1 II! Nil ;.VOL- LA GRANDE UNION COUNTY OREGON". TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1911. NTTAfRFT? n i i ' i DlillG Id 1ITED STATES fiUSIIES 15 AR,1Y ill 41 Washington, March 7. A great nat al and military demonstration Involv ing 20,000 troops, and four armored FcYntsers has been ' 01 dered by the United'States government today to b mado Immediately on the " Mexican frontier. Though officials refuse tQ discuss the possibilities of the troops being sent across th.internattonal line, It is known the Btate department has been consderlng the possibilities for several days. As the state depart ment piactlcally admits its support of j president Diaz and American- capital ists nave investments aggregating 1100.000,000, largely , concessions, it is ellved here that the demonstration Is directed against the Mexican rebels, j The, action fol!ow:d the return of Embassador Wilson from Mexico, and I coincident with the cabinet meeting I attended by General Wood, who later tnnunced that the sudden dispatch of jne-fouith of the army to the border was merely a war gam;. This is not redlted here. ' v General Wood announced that the oiftt maneuvers will be held immedi acy, at Evgl;thrope,, Ga the seventh infantry from Fort Mcpherson, Atlan ta." nrrt fllraflriv en r-.iit in tha annth and preparing to,' start Texasward. ! Others will be rushed borderward to- day, tonight and tomorrow if the ru-t mors of disorders along' the .frontier continue. '.-; '.' Secretary, of . War Dickenson has officially asserted that the troops at e asserting for the purpose of maneuv ers, ,but it Is rumor. d that the Ameri can troops will be sent into Mexico and Dickenson does not deny this yet such may become; the. intention of the government. ! :: ' Americans -Appeal for Help, i The state department has been re ceiving frenzied appeals for heln from Americans" In the Imperial valley ,: ir California, for protection ugalnst the Mexican brigands who have been pur loining food, money and clothing and wltn no protection offered fro melth o the Mexican troops nor the ln surgents.' ' Headed for Mexico, Xo Doubtv There continues this afternoon, to itrly at San Antonio, Galveston and be a constant. well-founded rumor. in ian Diego. He .said .the maneuvers army circles that; the troops being were for the purpose of trying out the iushed from Fort Meyer especially t.'tit..... -v t . i . , , , , ' . ' . . '. T M ., uave Deen oraereu 10 proceed 10 Texas towns where they will snt to some town along the 'Mexlean bordir a;nd that they" will eventually be sent Wto ; ; ... : ' l pillltary organizations and Its equip pient. He would not comment on the Rl: xlcan situation. . . . ''Boise Troops Called. Denver, March ' 7. Among the troops to go south are the famous col- lored regiment here and Several troops 1 '" :y?:' '. Washington, ,March , ". 7. President plat lies on nfs"death toedybejlfg i?t ; allv-? only by the use of Btrong heart stimulants, according to authentic re ports today. The messag ewas receiv ed from secret agents. "Should Diaz die,' as he may at any moment, only American rule can save Mexico from Diaz's own. soldiers," says the mes sage. This may hold the keynote to the hasty mobilization of a vast army of American soldiers on the border. ; Many Soldiers on Way. Washington. March 7. Secret mili tary Information was today received by the war department, ordering mo bilization of six thousand troops along the Mexican border. The eleventh cav- Mexlcan territory. Fifteenth Called to Arms. Salt Lake, March" 7.--The fifteenth Infantry Is under, rush orders to go to the Mexican frontier and has tak en -Its departure at noon today. J. orders have been. Issued for. $6cf marines at Philadelphia to pr: pare to board th Prairie for ; Guantanamo, Cuba, the government ' naval base which is within ttasy striking distance of San Antonio where It is expected that s General Wood and Secretary Dickenson will inspect the warriors. ' Washington, Mar. 7. American arm ored cruisers Washington, Tennessee, Montana, Wet Virginia, Rhode Island and Kansas are being held under' or ders today to sail for the Texas "coast. Secretary oMhe Navy Meyer said the purpose waito'show the south what sort of warships Uncle Sam main tains. '. A v. i v,yU . j-. .. j Mm- - ! . Rhode Island and to the Right C Jr Badger la Command' of the Kansas. These. Two Ships Are Among Those Detailed for Smice In Big War Game, and Will See Ri al and Active Service If President Dins Dies as Is Likely. DISTRICT ORGAHIZflTiOF MUST BE RUEF REALLY IN EVERETT LIGHTS P 1 NED TAKEN FROM HIS HOME IX TAXI THIS AFTERNOOX. BECAUSE TOWX IS DRY MAX! DEPARTMEXTS ERASED;. Carries Five Suit Cases Fill. d - With Books and Clothes. San Francisco, March 7 Abe Ruef's long fight for freedom end:d this af ternoon when ha was tal:en to Quinten for a term of 14 yenrs. His stay of execution expired this after noon. -. Smaller I olice ;Force, Xo Health Offi cer and All Street Lights Go, ; Everett, Wash., March 7. Because the- city'; must get along without 70, 000 usually received from lliiuor 11 cenes, because the town has just gonj dry, th? city council announced today that there will be no street lights, no Ru;f was taken away in a taxlcab health officer and there will be a big which placed hlb aboard tin ferry reduction in the police force. The iboat and after landing again tnd trip council will also ' prune '.expenses was completed in an automobile, lie along other lines, carried five suit cases containing All this they say Is Wcanse there Is books and