i , --, -,K -..5. - . t . - - - ' '''' ' ' ' fib VOL X LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY, OREGON. ' THURSDAY, MARCUS, 1911. NUMBER nr. 8EHfIIffl;I!fflllECI TEREST 1H WEXIGO; DIAZ Berlin, March .8. That Germany will not rely on the United States to protect her Interests 'In Mexico was officially announced this afternoon by the imperial foreign office. The state ment d clared that if the situation de velops so as to endanger German in terests, Germany herself will take protective measures. ; ;' Galveston, March 9. Private and auth ntlc advices today say Diaz Is alive but his condition is critical. He is being kept alive by stimulants and In addition to this. President Taft last .French Interests in Mexico. . ' night sent a message to President t ; 7 : Coast Hears Death Report. Diaz and today again reiterated ' hi3 , San Francisco, March 9. Reports assertions that Diaz was alive. j received on brokers' wires practically Rumors of his death are well found- united In the statement that Diaz U ed on the other hand. The president dead, " is 80 y:-ars of age and seriously UL 1 Marines Go South. Then. too. death or fears "of lmmediat3 Portland. Or.;, March 9. Two com- death explains the mobilization VM PanleB ' ( m:r!nes from -the Puget troops.J It is 'well known that Diaz's j Sound navy yard passed through Port- death would be kept secret by the of-land. today en route to San Diego. nciais to give tnem umj to - arrange Much Equipment Beady. n ..Boise, March 9. Two Japanese, well dressed, watched and took notes w'hile the first cavalry of 200 men: en trained for San Antonio today. V" Washington, March 9. The report that Pre jldent Diaz has been dead for 48 hours, which was received here and at San Antonio today spread like wildfire, and has ,. been credited by many of authority, yet, in the face of this- comes a formal denial by Am bassador de la Barre of Mexico who Is ; in' Washington. The ambassador issued a personal message to all con suls.ln the United States reiterating that Diaz Is alive, and urgpsall loyal Mexican subject to return to Mexico. for emergencies. For this ; reason many do' not credit the official rt orts that Diaz is alive. " ; , It has been pointed out that only censored messages have been allowed tu Luua ul .kite muo nauo cttvt advices received by revolutionists said Idlers, he has be n dying for seeral days and that the. end is rapidly approach ing If not already there. :.. England Admits Interests. , Admission of Ambassador Bryce of England that he had been - asked tp Intercede witn the United States to fain protection for English interests because the revolution has passed be yond control of the Mexican, govern ment, is causing much comment in the light of official denials from Eng land and Fiance that these govern ments had sent any requests pertain ing to the Mexican situation. A special from Paris today says the foreign office seml-oftlclally denUd the announcement It had hot request ed the United States to protect the Sacramsnto, March ' 9.- Equipment for 5.000 men. company by company, has been ready at the United States arsenal at Benlcla, according to ad Jutana General Forbes. The equlp- . OIL BURNING SHEA IjERE. Improved Engine Enroute to Portland for Use by Alblna Company. ' Advanced type of the oil-burning Shea engines were seen here today when a new engine destined for the Alblna ', Incline . company passed through the city from the east. The engine! Is a powerful machine, as all Sheas are, but is provided with many new wrinkles that go to make It the very latest In the market. Improved oil feeds, method of lubrication and a half dozin other Improvements on for mer styles were all of much Interest to local engineers, who saw the machine. CHANGE IN The national guard of Califor nia is already on a war footing. Troops and Ships Move. Chicago, "March 9. Newspaper spe cials centering here today tell of ships and men moving from all sec tions of the country.' Cruisers from various corners are head south' and being are rushing from Denver', Leav enworth, and a halt dozen other forts to mobilize on the frontier. , : Much Ammunition Aboard. : New York, March 8. The cruisers Tennessee,; North Carolina, and Mon tana are expected to sail at daybreak for Guantanamo. Five thousand new type Springfield rifles and, the same number of revolvers have been placed aboard, and also 40,000 rounds of am munition. ' . , ' " avnwciv wuwro ivoinvi tvn FRED J. HOLMES ELECTED. HELPER FPGIHF IIOdFilS l'!uT Will mm wsrw. ansaw mm ill 5 PLOT T Circumstances Indicating on the face of them that a concerted effort had been made by train robbers to ditch second s.ctlon of number five last night and loot the American Ex press company treasury safe carried on that train, were u helper engine crew ytf at Durkee and brougt Uon of the secret se of ths'O-W, though j' velopmentB carry oil at first reached. cha,ln lay across thf point where the sf meshes ,on the mail '.'