m SUPPLIES n L. ft7 LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY, OREGON. ;". :; WF.nVPSTlAV MAPnTTQ inn : ' - - ...... 1 1 ' 1 : ' i i ;i wv.w. i i.t ' 1 ' ' ' ' : ' ,..:.. lDncnrn m u utncu II I LOIS SEAT EXCITEMENT PREVAILS 1 ,T ASHIS6T0X OVER WAR GAME - BEING FOCUSSED OX THE A SOITHERX FROXTIER. SEEMS A CERTAINTY ConCnHons Stream of Soldiers BiJng Headed for the Sooih Where Added Jwrrackg Are Being Thrown Up for TIE BOOK LIST! f nirvnfiM i LLLLAUUN Germany ov:r the destruction of ra!U roads and stoppage of mining and oth er developments-taken In connection with the illness of President Diaz Is given here by correspondents of Mexi can papers as a cause for the mobili zation of American trooes on the fron- ThA ...I t .1.1 . cyuiuiiouiit say uiai Diaz pro fesses satisfaction" over the interven tion by the United States but this Is merely feigned, they affirmed. They; declare that they promised financial Interests that they would not tear tracks unless government tro6pswW can led over them and if they did, the railroads must tat. the consequences. ' K Extreme Haste Used. Tt a W ' l' n w ... . . " uueiuii, jiiarcn 8. witmn naif an hour after-Issuance of the orders, a company of marines In the Charleston navy yards, each with 230 rounds c ammunition, had .started for- Philade'- phta to board a transport southward.- rirtvin , K n.,h v.. n- I ,fl"J'n? JoJations Made by Ellexson nvv nfrir. w --.- ---k -l0e4 1 rbn Qccnrtd, Indicates Book w.vim g hi o cai'h. i nig naif The torpedo fleet here fs stripping for - CCMSTAXTIAL EVIDENCE DIS- 'V A- NEARUNI STATIflf; Hons and Money Interests Crying lor i rns ccon Buying Supplies, Washington, March; 8. Though there is hardly a dollar in the treasury for army maneuver ; purposes, the quarter master general and the army commlBBion:i8 were ordered today to ; buy unlimited war supplies: Every of vA;lal movement indicates massing of troops on the border ordered yesterday 'Is-In preparation for real action and not for maneuver purposes.- . Real Action Impending. - ',. -'indications that army men and offl , cers will see service in action is- no : tlceable here today in orders to Gen eral Grant, . commanding th? depart- mnt of the east to proceed immediate ly to Fort Monroe and there board the i: transport for Gaveston. . With Grant ' fl two provisional J regiments j of coast artlU.ry which has been hastily organized to serve as infantry jand ( commanded by Colonel Townley and 'OfWiJtte. - fonijjrence OrjRred. 'VV ' , Washington, March 8.Presldent Tatt today req eSted Jose Yves Llman tour, Mexican minister of finance, to , come to Washington to confer on th: Mexican situation. Ambassador de La Bane, of Mexico, is now in New York ind will return with Llmantour who r twwntly arrived from Europe where he loatid $50,000,000 in Mexican bonds. Excitement Intense, V Not since the days before the Span hh war has Washington officialdom been so excited. Reports that Presi ' d jjt Diaz Is dying and demands from !1 foreign government demar-rfi"" Vat the United States protect the'r Mexican Investments, h?3 lead to rldl tttSbt the officials', r port that a big 1 war game Is being clayed. Prominent itmy officers today pointed out that troops are carrying 200 rounds of am munition which is unnecessary in ma '; muvf rsi Both General Wood and S-:c-rgrf of War Dickinson today evaded all questions as to the "object of mobr ligation. "General Carter," they said, "will be allowid to work out his own wir game." . Vancouver Sends Troops. ,. " ' Vancouver, Wu., ,March 8.Brlga- General Maus, commander of the department of the Columbia', leaves to- flight for Pan Antonio under rush- or- ,':'ierj to leport to Major General an tf i It Is b:lieved troos wfiria sent . -W , pCrTlL'li.t Jn Ignorance, .. . ;' V'8jVe. Wn-.March 8. Colonel S. ,' W, r. commander of the 25th inr fant''Hned at Fort Wright.' sld todet Jthe. movement of warriors soutij was a mystery to hlm. So far rs for a movement of his troottAUing .600 man, have been roceM rs" Actions Mysterious. in Yards, Bremerton, Wn., fhere Is no information con- movements of the cruisers ind West Virginia obtain The