to be paved for years to
come, and during this lira? what are
the people to do? Drive bit of a paved
street into eight Inches of mud. That
is the customthls winter, but we hope
it will not be so next srason. j,
Tri this Issue of the Observer Sher
Many scoff at the Idea of a war with
Mexico You will remember, accord
ing to history, the same scoffing oc
curred prior to the big war tha war
of the rebellion.. And wh;n Spain had
to be flogged the same Jeering about
the possibility was heard.
Tf Prw?r.t "D'zz ilem ii is very like
ly there will be a war with Mexico.
Anyone who is familiar with the nat
ives of the sister republic known such
a conflict cannot be anything, like the
war between the north and south, but
nevertheless It will result ln consld
erableguerllla fighting. There may be
quite a period of time that battles will
occasionally be fought and murders
and atrocities b; committed. Eventu
ally Mexico will be Bubdued and the
American protectorate will be thrown
around it. This Is, the natural feel
ing ' when It Is considered the larg
amount of money Invested .In Mexico
both by America and England will not
stand by and see devastation mark
that rich garden spot. And If the Unit
ed States is forced, to protect Mexico
It will be a good thing for the natives
No country on the face of the earth Is
farther' behind than is the country of
Diaz, when the natural advantages and
resources are considered. The people
there need education and training.
True, the lower classes- are an ' in
bred. Inferior class of people, but like
th Filipino, when once they know"
the stars and stripes protect them,
they will gradually fall Into America's
Ways and customs.
It looks very much like there might
might be a war, but It is nothing to
become alarmed over. This country
can muster a vast army of volunteers
who would delight In having a skir
mish with some country. The Ameri
can blood Is about ready for a small
scrap and quite likely Mexico will fur
nish it.
, Ja,mes A. Hemenway.
James A. Hemenway, who was for
many years a promin:nt figure In
congress, first as representative and
later as senator from Indiana, was
born in Boonvllle, Ind., March 8. 1860
and received his education ln the com
mon schools. At the ag?, of 16 follow-
, of this bank will be pleased to talk with ybi at
anytime concerning mutual business relations
TV A HEN the Federai Government, the
y county,1 the city and a large and
growing is of commercial and private
depositors emtrust tneir funds to this institu
tion to the exte-rt of $800,000.0;, yot may
: bo sure that it is a safe one for you to identify
'' yourself with.
La Grande National Bank
' CAPITAL . . . $ 100,000.00 '
SURPLUS . . . 100.000.00
RESOURCES . . . 1.125,000.00
Fred'J. Holmes, Pres. " W, J. Church, Vice Pres.
F. L. Meyers, G&shiei Earl ZundeMss'f. Cashier
e44i8ftltilMN'lllltlMIIHIlllHimil til HI Mil
1 1 wwwm Jm
juf i v nrcR ra n
To Come in this Store Today and U L A . i - i
' sf J;'e AfeJf Spf,fl? Sfy,M h ' ""l yuality Ready-to-wear
";:;7; Carments for Ladies and Men.
Spring Styles are Here KXr ;t
fit person in ouf Ladies Suit Department as we as In our M?nTstore? f f ,he. hard'to
To Customers of this store: $3.00 C ,i i i ' .
Oil Painting for J9c; $5.00 0' Paint- Oee the Llffhtninff Artist in
lag tor 98c; $5.00 Crayon Portrait en- r 117? USl 111
mrks A Our Window Today
SKff W C" binary WStk of this ?&. This
"The Quality Store."
mm . . o
im -
tyr , : " -
CoryrifMUl) AIlrtdDKWftCotUt
lng; the death of his father, young
Hemenway went west and spent about
three years In Iowa and Kansas. He
then returned to his native town and
secured employment ln a tobacco fac
tory. While thus engaged he took up
the study of law and ln 1885 he was
admitted to the bar. A year later he
was elected prosecuting attorney, al
though the district was normally dem
ocratic and Mr. Hemenway was a re
publican. In 1894 he made his first
fight for congress and was elected. He
continued to serve in the lower house
until 1905, when he was elected to
the United States senat; to succeed
Charles W. Fail banks. Mr. Hemen
way'a term ln the senate expired In
(London Globe.)
Germany is not only well provid.d
with universities, but the seats of
learning, 21 in all cannot complain of j
tndlffernece on the part of the people, i
for there are enrolled for the winter i
session 54,822 students compared with
52.407 last year. Ten years ago the
number was 34,000, and if we go back
for three decade we find only 21,000
matriculated. The distribution given In
a Paris contemporary, which is not
compete, by the way, shows 15,625
are studying history, philosophy and
philology, 1140 medicine 10.980 law
and 7.194 mathematics and natural
science. There Is a marked increase
in th number of women students, 2,
448 at present, against 1,850 a year
ago. Of these 2.100 are. Germans; the
remainder are for the most part Rus
sians and Americans. Of the women
1 370 ar taking philology, philosophy
or history, 527 medicine, 356 mathe
matics and natural science, 60 consti
tutional law and agriculture, 49 den
tistry, 8& law, 7 theology and 5 phar
cestry of Jay Gould'a grand.iauchter
It runs clear tack to Adam.
Topeka Capital.
Vivien Gould's ancestry, the New
York society reporters now claim,
goes hack further than that of Lord
Decies, on her mother's side. Jt has
been traced, in fact, no doubt at con
siderable expense, for it costs money
to find ancestors, to the 12th century.
and the society reporters are gleefully
asserting that "the College of Her
alds In England is investigating a
claim by an eminent gen'alog'nt ihat
the origin of Mrs. Gould'B family is
even more remote."
It probably Is. There are no histor
ic records of any lower order of an
thropoids becoming huram subse
quent to the 12th century A. D. Unless
there Is something unusual In the an-
A Jfotre Dame Lady's AppeaL
To all knowing sufferers of rheuma
tism, whether muscular or of the
Joints, sciatica, lumbagos, backache,
paint in the kidneys or neuralgia
pains,, to write to her for a home
treatment which has repeatedly cur
d all of these tortures. She feels it
her duty to send it to all sufferers
free. You cure yourself at home as
thousands will testify No change of
climate being necessary. This simple
discotery banishes uric acid from
blood, laoaenthe stiffened Joint,
purines tmd, and brtgntens the
ves, giving elasticity and tone to the
hole system. If the above interests
you. for proof address
Mrs. M. Summers, Box. R., Notre
Tame. Ind.