.'-J, Into the frog In ? ; 5 ivenlng ; 4 i att:n- i; iartmant juent d " b inclusion C of heavy 5 n6 at the t i, Durkee , :. nd Jammed Another opinion advanced by officials and railroad nieii nere is that , had there been any attempt to commit a crime as might be suggested, by the Incident, it would h ive b en perpetrat ed at some remote joint and not right at Durkee. ' ' ; ' Circumstances Match ATell. v ; The fact that second five carried valuables of ' great amounts, and oth i r incidental ; circumstances are re sponsible for a steadfast belief by some that there was something really behind the proposition. Three men Immaculately and apparently out of place la th dressjd' La Grande Xnttonal, Bank's Official Prsonncl Slightly Changed. " tray that It 5 small town of Durkee, were seen neaf could readily derail fz, jngine, wa3(a saloon there last evening, Popular, fund after the first section of number k suspicion was pointed at them the mo- ; THE CLUB BIG MASS MEETING HELD LAST ETESIXG WITH GOOD RESULT affairs., There was no dissenting opin ions on ' this matter, and the entire work of the meeting last evenlnan seemed to be In a direction that will bring results. Tax for Maintenance Will Be Small for Each Individual It was practically settled last night that La Grande Is to have a commer cial club once more. This was deter mined by a mass meeting of the busi ness men. There wm no undu ex citement and no air castles. It was a plain business proposition if La Grande wants a permanent club and a man to look after things she must pay for It, and to do that there must be a small tax rals;d from the business people of the city. A schedule was Introduced which works no hardship Bnd in fact places the rate very low on each "commercial concern In the city. No definite action could b; taken last night, for it was a mass meeting! but this did result: A motion prevail ed asking all directors of the old club to resign and come in and assist In forming a commercial organization that Is to be active. Another, motion carried to rivlse the constitution and In fact make the new club slightly dif ferent from the one La Grande had for some time. , The committee named to look after thj matter of reorganization is com posed of Messrs. Fred J. Holmes, Chas. Dunn, John Collier, George.Currey and M,ac Wood. This Is an executive com mittee empowered by the. mass meet ing to call to their assistance any per son in the city. The report from them Is to be made Monday evenint.iMarch 20th, at the Commercial club rooms when the further work of putting the new-organization on Us feet. will take place. Win nire a General Worker. It was the sense of the meeting to nlre a man. Not a professional "boos ter," neither will this club at first en , ter the field with magazine advertis Ing. But the man to be chosen will le on the ground every day and look After the stranjters who enter La Grande and take charge of all publl Texas Sunday School Workers. Fort Worth, Texas, March 9. Op ening today with a large attendance and everything in good .working order, the1 annual convention of the Texas Sunday School association bids fair to be the medium of much accom plishment In the Sunday school field throughout the state. Sunday school workers of national reputation are on the four days' program and the discussions will cover a wide range of topics. The big feature of the gather ins: will be a monster parade next Saturday, when it Is expected 10,000 Sunday . school pupils march through the streets of Worth. , JUDGE KNOWLES HOLDS THAT PCCKETTE MUST PAY. Cashing Check on Which Payment Had Been Stopped Not a Crime. - that will Fort Pendleton to Meet Fossil. Because of the fact that, the Wheel er county , high school at Fos3lI de tested Weston high last night in de bate, it now becomes necessary for Pendleton to meet the vlctor.v The nuestlon which will be debated is 'Resolved. That further, maf.rial in creases in the U. S. navy are desir able," but the sides, place and date have not yet bien decided. There are but two other teams in the eastern Oregon division which have not been eliminated, the Baker and Prin.vllle teams. These two will meet soon at Baker and the winner will contest with the victor in the P ndleton-Fos sll debate. Pendleton won from the Fossil team In this city last year and It Is very probable that the contest this year will be held In the Wheele ronntv town. Pendleton East ure- gonlan. ' ' SNOW STORM IN MOUNTAINS Beaver Creek Region Scene of llwnl est Storm of Tear Yesterduy. MSI FREED BY COllflT After contemplating, for more than a year resigning as president of the La Gran?1: National bank George