LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1911. . PAGE Mr! BUSINESS MAN Do you realize the import ance of an Electric Sign in drawing trade to your store or place of business? We make-a very low flat rate on sign lighting, and are prepared to quote at tractive prices on any kind of a sign that you may de sire. Our representative is al ways ready to call and talk the matter over with you. Eastern Oregon Light & Power Company Phone Main 34 SEEKS -.-LIBRARY EOT CITY WILL MAKE AX EFFORT TO HATE CARSEGIE ASSIST. . Believed Possible for Pendleton la fom'illsh the Feat. According to the stateat nts by City School Superintendent J. S. Landers thia morning,, an effort again being made'' in this city to se cure a Carnegie library tor Pendlo ton, says th.- Pendleton Live Wi ?. 'It will be remembered that; soma ifour years ago, this question rj brought up before the people of- tVs j city and on the plea that th? money to be secured had been acquired la questionable ways, many prominent citizens of the city were not in favr-r cf asking Mr, Cam gle for any funt'3 at that time and . finally the metier was dropped and the present library established. . According to, the plans that p?) usually hi yogue, snourd a Carncij fund be s: cured for the building 0; a !!tr?T' it "'HI ," iwmhpt fnr '(Sit citizens of the city, acting through ha city council, to pledge a sum equal to 10 per cent of the total, outlay, to be xpended annually in the keeping up and maintaining such an Institution. The original amount was not less than $20,000, which t would mean $2,000 a year for maintenance, ...... I Your Old Shoes 1 . 5 Made New, at the M odern Shoe Repair Shop Prices Lower Better Work I Quick Service f i GIVE US A TRIAL. ' 108 ELM ST. NEXT to CITY HALL COLLIERS' TELLS OF JOXES. Roping l('HI 'An'mals &f crflied lu a Popular Jlnirazlne, '': ' . In the current issue of Collier's will be found a story from the pen of Buf falo Jones telling of his experience while roping w-Hd animals In Africa. It is a story In words of tbi pictures now running at Jthe Arcade. These plctuies are being; enjoyed by crowd ed houses and are very Instructive'. Buffalo Jones took a bunch of Am .rlcan cowboys into the African Jun gles and decided to bring down the big game with the lariat instead of the bullet, as did the immortal Teddy. This was not a new Idea for 4riany have contemplate It, but Jones was the first ' to make a try of it. And the nice part was he has been successful in his undertaking. The horses used in this work , were v-ry fleet of foot and very active else they could not have gotten away from ' the jungle beasts. ',' Attend the Arcade tonight and to morrow and witness this great produc tion in pictures.' Plies Cured In 6 to 14 Days PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleed ing or Protruding Piles In 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 50c. THAT ESSENTIAL QUALITY ' United States National Bank LA GRANDE, ORE. this bank, every de- iy HILE v adopts sirabie method of mod ern banking, it never loses tight of that essen tial quality: ABSOLUTE SAFETY. FARQVHtfSON'S LUNCH ROOM jj Clam Chowder, Chile, Fruits, Cigars and vTobaccoes X Fresh imported Swiss and Limburger cheese 213 Fir Street I TT T7 - ; J 4Lfc xSa rT - m v. vii- 1 Tufted and Sewed by Hand Every detail is given the most careful attention in the conT' irruciicn 01 me mi - Miaou's fzyttress de TTiitte no michina work rhra hand wnrk m,tn -.-, : , . --.... Mv4iVI iivuLw 11 wu mure iu makt but you no more to buy. lu i betwr roattrwt for you to tltep oa fever netd renovating just an occasional tun-bath. . uaranteed not to "lump" or "bunch." Alwayi i0ft and tlutic Sold On a 30-Nightt Frit Trial Thi3 year we have decided on a new policy one that will be welcomed by every homemaker - in thh city. "We will announce a week to be de voted to home furnishings and home supplies. In preparation for that week we shall draw upon vour entire stock for appealing attractive, values as well as' include special new "purchases for ; these occasions. No housekeeper can afford to .' miss one of these Homemaker weeks They will be so replete with labor saving, comfort induc ing and - home beautifying items of Furniture ; that you will not want to be without many of them. It will be much to your interest to very carefully read this advertisement. Note parti cularly the descriptions and high value and the very reasonable prices. Then make thi3 store a personal visit where you can verify every state ment we have made here. CARMAN MFC. CO FI ! IS'i SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL MATTRESSES. $14.00 Sun Shine Long White Cotton Batts. This is a strictly HIGH GRADE Mattress, usually sold at $17, sepcial this week at .'