cruisers are now In making coal tests and the comrkt here would' not say te vessels have been ordered fleet off lower California or fcrted. nil Street Protests. Wajon. March 8. Combined protejwall street. England and action; coaling and making ready to sail south tonight. Two thousand in-1 iiuiiijuieu- are r poritu en route cer : arid it is said that 400 of them will bj taken on the torpedo boats to Salina j Cruz, Mexico.' It is expected the Pa-i ciflc fleet wiir make .this Its bas; fcV operations. ' - Bell Goes South. ' ' San Francisco, March 8 Major Gen- Was Lost After September 8 Prob ablj lost .Where Ellexson Hit the RaJlrond Track Again. , , V I : 1 -J X- ! v i 1 I I ill :; 1 v -) X Evidence 'that would have - been of much valu;. to the ftrosecutlon during the trial of T. R. Ellexson convicted of the murder of Waldo Perry at Un ion, last summer, was uncovered yes terday afternoon near Union Btation (Continued on page four) FISHEB PACIFIES when a man named Chad wick, work- eral Bell, Colond Ladd and Major Win- J ing as butcher for the Hot Lake com-, ships today were ordered to proceed to'pany, found a time book used by El San Antonio to report to Major. Gen-, lexson while he was employed at Un eral Carter. They left this afternoon, ion and at Baker. Rushing In Barracks. : Dropped by Wire Feuce. uaiveston. aiarcn 8. Working under The book was found near a wire rush 6rders laborers are preparing , fjnee, Indicating that "it had been" d;rop barracks for" troops" a"t Fort Crockett, ped while the owner wa crawling San Jacinto and Tavis. Texas. The between the wirea. of especial Importance to Justify the conviction attained on circumstantial evidence, In that It almost undisput ably contradicts the story told ty El lexson in bis self defense. Followers of that hideous crime will remember that Ellexson claimed to have board ed a train at telocaset and riding di rect to La Grande: in fact, the nrbse- uln.,0Bl(l not. bring .felm inearef , to'l tee seen a of the crime than Telocasst Lost After September S. . It la presumed the murder was com mitted about September 4. and it has been carefully and distinctly establish ed that Ellexson quit work kt Baker on September 3 , and. notations vin the book found by Chadwict include the final; account with the Bat: r employ er on September 3. -','S,.;-, The Probable Solntlon. Men who are in touch with the dis covery and who know the exact loca tion of the book when found hav drawn the conclusion that when El lexson had gone to the Perry ranch, located about the same distance from Union station as It is from Union town and committed the foul murder, hs cut cross "lots and hit the railroad track near Union station and to do so, was forced to crawl through the wire fence back of Union station. In this act he lost the book. The book was brought to La Grande last night. While th:e was a general 4 J - j 2 3 1 axaajr-jrr? , cr SEATTLE PLAXMXG BIG OVATIOX FOR SECRETARY. Pinchot Expresses Satisfaction of Con, ' serratlonlsts Tflth Fisher. " Washington, March 8. Every adher ent of Ballinger now employed In the Interior department will probably be retired shortly after Fisher takes charge. Those already retired are As sistant Secretary Wilson, Assistant At torney General Lawlsr and Chief of Field Service Sch warts. ' c - , Pinchot Satisfied. rt New York, March8. --Before 'starting for Europe today, Gifford Pinchot, the former chief forest: r discussed the succession of Walter Fisher to Ballin ger's position as secretary of the in terior. He said Fisher's entrance into government service will prove satis factory to. Jthe 'cottsehratlonists.' New York papers combine, almost, , in ' sayr ing Balllnger's usefulness as',a oy- ernment official 1 was destroyed by scandal and charges. ' . , ! ( Seattle Plans Rrceptlon. , .. , Seattle, March 8 Friends' of the ex- senator, Richard A. . Ballinger, are pre paring' a formal welcome for -him cm. his return home. . Jt 'is regarded a probable-that he win'resunie his prac tice" of law. . (' ':'' : . A cote-rle ot clubmen fsplannlng a public ovation for him. 5 . .iJk-;'.' ATKINSOX CASE DELAYED.. HoVse Trading Case Argued