Palmer at a recent meeting of the di rectory stated he could no longer give the bank as much of his time and attention as he felt that he should and therefore asked the board to elect someone to succeed him. This action was caused by the increasing business of the Palmer Lumber company, of which he Is president. ' f. Fred J. Holmes, head of theiM. & M, company, was elected to the pfeBl dency and .W. J. Church was elected vice . presidentthe office fdrmerly held by Mr. Holmes. . ; , No jotber, change, was madeYin the La Grande National's officers "and the working force of the bank will remain the same. In retiring from the presi dency of the financial institution Mr. Palmer is fulfilling a duty which he has felt he owed to himself for a long five had pa Durkee and before No. 18 and second five had reached tht point. Its discovery was In a for tunate manner. The helper, engine waa abq,ut to back, in on the Biding where 18 and five were to pass, when; while running slowly, It struck the obstruc tion on the track. ; Ever ahrt, the dis covery was reported to he dispatch- er's office here by the crew and in stantaneously steps were taken to frustrate what at that time looked like an attempt to derail some train' A secret service agent was sent out on second five from Huntington and a close guard maintained all night., but aside from finding the chain on the track there were no other develop ments. ' " " ' ;May Hare Been Dropped There. N It is possible that the chain was dropped Ly No. 5. This Is the most popular opinion among railroad men ment the chain incident became known but there have been no developments to corroborate the theory prevalent today that these men had be:n "tipped off" to the fact that big sums of money were aboard second live and had chos en Durkee as the scene of their opera tions to ditch the train and grab the loot. In any event the . manner of finding the chain was fortunate for had , any passenger train, especially No. 18. come alone the Kne at the us-" ual speed assigned for that spot, thai outcome would have be'n disastrous to say the least. - As.lt was, the helper engine made the discovery . without even derailing thr lone locomotive. , Ballroad officials are confident to day that robbery was not the motive, basing their opinion, as pointed out. on the fact that such" effort would have been concentrated at some remote point on the road. r Basing the opinion on the, grounds that Ralph Atkinson had committed no crime in presenting a check issued by Al Puckette In favor of Atkinson when Puckette had ordered non-pay ment of the check. Circuit Judge Knowles this afternoon instructed the ury in the trial of Atkinson to bring back a verdict for the defendant. It is said the check was Issued by Puckette to Atkinson to pay a gam bling debt, and that Puckette ordered payment stopped the next day. Atkln son cashed the check at the A. V. Andrews Toggery and Andrews insti tuted chargi.s of obtaining money un der false pretenses against Atkinson. The court held this afternoon that At kinson had committed no crime and that Andrews could bring suit tp col lect from Puckette as there was mon ey in the bank at that time to pay the fce value of the paper. coma a big businesBsrwUh good pTonrj to the farmers. There is a duty on im ported rice of 2 cents per pound and a ready market Is found for. the orr- duct In the United tSates at 7 1-2 cents ttm a ' TKa litmViAW AAmnon v writ K ft A . .. , ... ., . a pound. It is said to be a more prof- elves his personal attention, has .. v. . . . , . grown to such proportions that his time is entirely taken up by it T . , . . SHEEPMEN DELIGHTED. Winter Has Been Favorable and In dications Point to Good Fleeces. Oscar Jacobson of North Powder Is In the city today. Mr. Jacobson is one of the largest sheep breeders in Baker county and In reviewing' the sheep industry says that this has been exceptionally fine winter for sheep and they will be in fine condition for the lambing season) and that Itable crop to grow than wheat Many suppose It Is a difficult cereal to false and harvest' This is" sail to be a mistake for by modern methods it can be handled as easily as other grains. Only after, the planting has been made Is the field flooded and the wator Is drained from the ground n few weeks before harvest. Then haa - ers are run over the field and th9 rice threshed the same as If It were wheat Birmingham Awaits Roosevelt. Birmingham, Ala., March 9. An en- thuBlastlc ; welcome awaits ex-PresI- the dent Theodore Roosevelt, who Is com- SOLDIERS DRUNK ON TRAIN. Chll Authorities at Baker Dared Not Make Arrents Called For. According to a telephone message from Ed. Propeck, caretaker of the intake of the Beaver creek pipe line, 18 miles back In the hills, the heavi est snowstorm of the year