LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1911. PAGE 3 GOSSARD Cofsctst TLe Sevm Principal Selling rolnti They lac In front They support every! viiai gan. They are as comfortable git tiny down as standing. . They are easily adjusted all In plain sight They give the princess hack, following the most heantiful line In nntnre, the spinal curve, ' .They are filled with ELEO TROBO'E, unbreakable, and nonrnstablc. They supply the correct fash ionable figure for every wom an's form. For sale by Mrs.Robert Pattison Phone Black 1481 or Black SI THE WARDROBE TAILOR CO. Suits Cleaned, Press ed and Repaired, Hats Blocked ... Kid Gloves Cleaned. La r dies' work a specialty . 1 1 18 Adams Ave. Phone 735 For all kinds of ' -v. ... MESSENGER AXD DELIVERY. SERVICE Call Up The Central Messenger and Delivery Co. Office In Foley Building Room S Phones, Main 709 Ind. II. J. KESLER, MANAGER. m Hurt mm LET US DIE FOB IOC. In fact the only way we lire U hj lyelng. Den't dye yenwelf. . j If s better than dyeing yourself. -WE DIE EVERT DAI A5D DIE FOB ALL Our charge for dyeing for yon weal hgih. A sample Job Is infflelent er best dyeing and cleaning hare m j It I? Good Syringes Whatever you need " in this line we can Bupply. Very few stores in the country have an complete a line of syringes as we carry. It includes a1 1 U!;ida ' Bulb Springes. Fountain Syringes. . . V Combination Syringes. , Infant Syringes. . Hard, Rubber Syringes. Glass Syringes. Ear and Ulcer Syringe. Hypodermic Syringes. Horse Syringes. " Our bulb, fountain and c om- blnation syringes are bought di rectly from the makers and y v will always find this stock fnsh and guaranteed. ' Wright Drug Co. UP-fillfER HUE! IS EASTERN MOJiEY REPORTED TO HAVE T1VEY IT nvm. Sixty-FWe Thousand Said to Have Been Paid for It PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. PHYSICIANS AXD SURGEONS. N. MOL1TOR. M. D. Physician and ' Surgeon. Corner AjJams Ave. and . Depflt street. Office, Main 68; Resl dence 69. Cy H. UPTON. Ph. G. M. D. Physician and Burgeon.' Special attention to Eye, Ear,' Nose and Throat. Office in La Grande National Bank Build' tng. Phones: Office Main 2, Real dence Main 32. A. L. RICHARDSON. M. D. J. W. LOUGHLIN, M. D. Dra. Richardson & Loughlin, Physicians and Surgeons. Office Hours I to 11; 2 to 6; 7 to 8. Phones Office Black 1362; Ind. 353. Dr. Richardson's Res: Main 15; Ind. 312. ' . .. -; ' Dr. Loughlln's Res. Main 757; Ind. ' 1297. ' 3EO. W. ZIMMERMAN Osteopath Physician. Summer Bldg., Rooms 7, 8, 9 and 10. Phoaes: Home 1332, Pacific, Main 63, Residence phone. Black 951. Successor to Dr. C. E Moore. . . OR. H. L. UNDERWOOD and DR DORA J. UNDERWOOD Office ov- er Wright Drug store. Special at tention paid to diseases and surgery of the eye. Phones Office Main 22; residence, Main 728. V CV PRICE, D. M. D. Dentist. Room 3, La Grande National Bank Build tng. Phone Black 399. . DP. R. L..LINCOLN, DENTIST .First class services gtven. Office over Lil ly's Hdw. store. Phone Black-451. DR. P. A. CHARLTON .Veterinary Sur geon. Office at Hill's Drug Store La Grande. Residence phone.' Ret 701; Office phone, Black 1361; lade pendent phone 53; both phones af residence. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. LITE CLEANING DIE WOBIS, Phone Vain 64 Then yos have a cold get a battle ef mberlain's Tough Remedy It will 1 fix you up sli right nd wu j.yJ - tendency townrd pneumonia. ,'. v.iy contain no optim nr other nar:'t. I be p'T'i r. r..' ".?: to n !;l COCHRAN ft COCHRAN Attorneys: Chas. E. Cochran and Geo. T. Coch ran, ' L Grande National Bank Bldg., La Grande, Oregon. . T. H. CRAWFORD Attorney at Law. Practices in al lthe courts, of the 8tate and United Ptatea. Office In La Grande Natiwual Bans Bldg., La Grande, Oregon. j D. W. C. NELSON Mining Engineer Baker City, Oregon. The quicker ji coja is gotten rid of the teas the danger from pneumonia and other Mriouf diMaaes. Mr. B. W. L. Hall, oi Waverly, Va. ,sayt: "I firmiv believe Cham berlain'i Cough Remedy to be absolutely tbe best preparation on the market for cold. I liave recommended it to my friend and me all agree with m." For sale by a" Re-.d Observer want ads. ' The Harney County News prints an article regarding up river mine tran sactions, which cannot be corroborated today but is taken by mining men to have, some foundation.' It follows. ; Word has Just been received Jay Archie , McGowan that the Grande Ronde Mining & Power Co., whose larg-. property Is located on the head of Grande Ronde river, about 25 miles northwest of . Sumpter, has sold his entire interests to an . eastern com pany for a consideration of $65,000. "This has been considered a valu able placer property, but it was dis