iTbl-j Af ternoon nnd Then f omes State Case " Missing the schedule' by a few ho-irs only the charges preferred by the sate against, Ralph Atkinson of obtalninz money under false pretenses cam? up late this afternoon when the argu ments had been made by counsel for th parties Involved In the case of K. J. Martin against Abel Eaton. This was a case over a dispute following some trades In horses. The Atkinson case will be disposed of as soon as possible and then will come th case - of Franklin Truax against Frank Belnhoff, regarding an account A recent picture of President Dins about to enter big carriage. President Din death at this time wonld precl. pltate the greatest, international dis turbance of years and mobilization itf troons on the southrrn border I tak en to mean Uncle Sam will not be found wanting, should occasion arise for hint to take a hand in the Mexican affairs. Below the president Is a Tfrw of the city of Mfxlco, where Dlai is now fighting with death. - - n. - "J . ORDER 1 IS EXPilED.IiT.PORTLM '.N'T Portland, March; 8. Rumor is cur rent hers among wheat and flour men. based on private. Oriental cables, that Japan is preparing to Intervene in the Mexican affair-and thereby draw the Unitid States into the embrogllo, They profess to believe this explains the re cent unprecedented orders for flour from Japan. ' ", Another, report, unconfirmed, Is that the United States is in the market for provisions on a scale unusual in peace tlma and that the local flour men are being called upon to contract ship ments for Uncle Sam. ' . k . IXDIASS MISUSED. Priest Predicts Trouble with Canadian v Indians, in Kcar Fntnre. . Vancouver, B. C, March 8. Trouble with Indians and bloodshed Is predict ed in British Columbia by Father Bel let; a missionary, who passed through this city today en route to Fort George carrying with him from Ottawa a sanc tion of the federal government to sell Indian: reserves on Fraser river to the Gran Trunk Pacific, which will construct a line from here eastward to Prince Fvupert. . He says th provincial feeling prevalent that Justice was fitly ! government is making no attempt to applied, in the conviction of Ellexson that, feeling has been spread ,and ce mented by the discoveries yesterday. REFHERSil HT SEIHIE help the Indian but passes laws pro hibiting fishing and hunting, and In other ways in curtailing their endea vors to earn a ltvllhood which Is caus ing a widespread discontent. "Though am a missionary of the church I can not say but what they will De justl- . fled,!!, said the priest. ' , x " .1 COUNCILMEX OF REFORM TYPE ; ; ARE CHOSEy.. " Municipal Street Railway Proposition - ; Also Accepted by Vote. Seattle, March 8. With 20 precincts unheard from It is considered certain that a reform council was elected and the $800,000 bond Issue for municipal street railways, carried yesterday by a big majority. ' . I DISPLAY HORSEFLESH SATURDAY I . i r-. - .- . Maple Avenue Stock Farm Company Plans Demonstration Saturday, ' Imiio:ted Clyde stallions now stalled j here by the Maple-Avenue Stock Farm company, of Ontarto, Canada, will -be exhibited, and shown on Adams ave nue next Saturday at 2 o'clock so that farmers and horsemen Interested can see the animals together. Manager F. H. Neil, who has been here this week looking over the opportunities for op nlng a big barn of purr bred Stock, made this announcement this afternoon and will personally oversee the bifc.it. V ex- YOUXGSTER SUICIDES. w Taqoma, March 8. Featini parental Federals Threaten Mexlcali. punishment because he broke Into his Mexlcall, March 8. A large force of mother's trunk and took some small Federals are advancing on Mexlcali articles, Oscar Edfast. aged 15, is dead and were located eight miles west of today. He committed sulcidj, last night this city by rebels. truro; with carbolic acid. PREMIER FAVORS RECIPROCITY. Renders Speecb Favoring Passage of Agreenunt wfth United States, . Ottawa. March 8.Edltorlal com ment and politicians today are united In declaring the reciprocity speech in the house by Premier Laurier has "don? much to clear a way for passage of the agreement. He