Visited that r glon yenerday. In sharp .contract to the severe storm In that ' section was the delightful weather In the val ley. 1300 feet below the spot where the message came from. Shielded behind the mighty arm ofj Uncle Sam. two soldiers of the regular army, In charge of two military pris oners en rotfte from the east to Fort Vancouver, created considerable ex citement aboard ' the-' evening west bound train following a carousal while the passenger was coming from Hunt ington to Baker. The conductor called for help at Baker but the "officials were Informed by the drunken soldiers that they were on duty for Uncle 8am and could not be arrestrd. The officials saw the weight of the argument and at the same time the men quieted down Guards and prisoners alike weri well saturated, It Is said, and for a time had the nassengers on the anxious seat fleece this year Is the best In all his in to Birmingham 'tomorrow io experienfe in the sheep business. ' speak before the. National Child La bor conference. Upon his arrival la GROW RICE. IN OREGON. the city he will bj greeted, by a reT ception committee of the Birmingham Willamette Volley Said to, Be Suitable chamber of commerce, whose guests for the Oriental Foodstuff. : he will be while here. In the fore noon he will address the school chil Portland, Ore., March 8.-(Speclal) dren assembled in Capitol park. At Thst rice can be grown In th Wal- luncheon he will the guest of Govef lamette alley successfully is the be- nor O'Ntal and other .prominent men lief of government experts and at- 0f Alabama. The afternoon will be tempts will be mad-; to introduce this devoted to seeing the city and in the new crop. Charles B. Chambllss, In evening Col. Roosevelt will deliver his haree of rice Investigations for the address before the child labor confer United States department of agrlcul- ence. ture. wll come to Portland soon to look over th situation. Local people believe the Willamette valley . offers Ideal conditions for rice culture. The crop has been found to be a suc cess In Arkansas and Texas and tests made at Red Bluff, Cal., last year were encouraging. Seed from the Callfor GARRET SUFFERS I-HE5T REED AT FRISCO BUT ARREST. RESTED ON PORTLAND PAPER Ban Accused of Stealing from Steam er Humbolt In More Trouble. San Francisco, March 9. Charles Barrett, arrested at Salt Lake for al leged complicity In the robbery- of gold bullion from the steamer Hum- bolt, .last fall, was releaser .today from San Francisco, and Immediately rearrested : on a Portland warrant charging the same crime.' ; : Pugsley.Ross Wedding. Montreal, March 9. A wedding of note today was that of Miss Marlon Howard Ross, daughter 6f Dr.. and Mrs. George T. Robs of this city, and Mr. William O. Pugsley, son of Hon , . . , , . .... . , William Pugsley, minister of public la .nai-lmontol nlnta will ka nonrt In I """" " r.:: y:::z : :: - works of Canada. The ceremony was sewing uie buiuu ublio iu uo imcu 1111 . . ,. . . . , r, u this state. The mild winters, early V ,:i..; springs, dry summers, with abundant water for Irrigation and flooding the rice fields of the Willamette valley in dlcate to those Interested In the sub ject that rice culture may be made viry successful here and a bl? Indus try built up. The character of the soil has bnen found to be similar to that at Louisi ana, Ark., and the elevation Is about the same. There rice growing has be- terlan church and was followed by reception at the home of the bride's parents. f Deputy Consul Coming. Deputy Head Consul of the Wood men of the World D. K. Beakey will meet the local camp Saturday night and all Woodmen are requested to be present. C. C. Fitzgerald has issued a call for the occasion, ' Washington Solons Done. Olyrapfa, March 9 Tonight the leg islature adjournes. The session will be recorded as the most progressive In the history of the state. It passed the initiative and referendum bills for constitutional amendments, the eight hour law for women, and the public utilities bill. , Ensenlda In Danger. . Mexican, March 9. Driven by re ports that the United States Intends to occupy Lower California, General Leyva. the revolutionist, announced today that unless attacked before to morrow by federal troops, reported near,he would advance on Eensenlda. : Gold Strenk Located. Tanana, Alaska, March 9. Pay gold has been discovered on the banks of Koyukuk stream In this district. Hun dreds are ruslng to the scene. r; I i Grandmother Steals for Child. Tacoma, Wn., March '9. Mrs.; M. J. Morrill, aged 63, was arrested today for stealing three bottles of milk for her 10-year-old . grand daughter whom she said was hungry, and had no food In "the house. She declines to say where'she lives, And probably will be ' released, so the needy child can ba located. . '.. '.: ... " ' I,