PAGE 2 LA GRANDE EVENING. OBSERVER, THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1911. Directory of the Fraternal Orders of La Grande, Oregon A. r. ft A. M. L Grande Lodge No. , 41, A, F. & A, M. holds regulai meet Ja( first 'and third Saturdays at T:Jt p. m. Cordial welcome to all :MaoM. L. M. HOYT, XT. 14.. X C. WILLIAMS. Secretary. B. P. O. E. L Grande Lodge No. 433 Beets eacb Thursday evening at 8 'clock in Elk's club, corner of De- tAt street and Washington avenue. TMltlng brothers are cordially In iltaa to attend. H. J. RITTER, Ex. Rul. H. E. COOLIDGE, Rec, Sec. WOODMEN OP THE WORLD La , Grande Lodge No. 169 W. 0. W. xveets every second and fourth Sat urdays at K. P. nail. All visiting mxebers welcome. D. FITZGERALD, C. C. J. H. KEENET. Clerk. M. W. A.--La Grande Camp No. 7703 meets every Monday Jh the month at the I. 0. 0. P. hall. All visiting neighbors are cordially invited to ittend. . I. R. SNOOK. 0. v I). E. COX. Clerk. REBEKAHS HryiUl Lodge No. M meets every Tuesday evening In the . 1. 0. 0. 7. hall. All visiting mem bers are Invited to attend. MRS. XATIE ARBUCKLE. N. O. H18S ANNA ALEXANDER, 85. KNIGHTS OP PYTHIAS Red Croa Lodge No. 27 meets every Honda) , night in Castle hall, (old Elk's hall.) A Pythian welcome to all vision Knights. ' JESS P.AUL. a C. R . L. LINCOLN. M. of R. ft 8. 1111! OF UIJIOIJ URGED SHERWOOD WILLIAMS Pir-rnm-s PRESENT CONDITIONS. Necessity of Perfect Organisation Clearly PolneW Out by Him. ; Is 0. E. S. Hone Chapter No. 13, 0. E C. holds stated communications tb second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. Visiting members cor dially invited. ' CARRIE B HUNTER. V. M. MARY A. WARNICK. Sec. WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT Crandi Rcnde Circle No. 47 meets ever, lit at ami third Thursday- vmilnN ' in the month at tne 1. 0. 0. P. ball All visiting members are welcome CHLOE ROBINSON, G. M U7I71R ELLSWORTH. Clerk 11 Corrplttz Eq'J.pu.iui iornestiung ann Keparng Rubber Buggy Tires LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor t ; COMPLETE MACHINE SHOPS AND FOUNDRY ei'- :t-..;;:- ',' -i L Eresli Supply of Bananas Lemons Urang es Yqti'll Smile at Yourself Just In Royal Grocery HyPattison, Prop. We are Not in the AasV . For your good Judgment in trying a PAM US KING Havana Cigar for you will know that at last you have found a smoke that you can really enjoy without paying more than 5c, 10c or a bit for It. The Fam Us Kink cigar In three shapes but one grade of hlgn flavored Havana. , FflJW US (JVC CMR FACTORY Perry Pneumatic Water Systems, Samson : Wind Mills, Deming Pumps, Richardson & Boynton Warm Air Furnaces, Pipe Valves and Fittings, Gut ters,' Plumbing Fixtures of All Kinds, Full Assort ment of Nickel Trimmings. BAY 6 ZWEIFEL PLUMBERS, HEATERS, SHEE1 METAL WORKtRS Jr To the fruitgrowers of the Grunrts Fonde Valley in nartirnlnr atrf one Interested in the advancement of our community in general I address this communication. Many of you have no doubt kept In touch with the plans now being made ror tne organization of a central r. change through which medium the fruit products of the Pacific northwest may be marketed to the. benefit of both producer and consumer. I This requires that co-ODeratlon of all fruitgrowers, as far as possible, must be secured and the business conduct ed slong Intelligent lines, governed by men experienced in selline and distributing, and sustained by oth r? willing to supply these, agencies with an honest pack of guaranteed quali ty..