endorsed the agrer ment and assured continued loyalty to Great Britalnjn a speech in which he scouted the annexation idea. Laurier said It was a peculiar spectacle to watch two countries with no fortresses separating them but an invisible wall stopping trade between them. To Discuss Clilltf Labor Problem. Birmingham, Ala., March 8. The B.venth annual child labor conference under, the auspices of the National Child Labor committee, which will be gin Its sessions In this city tomorrow, promises to be a most notable gather ing. Theodore Rooseveit and Gover nor Woodrbw Wilson of New Jersey will head the list of speakers. Others who are scheduled to address the con ference are Miss Jane Addams of Chi cago, Dr. FellxAdler of New York. Senator William E. Borah of Idaho, Charles P. Nelll, United States com missioner of labor and Mrs. Florence" Kelley, secretary of the National Con sumers' league. The leading topics of th? conference will be "Uniformity in Child Labor Legislation," and "The Conservation of Childhood." The addresses and dlsrussions will aim to Impress upon the public mind the lmpoitance of harmonizing the child labor laws of the different states, and the general adoption of the standards already es tablished where child labor reform has been most successful Tie lelUetl 90 WA W- Uu HUIELU Ul in FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS IS IX. VOLVED IX SALE OF IMBLER ORCHARD OF 00 ACRES TO DAiTOX MEX. ITS USE Er.QRf.1GU5 Land Seven Ytars Ago Raising Meagre Crop of Wheat Turned for fcwO an Acre Lxitcrt Passes Praises on the Tract and Commends It to nis Cli entsSold for !7k0 an Acre Six Years Ago Xew Record. . . . -..... SIX YEARS' HISTORY OF O 80. ACRE IMBLER TRACT, $ v Sold six ye at 8 ago ;by John Elllngford to Walter Lymau for $67.60 an acre. . The same fall Lyman sold A a half Interest to L. Oldenberg & for , $95 , an acre. These men 4 planted it to orchard. The following year Oldenberg 0 and Lyman disposed of it at ' $125 an acre, to W. A. Laldlaw of Portland A' .''Same 90 acres" sold yesterday eventug, at $550 an acre. . A A A A A A A A A A A A Record prices for big orchard tracts ' In ' this valley were set late last even ing when 9p acres la Vono piece' "Jusr north of Imbler sold for a lump sum or $50,000, or $550 an acre, creating a banner record for rapid Increase in ' land values. Many small tracts hava been sold In this valley at prices in advance of $550 an acre but never has there been a single tract of auch large proportion turned at one time. ; Hinging entirely on the dictum of J I. Dbrenberger, the' deal not only stands for 'nigh attainments of land' values but places on Grande Ronde valle orchards a stamp of approval, such as has never been equalled be fore. The buyers of this tract iar Bert Monnett and Clyd Weatherford. . both of Dayton and they brought with them as their advisor J. I. Dorenberg er, the manager of the Pomona 6r chard owned by the famous orchardtst,' Mr, Dumas the orchard by the way, Is the most famous 100-acre tract In the world. What this expert said went and he said the. words that closed the deal.' But for heavy financial ties In Washington Mr, Dorenberger would himself Invest heavily and move to the Grande Ronde-ra testimonial that has made local cchardists swell with pride."; , ' 0 ' The seller In this case was W. A. Laldlaw and a Portland real estate firm figure in the transfer. Local mei interested in real, estate do not be grudge the commission in view of the fact that the Industry has received an ' enormous Impetus' by the transfer and " verdict from the ex'pert. What this plee of lanA has "accom plished in its evolution from wh? at land, growing leis than .50 bushels of wheat wen years ao. to its present state, Is pointed out above. . ,' RATE- PIGHT IS OYER. Pennsylvania Cancels Advance Sched. nl nnd Others Follow Suit Washington, March 8. The railroad rate fight against the rate decision of the commission is over. The Pennsyl vania cancelled its advence schdules today and the New York, Baltimore & Ohio, and the Erie have promised to follow suit. Other railroads are expect ed to do the same Immediately. i f - f