La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, March 07, 1911, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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Editor and Owner, v
Entered at the postofuce tt La Grande !
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I H12I3T
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Today Mrs. Marie DeWitt Snod'grass
who dUd Saturday, was laid to rest.
Many friends of years' standing turn
ed out to pay their last respects to
this good woman. Good woman we
say, yes, one of the best the world has
ever produced. Sha was an Oregon
ploneera woman who never worried
over the smaller things of life, She
belonged to that sturdy class of hu
manity which has mada homes In for
ests, conquered the wild of the weBt
and made deserts blossom as the rose.
Deceased was the moth-r of, 11 chil
dren, and this alone tells the story of
a sainted mother. , She was the wife
of W. J. Snodgass, who, when living,
was without doubt one of tha strong-
est characters In the west. He took
' part In all public matters and the po
sition he occupied on 'such questions
was frequently determined by, the
close" council of his life companion.
Mrs. Snodgrass spent her life occupy
ing the place of the good American
mother. There was little of the dra
matic In the nature,- always choosing
to do good without letting the world
know of It Her, children were her
Joy, and to their credit W Jt said, thy
made the closing' Vears of her life
tyery happy.
It Is but natural for the aped to
pass to the great beyond, but when a
plindld woman like Mrs. Snodgrass
Is called the entire community stops
and pays tribute to the merit that
long years of constant right-doing
;' Justifies. .!' ;l ''r :
'Accepting the verdict. of the Inter
state Commerce commission the rail
roads Of the west, have established a
stand that will not In any way r.act
to their detriment. Railroads corpora
tions are quite . different from what
they were a few years ago regarding
governmental ajCfairS.-: it has not bten
long , since railroads Went boldly be-1
fore the people and made fights fori
ertain officials with the full knowl-
?dpe they w re to receive a little the
best of the legislative deal. Not so any
more. Wiat little hand railroads take
'n politics is now done un&r the most
secret covr and with extreme caution.
So far as rates are concerned doubt
less the roads will see a smaller net
taming for a while, but not much at
that The general public Is not Koini
to continue enforcement of any mea
sure, that throws railroads into a re
ceiver's hands. We all saw what It
meant to have receivers for railroads
In 1890. and 1893, and there Is not an
Individual wh will welcome a return
of that unfortunate period.
But the people do demand a closer
relationship with the transportation
lines. There is a general feeling that
this Is . coming about and under the
most faorabU circumstances. Many
railroad companies openly admit that
rates need adjusting that in a great
many instances they know they are
charging too much and in some cases
too little. The great, problem seems
to ha ve been to find the expert that
could determine an equality of freight
rates. Th; Interstate Commerce com
mission Is making a trial of that Job.
Lut that commission Is composed of
men who are subject to error and
there must be several trials before
the rates are adjusted In a manner that
seems as near correct as possible.
The city of Union has settled its lo
cation for a high school by choosing
the site sel-icted by the school board,
namely the old court house. This has
oeen -a nasty mile ngnt ana now it is
sincerely hoped that harmony will
mark the future acts of the people
who populate one of the best loca
tions in the Grande Ronde valley.
(Ohio State Journal.)
"That decision of a Georgia court that
a man has no legal right to demand
that his wife perform household duties
may, unless overruled by a higher
court, have a potent Influence in en
couraging bachelorhood n that state.
In the case at Issue, the wife Insist
ed on following lines of business en
tirely outside the usual routine of wo
men's lives. The husband wanted his
meals cooked, his floors swept his
stockings darned, and other ordinary
household duties performed. The wife
refused to attrnd to such things.
The husband decided tq "have the
law on her." But the Judge decided
that the law wa "on" the man. The
If arned court held that the woman was
under no legal obligations to perform
the, duties demanded and that she was
at liberty to follow any line of respect
able business she might choose.
For the satisfaction of Georgia bach
elors contemplating matrimony, the
defeated party In.thisJ case should
carry the matter to the higher courts.
' Amarlllo Is the latVst'city In Texas
to adopt the commission plan of gov
ernment. '
Kansas City has already begun Its
fight for the Democratic national con
vention for 1912.