clothes. He will have two no law to permit the taxes covering 'Anita nf afrlruia ot fhft ninltAntfliv th;RO PYllPnHPR ... .Xavy League in Sisslon. , , Ios Angeles! March 7. The Navy league of the United States, which has ;for Its object the awakening of public .interest and co-operation In all mat ters tending to Improve and develop Jhr naval forces of the United States, 1egan Its annual convention In this jolty today with many delegates In at tendance. The convention will di rect special attention to the needs of he Pacific coast and the naval prob lems which will arise on the compW tton of the Panama canal. To Probe Alaska Coal Land Frauds. . Chicago, March 7. Evidence of al leged 'frauds in connection with the coal land entries in th Matannska and Vook Inlet fields in Alaska, is ex pected to be laid before the federal grand Jury which convened here today. -Agents of the United .States land office have' been Investigating the al leged illegal entries for more than a year and have summoned a number of business men of Alaska to testify be fore the grand Jury. ' UTb become a part and parcel of 1 the monumental fruitgrowers' 'union organized at Walla Walla last week. It . will become necessary' for La Grande and Grande Ronde , apple growers to perfect a district organi sation immediately, that, this section of the state may realize th? benefits accruing to the union, for without a district organization, the community does not become eligible to participa tion in the union. By district is meant the entire eastern half of the state al mostat least everything as far west as Hood River. While the plans for handling the fruit Judiciously : have been well prepared, it is absolutely necessary that the vast district repre siented in the union, nearly a half-dox en states in all, bi subdivided into districts and the districts In local m ions. There is already one local union In' this valley but it Is not eligible to the benefits and privileges of tlu big uijion until it has first amalgamated wth a district which has its own off! cers. -. : - v -.-'' - To do this then, , will be the. aim of local promoters of better apple ship ping facilities. Shirwood Williams hoIBIng the secretaryship of the by laws committee and . the differ; nccH cojnmlttee as well, has returned .from the Walla5Valla meeting loaded with facts and Information and he has be:n nn. encyciopeaia to local rruit men since his return. There Is a great deal of Interest manifest In the nrolct. but, the formation of a district, geo graphically described by the commit tees at Walla Walla must first be per fected. , Ittally tue.. Is little interest In the proposition .outside of Grande Ronde nllfr. , Umatilla, Baker, Wallowa, Ma'heur and the other Eastern Ore gon counties have HttK to do with commercial orchards, so that what may be don? this spring will no doubt have to be engineered . by . Grande Rond:- valley people. That here Is dire necessity of extreme haste In complet ing such an organization Is the opln of Mr. Williams. Of course It Is conceded that It will take months to right every detail In conn ctlon with the union and It Is for this reason principally that the district be organized at once. It Is the plan of the promoters of the big central association that the summer no FOR II (I! 110 HIS PORTFOLIO WashingtonMarch 7. After two years of stormy politics and a r;gime marked by senatorial investigation and mud slinging and counter attacks, Richard A. Balllnger today resigned as secretary of the interior. He first resigned on January 19 but on Presi dent Taffs request postponed It until the adjournment of congress. Yester day he, wrote his second formal letUrJ or resignation which was. accepted by President Taft today. This action fol lowed announcement that the next congress would imp.ach him. , Fisher Will Sne'refd Mm." It is announced that Walter L. Fisher' of ChlcaHO will .be his succes sor. Plnchot. the original Instigator of troubles against Balllnger, will see hlB policies tnacted, in a measure, for in Fisher, If that appointment is made, will be found a Plnchot conservatlon t. ; His alleged appointment Is re garded as an attempt to placate the progressive element and restore peace In the conservation war'; Fisher Is president of the National Conservation association which was organized In opposition to Balllnger's public land policies. .; " ' : . ' . .. Balllnger saysy Will, return to Se attle, his home cy 5pon. '.'.''..,' . Walter Fisher, Y Secretary of the interior to be, la aW yer and a mem ber of many clubs and reform associ ations. For the last a', months ne has been "sitting as a ' v f r of Taft'a JTjssIou Investl- tlon of Amer- .rfuokrakprs. lallroad securlUc gating the finiJ s lean rallro If .O' : - acceptance to Ballln-se-.' . sident Taft roasted the mucT jx and praised Balllnger. He. sa.: ' "I do not hesitate to let you know that I think, you have been an object of unscrupulous conspiracies, one of tu wuiBt m .ulstory. . i deem It my duty to stand, by . you to th end and tb say that those who attacked you were unscrupulous conspirators." To Eastern Oregon the retirement of Balllnger and his policies and the probable inauguration of the Plnchot theories will come as a. debatable" question of right and ; wrong. Both theories have firm adheients in this section ot the state, and on account of the fact that the land office is located here, the probable switch in, policies to be incurred by the change will be manifested la many ways, Even thj brief announcement of Balllnger's re tirement today has set politicians agog wondering where and when thj first effect of the new policy will "show It self, especially In the matter of power Sites. 