- To perfect this organization two meetings of the growers of the stat uregon, Washington. Idaho an.1 Montana have been held with the re suit that a plan of operation has been aaoptta, which plan is now In the hands of an adjustment committee and Is belr-presented to the various local assertions, with Instructions that the plans be ratified or the ob jections tnereto bt made manifest. It is the duty of this committee to adjust these differences which arise and at some later date call anoth-r conven tion to accept or reject the amended plan. If the revised plan is found to be satisfactory the exchange will be incorporated at once, presumably un der the non-profit Incorporating law of the state of Washington. Being a delegate at the Walla Wal la meeting and having been appoint ed to bring this question before the fruit grow-rs of Eastern Oregon I am confronted with a condition which rrakes the work extremely dlfflcuit. Little or no organization' In many lines has kept , La Grande and the Grande Ronde Valley in the rear guard of the forward march of the ?reat northwest, and this lack of. or ganization has hindered the fruit In dustry in such measure that the repu tation we have establish is by no means complimentary. It Is to advance the cause of con certed action In this particular line that I have thus pablicly taken up this work. It is a matter that con cerns not only the apple men but all itlrrs who believe In our future and have' faith In the Grande Ronde val ley. l et me point out one clause in the proposed plan that eliminates this setv Mon from any voice in th? movement unless we wake un and become thor oughly convinced that we a"re a fac tor' to be considered In the fruit In dustry and are willing to back our conviction by earn?st endeavors to harmonize our differences and our Interests mutual. Article No. 13 mately bring us success. Our con temporaries have offered us the corn but they are not going to grind It for us. and if we have not the willing ness to sav ourselves by grasping this opportunity It Is better that wej be burled with the rest of the dead ones. I have often heard the remark. wish we could get together and there by better our conditions here." and ibis " I pertlnrnt paragraph always springs into mind: inere is a rule to srulde vftu. as you seek prosperity, , Never place your wlsh-bon? where your backbone ought t be." SHERWOOD WILLIAMS. 41111111111 1 niiiinnrnniiinitiiitHHHHf Your Stationery at a Stationery Store : ; 2 f CBS Mch 9 ERICSON Gal 2 PARKER SELLS FARM. Sales and Transfers Mude IVith Fcr- tile Elgin Farm Land. Sam Parker of Elgin is In the city today makng' real estate transfers having bought the Ed Ryder farm n;ar Elgin and trading to Mr. Ryder all his town property. This farm is considered one of the best In the north end -of the valley surrounding Elgin, and. besides. Mr. Parker's other farms gives him a valuabl -; tract of land. BUY We always have the latest styles and largest assortmentiand low est prices - - V , v Special Fabriaue de Lyle Box Pap STOMACH AGOXT Takt 'o-na -l Quickly Get Rid of i.aujgestion Go to the Newlin Drug Co. today and get a fifty cent box of Mi-o-na sto mach tablet?: Take then is directed, and notice how quickly -''stress, gas and heavi ness will dIRP"?ear. , Mi-o na Str-ach tablets not on!v 35c The kind Others Sell for 50c il Newlin T Z COLONIST FARES give instant relief but taken for a fev days drive away dizziness, headache, nervousness and biliousness. Bad dreams and tossing about in bed are caused by out of order stomach and Ml-o-na will remove the c. and put your stomach in splendid dition in a few days. Give Mi-o-na a trial at tho Newlin Drug Co. they guarantee it to cure any stomach trouble, or money back. Mi- o-na i3 a fine tonic, it builds up run down people in a short time.. The Newlin Drug Co. and druggists everywhere sell Ml-o-na at 50 cents a larga box. Write for free trial sam ple. Booth's Mi-o-na, Buffalo, N. Y. Feb. 16, 2S, Mch. 9. Why pay Rent? We loan pi " money to build, ana m ?ay us as J. R. OLIVER From the