Luke Lea. the new United States
States senator from Tennessee is bare
ly past the age limit of 30 years which
the constitution imposes upon sena
tors. -' v '
Francis Pendleton, the n-w Judge of
the supreme courj of New York, Is a
son of the late George H. Pendleton,
4 :
of this bank will be pleased to talk with you at
any time concerning mutual bustneos relations
TVAHEN the Federal Goyerament, the.
county, the city and a-large and.
growi-g hi of ::mmercial and private
depositors entrust '.nsir funds to this institu
tion to the ex'et of 800,000.0:, you may
be sure that it is a safe one for you to identify
yourself ith. . . , '
La Grande National Bank
CAPITAL ... $ 100.000.00
; ' RESOURCES . . . 1,125,000.00
Oeorf e Palmer,- Pi es. Fred J. Holmes, Vice Pres.
F. L. Meyers, Cashiet Earl Zundel,i4ss'. Cashier
United States senator from Ohio.
. Th: toew United States senate will
be composed of 41 democrats, 38 "reg
ular" republicans and .13 "Insurgent"
John D. Works of California is the
oldest among the new members of tb'
United States s aate. He was born in
Indiana 64 years ago this month.
The withdrawal of Mayor Head of
Louisville has left ex-Senator Me
Creary and William Addams, of Cyn
thlana, the only avowed candidates for
the democratic gubernatorial nomina
tion In Kentucky.
Former Mayor Tom L. Johnson of
Cleveland, who has been regarded as
the leader of the Bryan democracy In
Ohio, has given his friends to under
stand that he will support Governor
Harmon for president
Jas. A. Reed, the new United States
senator from. Missouri, was born In
Ohio and lived several years in Iowa
before locating in Kansas City, where
he began his public career a s prose
cuting attorney.
The woman suffrage parade in New
York city next month is planned to ex
ceed anything of the kind ever given in
the United States. The evolution of
woman from the sedan chair davs to
the present athl tic age will be shown
in the procession. .
, James E. Marine, the new United
States senator from New Jersey, is of
Fr nch extraction on his father's and
German ancestry on his mother's side.
Senator Martins' wife I th rnil
daughter of the late Jacob Lorlllard,
the founder of the family which has
made millions out of th: tobacco In
dustry In America.
The 14 lawyers picked out to com
pose the democratic end of the ways
and means committee In the Sixty-sec
ond congress are divided between the
north and south as follows:. From,
the south Oscar W. Underwood, Ala
bama; Choice B, Randall, Texas; Wil
liam G. Brantley, Georgia; Dorsey W.
Shackleford, Missouri; Ollie M. James,
Kentucky; Claude Kitchin, North Car
olina and Cordell Hull, Tennessee.
From the north Francis Burton Har
rison, New York; Lincoln Dixon. Indi
ana; Henry T. Ralney, Illinois; Win
field S. Hammond, Minnesota; William
Hughes, New Jersey: Andrew J. Pet.
i?rs, Massachusetts, and A. Mitchell
Palmer, Pennsylvania. wj. t
La Grande, Like Every City an Town
' In the fnlon, Receives It
People with kidney l!!s want to b
cured. When one suffers ths tor
tures of an aching back, relief Is eag
erly sought for. There are many rem
edies today that relieve but do not
cure. Here Is evidence to prove that
Doan's Kidney Pills cure, and the
cure Is lasting. '
H. P. Swisher, 2467 Madison street,
Baker City, Ore., says: "Kidney com
plaint in my case was caused by ex
cessive horseback riding. . The back
ache steadily became worse as time
passed and therev were other annoy
ing symptoms of kidney complaint.
Learning of Doan's Kidney Pills, I
began their use and they not only re
stored my kidneys to a normal condi
tion, but rid me of the backache and
pains. I shajl always take pleasure
In recommending Doan's Kidney
Pills." (Statement given November
4, 1907.)
- Lasting Results.
Mr. Swisher was Interviewed on
May 28, 1910, and he added to the
above; "The cure mdae by Doan's
Kidney Pills .in my case has been
permanent I gladly confirm all I
have previously said about this rem
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sale agents for the Unit
ed Stat: s. ' '
.4 Remember the name Doan's and
take no other. .
Mch 6-8-10. ....
Make your selections early while our assortment
of styles, sizes and prices are complete throughout
i the entire store, v
New Lines on
Manhattan Shirts.