'T-X.' :y; . ... ; . .... ' be apent In settling differences so that when the marketing time arrives the scheme will have pretty well attained plausible working plans. A year or more will be required to perfect It, of course, for when hundreds of local and district unions attempt to main tain a central selling agency from or chards scattered , all over Oregon. Washington, northern California, Montana and Idaho, it can be seen that the scheme Is monumental In Its boundaries. Local apple men express the belief that the district organization will be perfected quickly and that the first year of the big association's existence will bs beneficiary to Grande Ronde. (Continue on Page Seven.) iDlllf ' DAHRE LEAS ED GTS COUXCIL, IDAHO, MAIDEX ATTIRJ ED IX EXTREME SKIRT. Local Parsonage Scene of Wedding Class as Hobble Skirt's Debnt Long Jaunt for Roosevelt Nc w York, March 7. Theodore Roosevelt has packed his trunk and completed other arrangements' in anv tlclpatlon of his start on the longest trip he has taken since his return to this country from his famous trip to Africa. He will be gonr'slx weeks or longer and will travel , over many states. His first stop will be at At lanta, where he will address the mem bers of the Southern Coram rclal Con gress next Friday. From Atlanta he will strike out for the west and ex pects to reach San Francisco late In the month. After delivering a series of lectures at the University of Cal lfc:n!a he will visit Portland, Spok an; and other cities of thv Pacific Northwest. ; ('bnaressme n to. Tlrflt Panama. ' f New York, March 7. A number of the members of congress and their wives were Included In a large party of tourists sailing from this city to day for Panama. After viewing the cpnal work and. other sights on the Isthmus the party will return home by way of Porio Rico and Cuba. Hobble .skirts as wedding gowns made their debut in La Grande yes terday when . Dora . Hart bf Council. Idaho,, was married to .Arthur "W, De Walt of Einmitt. Idaho, Rev.' J. D. Gll Ulan performing the ceremony at the MjSthodlst parsonage,; here. Now, it may oe as 'Well to understand, the gown was not a near-hobble, or some thing akin to ; the fad now being crowded Into oblivion by the Harem skirt or trousers but was a dyed-in-the-wool affair that left no doubt as to;its reality. Incidental to being the first time marrlaga gowns have been patterned after the extreme In the hobble line In this olty, It was alsp the first time that tha doctor who offi ciated had been called upon to tie the matrimonial knot In front of the last year's craze. ' r ? " There were no friends' tq witness the ceremony and no formality eith er and for this reason all the mote the peculiar and big-city attire made dis t'ncUve appearances. The hobble skirt disappeared soon after the wedding had been solemn ized, leaving the Impression that It had been prepared for the special and auspicious occasion. - .Whence the couple went after the ceremony Is not recorded.' CHARGES A6AIXST THEM DEXIED BY GOOD EYIDEXCE. Wo Retail Shoe Dealers. Colunjbus, Ohio. March 7. The Ohio rtetall Shoe Dealers' Association be gan Its second annual convention In this city today. . The attendance In-! dudes nearly 200 prominent repre sentatives of the trade from all parts of the state. The sessions will con tluue over tomorrow and Thursday. Plumbers Meet In Rochester. ' Rochester, N. Y., March 7. The New York State' Association of Master Plumbers, which has a membership of nearly 1B00, met In Rochester today for Its twenty-third annual session. The program of the Initial session this morning Included a speech ' of welcome by Mayor Edgerton and the annual address of President Frederick E. Fladd. The convention will con clude Its business tomorrow. Haines Anthoritfts Will Now Ben Their Rant to the Westward. HainesMarch 7. (Special) Men ' arrested In Idaho Sunday as suspects. In the Haines murder case have been released; following conciuslve evi dence of their, innocence jf the chaf es 'preferred against them. While this Ihis has bef& done it Is said thatthi work will go westward again and.' that ctye . now held at Haines will be taken ,up at pnce,'andv will Ieaf the seartHers westward. The evidence; produced by the men arrested in. Id.ahp points Saturday and Sunday was so, conclusive that there is ; no possible chance for their guilt and they have. be:n given their liberty, i The .-yhonif talent'v theory advanced some few days ago, is adherred to bv Lrelatlves of the dead man, according to the following In the . Herald last night: ' r; , v. ' - Fully two 'minutes, elapsed affr the masked man pulled the gun on" f Ed before the shootlne occurred. "' during which time Ed turned around and secured a spoon for' a patron to -; stir some beef tea. V The bandit kent the gun on Ed all the time and did ' not believe he was In any danger, Another suspicious incident Is the ' complete disappearance of . the two men without leaving a trace. The tracks east of' Haines were found to ' have beeA made , before the crime " occurred, so the men could not have escaped that way. It would have been : possible for the men to l:ave the sa loon and Join the crowd later wlrhnnr arousing suspicion. Mr. McCtillough Is sparing neither trouble nor expense to find the per- k petrators of the d?ed. and will run ' them to earth If possible. '" ' Harvey McCulIough, father of the r.j 't