covered last summer that it '- would require a big investment to equip the mine qj a profitably working basis. The purchasers have taken possession of the property and are now prepar ing to equip the same with modern J machinery which will cost many thou sands of dollars. . V , , , ,; ' '"Archie McGowan was one of the incorporators of the Grande Ronda company and owned a large intereet in it. This company purchased the property about one and onejhatf years ago for $10,000. S. W, Laythe. a res id :nt of Harriman, Oregon, also own ed a considerable Interest in the com pany. . ; . ' Y R. E. REYNOLDS RECEIVES BIRD FROM CASTLE ROCK. Poultry Business Assuming Much Larger Proportions This Tear , R. E. Reynolds' received yesterday from ' Piyney-Shepardson of Castle Rock one of the finest specimens of Plymouth rock cockerels seen in this- city and from the appearances of this bird h will score high at any poul try show. From present indications the poul try industry will spread with great rapidity and not only will commercial poultry be raised on a large scale by many farf-lers. but th;, very highest grade of poultry will be Introduced by all of them. . At Elgin D. A. Ba:ne8 has offered some fancy birds and will compete for prizes in future poultry shows in this county. THIS DATE IN HISTORY. v March 8. 1663 "The Duke's laws" promulgat- . ed in New York. 1774 Massachusetts assembly passed a bill to suppress th slave , ,-; trade. . . .. 1833 Th Protestant' Episcopal dio cese of Illinois was organized. 1844 Bernadptte, king of Sweden, died and was succeeded by hia son Oscar. 1855 Niagara suspension bridge op ened. . . 1858 Beginning of the famous siege of Lucknow. 1864 Gen, .Grant was formally pre- Plumbing and Heating John Melville 125 Adams An LA GRANDE, ' - ORE r- for 10 Only Everything New and Second Hand in stock must be sold out in order to raise money Sale Commences March 7tl i and Ends March 1 7th Bargains too numerous to men-tion-... You'll have to see them . ,, .,-..r. C. E UYDAM 1411-13 ADAMS AVE. '. ' sented (by the president with his ,., .commission as lleutenant-gcn-y eral. .: 1874 Millard Fillmore, V thirteenth president of the United States, died in Buffalo, N. Y. Born' at Summerhlll, N. Y., Jan. 7. 1800, 1887-r-Henry Ward Beecher, famous ' pulpit orator, died in Brooklyn Born In Litchfield, Conn., June " 24, 1813. ' THEY ALL DEMAND IT. La Grande, Like Every City and1 Town . In the Union, Receives It People with" kidney Ills want to be cured. When one 'suffers ths t.or tures of an aching back, relief is eag erly sought for. There are many rem edles today that relieve but do not cure. Here is evidence to prove that Doan's Kidney pills cure, and the cure is lasting. H. P. Swisher, 2467 Madison street, Baker City, Ore., says: "Kidney com plaint in my case was caused by ex cessive horseback Tiding. The back ache steadily became worse as time passed and there were other annoy ing symptoms of kidney complaint. Learning ot Doan's Kidney Pills, I b'gan their use and they not only re stored my kidneys to a normal condi tion, but rid me of the backache and pains. I shall always take pleasure in recommending Doan's Kidney Pills." (Statement given November 4, wo?.)';; . , ' . v. Lasting Rjesnlte. ; Mr, Swisher waa Interviewed on May 28, 1910, and he added to the above; "The cure mdae by Doan's Kidney Pills in my case has been permanent I gladly confirm all I have previously said about this rem edy." " ' ' '''., ,;' For sale by air dealers. Price 50 cents. Fo8ter-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sale agents for the Unit ed State a. " ' Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Mch 6-8-10. . ' 1 had been troubled with constipation for two years and tried all of the best physi cians in Bristol, Tenn., and they could do nothing for me," writfi Tho. E. WilliiimF, Mi(It;loloro, Kt. '"I wo psckafret of Chani )eilain' Htiiraicb nil Liver Tablets cure1 Wednesday, March 8,19U AI'THEiCHRlSTIAU CHURCH Polm Brief Sisters Will give the music lovers of La Grande a rare .treat Wednesday, March 8, 1911, a.t the Christian church. They , wjlf give a varied and original program of the most up-to-date musical acts, humorous readings,' sketchings and impersonating. These, sisters are guaran teed to please. This is something you can't afford to, miss. Get your tickets early at Wright's Drug Store. . 25 and 50 cents MONTANA POOL ROOMS- CIGARS and TOBACCO Welton OBatnett Props., Corner Jefferson and Depot sf. NECKWEAR of the Lateit Handsome BELTS New PUFF PINS The Finest CASH BAGS Elegant RIBBONS Dainty HEAD SCARFS Tailored TURBANS, Pretty SAILORS in the most approved styles . , E. M. WELLMAN & Co. tl i - f)V A.... ; fit I. ,