Gordon Hats.
Stetson Hats.
Benjamin Clothing.
Eider-Heimer Stein
Sincerity Clothing.
Puts Life Into Faded Hair and Stops
Scalp Itch.
March 7th.' '
1638 The Portsmouth covenant sign
1707 Stephen Hopkins, one of the
slngncrs of the Declaration of
Independence, from Rhode Isl
and, born. , Died July 13. 1785.
1791 Gen. Henry Knox Craig, a noted
soldier of threa wars, born at
- Fort Pittsburg. Died in Wash
ington. D. C.Dec. 7, 1869.
1792 The Massachusetts Society for
Promoting Agriculture Incorporated.
1849 Jacob Collamer of Nw York,
became Postmaster General of
the United States. .
1850 Congressman Champ Clark, of
Missouri,; born in Anderson
county Kentucky,
18G5 New Brunswick rejected th;
plan of Confederation.
1902 Lord Methuen. of the British
army wounded and taken pris
oner by the Boers.
1905 Albert M. Palmer, noted therat
rlcal manager, died in Now York
city. Born In Ston'neton. Con
necticut, Joly 27. 1838.
Alexander O. MacKay.
Alexander O. MacKay. leader of the
Opposition in the Ontario legislature,
was born in Sydenham. Ont, March 7,
1860. and received his education at
Toronto university. After leaving the
university he taught school for several
years. After three years' practice he
was appointed crown attorney, a posi
tion which he held until his election to
the legislature in 1902. Aa a member
of tha Opposition Mr. MacKay soon
became a leading figure and In 1907
he was chosen to succeed Hon. Q. P.
Graham as the leader of the conserva
tive party In the legislature. In addi
tion to his law practice and his official
duties he has found time to assist In
the promotion and development of nu
merous Industrial and financial enter
prises In Ontario. He has also taken
an active Interest In educational mat
ters and In the development of th
Canadian militia.
If your hair is dull and lileless, is
falling out and getting thin on top,
then you need Parisian Sage, and the
quicker you get it, the sooner you will
thank the Newlin Drug Co. for selling
you such a worthy dependanble hair
grower, dandruff cure and hair dres
sing. ?
Read what Mrs. M. A. May, of 107
East Elizabeth St, Detroit, Mich.,
writes on June 6, 1910; f'
"I have used many 'hair restorers
but have received no apparent bene
fit until I tried Parisian Sage. My
hair Is soft and silky, and while before
I commenced using the remedy my
hair was falling fast, was dry and
harsh, faded, and altogether unlovely
now Just within the past few weeks
several have remarked how lovely
my hair was. It Is also fine Just for
a dressing, leaving the hair soft and
fluffy. It remoes dandruff, and cures
Itching of the scalp. I certainly take
pleasure In recommending Parisian
Parisian Sage Is sold by the Newlin
Drug Co. and druggists everywhere.
Get o 50 cent bottle today1, use It for
two weeks and If you are not satis
fied that it will do all that It is ad
vertised to" do you can have your
money back. The girl with the Aub
urn hair Is on every package.
Feb. 18, Mch 1-11
In Sweden the printers have decid
ed to start a new feature In tha fin
ancial part oMrade unionism. This is
a strike guarantee fund.
Oil Painting
See the light
ning artist in
our window, 9
to 11 a. m., 2
to 5 p. m.
NX West
The Quality Store
J. E. Tilt Shoes and Ox
fords for Men.
Pingree and TJte &
Dunn Oxfords and
Shoes for Ladies and
New Dress Goods. v v
Wash Fabrics.
Keiser Neckwear.
Laces & Embroideries.
Wooltex Suits.
Wooltex Coats.
Wooltex Skirts.
Lucille Dresses.
Seigell Garments.
Evening Dresses.
See the Lightning
$3.00 Oil Painting for 49c. You don't have to pur
chase a certain amount of merchandise to take ad
vantage of this offer. The only condition is that you
make some purchase in this store, no matter now
large or small.
COAST. Hours 9 to 11 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m.
Th Quality Store
- La Grande
Building Materii
No order too small
for Quick Delivery
Let us figure on
-your large orders
--we can fill them
Home Phone 421. Bell Phone, Main 732
-A -v. W