Middle and Eastern portions of the United States and Canada tc OREGON, WASHINKTON, AND THE NORTHWEST will prevail DAILY MARCH 10th to APRIL 10th over the Cregon-ashington RaiIroad& Navigation Co. and connections, the Oregon Short Line, Union Pacific nnj Chicago Xorthwestern says, "The membership of the central XSXSSSSBSBSmSSSBgSXBBSSSEai "The George Palmer Lumber Company Retail Department W e solicit your orders for Shmglzsi Rubbered Roofing, Desdening Felt, Bui!d!r.gr3pcr We are prepared to furnish and deliver material, promptly. Phone Main 8. exchange shall conslst-of district as soclatioiiB only, each of which shall he renregented on the bdr-.rd of the central by one trustee. There hnvj been designated eleven natural geographical districts and by the ruling of this article our repre sentation on the board or control will be equal to that of any of tho famous Rectlons; an Item which means mor than is realized at first thought. By one step we are brought in di rect touch with this great movement brins recognlzrd as worthy of com bin'n? with the best and It but re mains with us to be deserving of this confidence. " Now. neighbors, what are we going to do? Sit idly by and let the world roll on, or g,t to work and make ror this district a name which will be a rredlt and not a dpt-irnt? We hav? the soil, we have the climatic condi tions, no one questions the exe. Hence of our fruit and shall we still main tain our position ns the most pitiable example of non-organization in exist ence, or 'rove to the other iMnni tMt we can koe-i imcp with the times rt'd compete with the best of th.m. I urge upon you to build up your 'local organizations, bind the locals j irto a district association and go Into ith's work with enough energy and 'determination back of the movement to tide ns over the obstacles and ultl- From Chicago at '4 $33.00 St Louis at $32.00 Omaha at $25.00 Kansas City at $25.00 St Paul at $25.00 and from other cities correspondingly low. - You can PREPAY Fares Savoy Hotel EUROPEAN PLAN The rooms are good and Steam heated only- block from depot one D. C. Brichoux, Prop. Heinz Cooked Sauer Kraut ; with Pork Is not the ordinary variety of oann Kraut, but Is thoroughly Z cooked arid prepared In the most approved way. A very appetizing dinner Tegfctabk. -I Pattison Bros. Use either phone - . j"""" 1 tt 111 '""M"W H'ff"H"l I'll I It The Colonists fare are westbound only, but if you have relatilves cr friends or employees in the east whom you desire to bring to this stat vn.i makercan deposit the va'lue of th fare with your local railroad agent, and an order for a ticket will be telegraphed to any address desired. Let the WORLD Know Of our vost resources and splendid op portunities for DOME BUILDING Call on the undersigned for good Ins'-ctlv natter to send East or give him the address of those to whom you would like to have such matter sent. Thirty Day Sale i : For the JText Thirty Days Yoa Can Buy Your Silverware, Cat Glass, . . Hand Painted China, Ooeki aa d Jewelry at a Redacts of frt m 19 !: W rer tent on. au reliable Quality and FuUy Unaraateed. ;i J. H. PERE, I :: Opposite U. S. Land Office on A dams Avenue. ' t '''"''iiiiiiiiiiiiiiimi,iWln,IIIIim44J YiM McMURRAY General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon. HACK AND AMBULANCE Uptown office Main 720 Residence phone Main 25 E. I. BUSSEY Job Printing Promptly at The Observer a. " -MMaaaaaaaaaMMMaB,TaBBM T a. Kesh Hand-Roiled Choco lates Can't Be Beaten BHIaailRRaBBBBBBaaBaMmmBaBaBMBaaaBaMaMS. QMnWrtDICT CI nun .. 1L . wr.v.ruMX,, i rLUUK 15 Ile Oesf FLOUR rtn ih i... . . to ah fhP fca . ! tf,Ker' antfs WARAN1EED not. DELIVERED TO YOU AT $1 un pfp Lru acUon' Moback if it does ii. t Cx 77 m SlCK- NE US YOUR ORDERS WBfer-$ianchfield Prodv C6 EXCLUSIVE AGENTS