. . . . . ..... . . . . . , . .$11.00 $9.50 Peerless Elastic Pelt Mattress . . . . . . . . . .$7.90 $8.50 made of 35 lbs. Cotton and 15 lbs. filling. . . $6.90 $7.50 made of 2 lbs. Cotton and 25 lbs. filling. .$5.75 $3.50 heavy Cotton layer or Excelsior. . . . . . . , .$2.95 $8.50 Iron Bed, similar to cut, in either White or Gold This Bed is of good weight and attractive value at $6.65 $17.50 Gold or White and Gold, 42 inch pillars, weight 185 lbs., extra value at ; .. . . . . . . . . . . . $12.95 I have fifty patterns of Beds from $25.00 down ' to $3.00 Remember, This Week Only, 6-foot Linoleum, 60 cents Per Square.Foot t , ; ' ' : . '. ; ; 1 1 ' 1 i 11 The Home Furnisher FoDoiAISTEM O'Brien Home. A volume of correspondence has piled on the desk of J. P, O'Brien, gen eral manager of the Harriman lines, who returned to his office this morn ing after an absence of six weeks, the most of which were passed in South ern California, says a Portland des patch. . . One of th; principal subjects that will demand his attention is the Broadway-bridge question and the controversy with the city that has grown out of the efforts of the rail road to obtain tba right to cross cer tain streets in its approach to the new 'bridge at Glisafl street.." Mr O'Brien's healtlf had been im paired before his departur- from Port land, as he had not had a vacation for six years. Reports received at his office Bay he has recovered com pl' tply and that he has gained eight pounds. . . ; For Wayward Girls. Mothers of wayward daughters, may , be, interested to know of a Home, for ! just such girls, that has been opened in a suburb of Portland. The girls have two hours of school work, each day, in the regular English branches. They are also taught needle-work, weaving, laundry work, cooking, and other household duties. The home is under the care of the Sisters of St. John Baptist (Episcopal) church. For further information address: The Sis ters In Charge, St. Elizabeth's House, 201 E. 82 St., North, Portland, Oregon m5 iiil 1 JMMM.M , , ' " i n : ' : V i Mi 1 Lemem oiaewam CdhstructionB x FIGURE WITH C To Fruit Growers. The fruit growers of Union coun ty. The pruning season I3 now at hnn-l so g.'t your tools In shape and get at your pruning so as to get the brush out of the way ready for the winter 'ray. I also want to draw the at ffltlon of the people living In the city c? La Grande that they must prune th.:lr shade trees, fruit trees, if any. That they must prune the same, and get their brush where it can be de stroyed by , fire within thirty . days from the time of pruning. Parties owning ornamental trees or fruit treeB will be compelled to spray said trees with a lime and sulphur spray. state laws, are .very strict In re gard to these mattiri and to protect the f Industry of our valley these laws must be enforced. Any one need ing pruning or spraying call on L. Stllwell, county fruit Inspector. Classified Advertising 4 i CITY, 'SCAVANGER-Joseph Turn bull, city sea vanger. Anyone want h3 my services call up City Reeor- tK'r's office. ' ' -' . 'i 1 fr.OO Lean Wanted Security firzt ! 'lass property. Address Observer.; . t'UR flENT Furnished and light housekeeping rooms. Mrs. E. C. Moort 1C1 7 Fourth street. : "." BUY DIRECT AND SAVE MONEY. . Carlos y t perfect bulWingr material, cut to a hair, to tu i ''ie paper on the wall ahlppea dally Our B-cros t . ll.oo Door Is the best-value --r offered -anywiiux-w lor tills remarkably low pnwd. j nd It la only a sample of the many good things and price-savers contained lu our catalogue. U 1 own and operate our own mill In Seattle and SA vp roC MIDDLEMEN'S PROFITS v Send in s -'.H of what J'ou need and let us show ou In AO'JT'..' "FIQURE3 what wa aave you. We eeli even , rly and ahlp anywhere. Save middlemen's profit. 'FOIt THE CHILDREN," Send for Catalogue. . One prke to everybody BuildersNeeds TbisCalalo m FOR RENT Furnished rooms tor light housekeeping. Inquire at King s Cigar factory. -. ! WANTED A good woman to do general housework In family of two at Telocaset. Good wages. For par ticulars write to Alice Dupes, Pleas ant Valley. Ore. Henry Henson. T .; . ...... i - r v ; St)C Of WALL PAPER JUST ARRIVED WANTED Girl, for general house work. Inquire at U. S. National bank. FOR SALE Two good homestead t'e llnqulshments' In Wallowa county Inquire of D. Birchoux. mumm 1 The designs are the newest selections direct from the factory. It is a peas- I ure to show this line. Call and see me. OR. OLDEST PAINT SHOP IN THE CITY